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Victorian Love Story

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Victorian Love Story Empty Victorian Love Story

Post by KitharaStorm95 Thu May 17, 2012 11:46 am

Adrianna Devilin:
Apperance: Dark Brown Hair, Violet Eyes, Athletic Build, 5'8", pale blue skin
Personality: Dark, Angsty, A Royal bitch
Other: Sensitive souled, loves unconditionlly

Kraven Justice
Apperance: Black Hair, Dark Green Eyes, Strong Build' 6'3", Light Complection
Personality: Angry, Gothic, loner
Other: Hates the world for ruining his life

These two people are deeply in love, but don't know it yet...

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Victorian Love Story Empty Re: Victorian Love Story

Post by Moxie Thu May 17, 2012 1:36 pm

ILL JOIN!!! tee hee Smile


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Victorian Love Story Empty Re: Victorian Love Story

Post by KitharaStorm95 Mon May 21, 2012 2:18 pm

Ok Then Begin, my love. tee hee Smile

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Victorian Love Story Empty Re: Victorian Love Story

Post by Moxie Tue May 22, 2012 11:06 am

Hmmm which people should I use Very Happy

You should start anyway its ur thread Razz

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Victorian Love Story Empty Re: Victorian Love Story

Post by KitharaStorm95 Wed May 23, 2012 9:09 am

Ok then...

Adrianna Devilin has a Cursed life of a viking. Her own father hates her for not being a boy, for vikings can only have one child.

Adrianna: Mother, why does father hate me?

Mother: He doesn't. Hes just disapointed that your not a boy

From that day on she tried to be the boy her father wanted. she went pilaging and chopped her hair short so he would see her ar a son.

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Victorian Love Story Empty Re: Victorian Love Story

Post by Moxie Wed May 23, 2012 11:17 am

Camerona: I sat there at the edge of the cliff looking down at my city. My light was nothing but the moon and the bright stars. My mind traveled back and forth from what I need to do to receive my rightful place in my kingdom. I hear a branch snap behind me and I levitate a few feet off the ground with my eyes glowing red. "Who dares sneak up behind me?" I growled looked towards the woods.

Patrik: I slowly appear from the woods and see my sister, "Calm down Cami its only me get down from there." I see her levitate back down and her eyes change back to her regular Halloween color. "There, that's much better."

Camerona: "Patrik you know well enough not to sneak up on me like that when I am up here." I snapped back at him.

Patrik: "Like I care Cam." I roll my eyes at her and pluck a leaf off of the tree I was leaning on and watched Camerona's nice bright halloween eyes turn into a steering blood red. "You really need to take care of your temper Camerona."

Camerona: I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes waiting for them to turn back to normal. "Okay I will Pat, now why are you up here?" I asked shrugging my shoulders at him.

Patrik: "Father wants us to welcome the new kids into the place. He wants us to ask them if they would like to stay with us for a while." I told her with a straight face.

Camerona: "Who are they? Why should we give them our place?" I asked starting to get angry again.

Patrik: "Cami," I said with my head to the side. "Remember your temper." I put my hands on her shoulders and watched her take a huge. "They are new to the place and its only nice to get to know what could be our competition. He has taken the time to do some research about these new comers and they can be a threat to everyone. We need to keep them close. When they get here, you and I, would not be the only special people in this place."

Camerona: I looked down at the ground. "I understand."

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Victorian Love Story Empty Re: Victorian Love Story

Post by Alice Wed May 23, 2012 7:13 pm

can I join or is it to late?

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Victorian Love Story Empty Re: Victorian Love Story

Post by KitharaStorm95 Thu May 24, 2012 12:28 pm

its never too late Smile...

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Victorian Love Story Empty Re: Victorian Love Story

Post by Moxie Thu May 24, 2012 3:01 pm

yay more people Very Happy someone reply to my post hahaha

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Victorian Love Story Empty Re: Victorian Love Story

Post by KitharaStorm95 Fri May 25, 2012 11:01 am

Kraven walking through the forest stumble around drunk off his ass. after a while he realises that he's right next to widdow maker cliff. he starts to walk towards the cliff when he hears sombody yelling at the place where he's standing... he freezes and listens.

"Who dares sneak up behind me?" sombody asks seeming angry.

"Calm down Cami its only me get down from there." a deep male voice says.

I look towards the derection of the male voice. This male voice is right next to me just about eight feet away. i try to stop listening to there conversation but im compelled to listen.

"Patrik you know well enough not to sneak up on me like that when I am up here." says the voice that i now know to be Cam.

"You really need to take care of your temper Camerona." the male voive patrik

I really dont want to see how this conversation is going to end. i don't know what kind of people they are if they are people at all. i turn to run and with all my might I run to my home.

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Victorian Love Story Empty Re: Victorian Love Story

Post by Moxie Fri May 25, 2012 11:06 am

Patrik: I turn my head fiercely to the noise from behind me. "Someone's there." I mumbled to Cam.

