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Many Rooms *Bells and Glass*

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Many Rooms *Bells and Glass* Empty Re: Many Rooms *Bells and Glass*

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Sun Jun 30, 2013 12:40 pm

Ageha -
Yes, he does carry around a HUGE tortoise shell. Like, huge. His hair's a yellow gold color with strips of it hanging about his face in the way of bangs, and he does have a pair of white kitty ears on his head and a tail behind him.

Saziyel’s pegged right for twenty by most. Tall (as in 6’0’’), tan, with a face that’s somehow rugged and clean-cut, but handsome either way. Prominent angles and hollowed cheeks. Pierced (multiple times) ears. Occasional facial hair. Brilliant sharp white teeth, the plush of his lower lip imprinted with several small knick-like darkened reddish markings spaced out along the swell of it.  He’s got a head of short, thick, differently-toned blonde hair, raked through with a subtle silver and unmistakably soft; shaggy enough in the front to hang in his eyes, a tuft always getting lightly bound underneath the bandages veiling them. But Sayziel never bothers with fixing it. Got an athlete’s build – long legs, toned arms and broad chest, but his body looks rather narrow, box-ish, within clothes; like a lank. He wears layered long-sleeved T-shirts and loose dark blue jeans that have a frayed cloth hanging from the belt loops. Shoes… yeah, he has them, but I can’t picture ‘em… And I’m sure he has tattoos, the visible one(s) being on the side of his neck. But the most important item on his person would be the thick bulb-ended metal staff he carries. Sayziel’s had it engraved at the ends with whimsically intricate designs.

Last edited by FragileFuzzySocks on Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Many Rooms *Bells and Glass* Empty Re: Many Rooms *Bells and Glass*

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:22 pm

Well, this was weird...  Rough-skinned open palms slid over the wall with deft patience, feeling it, testing the smooth surface. He was crouched, his feet shuffling awkwardly along the floor inch by inch with most of his weight falling on his bent knees. Unsatisfied fingers drew away from it, just for a second. . . losing his wary balance to the movement and dropping swiftly on his backside. Sayziel sagged, turning to feel around for what was almost like an extension to his hand - the staff molding perfectly against it once it was secured in his grip, grazing audibly across the floor whenever he stood it erect to get to his feet. His chin turned down, facing the ground in a moment of thought.

...This was wood. But the room before this was carpeted; or at least some variety of... furred texture. There was the rug-burn on his neck to prove it. Sayziel's current environment was so-far less hazardous than the previous one, but... that wasn't really saying much, considering he hadn't exactly left the wall.

Where was the door...?

Quite in-tune with his protesting stomach amidst all this, he moved and leant his back against the wall. He was hungry.

'Pancakes sound good.'

Toasted fluffy and sweet... Thick with syrup. Now he wanted pancakes. Whoever's home this was, hopefully they'd be willing to make lots of them; if they weren't the type to kill on spot for trespassing. It wasn't like he meant to be here... Everything was unfamiliar. That caused enough problems. Sayziel wasn't even sure how he'd gotten here.

He thought about it then began to hum. His hands drew the staff up, wielding it like an instrument in sudden solemn, fingers dancing delicately along the air... pulling at invisible soundless strings. It wasn't long before the words of a song left his lips,

"Should've known better than to hear your lies. . .
Should've known you would only make me cry;
Should've known you were too good to be true
Should've known I was too good for you~

No one ever made me feel this way,
I lost myself in you from the very first day.
Now I'm left feeling so confused~
What am I gonna do...?

Should I go, should I stay; I don't know.
This is what I ask myself...
Call me a fool for loving you~

Please tell me,

He dug deep at the end of it, pushing more soul into the next line. If he could only find the door...

...where do I go... from here?
Where do I go~
Where do I go from here
Where do I go...~



Almost immediately Ageha had discovered that he was alone - without a single person of his own cove... Without a single person at all. Not his mother, his father, or sister. . . No one. It unnerved him. He was never alone. And in such a strange place. This... wasn't alright. Not in the slightest. At first, he kept rationality on his side; calmly checking each door he came to. Some were bare, some lavishly furnished with... exotic and strange items that he'd never seen before. Each a different color, different style. Not one thing tied any of them together in the household.

All of them in their own right were beautiful; all of them were empty.

There were countless winding hallways. He would try to keep track of them, toting along the massive heavy shell... but it was honestly becoming too much for him. Ageha was too--too frazzled. The flush of his face was a tell-tale sign of it, as was the anxious swishing of his tail. He tried for another door, opening it and hesitantly looking inside,


Last edited by FragileFuzzySocks on Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Join date : 2010-12-16

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Many Rooms *Bells and Glass* Empty Re: Many Rooms *Bells and Glass*

Post by Bells Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:44 pm

Eso ran her hands along a wooden dresser; her eyes were focused on the design etched into the side. Fascinated, she knelt down to study it closer. She couldn't decide if it was prettier than the one that sat in her room at home.

