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Alone.      Empty Alone.

Post by Avery Sat Aug 25, 2012 10:49 pm

Together, we stand, against any threat that may be in our way. We have the knowledge of one thousand years. We have the strength of five hundred armies. Though we have our power, we do not have anyone to use it against. We are… Alone.

The Ca’cir race lives by an honor code. It is one that has been passed through the generations. It is something that every Ca’cir knows, from the moment they can understand.

-Loyalty. This pertains to family, friends, and their mate. Betrayal is one of the worst crimes a Ca'cir can commit, but it's not like they'd ever want to betray anyone. They're pretty reasonable, too.

-Strength. They have this weird thing about showing emotion. They don't care about showing anger or happiness, but the moment they become sad or distressed, they're immediately statues. This is drilled into them at the very beginning, though some of them break the conditioning and feel more freely. They do not like others to see if they are upset because this shows that they are an easy target.

-Rationality. Hardly ever do adult Ca'cirs (like, 22+) make decisions with their hearts. They always think about what's right for their family and what will get them the most they can manage. They're pretty stingy and like to keep things that they earn.

Appearance Notes:

And this is just a side note: As a species, they do not know what gay/straight is. Almost the entire species is bisexual and really, incest isn't horribly uncommon, because they love what's familiar to them and they aren't really trusting.

Just... Make sure to ask before you join randomly and also, make sure to ask if you plan on having an important character or something...

Okay, and if you want a separate species or something, just ask and I'll send you a separate character sheet or something.


[b]Age:[/b] (Anywhere from 13-24)

-My Characters-

Name: Anosen
Age: (Anywhere from 13-24) 18
Gender: Male
Eyes: Light silver, bordering on white, but they still get all glittery and stuff when the light hits them.
Hair: Really long and stark white.
Scales: Golden, following the full range of light to tarnished color.
Height: 6'3", a bit shorter than average, which gets him made fun of.
Other: He's got dozens of scars lacing up and down his back, though none are terribly deep.
Other: He has recently become the man of the family, after his father died, leaving just himself. His mother died a few years after he was born. He lives in a household with a sister, two bothers, and two cousins.

Name: Kokajin
Age: (Anywhere from 13-24) 23
Gender: Male
Eyes: Deep pink, almost looking red in some lighting.
Hair: White hair that he tries to keep semi-short, like... To his chin-ish. It's messy and moppy, though.
Scales: Iridescent
Height: 6'11", so on the taller side of average
Other: He's got tons and tons of scars, which all have stories.
Other: He was a runaway from the time he learned what the word meant, living on his own, and surprisingly, building a reputation among the race as being used as some sort of killing machine.

Last edited by Avery on Fri Aug 31, 2012 2:09 pm; edited 8 times in total

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Alone.      Empty Re: Alone.

Post by Black&White Sat Aug 25, 2012 11:13 pm

Shottie spot~ when I'm computered

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Alone.      Empty Re: Alone.

Post by Alice Sun Aug 26, 2012 7:54 pm

Name: Satsu
Age: 17
Gender: female
Eyes: very dark grey, right on the border of being black
Hair: long, slightly wavy silver hair with bangs that fall in her eyes
Scales: Golden, following the full range of light to tarnished color.
Height: 4'11
Other: She's pale, like all of the Ca'cirs. She's got high cheekbones and a feminine, soft face. she's very quick. She's got the same nails as the rest of the Ca'cir's, long, curved, and sharp, though hers are silver.

Name: Mikoto
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Eyes: yellow eyes
Hair: white hair that touchs his shoulders
Scales: Golden, following the full range of light to tarnished color.
Height: 6'10
Other: has sharp features and has sharp eyes

Name: Skia
Age: 17
Gender: female
Species: human
Looks: Alone.      5314323791_3561b4f73f_z

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Alone.      Empty Re: Alone.

Post by Bells Mon Aug 27, 2012 9:01 pm

Name: Kasumi
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Eyes: Black, although boarding on a very light gray color.
Hair: It is silver and runs all the way down to her lower back. Very, very straight.
Scales: Light, light, gold.
Height: 5'4"
Other: She has a quite a few scars although she does her best to conceal a lot of them. She's got a habit of jumping into fights she's definitely not going to win.
Other: Can't think of anything right now.

