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Behind the Mist

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Behind the Mist Empty Behind the Mist

Post by Guest Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:41 pm

You've lived on this Island your whole life.
Behind the Mist Diad3
The past: Your ancestors were struggling to survive. Sickness and famine took many lives and threatened the survival of your village. It wasn't easy, but through perseverance and pure will power, they managed to pull through and create a flourishing nation, one which you've lived quiet comfortable in, thank you very much.
The present: Fear of famine is nearly laughable. Prosperity is draped across your people like a golden cloak and you live your life worrying about the small things now. That is until you board a small raft with a few of your fellow peers, and fate yanks your comfy, padded life style right out from under you.
The future: The storm shatters the raft, killing some and leaving the rest of you to cling to the debris, waiting it out. The rain finally slows and the sun parts through the clouds, piercing the mist and revealing you to be stranded here-
Behind the Mist Beach-on-lizard-island
But... where is here? The thing is... you don't know.
The island is empty of any human life. What makes your hair stand on end though is the distinctive ruins you and your peers keep coming across. Was that... some sort of tower on that cliff edge? And was it you, or did those tumbled rocks by the shore line seem like they could of once been... a hut? Where did everyone go?
The air here feels... different, and now you and the others must fight for your survial. The only problem... you're not even sure if you can light a fire.

Some spots on the island.

Erm, so it was hard to find 'uncultured' pictures, if that makes sense. But just... ignore the speed boats and anything 'technological'.
Behind the Mist Laodicea-021-004
Behind the Mist P95035-Aeolian_Islands-Rocky_Coast
Behind the Mist IonianSea__01
Behind the Mist Ta-prohm-10small

Charrie sheet

**I want this rp to be focused more on survival and the relationship of everyone as a whole, than actual pairs and love. It's fine to have couples, but if they could not be immediate, and not just... split off from the rp, that would be appreciated ^.^
**Don't be afraid to play up on the drama. They're pretty much thinking they're about to starve to death. Tension, food hording, fights, and also deals can be made. Just try to add texture to it all, if that makes sense. But remember, they'll have to grit their teeth and work together if they want to survive in the end.
**Have fun!


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Behind the Mist Empty Re: Behind the Mist

Post by Guest Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:47 pm

Name: Ephraim
Age/looks: 20-ish
Appearance: Behind the Mist This_r12
Other: He's one of those guys that's real quiet and doesn't really do or say much. He mostly just keeps to himself, but will contribute work wise when he needs to. Getting him to talk is like trying to shove a boulder off a cliff. It's tougher than it looks. He's really close to his sister, who died in the storm.

Name: Hyrum
Age/looks: just turned 18
Appearance:Behind the Mist Colton-haynes-gates
Other: He's a bit on the "I'm a good guy, I can handle things" thought wave and honestly seems to have no clue. He's never touched a tool in his life unless you count the few steam rigs he's worked on...and by few I mean very...very few. He likes to think of himself as a man's man though, and to most everyone he knew, he was. He's also an only child, which makes him not understand any kind of sibling he may or may not be an ass when it comes to things like that and the loss of people.

Name: Anna
Age: 17-ish
Looks: Behind the Mist Cute-g10
Other: she'll be tossed in later in the story...I've got her somewhat developed...but I don't want to spoil it because it all revolves around why she was in the storm o3o

Last edited by Taylow on Wed Mar 21, 2012 12:12 am; edited 3 times in total


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Behind the Mist Empty Re: Behind the Mist

Post by Guest Mon Mar 19, 2012 11:46 pm

Name: Ember
Appearance: Behind the Mist 21_large_large
Other: Her mother died in childbirth, which left her father rather... devastated. Regardless, he managed to pull himself together to raise Ember. He loved her, though there was always something... missing. Like he was only half there. And Ember could feel it and she blamed herself. Although he always reassured her that he loved her and it wasn't her fault, she felt the exact opposite. This put a rift between the two, and frankly he was too worn down to every try and fix it. He's a baker though and she follows him in his craft.

Name: Hunter
Age: 17
Appearance: Behind the Mist 27x4f1h
Other: He's rather... self centered. He's only in it for himself. He's hard to work with. He's all Mr.Tough guy, even though he's about the youngest of the group. Pretty much, he's trouble. His parents are pretty well to do in the village, and they have a lot peoples respect, but he wants nothing to do with it. He told them he wanted off the island, so they forced him to go work on that raft. And, well, he got his wish...

Name: ....Not sure yet. Depends on what everyone calls him
Age: 2ish
Appearance: Behind the Mist 3
Other: He's just a cute little, troublesome kitty that will have a habit of following them around. Pleasedon'ttrytoeathim >.<


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