the Character Chat Revolution
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The Basic Chat of Basicness.

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The Basic Chat of Basicness. Empty The Basic Chat of Basicness.

Post by Avery Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:16 pm

Okay. Well. I suck at making chats. Who knew. This is between Mady and I. I can't even take a guess at what's going to happen or any warnings we might need, so I'll just leave it to this. (Wow this sucks.)

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The Basic Chat of Basicness. Empty Re: The Basic Chat of Basicness.

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:26 pm

Avery doesn't suck at making chats, she's just convinced herself she does. :3

So... who are we doing again? Apologies in advance for slowness.

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The Basic Chat of Basicness. Empty Re: The Basic Chat of Basicness.

Post by Avery Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:31 pm

Okay, so I think it was Kuri and Setsuko, but we could basically do anyone.

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The Basic Chat of Basicness. Empty Re: The Basic Chat of Basicness.

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:34 pm


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The Basic Chat of Basicness. Empty Re: The Basic Chat of Basicness.

Post by Avery Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:45 pm

ed.jzdrhbwlkahsezb I DON'T KNOW. I CAN IF YOU WANT.

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The Basic Chat of Basicness. Empty Re: The Basic Chat of Basicness.

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Fri Dec 28, 2012 8:53 pm

Okaiiiii. :3
If you don't mind. I'm workin' on the description of Ashton's house. .__. It's long. Seems like it, anyway.

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The Basic Chat of Basicness. Empty Re: The Basic Chat of Basicness.

Post by Avery Fri Dec 28, 2012 10:49 pm

(Alright, I kind of wanna use Anosen, too.)

Setsuko was hardly a woman, but by some grace, she had pushed her way being an awkward, adolescent girl. She had grown into her skin, though her mindset was still rather far behind most times. During most given times, she did not seem like the mature older sister she was supposed to be. She was nothing like the woman her mother was, and that was her worst nightmare. The closest thing she had to her mother now was her younger sister, Hitomi. The fertile child. She had children at the optimum age, and Setsuko felt as though her dreams were slipping away as she grew older.

She shifted, lazily opening one eye as she leaned against a large tree that stood in the mouth of the forest, basking in the sun. Her thoughts were less than pleasant, but they were the only thing that kept her preoccupied. Long, painted nails drew line after line over her flat stomach, wishing that Kuri would finally come to his senses and father her a child, before she was completely infertile.She was not angry with him, though. In fact, she was the opposite. Aside from looking for someone to bear children with her, she was also looking for a mate, and he seemed to be doing the best he could to ensure they were compatible.


Snow white bangs hung just short of Anosen’s eyes, which were sharp, darkened with anger as they locked on his younger sister. His hands were in tight fists, coiled like pale wire at either side. She was engaged. She was engaged without telling him at all. he hadn’t even know she had spoken to any male aside from him. Being married meant that he would have to leave the house, as per tradition. It was always left to those first married so they had room to house their children and keep everything. He would have to find a new place to stay whether he liked it or not, and he was not keeping it a secret that he did not like it.

With a quick snap, his hand slipped from the coil and he slapped her across the face, the noise consuming him and the small space. She didn’t move or blink, though tears brimmed in her eyes. He looked down and made a soft, apologetic noise before brushing past her. He wouldn’t say goodbye. Couldn’t. He was supposed to be the first married, just as his mother had said. She had promised him the house, and his sister had the nerve to ruin that for him. He silently left the house, closing the door carefully. He glanced around and began down the small path, out of the way of other homes and into the woods, where he knew he could navigate.

He imagined that by the time he got out of the woods, the words would be completely spread that he left. The kingdom lost another guard. He would not be missed, though, for he was just a servant. His family had made the obvious choice that he had not mattered enough to stay, so he was not entirely bothered by having to go alone. He glanced around and ran his fingers through his hair, hoping to find the one person he knew could calm him down, if he was even around. If he wasn’t, Anosen didn’t know who he would turn to.

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The Basic Chat of Basicness. Empty Re: The Basic Chat of Basicness.

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Thu Feb 28, 2013 7:47 pm

He brushed past the shaded green, his pelt quivering with the tousled fur that shifted by the hands of the blooming leaves. His dark eyes were held by that strange, gentle calm that was unique to him, and a wisdom that Yami saw him (jokingly) too young to know of just yet. And though Kuri was in no hurry, the reserved wolf found himself anxious to reach the end of the enclosure of forest to where he knew Setsuko would be waiting in the clearing.

The fox would often lounge around here, lying in wait for him to come and sit with her. Talk with her, even if he was curiously quiet most times. His simple presence seemed to entertain her. He supposed it would be concerning if it didn’t. He loved her, after all. She was the one to make him smile, if he did smile. She was the most beautiful woman there’d ever been or would ever be. Her sleek form, tanned skin, dark hair that fell about her like a thick, rippling silk curtain... and her eyes, molten; paralyzing with a simple gaze.

White fluff of ears and tail gave her fierce attraction an accent of harmlessness that amused him as much as it did relieve him. Even assassins were not completely immune to the reality of love, if such a thing was possible to them. And constantly being presented with such a spectacle could prove hard on his heart one of these days. Kuri might just... keel over after too many encounters with such a breathtaking visage. He’d thought about it, actually. What a peculiar way to die, if not entirely unwelcome. His soul would forever rest with the memory of her beauty that way. ...How selfish, hm?

From there, he would start to think of their child. How lovely it would be, having a mother like Setsuko. How bull-headed and unreasonable and stubborn. It always made him laugh.

And he’d come to the border, emerging as a wolf whose paw set foot in the sun, but standing fully as a human – olive-skinned, dark-eyed, with long dark hair that swept his broad shoulders. He was shirtless, his scars open to her like a book filled with intimate secrets. Kuri took a moment to watch her, as he always did. A smile persistently fought to make its claim on his face, his black ears resting calmly on his head, but he held it back as he approached her.

She was... perfect.

He kneeled, sitting beside her, but said nothing, reaching to trace his own calloused fingertips along her smooth skin.

And so, here it was; the fox and the hound. Setsuko was warm. The heartbeat that would reside beneath the surface soon... would be warm, too.


Hurting Mai... was something he could never do, purposefully. They had become just as close as they’d been before, almost like they had never been separated. But things were different. For both of them. It made sense that Mai’d never told Arlo she’d had a brother; for all she knew, Gi had been killed with their dad. What was the use in bringing up skeletons that’re better left in the closet?

...And just as much as Gionmaru wanted to become an irremovable entity with her side, she had to understand that sometimes... He needed to be alone. He wasn’t always capable of gentle. Control. Maybe his mind wasn’t quite right after the things he’d been through. No one would blame him. But there were just some things... Things that... he couldn’t deal with. Sometimes they were little things; other times bigger things. Spur of the the moment triggers.

But, now, here was the thing: Gi didn’t like being alone. No matter how shaken up or upset he’d get. It was ridiculous, and it frustrated him. He’d wandered a ways away from the pack’s encampment farther into the woods, hands a shaking mess, eyes boring into the ground, and walked aimlessly. But his mind was overrun by eyes the color of a sunset. Although he was still chaffed at the nerves, he couldn’t remember why. They had that effect on him, mystifyingly enough.

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