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Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Alone.      Empty Re: Alone.

Post by Avery Tue Aug 28, 2012 3:40 pm

Adding two more. ^^

Name: Seko
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Scales: Cream/pearl colored scales lined with a dusty rose color
Height: Probably 5'1"
Other: She's got several scars, as do most Ca'cir, but hers look like they were placed with care, meticulously forming patterns.
Other: Well, she's the princess of the Ca'cir kingdom. She has her own personal guards, too.

Name: Aja
Age: 6. (He's an exception)
Gender: Male
Eyes: Red, just like Seko's. A bit darker and even toned, though.
Hair: Whitish-silver
Scales: Same as Seko's, except the red is more of a maroon tone.
Height: I dunno... The height of a 6 year old.
Other: He only has a few scars, from scraping his knees and things. Nothing serious.
Other: He's a prince and Seko's little brother.

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Alone.      Empty Re: Alone.

Post by Ravyn Tue Aug 28, 2012 4:01 pm

Name: Kellan
Age: (Anywhere from 13-24) 19
Gender: Female
Eyes: Pale silver
Hair: Black
Scales: White, slight silver sheen to them
Height: Bout 5'2"
Other: Takes the extra effort to keep her hair short - has it about shoulder length in the back, getting longer as it comes forward and reaches its longest point at the very front a bit below her shoulders.
Other: Nope~

Still fearing canon somewhat, so just... yeah, lemme know if i need to change stuff or whatever. .-.

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Alone.      Empty Re: Alone.

Post by Momo13 Tue Aug 28, 2012 4:43 pm

Age: 21
Eyes:Light pink eyes that are usually hidden by her bangs
Hair: Silver hair that falls a bit past her shoulder blades. Has very few layers and is usually pulled into a half braid that goes down the side of her head and then pulled into a side pony tail or is just completely down. Bangs fall into her face.
Scales: iridescent
Height: 5’3” or so.
Other: tries to keep her bangs in her eyes.
Other: Kokajin’s mate.

Name: Sorui
Age: 16
Eyes: Dark silver eyes, like a graphite color.
Hair: Black hair that goes a few inches shoulder and is a bit ragged and messy. Self cut to keep it on the shorter end.
Scales:a pale gold color.

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Alone.      Empty Re: Alone.

Post by Kid.Icarus Tue Aug 28, 2012 6:00 pm

Name: Ren
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Eyes: A deep yellow colour, almost golden.
Hair: Thick, and jet black. Hanging past his chin. He cuts it periodically, because he thinks it gets in the way.
Scales: Tarnished gold. Has significantly more scales than most Ca'cir, covering almost 30% of his body.
Height: 7'0", so taller than most.
Other: His scales cover most of his neck and jaw and down his sides. Also the backs of his arms and legs.
Other: Not that I can think of right now.

Name: Kaede
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Scales: Cream/pearl coloured, lined with an almost crimson red.
Height: 6'7"
Other: Has scarring, but significantly less than most males.
Other: He's the prince of the Ca'cir kingdom, and Seko's twin brother.
(I talked this over with Av, and she okay'd him.)

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Alone.      Empty Re: Alone.

Post by Black&White Tue Aug 28, 2012 6:20 pm

Name: Tatau
Age: (Anywhere from 13-24) 19
Gender: Gal
Eyes: golden yellow.
Hair: ink black hair, with a few stray strands of gray and white - very wispy. To just under her shoulder blades, cut perfectly straight, and she also attempts to keep side bangs usually.
Scales: same color as her eyes.
Height: 5' even.
Other: She's got a thing for silver bangles... both wrists and ankles, a few of them have charms or bells attached. Bare foot most of the time, dressed very gypsy like though with lots of light pastel-y colors with barely noticeable patterns on the cloth.

Name: Kennai
Age: (Anywhere from 13-24) 23
Gender: Guy
Eyes: jet black eyes.
Hair: dark, dull charcoal gray. Tries to keep it at least above his ears.
Scales: white-silver, like white gold.
Height: 6'6''
Other: scars all along his upper arms and torso, a few stray ones on his legs from training, and one above his left eyebrow.
Other: Dressed in a long sleeved dark red shirt with a black vest having two golden stars over the breast pocket. Simple gray pants and black shoes. one of Seko, Aja, and Kaede's royal guards. Sword at his waist, attached to a black belt with dark red designs on the belt and sheath.