The fact that this wasn't home didn't completely concern her. She would find her way out, or her family would find her, so why be concerned over the time in-between the events? Instead, she might as well enjoy her surroundings. In the last room she'd explored she'd even found some big box that made pictures and noises.

Hearing a noise from the door behind her, she scrambled to her feet and turned to face it. Eso's eyes widened slightly as she got a good look at the boy the voice belonged to.

"You have strange ears."


Mikhail's hair was beginning to annoy him. Normally he didn't mind the strands falling into his face which was why he'd allowed it to grow out recently. At the moment, though, as he was attempting to find some why out of this... hell, he didn't see the bright side of having to shove hair aside so he could see.

"Dammit," he muttered under his breath as he discovered another empty room.

His throat was burning, and he could smell something-he wasn't quite sure what- nearby. As irritated as he was, and as impatient as he was to find a way our or something to drink, he couldn't imagine standing still for the few seconds it would take to place exactly where the scent was coming from.

"Hello?" Mikhail demanded, knowing he probably was just speaking to empty air. "Anyone here?"

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Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Many Rooms *Bells and Glass* Empty Re: Many Rooms *Bells and Glass*

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Sun Jun 30, 2013 4:28 pm

His heart nearly stopped. There was moment of dumbfounded shock before his mind ran into gear, getting his mouth to fumble for words.

"I ...I do?"

It was a girl. Ageha blinked at her, sluggish and disbelieving. He definitely was an idiot - and now self-conscious. The ears in question flattened down against his disheveled hair as a result.

He'd never before dealt with girls that weren't Kyoko. . . partly due to the fact that she never allowed it, but still. He... was still an idiot. Doing nothing but standing there and staring at her. What should he say?

"Ah... I-I, uhm... This house; is it yours?"


"...Hello?" he answered back, easing himself away from the wall with an elbow. He'd heard that voice; but was it in here? In the next room? Sayziel walked into the open parameter away from the walls, leaning and relying heavily on the cold bulb pressing up from beneath his palm.

He called again, "Hello?" and felt his mouth twitch into a small grin. One possible step closer to pancakes. ...Maybe.

Last edited by FragileFuzzySocks on Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Join date : 2010-12-16

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Many Rooms *Bells and Glass* Empty Re: Many Rooms *Bells and Glass*

Post by Bells Sun Jun 30, 2013 5:17 pm

Eso grinned, shaking her head a little as she did. Who was she to say someone was strange? After all, she was a bird when she wanted to be.

"No, It's not mine. It is amazing, though, isn't it?"

As she spoke, she pushed her glasses up on her nose. They had a horrible habit of falling down when she moved her head.

"And your ears are strange, but that's bad. I just haven't seen anything like them."


He didn't hesitate, moving quicker than humanly possible as he followed the sound of the voice. He wouldn't focus on his thirst immediately, he decided. First he needed to know where this place was.

Pulling open the door to the room he'd heard the voice from, Mikhail quickly searched it with his eyes.

"Do you own this house?"

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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Many Rooms *Bells and Glass* Empty Re: Many Rooms *Bells and Glass*

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Sun Jun 30, 2013 9:23 pm


Looking around from the doorway, taking it all in, he had to agree. It was wondrous - dazedly so.

He nodded. "It's strange... Eccentric, don't you think?"  

She seemed warm enough, for certain. Her glasses made her look harmless. Then again, the same could said about Kyoko's natural hair color; the lightness of it crowding around her small unfazed face made her look the part of an angel. Which she was NOT. At all.

Ageha shook himself, offering a bit of a smile as their eyes met.

"I see. It's rather common to see these... strange ears around my homeland," he told her, keeping a certain politeness to his informative speech. Then, "A-ah, ...I'm Ageha."



Ahhhhhhh, finally; a door. The grin from earlier found it's way back. He looked endearingly impish with the blonde mop hailing its claim over the top half of his face, absently striding toward the announced exit.



Why couldn't Dai be here?

. . .

Sayziel blinked. He 'looked' toward the direction of the voice.

"I don't own the house," was his simple reply, suddenly adding: "...But I do want pancakes."

Last edited by FragileFuzzySocks on Mon Jul 29, 2013 4:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Many Rooms *Bells and Glass* Empty Re: Many Rooms *Bells and Glass*

Post by Bells Tue Jul 02, 2013 12:04 am

"I dunno," