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Every Rose has a Thorn, right? Fragile/Momo

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Every Rose has a Thorn, right? Fragile/Momo Empty Every Rose has a Thorn, right? Fragile/Momo

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Fri Dec 28, 2012 6:27 pm

Alright... just making sure. o3o Now pay attention.
Warning: This is INDEFINITELY going to contain bad language and possibly mention things of drug use, alcohol, and other scandalous things like abusive pasts, so read at your own discretion, alright? You can't say I didn't warn you ahead of time. THERE WILL BE NO NAUGHTY TANGO. But... possible kissing and fluff. x3

ALRIGHT. So, Rose chose Ashton. :O ( of right now. >.>) This is a deviation following teh unlikely lovers' journey. As far as I know, the lil Phoenix is staying with Ashton at his place while they anticipate the arrival of her child. AND THAT'S PRETTY MUCH IT. I think. Momo may have something to add, so I'll leave it to her.

Last edited by FragileFuzzySocks on Mon Dec 31, 2012 7:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Every Rose has a Thorn, right? Fragile/Momo Empty Re: Every Rose has a Thorn, right? Fragile/Momo

Post by Momo13 Fri Dec 28, 2012 11:36 pm

This post made me smile. ^_^

I think we want to start with Coy and Cole changing the memories of Rose do they take away any thoughts or memories of Grey she had.

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Every Rose has a Thorn, right? Fragile/Momo Empty Re: Every Rose has a Thorn, right? Fragile/Momo

Post by Momo13 Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:34 pm

The four of them stood in the main room of Ashton's house. Rose stood in front of Ashton, looking up at him with the other three far behind her. 
Coy and Cole stepped forward, Kira trailing behind them, watching them. 
"So, a choice has been made," one twin started to say, only to be finished by the other. 
"We presume." 
"So, shall we get down to business?" both of them said together. "Rose, darling, go with Kira while we talk. Kira-"
"If you tell me to take care of her, I will kick both of your asses. Of course I'll take care of the birdy, it's what I do. C'mon, Rosemarie, let's let the boys talk." Kira started to walk off into the other room. She held the door open for Rose and whistled at her. Rose walked after her, glancing back at Ashton before disappearing out of the room. 
"So, she wants her memories changed," Cole started, pulling a packet of information from the inside of his jacket. "this is a contract for this deal. Incase things do go sour, she has a way back to now."
"but there are a few minor details we have to go through." Coy cut in. He tucked his hands into his pockets. "Details like her memories. When we clear out her memories of grey, we will need something to fill the void. If we don't, this won't be real to her."
"She wants it to be real," both boys told Ashton at once. They always spoke in that pattern of one starting, the other continuing, and then both finishing the thought. 
"We will need you to tell us what you want her to remember. How you want those memories to be filled."
"the contract states that we will add anything you want into her head, take away anything about Grey, but that is all we can take away. We can't change anything about her home before here, her master, or her time before meeting you and Grey."
"And no matter how it appears, what we do will not injure or hurt her," they promised him. 

((I appologize for spelling errors. On failpod.))

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Every Rose has a Thorn, right? Fragile/Momo Empty Re: Every Rose has a Thorn, right? Fragile/Momo

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Mon Mar 11, 2013 9:53 pm

He didn’t like it – having the little creeps in his house, hanging around Rose. He wasn’t too fond of having Kira being around either, but that was just how Ashton was. He didn’t like people. Well... yeah. There were only a few people in the world the tyrant chose to tolerate. Rose didn’t count, of course, because he fucking loved her. She was looking at him now but he acted as if he didn’t notice, coal-colored eyes set straight for the mind-bleach twins instead – watching them, tattooed musclar arms folded over the front of his System of a Down T-shirt. There wasn’t any of the usual feral heat in his expression; mostly blank, with veiled skepticism, but the intensity was there like a cooled flame; you never know what might spark it to life.
For now Ashton was just watching. He chanced a look at the small swole-bellied Pheonix, meeting her bright wide eyes. Raven strands swayed as he looked down at her, threaded with a deep dyed shade of red. It’d gotten longer than it used to be. She seemed to like it.

“S’alright,” he spoke, but didn’t give her any hint of a smile. His sheer seriousness should’ve given her the reassurance. An arm drew away to let his callosed fingertips trail fleetingly over the girl’s soft strawberry-blonde hair and his gaze finally gave an ounce of softness, falling half-massed. Time had changed him. It does everyone, but... Ashton wasn’t just the thin emo boy with a venomous temper anymore; he was different. He looked different. The key points were still the same – eyes of coal, tumbling raven hair, grown longer... but now, the entirety of his upper body was practically overtaken with tattoos ( a few of them objecting Rosemarie herself), even incorporating his legion of scars. He’d grown taller, gained width from muscle build, and developed a nice natural tan. He and Axis no longer shared their appearance.

Ashton’s hand fell away, arm dropping to his side. His eyes never left hers.