Camerona: I run off towards the noise thinking I could catch up.

Patrik: "Cam stop!" I yelled to her as I chased her.

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Victorian Love Story Empty Re: Victorian Love Story

Post by KitharaStorm95 Fri May 25, 2012 11:20 am

""Cam stop" i hear as im running as fast as i can.

"Umph!" I exclaim as I run into someone.

"What the fuck man!!" a very sexy female voive yells at me.

I jump to my feet and hold out my hand to help her up.

"I- I'm so sorry miss" i stutter

She grabs my hand and stands up.

"its fine. ive been plowed over by strange guys running for there lives out of these woods all the time." she laughs heartly "by the way im Adrianna"

"im Kraven Justice"

"nice to make your aquantance. now why are you running?"

"there are these two people in the woods and i think they mean to harm me"

we stare at eachother for a moment. finally i reach in and kiss her. it isn't a long or passonate kiss, but it sends thrills through my body that i've never felt before. i release her from my unexpected kiss. she is blushing whih looks beautiful on her pale skin.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I've never done anything that spontanious sence highschool"

She dosn't answer to me just kisses me again, but passonatly this time.

"I know whats happening here" she says carfully

"what? what is happening here?" I say quietly

"its my cousin, Camerona. I would know her sent anywhere"

after a long pause I hear a low growl rise from Adrianna's throat.

"Hello my dear cousin" she says with a devilish smile.

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Victorian Love Story Empty Re: Victorian Love Story

Post by Moxie Fri May 25, 2012 11:44 am

Camerona: "Oh Adrianna what are you doing here?" I hear Patrik come in from behind me.

Patrik: "Hello Adrianna." I hear an expected growl come from Cam's throat and I look beside me to see her eyes a blood red.

Camerona: "why are you inside my kingdom I thought father banished you?" I could feel myself starting to levitate and quickly I felt my brother Patrik clinging his fist around my wrist.

Patrik: "Actually Cam he is letting her stay with us for a while. He was talking to me about it last night. I don't remember the other ones name but I do know that she is that one I was talking about just a few moments ago." I closed my eyes to brace for whatever Cam might say from this harshness news.

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Victorian Love Story Empty Re: Victorian Love Story

Post by KitharaStorm95 Sun May 27, 2012 7:16 pm

Adrianna: "its lovley to see you dear. all this hostility is boring me. just lay off the bad names and agree to the truce me and dear uncle Jalyn have made. hummm"

Kraven: "honestly who the hell are you people!?!"

Adrianna:"in ue time my dearist and you will soon know" i lean down and fearcly bite his neck.

A startled gasp comes from Patriks mouth.

Adrianna: letting go of the young boy "your father said i can make three of our kind while staying here" i say smiling my most dangerous bloody smile at Camerona

Kraven: "what did you do to me" i feel light headed and then relise that the ground is getting closer to me... everything goe black

Adrianna: "now look wnat you did" i say crossing my arms

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Victorian Love Story Empty Re: Victorian Love Story

Post by MelodayBellrose Sun May 27, 2012 7:40 pm

Oo can i join

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Victorian Love Story Empty Re: Victorian Love Story

Post by KitharaStorm95 Sun May 27, 2012 7:45 pm

go right ahaid

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Victorian Love Story Empty Re: Victorian Love Story

Post by MelodayBellrose Sun May 27, 2012 7:57 pm

Can u give me a breif summary of this chat?

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Victorian Love Story Empty Re: Victorian Love Story

Post by KitharaStorm95 Sun May 27, 2012 8:40 pm

ummm... idk... read it

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Victorian Love Story Empty Re: Victorian Love Story

Post by Moxie Tue May 29, 2012 9:01 am

Camerona: I could feel my eyes become a burning sensation. "How dare you you blood sucking leech." I growled.

Patrik: "Camerona!" I yelled at her holding her back. "She is family."

Camerona: "She's no family of mine." I lifted up off the ground levitating over to her. "I highly doubt our father let you change our people into bats like you."

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Victorian Love Story Empty Re: Victorian Love Story

Post by KitharaStorm95 Fri Jun 01, 2012 8:14 am

Adrianna: taken back from this sudden hostility "Our race here is dwindling, for the hunters are more addaptive to our way of life. I thought you knew that" i say shocked. Camerona looks at me very appauled but I'm still used to her anger issues.

Kraven: I feel so strange. Theres a slight burning near my throat. "Whats happening to me?" I manage to croak

Adrianna: "you're becoming one of us"

Kraven:"What is this 'us' you speak of?"

Adrianna: "vampires" I say smiling devilishly

Kraven: "w...w...what... what??"

Adrianna takes Kraven by the arm and they turn to walk away. Adrianna laughing demonically her eyes glowing a deep blue.

Adrianna: "Can you smell it, dear Camerona?"

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Victorian Love Story Empty Re: Victorian Love Story

Post by Alice Sun Jun 10, 2012 7:06 pm


Name: Snow
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