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Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh)

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Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh)

Post by nameless Tue Aug 14, 2012 11:44 am


I smiled at sat. "Why thank you sir." I said. I looked at Eve and just... smiled. "You look fantastic" I said witha small laugh. Even when she was pregnant Eve knew how to look very elegant. I smiled at Ben. "Hello." said and my attention turned back to Eve. "You do look amazing." I said with a wide smile. I liked having Eve there... it made me feel safer with the Coz family. Eve was very kind and gentle and she always knew how to make me feel better.
My eyes scanned the room and my eyes fell on Demetrius. "If you will excuse me." said. I looked at Adelio. "I wont be long." I stood and walked over to Demetrius and William. "Hello Demetrius long time no see."I said with a small smile. I looked over at William and smiled as well. "Hello William." I said being very gentle. I had respect for him... He had to deal with a lot of crap and well... I had to say I felt sorry for him. I placed my hands infront of me and I looked at them both. "You both look dashing." I said smoothly.


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Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh)

Post by Ale J. Wed Aug 15, 2012 12:51 am


I clung to him, realizing why he was so worried. Duh...Will, for whatever reason, didn't like him. And he would be very angry if he found us.

"Ezra..." I whispered, "Get down..."


I smiled up at Artemis as she came to sit next to me. "Hello..." She then left me with the twins.

Is it horrible that I can hardly tell them apart?

"How have you been, Adelio?"

(Sorry it's so short...I got kicked onto my phone.)
Ale J.
Ale J.

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Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh)

Post by Banshee Thu Aug 16, 2012 9:55 am


I'll be alright, I think to her, sheltering her with my body. If he finds anyone, it will be me. His fingers hit the lining, and I'm jolted but keep my place. I only hesitate slightly before messing with his mind and making him think the lump is a tissue. Now as long as he doesn't get suspicious or notice any flaws it should hold us over. William, though, is a bit more familiar with the games of the mind....but I did get by the blocks.


I take her hand and gently kiss it as a greeting, but it means nothing. "Wonderful, and you? Might I say, you look fantastic." I say, straightening up and smiling.


"thank you, congratulations on your engagement," I say, smiling.

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Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh)

Post by nameless Thu Aug 16, 2012 12:34 pm


I smiled and gave a slight nod. "Thank you very muxh." I said. "How re you..? I have been meaning to come back and talk to you." I said with another small smile. I liked Demetrius. He was very gentle and nice and he loved books. I enjoyed his company and I hoped we could strike up a friendship.


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Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh)

Post by Banshee Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:08 am


"Alright, it's been pretty busy lately. Will has been assisting me. How are you? Have you started planning for the wedding? If you do not me asking," I ask, glancing at William.

Try to be social

He gives an eyeroll, I can be...just...

Nothing, my imagination playing tricks on me. He replies, his hand sliding out of his pocket. I give him a confused look and he shakes his head.

I tell you later.

With that, he breaks the mental connection and turns to Artemis. "Forgive me, I'm being rude. You look lovely this evening, Artemis."


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Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh)

Post by nameless Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:44 am


I shook my head at Demetrius. "No.. not yet. Things have been difficult at the moment..." Adelio had to meet my hellish mother and then he met my father... things were.. too hetic. "Besides Eve hasnt had the twins yet... nor has she and Ben been married and I would like to wait till they are married." I saod with a kind smile. I looked at William when he spoke. "It is alright William." I said with a small nod. My cheeks flushed at the compliment. "And thank you very much." I said with a small smile. "I have been well by the way.. just... this is very diffrent... I am not use to this.. grand parties and not to mention so much family..." I said with a sma laugh. I didnt know if they were proud to be Cox... I had hoped not because I needed someone to talk to bout all this. I mean.. I would have talked to Eve but... it would make things even more complicated.


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Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh)

Post by Banshee Mon Aug 20, 2012 8:44 am


"Neither Will or I are ones for these for family-"

"It's all we have ever known," Will interrupts, a false smile on his lips but his tone is almost taunting. "You get used to the numbers. They do say that strength can be found in them."

"Well, yes, I suppose but even so, our family is abnormally large," I reply, shooting William a look.

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Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh)

Post by nameless Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:46 am

A frown found its way into my lips. I watched William with a sad expression but quickly snapped out of it. "So I have been told.." I said in a small voice. I wasnt use to all this. All I have ever known was.. just me. I was always alone ever since I could remember. A huge family like this... felt... weird... strange to me.
I quickly looked at Demetruis and gave a small laugh. "So I see." I heard music start to play and I smiled. I looked at both of them. "Would one of you care to dance...?" I might as well break the ice again somehow.


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Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh)

Post by Banshee Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:46 am


"I am not a very good dancer, but I would be honored if you would let me?" I ask, smiling a bit. I offer my hand to her. "Would you do me the honor of dancing with me?"

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Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh)

Post by nameless Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:58 am


I smiled and took his hand. "It would be my pleasure." I said. I looked in his kind eyes and thought I might have found a friend.


