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Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa~

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Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa~ Empty Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa~

Post by Avery Mon Feb 13, 2012 12:47 pm

“A thousand years ago, the Angel Raziel mixed his blood with the blood of men and created the race of the Nephilim. Human-angel hybrids, they walk among us, unseen but ever-present, our invisible protectors.

They call themselves Shadowhunters.

The Shadowhunters obey the laws set down in the Gray Book, given to them by the angel: their mandate is to protect our world from the interdimensional parasites they call demons, who travel from world to world, razing and destroying everything in their path. Theirs is also the task of keeping the peace among the warring Downworlders: the human-demon crossbreeds we know as warlocks, vampires, werewolves, and faeries.

In their duties they are aided by the mysterious Silent Brothers. Their lips and eyes sewn shut, the Silent Brothers rule over the City of Bones, the necropolis below the streets of Manhattan that holds the dead bodies of slain Shadowhunters. The Silent Brothers keep the archival records of ever Shadowhunter ever born. They also watch over the Mortal Instruments, the three divine objects the Angel Raziel gave to his children. One is a sword. One is a mirror. And the last is a cup.

For a thousand years, the Nephilim have protected the Mortal Instruments. But that was before the Uprising, the civil war that almost tore the Shadowhunters' secret world apart. Though Valentine, the Shadowhunter who started the war, is long dead, the wounds it left behind have never healed.

Fifteen years have passed since the Uprising. It's August in New York; the streets blistering with heat. Rumors run rampant through Downworld that Valentine is back, at the head of an army of Forsaken warriors.

And the Mortal Cup has gone missing...”


Character Profile
[b]Personality:[/b] (Optional)
[b]History:[/b] (Doesn't need to be too long, just a few sentences)

[b]Seraph Names:[/b]
[b]Blade 1:[/b]
[b]Blade 2:[/b]

Helpful Links

Shadowhunter Wiki

Official Book Website

Last edited by Avery on Tue Feb 14, 2012 3:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 7854
Join date : 2010-10-09

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Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa~ Empty Re: Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa~

Post by Ale J. Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:40 pm

WOOOT! I'll make my charries when I get on the computer again!
Ale J.
Ale J.

Posts : 1498
Join date : 2011-05-22
Age : 26
Location : Halfway across the moon

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Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa~ Empty Re: Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa~

Post by Avery Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:32 pm

Name: Odessa Verlac
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Species: Nephilim
Appearance: Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa~ Odessa10
History: Odessa was raised in an Institute stationed in Los Angeles. She was brought to the New York City Institute after finding that she needed a change of pace. She’s still learning the ropes of being a shadowhunter because she is so young and she feels like everyone feels like she’s less capable than she really is.She’s never really had a close relationship with either of her parents, considering her mother was brought back and forth from Idris and LA when she was growing up and her father was part of the Clave.
Seraph Names:
Blade 1: Af
Blade 2: Camael

Name: Asher de Quincey
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Species: Downworlder, vampire to be exact.
Appearance: Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa~ Asher10
History: Asher is a fairly well respected vampire spending most of his life running around the dark streets of England. He started two clans while he was living there, but soon they began to feud.Before he knew it, it had become a full blown war and he was in the middle of it. So, he did was anyone else would do, and left before he could really get involved. He arrived in America about 300 years prior to the current date and found that many people had already heard of him. Now, in the heart of New York, he is the head of a large clan of vampires.

Name: Emrys Herondale
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Nephilim
Appearance: Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa~ Emrys10
History: Emrys is a bit like his father in the way that he’s cocky, but it comes with the last name. He was taught that with his heritage, he should be extremely well respected, but he’s never actually maintained anything that takes commitment or time.He was born and raised in the city and knows the Institute well. He kind of acts like he runs the place, but he only thinks that because he spend long days a child in the rooms of the building, learning charms and languages. He studied hard as a kid, but always seems to try and study more. Some people think he just wants to be a little bit superior to the others in the Institute.
Seraph Names:
Blade 1: Och
Blade 2: Cassiel

Name: Dove Carstairs
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Nephilim
Appearance: After searching long and hard, I have decided that I would have a ton of trouble finding a picture for Dove. So instead, I’m just gonna describe her. Dove is a fairly small girl, at 5’3”. She has silver-blonde hair that always seems to have a shine to it. It hangs to the middle of her back, straight, with bangs that hang right above her eyes. Her eyes are also the pale silver color and slightly upturned, almond shape as she is partly of Chinese decent. She is extremely pale and she doesn’t have quite as many runes as her friends in the Institute, but the ones she do have are quite strong and stand out. She is quite petite and tends to wear whatever she can find, and occasionally her combat clothing. She looks soft and fragile, which she plays up quite a bit. Though she isn’t extremely strong, like many of the other Shadowhunters, she’s efficient enough and extremely quick.
History: Dove lived in the Shanghai Institute until she was 7 years old, and then moved to England to start her training. After she turned 14, she moved to New York to finish her training in the Institute. She technically lives there, but she tries to sleep somewhere else almost all the time, even resorting to sleeping on the streets. Some people think she just likes trying to prove herself, but she really just doesn’t get along with Emrys. She kinda... Hates his guts.
Seraph Names:
Blade 1: Eae
Blade 2: Izra’il

Name: Meta Fairchild
Age: 10
Gender: Female
Species: Nephilim
Appearance: Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa~ Meta10
History: While Meta isn’t really old enough to be a shadowhunter yet, he mother has still started training her and teaching her some of the ways. Quite frankly, though, she’s always running away. Meta has run away four times before, only to be found by her mother again and put under a lock and key. Meta knew this was what was going to happen, though. She grew up in Idris and came to New York the week before because her mother was called to a Clave meeting.

Posts : 7854
Join date : 2010-10-09

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Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa~ Empty Re: Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa~

Post by Ale J. Mon Feb 20, 2012 4:00 pm

Going to post once I get all of my character sheets done! Barely getting on the computer again.
Ale J.
Ale J.

Posts : 1498
Join date : 2011-05-22
Age : 26
Location : Halfway across the moon

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