Was this what was best for her? That was a big-ass hell-fucking-no. Grey was what best for her. So why wasn’t he doing anything about it? The Phoenix trusted him... He’d scared the living shit out of her, still did, and... she trusted him. She belonged to him now. Not Grey. He’d gotten what he wanted... but was it what she wanted, or had he guilted her into it? The pain it caused him seeing the two together... Rose said she had a way to fix it and she wasn’t lying; it was happening now. Ashton wouldn’t stop himself from being selfish. It was like... a stand-in for using heroine. He was addicted. Addicted to the selfishness. Addicted to her. And as any faithful addict would agree, with some part of themselves, he wouldn’t stop until something forced him to.

In too deep to start thinking about anything else.


"So, a choice has been made,"

”...We presume.”

His eyes snapped up, out of their thoughtfully forlorn state and away from Rose in that split second, form regaining the guarded stance from before. There was a faint hint of a smirk at Kira’s remark; Ashton didn’t look at the genetically-altered snark, though amused. Then the girls were gone, and he was presented with a contract courtesy of Thing 1 and 2. And as he watched them, the fire-wielder could’ve sworn he’d seen the twits in a horror flick at one point in his blur of a life.

But to his credit he did listen, very intently, already knowing what he wanted before they asked: I want her to remember being happy with me. They could take it from there, despite having wanted to do something about the Phoenix’s past. Unfortunately, the boys didn’t stop while they were ahead.

“And no matter how it appears, what we do will not injure or hurt her.”

Every muscle he possessed within his body hardened, tense.

“I don’t see reason for why it would look like it if you’re not.”

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Every Rose has a Thorn, right? Fragile/Momo Empty Re: Every Rose has a Thorn, right? Fragile/Momo

Post by Momo13 Thu Mar 21, 2013 5:46 pm

Cole ran a hand through his hair and looked over at his brother. How were they supposed to explain this? He hated having to explain this. Memory altering when so much easier when people just said what they wanted, didn’t ask questions and let the twins take care of it. But sadly, that was rarely an option now-a-days. Everyone always had a question to ask, which was becoming quite aggravating for the two boys to have to keep answering.

Coy looked over at Cole, his own reddish blonde hair falling into his face. How did they answer this question in the past. Surely it had been asked before. He signaled for Cole to hand him their little green journal. The journal of annoying overly asked questions. With a lick of his thumb, he started to flip through the pages quickly, scanning them for the question they were justed asked. Cole raised an eyebrow; it was rare that Coy would try to stick to their protocol for questions like this. Honestly, it was very rare for him to take these jobs seriously. Cole was always the one taking notes, answer questions, making sure contracts in order. Everything that the job needed to be a job was usually Cole's chore.

"Ahh. Here we go," Coy finally spoke up, looking at Ashton. "You see," he showed the journal over to Cole for what he was about to start explaining. Cole's eyes grew, just the slightest, and he nodded.

“We don’t actually understand how our powers work, and every now and then, people have bad reactions to them. Their brain might tell them that something is wrong and try to fight off the intruding source.”

“Us.” The boys looked at each other then back at Ashton.

“But we promise,”

“No real pain comes from this,”

“And there isnt even a traumatic experience because our ….. clients, don't remember. Its the beauty of our powers.”

“So,” started Coy, glancing over at his brother.

“Ashton,” Cole nodded to his twin.

“What is it that you want? What memories do you want little Rosie to have?”


Rose stood with kira, her hands folded over her stomach. Her heart was racing, and she was nervous. Why was she doing this? Why did she decide to make this choice? Was it because she loved Ashton or because she was afraid if Grey found out he would toss her aside?
She couldnt bring herself to understand which it was. Why had she chosen Ashton? Was it the right choice? Maybe it wasnt....

“Birdy, you alright?” Kira asked Rose, looking over the girl. “You seem to be pacin’ a lot. Well, a lot more than you usually do.”

“Yes. I’m well, Kira.” Rose smiled over at Kira, then looked back at the door.

“I prefer Ashton over Grey, if that makes you feel better.” Kira shrugged and pulled out a smoke, lighting it with her trusty zippo lighter.

Rose didn’t know if that made her feel better or not.

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Every Rose has a Thorn, right? Fragile/Momo Empty Re: Every Rose has a Thorn, right? Fragile/Momo

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:17 am

Still watching, and still listening. A number of things pissed him off; for a number of reasons. The little slithering twits were small enough that he could easily work one fist of a hand around each of their throats–snap. Creepy bastards… like Axis creepy. But just like Axis, he knew better than to underestimate them.

Here they were, standing around, talking and planning to erase a part of Rose’s mind. . . A part of her life. Scarce moments of happiness. Why the fuck wasn’t anyone stopping him?! Eyes trained on the party before him, with multiple-times-pierced ears listening to the drone they were tossing out growing increasingly difficult due to the volume of his own thoughts. Ashton shook lightly, continuously, and swore as his eyes lit with stinging pressure.

I can’t cry.

He couldn’t. He knew he couldn’t. It wasn’t possible without the eye drops Iyashii had given him, just as a gag. Onto to his ass he dropped to the floor heavily, deciding himself too tired to stand. No one had said a damn thing negative about this whole rendezvous… It’s like they couldn’t care less. And he shouldn’t either, because he was selfish.

Ashton loved her; he didn’t deserve her, but he wasn’t quite willing to dissect it to that point. He…

Again, they asked him.


“I can’t.”

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