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In the Great Country of Asdrujula....

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In the Great Country of Asdrujula.... Empty In the Great Country of Asdrujula....

Post by Ale J. Tue Jan 03, 2012 5:05 am

Stretching from the west to the east coast, and in between what used to be America and Canada, lays the country of Asdrujula. It is the year [Insert a late year in the 3000’s, since I haven’t figured out exactly what year.], and the world is at war. It all started hundreds of years before, when world leaders became selfish. They all started to fight for land, people, and power. Countries split, alliances were formed, and areas of the world were bombed and destroyed to the point of them no longer being of any use. These places are the burnouts .Some countries stayed out of war; others ran head first into it. In the country of Asdrujula, you are much safer than you would be elsewhere. Here, you are watched by guards, given some food at the beginning of every month, and never have to worry about living on the streets.

But in the midst of peace, there is always war.

Inside this kingdom of seeming perfection, is a ruler who is nearly heartless. She holds an important secret. Every year, for one week, two kids are taken from each region and put in The Queen’s Academy. When they are taken in, they will never come out. No one knows what happens to the kids until you are inside the palace walls. But by that time, there is no escape. What really happens behind those doors?

The kids are taken in and taught to fight. They learn how to use weapons, hand-to-hand combat, and are taught to have no mercy. They are trained to become soldiers, being tested constantly. If they pass everything, they are given a special “reward”. The Mark.

Each person is given it personally, walking in and talking to the queen. She uses a pen to draw something on your palms, and injects something into them. In a few weeks, her poison begins to spread. It leaves behind a mark, each being unique, and it begins to cover your body in intricate designs. A beginning mark covers your hands and wrists, a part mark covers your arms, a half mark covers you all the way down your legs, and a full mark covers your body and up the sides of your face. They can be different colors, and can be swirly, jagged, anything. Marks are extremely painful the more they grow. If you have a mark, you will either die from it, or get a power out of it. The power usually goes with the mark color, so think about that as well. You may also notice powers early, like say you have wind and sometimes accidentally control it. The more the mark grows, the more powerful you get or the weaker you get.(Depending on if you will die or not.)

A person already in the academy or someone barely going in is one option for a character.

The second option is the rebellion. The rebellion is a group of people who want the queen out of power. There are supporters for them and then there is the army itself. The army meets in the burnouts, practicing combat and learning to use the weapons. There are different groups of people in the army, which I will explain later. But there are special kids in this army that have the marks, ones that were skilled enough to get out of the academy. They usually hide their marks, not wanting people to look at them differently. The three army leaders are Alice, Retta, and someone else who I have not decided yet. (I’ll fill out the character sheets for them.) Different groups are gatherers, who steal food, hunters, who hunt food, stealers(led by Sol), who steal weapons from the palace, and insiders, who gather intelligence.

The third option is people who work inside the palace, servants, stylists, maids, maybe even teachers in the school, and guards. Any of these can be insiders from the army.

Okay, now, special stuff you need to know.
1. Last names are expensive. If you have a last name, you must be important or rich.
2. Jaska and Skyla are names you may hear often and will most likely interact with if you are in the school or work in the palace. They are the children of the queen.
3. I will be controlling people like the queen and anyone else that needs to be controlled.
4. The people in this ‘verse usually have strange colored eyes(contacts), hair, and wear strange outfits. Let your imagination go wild.

I will be adding to that list if I forget anything. Now, here is the character sheet.

Group: (As in, Academy, Rebellion, etc.)
Mark: (None, Beginning, Part, Half, Full.)(Also, color and type)
History: (Optional)

1. No Powerplaying.
2. No God Moding
3. No less than three sentences per post.

If you have any questions, just ask! I’ll have my characters posted soon.

Last edited by Ale J. on Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ale J.
Ale J.

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Join date : 2011-05-22
Age : 26
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In the Great Country of Asdrujula.... Empty Re: In the Great Country of Asdrujula....

Post by Banshee Sat Jan 07, 2012 7:52 am

I'll join! But I'll type up my characters later. I'm tired right now. Very Happy

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In the Great Country of Asdrujula.... Empty Re: In the Great Country of Asdrujula....

Post by Banshee Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:02 pm

Name: Aure
Age: 14
Appearance: has honey colored hair, unnatural light blue eyes, tall for his age
Personality: shy, quiet
Group: (As in, Academy, Rebellion, etc.) academy
Mark: (None, Beginning, Part, Half, Full.)(Also, color and type) begining, light blue, wind
History: (Optional)


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In the Great Country of Asdrujula.... Empty Re: In the Great Country of Asdrujula....

Post by Ravyn Tue Jan 10, 2012 10:22 pm

This looks interesting, but i dont know when i'll be able to get forms up...

Posts : 3291
Join date : 2011-06-25

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