Last edited by Black&White on Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:14 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Alone.      Empty Re: Alone.

Post by Avery Tue Aug 28, 2012 6:41 pm

Okay, just one more. ^^

Name: Ania
Age: 18/19-ish
Gender: Female
Eyes: One of her eyes is a very light silver-white color with striking lines of grey toward the pupil, while the other is a dark, ashy grey that is sharp, cutting into her light, delicate features.
Hair: Her hair is long and snowy white, thick, hanging down to her hips. She likes to style it, so sometimes it's in intricate braids, and other times it's down, holding a slight curl. As of right now, the tips are dyed indigo with a plant she found. (I'll probably hold for a few days.) Her bangs are swept to the side of her face, hanging down to her chin.
Scales: She has light silver scales that curl onto her back and shoulders, along with being in the normal regions of scales.
Height: She's 5'2"-ish.
Other: The scars, which should be obvious by now, but her means of getting them were not normal.
Other: She has something that bothers her a lot, but I haven't really figured out what it is yet.

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Alone.      Empty Re: Alone.

Post by Avery Tue Aug 28, 2012 9:46 pm

Kokajin stood in the midst of young boys, all training for one purpose: their family. They trained long and hard each day, almost always resulting in some sort of casualty. Right now, his nose was filled with the smell of today’s first bloodshed. It had been a pretty nasty head wound; a lot of blood, but the boy was being taken care of as the rest trained. He glanced over to the now bandaged up kid, who probably wasn’t more than 14, and grinned, before spitting on the ground. The boy had tears running down his cheek, even though he had assured him that he was not in pain. It was… Weak. Anosen, the second in command stood beside the boy, chuckling like nothing has ever happened. He had been the one to bandage him up and make sure the bleeding had stopped. He had always been better at the medical stuff than Kokajin. Kokajin wasn’t particularly… Jealous, but he did wish that he could do it as well. With a small sigh, he walked to the other side of the field, yelling sharp orders to continue the positions the boys had been taught this morning. He took a long drink of water and settled with his back to a tree, watching the fighting with dead eyes.

Euna slammed her hands down on the table at the small bakery she was working at, frustrated at her third burnt loaf of bread. She had asked her cousin to add a single stone to the fire, and he added as many as he could find. Usually, this wouldn’t annoy her too badly, except on bread day, the temperature needed to be precise. She had a line of annoying looking people in the small room and she did her best not to look up at them. Instead, she slipped out the back, handing off her things to the next person in line. “And I quit,” she said firmly, running off toward the woods. There, she followed a small path to a river and rolled her pants up, sticking her feet in the cold water. “I hate that place,” she muttered under her breath.

Nearly in tears, Seko followed the trail of water that lead through the castle corridor. The whole time, she was calling her brother’s name. “Aja! Come back here!” She got frustrated too easily when he’d run off. She also just didn’t want him in the castle alone. There were places she hadn’t even explored, even after living here for so long. Some of them were only because she couldn’t fit in the tight spaces that were used to get in, but she did know that Aja could and it scared her. Knowing how he acted with his condition, he didn’t really understand why he shouldn’t go in places like that and Seko always did her best to protect him. After a bit more searching, she came across a fort of several baskets pulled together in a corner. Underneath, she could hear exciting giggling floating up. With a relieved sigh, she peeked in the top, only to see a flash of white as Aja, a pale, dripping boy, who was still nude from the bath, zipped past her and squealed. Shewalked after him again, muttering that it may be easier if her brother were around to help. She didn’t expect him to be, though, as she volunteered to help Aja bathe. After all, it gave her an excuse to think. Tomorrow was supposed to be a big day.

Ania’s hands were placed firmly on her hips as she stood in front of her friends. Most of them were busy digging a fire pit of setting up camp, just trying to get away. She was staying out with them, too, as some fun. She was excited to be away from the elders, for at least a night. They would go back, though, just to attend the Queen’s ball. It was all the town had been talking about for the past month and she needed to see if it was all it was cracked up to be. A few of her other friends had gone back into town for a bit to get a few more supplies, but this was nice. With a small groan, she sat down, watching. She felt a twinge of guilt as they all worked, and she just planned to reap the benefits, but it was quickly washed away when one of her friend’s dropped to her side and put an arm around her.

(Anyone can be in her group of friends, too.)

Last edited by Avery on Wed Aug 29, 2012 2:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Alone.      Empty Re: Alone.

Post by Black&White Wed Aug 29, 2012 10:51 am

(may Kennai be one of the royal guard?)

Tatau sat behind the bakery bored, hidden behind the garbage bins. There was a bit of a commotion inside which made her look up at the back exit, hearing the girl who usually worked there exclaim her leave for good and storming out. Tatau quickly ducked back down at the sound of her approaching, staying quiet until she heard another leave and grumble about wasted profit before going back in. She smiled to herself, peeking up again to make sure the coast was clear before making off with her third prize that morning, finally standing and walking away. Just a little black, nothing that could've affected the deliciously soft insides... Putting two of the loaves into her shoulder bag, she tears at the third until the crust gives and unleashes a smell to make her mouth water. The others will love this...

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Alone.      Empty Re: Alone.

Post by Momo13 Wed Aug 29, 2012 3:58 pm

Souri helped dig the pit for the fire, glancing over his shoulder at Ania. He stopped for a few seconds and brushed his hands off. "How are we doing, supervisor?" He teased Ania, making a point of her not really helping them, just watching. But he didnt care much. They were getting the job done, and that was all that mattered. He was just happy to be able to hang out with them.

Aekra ran around, helping to get ready for the queens ball. Her arms were full of supplies she was setting up. She didnt mind working here, but it was also stressful at times like these. But she would get the job done like she was asked too. In the back of her mind, she wondered how Kokajin was doing with training the younger ones, but pushed the thought aside.

(tell me if I need to change anything, Ave.)

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Alone.      Empty Re: Alone.

Post by Black&White Wed Aug 29, 2012 9:34 pm

Kennai heard the commotion through the halls, smiling to himself at the childish play. He paused to listen more carefully, the various directions the corridor made the sounds come from before picking a door to hide behind and waited. The boy's laughs grew closer, and soon there was the accompanied sound of the slap of his bare feet against the wooden floors...

As the small six year old passed, Kennai stepped out behind him and closed the distance quickly. He stooped down and hugged Aja around his waist with a playful bearish growl. With ease, Kennai had the boy over his shoulder. "And who is this indecently exposed boy roaming the castle? Might I need to kick him out, Princess?"

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Alone.      Empty Re: Alone.

Post by Alice Thu Aug 30, 2012 12:14 pm

Satsu leaned against a tall tree in the distance. She stayed close with her friends and watched them for a few seconds. The Queen's ball... was.. going to be interesting. She moved over and sat down on the log and watched. her eyes flicked aorund from face to face of the people there. Mikoto sat next to her and smirked. "Having fun?" He asked. Satsu rolled her eyes and kept her mouth shut. She didnt need to arguee with Mikoto tonight.

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Alone.      Empty Re: Alone.

Post by Avery Fri Aug 31, 2012 1:17 pm

Ania rolled her eyes up at Souri, not minding the teasing because, after all, it didn’t seem particularly malicious. She shifted, closing her eyes for a moment and then stood, shaking off the arm around her shoulders. She glanced around and decided that maybe there were a few more supplies out in town that she could bring out here. Sure it would be risky, but they wouldn’t be out here very long if they only had what they initially brought. “I’m gonna go on a quick supply run,” she said, making sure at least someone heard her. After just a minute, she walked off, hands in her pocket.

Seko couldn’t even manage a smile at Kennai, and instead brushed past him. “Please make sure he gets dressed,” she said, her voice shaking. She started down a long hallway, head down, before making her way towards her room. She still had fittings all afternoon and she didn’t know how she was going to deal with the stress of it all. She smoothed down her robes and walked past her door, a different destination in mind. She needed to go where she knew the stress would be gone.

Aja squirmed until he was set on the ground, eyes desperate. “Seko… Seko mad at Aja.” The small boy looked so troubled by this fact that after just a moment of silence, he glanced up at Kennai and started crying. “Aja did bad…” he said, muffled against Kennai’s leg, clinging to him. He sniffled and looked up, shivering, wide-eyed. “Didn’t mean it.”

