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So you want to be a superhero

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So you want to be a superhero Empty So you want to be a superhero

Post by Banshee Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:57 am

This is a mixed media chat. We've got your characters as well as fan created and rping superheros. Feel free to throw in those from Marvel, DC, or even your own verse! We politely ask that there are not doubles, and that you check to see if someone else is RPing those from Marvel or DC.

I'll start a list up here for those.

Nico Minoru/Sister Grimm

The Prankster (Villain)

Last edited by gh3325 on Thu Jul 11, 2013 8:44 pm; edited 4 times in total

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So you want to be a superhero Empty Re: So you want to be a superhero

Post by Bells Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:55 pm

Alrighty. I'm not putting them in right now but I'm using Cixot(Marvel), Gypsy(DC), and someone from my own canon. So... three peeps. Just thought I'd let you know that I do plan on being in, lol. Oh, and Cixot is OC, btw.

Last edited by Bells on Wed Jun 26, 2013 6:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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So you want to be a superhero Empty Re: So you want to be a superhero

Post by Banshee Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:13 am


If you had asked me, two or three years ago, if I wanted to be a superhero, I would've laughed and told you no. But my answer's quite different now, ever since I joined a group called the Patriots. It's not easy work, but there's something about it that's just....worth it. Maybe it's the fact that I can get all my anger out, by smacking the bad guys around and helping those in need.

And even now as I'm running down the street, in my dark green uniform and my black mask, I can't help but get a rush.

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So you want to be a superhero Empty Re: So you want to be a superhero

Post by Black&White Thu Jun 27, 2013 1:51 pm

OCs Monica Marcel - Copycat, Officer Chantal Barch - beginning Faceless, Adrian Murdock - Portal, Chase Sanders - Trip

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So you want to be a superhero Empty Re: So you want to be a superhero

Post by Black&White Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:07 pm

It was a fluke. A thing I was not supposed to be exposed to. An outlying factor to the experimental design I was in to skew the results into the unfavorable.

The television was on when I entered the room, called upon by my father. That was all. And the reports of the people, those against him, only seen for a few seconds but left burnt into my memory like most other things I am exposed to. This wasn't an action that I had to repeat or codes that I had to memorize however, this was an...idea. A higher place to live at. Gullible, he said. Don't believe them. My powers were for him only. I was needed to break into the city's private banks...but I wasn't allowed out. Electronically. I stood in as the pliers to cut the alarm cord, and the gun to take out the security guards, and the drill to open the vault... Tool. But since the television I've been leaving messages, open on the computer screens of the building's screens. The signature of my father.

Benjamin Marcel.

So maybe they'd come and find me...

I didn't exactly have a reason to be the whole mask and uniform type of hero. I didn't go around on rooftops to beat up nameless gangsters. My power wasn't secret to a certain group of people, so there wasn't a reason for me to hide. Masks were for outlaws. While the charitable act was appreciated, not everyone could willy nilly go about to become some sort of secret vigilante. People didn't like that sort of mystery when it came to being a metahuman. So there was a branch of protection in the law enforcement, to be sure that these midnight renegades followed laws like everyone else. We were watchers, most usually friends with the various citys' cliques, but we had our own bad rap with the job. Wouldn't be the first time I had been called a traitor or a villain for taking someone in. Public relations was normally stretched with that reputation of 'taking in heroes', but we also worked to take down the more corrupted metas with heroes.

I was moved to this department, where the heroes called themselves the Patriots...which was fitting, I guess, for Boston. There was an arrangement for me to meet the leading member of Patriots with a more liberal cop, Chantal. She was known for being friendly with the heroes, and sometimes villains when they let her. Commonly opened her house to any sort of guest who needed it. Dedicated to her position, despite the danger of being a regular among metas.

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So you want to be a superhero Empty Re: So you want to be a superhero

Post by Bells Sun Jun 30, 2013 1:05 pm


"You, you don't have to do this," the man stammered, his eyes darting from side to side.
I sighed, taking a step closer and twirling the vial in my hands. He pressed his back into the wall and I could tell he was about to try and make a run for it.
"No, you see, I do have to. See, my mistress does not like you, and we both need to see what this does," I paused, a wicked grin crossing my features. "If it helps, I don't think you'll be in pain very long. This is only our second trial, and the first guy only lasted a minute before his heart gave out. Doxie is hoping, though, that this time around it will last longer."
Panicking, the man turned and darted down the alley. I didn't bother to move from my position, simply containing him within one of my force fields. In the free hand I held a needle, which I pushed into the top of the vial to fill with the liquid, before stepping forward and dropping the field. Before he'd taken a step I had it injected in his arm.
"See, was that so hard?"
He didn't reply, he was too busy screaming. Sighing, I allowed my eyes to fall to my watch so I could keep track of the amount of time it took him to die.

