the Character Chat Revolution
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Russian Roulette

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Russian Roulette Empty Russian Roulette

Post by Alice Sat Dec 29, 2012 3:14 pm

And you can see my heart beating
You can see it through my chest
That I'm terrifed but I'm leaving
I know that I must pass this test
Soldiers pull the trigger
~Russian Roulette~
The world is a terrible place and we all know it. We need to fight it every step of the way no matter what is going on. If that means passing up on a cheap way out then you would do it. Life is full of these things. Sometimes its just wasier to pull the trigger.... would you do it...?
Alright so this chat is about life as seen above. I got this idea from listening to the song Russian Roulette by Rhianna. this chat is based on a city in which everything is sort of falling apart. Jobs are hard to find, money is gone, and also there is barely any food. There can be love in this chat but be careful with it... dont make it the sole reason of this chat because then it belongs in romance. The characters will go through many diffrent things that are common in cities or towns where this is common. These things include: hunger, illness ( if your charrie has cancer or something they would have to be in the hospital which means they could die in this chat because they cant get immidate treatment. Though some of the nurses would give the characters free treatment though you have to find them) , murders for food and money, and the occasional public announcement from the Mayor promising that everything will be better but everyone knows it wont! You can have anything (with in reason) happen to your characters but dont keep it happening to them.
Character Sheet:
Bio: (please include if you can where they would sleep like bboarding house, worn out apartment streets etc)

Posts : 10980
Join date : 2011-05-22
Age : 27
Location : dont know dont care

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Russian Roulette Empty Re: Russian Roulette

Post by Alice Sat Dec 29, 2012 3:27 pm

Name: Zayn
Age: 21
Bio: Lives on the streets kind of just around. He doesnt have a perminate home anymore and wastes all the money he has on drink.
Looks: Russian Roulette

Name: Liz
Age: 19
Bio: Lives in an apartment above a bakery and hels out when she can but her family left her up for adoption when the economy of the city started to collapse.
Looks: Russian Roulette Tumblr_lpbpfxhJ9n1qzfsq0o1_500

Name: Andrew
Age: 21
Bio: Lives in a boarding house paying it with work. He has a high tolerance of drink so he can down 3 bottles of vodka and never get drunk which tells you a lot about him.
Looks: Russian Roulette Img-thing?

Name: Raven
Age: 18
Bio: She lives in a crappy apartment and tres to cause some trouble for the Mayor who she hates. He was a friend to her until all hell broke lose in the town.
Looks: Russian Roulette Messy-Bun-Straight-Hair

Posts : 10980
Join date : 2011-05-22
Age : 27
Location : dont know dont care

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Russian Roulette Empty Re: Russian Roulette

Post by Guest Sat Dec 29, 2012 11:24 pm

Name: Kida Rowes
Age: 19
Bio: she lives with her older brother on one of the last little plots of land that has good soil. She's deaf, so her brother is very protective of her. It's not uncommon to see her with him, or see her with her back against the house and a shot gun to shoot any trespassers. Her circumstances have made her very hard, untrusting, and unforgiving. She's not one for fancy words despite the fact that she can't hear. She'll put a bullet in you if she so much as gets the idea that you're lying to her or attempting to use her or something of the sort.
Looks: Russian Roulette Beauti10

Name: Matias Rowes
Age: 24
Bio: Very much the same as Kida's, though you might consider him to be even more hard if that's even possible. He doesn't socialize much, and it's hard to become friends with him. Once he is on your side though, you will find he is fiercely loyal and an amazing leader. Should he decide you lost site of what is important or that you've "gone to the darkside" he will turn on you faster than you can say "Chihuahuas cheese and crackers" and will do as he deems fit. He very much takes the law into his own hands. He's got a bit of a soft side to him though, and that's through compassion for others. Kida would more or less put a bullet in the first person that walked through the gate (unless it was a child) where as Matias would meet you there, find out your business, and then shoot you if he thought it was necessary.
Looks: Russian Roulette Jason+Momoa+Devil+Double+Screening+lvEkkjZR5iVl


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Russian Roulette Empty Re: Russian Roulette

Post by ßøn∑z Tue Jan 01, 2013 10:46 pm

Could i join this? Smile

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Age : 94
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Russian Roulette Empty Re: Russian Roulette

Post by ßøn∑z Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:31 pm

Name: Meeka
Age: 15
Bio: Meeka doesn't have one home, she wanders around and finds a new place to sleep almost every night. Her rules of thumb are to trust no one, and find someone named Binky. The only reason she's alive is to find Binky, and she will never tell anyone who he is exactly. She is alone.
Looks: Russian Roulette 149111437632463992_RwBYnZR9_c_large

Name: Jules AKA Binky
Age: 17
Bio: Jules lives in an abandoned apartment complex plagued with rats and mice. No one else enters as he makes sure to spread rumours of dead bodies stored in the rooms, but when someone wants to enter, he is never hesitant to show them his shotgun. Jules has a twisted sense of humor and even though he is very determined to survive, he seems almost carefree. He gets money by robbing whoever dares to try to enter his territory. He is alone.
Looks: Russian Roulette Tumblr_m4o9u7ssrN1r631ago1_500

Posts : 2000
Join date : 2011-01-14
Age : 94
Location : wat

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