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Alone.      Empty Re: Alone.

Post by Alice Fri Aug 31, 2012 1:20 pm

Satsu watched her leave before getting up and following her. "Mind if I come?" She asked in a soft quiet voice. "I needed to get away." She said simply. She gave Ania a small smile.

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Alone.      Empty Re: Alone.

Post by Avery Fri Aug 31, 2012 1:50 pm

Ania glanced back at the girl with an almost dagger-like glare. “Yeah, I mind,” she said. Ania wasn’t…. The friendliest person in the world and she was trying to use this as her own chance to be alone, too. “I’m sure you can get supplies some other time, though… Right?” She tried to negate the harshness of her first statement and then shrugged. “Never mind… I don’t care…” She muttered, turning her head forward. She waited to see if Satsu was gonna stay or go, even after her reaction. She couldn’t afford to make an enemy.

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Alone.      Empty Re: Alone.

Post by Avery Fri Aug 31, 2012 3:07 pm

Okay, so all characters are expected to go to the Queen's Ball, which means they'll have to find an escort. This is just something to jump start communication. ^^

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Alone.      Empty Re: Alone.

Post by Ravyn Fri Aug 31, 2012 3:39 pm

Kellan: If there was one simple thing i loved most in the world, it was heights. To be high up and observe everyone going about their business below..... it was pleasant, to be able to detach ones self from the world for a while, and be an observer, not a player in the seemingly never-ending game. Trees were my favourite way of getting above ground - the foliage provided excellent camouflage. It was in one such tree that i perched now, watching everyone scurry around below. The Queen's ball was coming up..... i suppose i was a little bit excited, but the prospect of trying to find an escort was one i did not like, and i had already put it off for too long. I was running out of time. This was a problem...... one i would have to solve, fast. Unfortunately, this meant i really didn't have time to be disconnected from the world. Reluctantly i climbed down from my perch and went looking for something to do.

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Alone.      Empty Re: Alone.

Post by Black&White Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:10 pm

"Oh, she knows that. She's just busy right now; she'll play tomorrow night. However, young sir, she is correct that you require clothes." Kennai watches her walk off, a small smile on still. Same thing, every year. She would make a good queen if the tides turned towards her at their parent's decision.
"If you get to your room first, I have a surprise that might not have to wait until tomorrow..." He taunts, raising an eyebrow at Aja with a devilish smile. "Ready...?"

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Alone.      Empty Re: Alone.

Post by Avery Fri Aug 31, 2012 7:26 pm

Aja nodded and smiled back at Kennai, tears being replaced with innocent laughter. “Surprise? “ His eyes widened slightly. White hair fell in his face and he started off toward his room, seeming to forget that Seko was frustrated at all. He constantly glances back at his guard, making sure he was close. He sung to himself as they passed intricate tapestries hung on the wall, nearly bubbling over from the excitement he was feeling.

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Alone.      Empty Re: Alone.

Post by Black&White Fri Aug 31, 2012 8:14 pm

Kennai kept up with the boy just by walking, chuckling to himself as they go down the halls. "I'm gonna beat you..." He teases, just staying a step behind.

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Alone.      Empty Re: Alone.

Post by Avery Fri Aug 31, 2012 9:23 pm

Aja giggled wildly and took off as fast as he could move, squealing as he reached his door. He swung it open and plopped on his bed, singling loudly. “Aja wiiinnnns!” He sand until his guard got into the room and then stared at him. “Aja picks clothes?” He asked, tilting his head slightly, eyes falling on his wardrobe.

Kokajin finished cleaning the training area just after the sun had started to descend, and by that time, everyone had already left, including Anosen. He always waited until everyone left before he did anything. It was like his own personal thinking time, when it was just him and the swords. He left after he put away the last sword, to find Aekra, but stopped as she was probably still at the castle. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with Royals this evening.

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Alone.      Empty Re: Alone.

Post by Alice Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:48 pm

Satsu followed silently. "If it is a problem.. I will go... but I figure.. youre going on a suplies run.... so..." She said with a small shrug. "I thought you might need help."

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