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So you want to be a superhero Empty Re: So you want to be a superhero

Post by Banshee Wed Jul 03, 2013 9:09 pm


The sound of a nearby scream stopped me, changing my course to the direction from where it came. I grew as I ran, causing the distance to.rapidly shorten. I stopped looking down at the girl and the screaming man, I was probably about thirty feet in height. I swing, aiming to backhand her.heard enough into the nearby wall.

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So you want to be a superhero Empty Re: So you want to be a superhero

Post by Banshee Wed Jul 03, 2013 9:19 pm


I flew by, looking through each apartment.... xray vision came in handy with that. I was looking for the person responsible for leaving the messages. Finally, i found the apartment. I knock on the window, hovering so that my face is level with the window.

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So you want to be a superhero Empty Re: So you want to be a superhero

Post by Bells Thu Jul 04, 2013 11:45 am


I'd heard the sound of something approaching, but I hadn't taken my eyes off of the man. It seemed we had done something right this time around, seeing as he had so far lasted two minutes- although his skin was starting to take on a greenish tinge.
Then, suddenly, there was pain and I was flying through the air. Right before I hit the building, I softened my bones to defuse the impact. Less chance of injury, and less chance of not being able to move when the pain shot through me.
Standing up, I straightened my clothing-the tank-top had ridden up and my small mask had tilted out of it's perfect position- and focused on what had sent me flying.
Well... he certainly was a fine specimen.
"Excuse me, that wasn't very polite," I informed the rather... large boy.

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So you want to be a superhero Empty Re: So you want to be a superhero

Post by Black&White Thu Jul 04, 2013 6:00 pm

I'm at the computer, studying codes for patterns to crack the firewall. It was more...obsessive than simple observation. My mind tended to get swamped by just looking, finding similarities and repetitiveness. I could hack nearly anything with enough time to simply sit and look, and without memorization any action I witnessed I could repeat without effort. It kept me a good tool...

So I barely noticed the events around me while staring at the screen to get through my latest assignment for my father. A tap at the window. My guards drawing weapons - since we were on the seventh floor without any ground access for anyone other than a wall climber, and this was the house of notorious mobster Marcel. There was a whisper, a sudden bang of gun and the shattering of glass at the invading peeping tom that finally made me able to pull my eyes away from the codes.

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So you want to be a superhero Empty Re: So you want to be a superhero

Post by Banshee Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:14 pm


I learned a great deal of words on this planet.One of them being Oh crap.

I duck, covering my head to avoid the fire. It doesn't effect me, the bullets do nothing only bouncing of me. The sun here has made me a lot stronger than I had been at home. I zoom toward the first guard, snatching the gun out of his hands and breaking it like one would a twig. I grab him and throw him into his companions, aiming to knock them into the back wall.


"Its not nice to torture. I want the antidote. Now." I keep myself in front of the man, not wanting her to hurt him more. Time was running out and I had to move fast. He didn't appear to be doing too well.

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So you want to be a superhero Empty Re: So you want to be a superhero

Post by Black&White Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:32 pm


I stand from the chair, scurrying out of the way to press against the wall. My eyes are wild about the space, settling on the other girl. I wasn't completely human but I had enough sense to feel fear, which had the entire process running on a damn hyper drive to seek out some sort of defense. I hiss pain under the sudden mental exhaustion, squeezing my strange ringed eyes shut.

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So you want to be a superhero Empty Re: So you want to be a superhero

Post by Banshee Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:47 pm


They never said anything about a girl...

I glance at her, slowly floating over before landing in front of her. I glance at the computer she had been at, hoping for some clue to who she was. "....whats your name?"

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So you want to be a superhero Empty Re: So you want to be a superhero

Post by Bells Wed Jul 10, 2013 11:54 pm


I raised a brow, then a hand ticking off fingers as I talked.
"Well, first of all, that's not a polite way to ask. Second, it's not torture, its science. Third, I wouldn't give it to you. Fourth, there isn't one. And last of all, please stay out of my buisness."

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So you want to be a superhero Empty Re: So you want to be a superhero

Post by Black&White Sat Jul 13, 2013 1:11 am

The computer only displayed my next assigned target about to be untraceably drained of money, which added to my anxiety. I didn't know fighting, attempting a gun would be a waste of effort...answer the question.

There was the question... Your panic is inefficient, speak now. "Mon...Monica. Monica Marcel," I say, some residual shaking to my voice which was very odd to hear compared to my usual dank lack of tone and emotion.

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So you want to be a superhero Empty Re: So you want to be a superhero

Post by Banshee Sun Jul 14, 2013 9:21 am


Ahh no antidote, that wasn't good. That meant I....

No. I wasn't going to give up without a fight first. I go to grab the man, looking around as I do so for a medic, a hospital, anything. The odds weren't in his favor but I couldn't jut let him die without attempting to help.

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So you want to be a superhero Empty Re: So you want to be a superhero

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