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Thicker than Blood

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Thicker than Blood Empty Thicker than Blood

Post by LovelyDark Sun Apr 22, 2012 6:31 pm

Family can only go so far.

War has broken out between two races, the race of noble blood and the race of dirty blood. It had been a war that was waiting to break out.

The noble bloods are: faeries, werewolves, witches and warlocks, along with dragons.

The dirty bloods are: pixies, half breeds, humans, monsters such as gargoyles.

You can be a king or queen of different kingdoms or you can be a low dirty blood who are enslaved by the nobles.

Race and if you are a noble or not:
Special Skills:
Are you enslaved by a noble? If so who?:

*add anything else that you would like to add!!

Name: Luna
Race: Faerie and yes she is a noble, a princess.
Age: 18
Personality: Down to earth, cares for everyone think of her like a flower child. She fights for what she believes in and she also isn't afraid to get blood on her hands.
Past: It'll be revealed later, something wrong surrounds her birth
Special Skills: She is very good with a bow and arrow

I'll add my guy in a little later but let's start!

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Join date : 2010-10-09

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Thicker than Blood Empty Re: Thicker than Blood

Post by Guest Sun Apr 22, 2012 6:59 pm

Name: Matthew
Race and if you are a noble or not: Human. Nope.
Age: 20
Personality: There are sort of two sides to him. Normally, he's blunt and not easy to get along with, uncaring of other's opinions or feelings. But when he wants something he isn't afraid to fake charm and manipulate others for his own selfish ends. Also, he hates noble bloods due to his past enslavement, and has managed to convince himself they're all evil just because of that. He has issues with his temper and not being able to let things go, in case you couldn't tell >.>
Past: Grew up comfortably, his family was never rich... but never poor, either. He was enslaved at the age of 10 and then escaped two years ago, though, and is trying to string together a loose band of people who hate noble bloods. It isn't working out, though. At all.
Special Skills: Smooth talking, and his metal staff
Are you enslaved by a noble? If so who?: Used to be, though I'm not sure by who

Name: Lyssa
Race and if you are a noble or not: Witch. Nope.
Age: 15
Personality: Quiet and reserved, though constantly observing
Past: Due to an unfortunate incident or something, somehow managed to get trapped in the kingdom with the dirty bloods. Matthew soooort of looks after her grudgingly, but it's incredibly reluctantly, and he doesn't even know she's a witch.
Special Skills: Her magic
Are you enslaved by a noble? If so who?: No

Name: Dustin
Race and if you are a noble or not: Half warlock, and no
Age: 17
Personality: Really awkward. So very awkward. Plus he has a stutter, which doesn't help too much with the communicating thing. Actually really likes the pure bloods even though he's enslaved by them.
Past: Not sure...
Special Skills: Some magic, though he isn't very good
Are you enslaved by a noble? If so who?: Yup! Not sure by who, though

Last edited by endellion on Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:23 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Thicker than Blood Empty Re: Thicker than Blood

Post by Momo13 Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:02 pm

Question: I have a few dragons i wanna use, but they are human-shifters kinda? Like their main form is a dragon, but they can turn into that ok?

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Thicker than Blood Empty Re: Thicker than Blood

Post by Momo13 Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:12 pm

Name: Night~Shadow/Oreo (night~Shadow is his name in dragon form, the closest human translation because in his language, the name is unpronouceable. and Oreo is his human name.)
Race and if you are a noble or not: Noble. A dragon, prince I think.
Age: Looks around 18 in his human form, but is much older than that in dragon form.
Personality: has a dual-personality almost. In his human form he is very flirty. But as a Dragon he is protective and wise.
Past: to be revealed later
Special Skills: Can shift between human, dragon, and human with dragon armor almost.
Are you enslaved by a noble? If so who?: no

Name: Eiryƫ/Yumi (Eiryƫ is her dragon name, Yumi is her human name. Is night~shadow/oreo's brother)
Race and if you are a noble or not: Noble, princess
Age: looks 16 in human form, but again, much older. just a few years younger than her brother.
Personality: Is very shy and skittish. Hides often from people and tends to forget that she can usually protect herself with her dragon form.
Past: Shall be revealed
Special Skills: Can turn into a dragon or human or a human with dragon armor. as a dragon she has a healing breath.
Are you enslaved by a noble? If so who?: no

(note about my dragons: I will usually post as them with their human names, mainly because I cant spell Yumi's dragon name without pasting it in because of the U.)

Name: Sallia
Race and if you are a noble or not: Half-demon. Not a noble
Age: 16ish
Personality: you shall see (unsure out to describe)
Past: You shall see
Special Skills: Can turn from a human into a demon/monster type thing. Her blonde hair goes raven black, her skin turns blueish and she gets horns. Eyes turn black and nails grow long and black. Teeth go pointed and other stuff that will be described later.
Are you enslaved by a noble? If so who?: yes, not sure by who.


Posts : 8716
Join date : 2010-10-08

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Thicker than Blood Empty Re: Thicker than Blood

Post by LovelyDark Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:33 pm

Luna: I was on the training ground of my castle, practicing my bow and arrow skills. I could hit the target every time, my ears were so in tune with nature that I could hear every rustle and every crackling leaf. The screams of last nights battle still hung in the air, the dirty bloods had attacked the castle but the witches shoved them back with the help of the faeries. The attacks had reached the home front and there was no denying the uprising of the dirty bloods. I took an arrow from my quiver and got ready to shoot it...

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Thicker than Blood Empty Re: Thicker than Blood

Post by LovelyDark Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:56 pm

Race and if you are a noble or not: not a noble and is half a faerie
Personality:quiet and deadly secretly always plotting.
Past:he was taken from his family when he was only six, so he only remembers being enslaved.
Special Skills: he is good with a sword
Are you enslaved by a noble? If so who?: whoever wants him.

Posts : 2225
Join date : 2010-10-09

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Thicker than Blood Empty Re: Thicker than Blood

Post by Akuji Nightdale Fri Apr 27, 2012 6:46 pm

I guess elves would fall with nobles...

Name: Christine
Race and if you are a noble or not: Elf, noble
Age: 16
Personality: Rebelious, goes by her own rules
Past: Born into a high family in the elf society, didn't like the life, walked right out. Does what she wants, when she wants.
Special Skills: Skilled at hand to hand combat, Staffs, Whips, daggers, and swords.
Are you enslaved by a noble? If so who?: Nope, I am a noble.
Appearence[So I am not to be confused with other types of elves]:
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Akuji Nightdale
Akuji Nightdale

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Thicker than Blood Empty Re: Thicker than Blood

Post by Akuji Nightdale Sat Apr 28, 2012 8:56 am

I walked causually though the forest, I have been on my own for awhilie now, and I like it, espeacily since I can stay out of the war easily and keep out, unlike my parents who are big people in the war.
Akuji Nightdale
Akuji Nightdale

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Join date : 2012-04-27
Age : 25
Location : Nowhere, Everywhere

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