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Terror in Purgatoire Valley

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Terror in Purgatoire Valley Empty Terror in Purgatoire Valley

Post by Nightmare Wed Mar 21, 2012 4:11 pm

It's 6pm on a Thursday. Young children are already home from school. Teenagers are off doing their own thing. Parents may be home from work; they might even have dinner cooking. Its just your normal Thursday in the small town of Purgatoire Valley, Colorado.

Purgatoire Valley, set solidly towards the base of the mountains, is very much a small town. It's the type of town where everyone knows everyone else, having grown up together their whole lives. It's the type of place where parents don't mind sending their kids up the road to the local drug store to pick up a jug of milk. The majority of the registered population comes from the very tiny college located on the eastern edge of the city, though many of the students prefer to lodge in the larger cities nearby

Such a peaceful town...nobody ever suspected anything could change that.

Then, suddenly, it happened.


Alright, here's the deal. I really want this to be the type of rp where you find things out as your character does. If you really want to know what will happen, you can ask, though I'd prefer to just reveal most, if not all of it, IC. I will warn you, I expect that less than one in ten of the starting characters will survive through to the "end". You can always make a new character if your first one dies, so please don't let that stop you from joining. There is a very detailed plot, and it should be a lot of fun.


Alright, so here are a few things everyone should know:
-this is a realistic setting. While the setting isn't going to be accurate to the actual town I got the name from, please keep in mind that this is REALISTIC.
-this will work best if your characters are believable. Make them convincing as real people.
-this will have a lot of dice rolling, though it isn't complicated. The dice will simply decide whether your character lives or dies, and other such simple things. The dice roll decisions are final, and I will tell you ahead of time what the numbers signify. I'm in the process of finding a dice rolling site to use...


More about characters:
I doubt quite strongly that I will have an actual character in this. Mostly, I expect to be running things through storyteller posts. I don't have any specific requirements about who your characters are. The characters could be anyone. Maybe they lived in Purgatoire Valley their whole life, maybe they're just in visiting a friend. It doesn't matter.

That being said, there are a few, well two, characters that we need in order to have this even possibly work. We would need a Mayor, and a head Doctor. Aside from that, it doesn't really matter. Those positions would be available based on an application post, which should be pmed to me. I will be working closely with those two, mostly to pass along information to the other characters. I do ask that everyone who wants to join please pm me telling what they want to play, and a sample of their writing.

character sheet:


Other random notes:
-there will be a Notice Board. That is where all IC information will be posted, including the date and weather and such.
-if someone would be interested in co-gming this with me, that would be great.
-please, don't post here unless your character's accepted. pm me. thank you.

Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-09-28

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