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Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh)

Post by Banshee Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:00 am

I lead her out onto the dance floor, setting one hand on her waist. I lead her into a little waltz, keeping time to the music. I can see Adelio stewing in the corner.

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Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh)

Post by nameless Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:05 pm


I smiled and followed his lead. "You are not all that bad of a dancer." I said with a bright smile. We danced for a time and it felt good to be able to dance again. My eyes landed on Adelio and something inside me felt... terrible. I knew he would be upset. I watched him for a time before my gaze turned to Demetrius. My smile grew a little bit. "you are not that bad." I repeat.


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Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh)

Post by Banshee Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:17 am


Oh my cousin's going to kill me, Is the main thought crossing my mind.

I twirl her before going back to dancing again. "Father made us take lessons. Adelio and Benvenuto took them as well."

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Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh)

Post by Alice Thu Aug 30, 2012 11:41 am


I smiled and nodded. "I figured your father would want you all to dance." I said with a small smile. I looked at his face and couldn't help but just feel..... happy. This was the ind of happy I wanted to feel with afriend or even a brother. "You know Demetrius... you are one of the better Cox." I whispered to him.

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Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh)

Post by Ale J. Wed Sep 05, 2012 7:27 pm


"Very good...and thank you." I smile at the compliment and glance around the room at the many people. "You have a large family..." I laugh, "I think it'd be hard to remember all of them...."


I sigh in relief as Will pulls back his hand. Looking over at Ezra, I smile. "That was too close..." Really, I was excited...a little adrenaline rush isn't too bad. "Did you do that?" I ask curiously. I found it strange that Will had pulled back so easily....
Ale J.
Ale J.

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Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh)

Post by Banshee Fri Sep 07, 2012 7:06 pm


"That it is, we have cousins we are more familiar with and some we do not know at all really," I say, sitting next to her.


I hug her close, kissing her forehead. "Yeah, I did that. I made him think we were a tissue...."


I blush, giving a small smile. "I do not know about that, all I do is heal..." I say, keeping the conversation light and on duties...rather than what I think she means. I was not one to want to draw attention to myself, nor did I want them to suspect I was not one who wanted to be part of the cause.

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Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh)

Post by Alice Fri Sep 07, 2012 7:12 pm

(For once.. we all are online :O THIS IS CRAZY O-O)


I gave a small nod. "I see... but it is a good thing." I said playing along. I had hoped he understood what I ment. The song ended and I looked at him. "Thank you for the dance.. it was.. enjoyable." I said with a bright smile.

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Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh)

Post by Ale J. Fri Nov 02, 2012 2:20 pm


"It must have been some powerful stuff...I don't think we look that much like a tissue." I laughed and sighed. "I have a feeling tonight is going to"


"You all look so's interesting." I kind of envied the fact that they looked similar, and tried to forget my thoughts of whether I looked like my family. I didn't even remember them.
Ale J.
Ale J.

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Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh)

Post by Banshee Fri Nov 02, 2012 4:55 pm


"Yes, we are quite similar in appearance but we all have our differences, I suppose."


"It isn't that powerful....just stuff that has helped in the past that I pick up." I say, holding her close. "I love you."


"No, thank you. I enjoyed it.....but I suggest you go dance with Adelio," I say, glancing over at him before turning back to her.

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Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh)

Post by Alice Sat Nov 03, 2012 12:42 pm

I gave a small smile and nodded. I walked over to Adelio and kissed his cheek. "Dance with me." I whispered in his ear.

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Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh)

Post by Ale J. Sun Nov 11, 2012 11:09 pm


I looked at him curiously, "Like...?"


Smiling, I nuzzled his neck. "I love you, too..."
Ale J.
Ale J.

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Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh)

Post by Banshee Mon Nov 12, 2012 12:06 am


"Well for Adelio and I, I have a scar over my left eyebrow while Adelio does not. Also, our tastes things we prefer and such."


I give a slow nod, allowing her to pull me out to the floor. " didn't want to dance with me before," I grumble, pouting slightly.


I hold her close and hum along to the waltz that's playing, smiling and nuzzling her back as I snuggle with her.

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Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh)

Post by Alice Sun Nov 18, 2012 12:43 pm

I frowned at him. "Adelio... please don't think fo it like that... he is one of my friends... William... I am working on." I said shaking my head with a small smile. "But... I did want to dance with you but I saw them and wentto mingle..." I watched him for a long time before I went to my tiptoes and gently kissed his lips. "I love you." I whispered agaisnt them.

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Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh)

Post by Banshee Sun Nov 25, 2012 3:32 am


I gently kiss her back, my hand going to her lower back to hold her there for a moment. "I love you too," I say, smiling slightly and happy that she was mine.

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Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh)

Post by Alice Sun Nov 25, 2012 7:37 pm


I smiled at him and giggled a bit. "We still need a wedding date..." I said starting to dance with him. My footwork was good and Adelio was of course an amazing dancer and that made me happy. "Maybe... a winter wedding...?" I asked looking at him.

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Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another Cox (Alice, Ale, Gh)

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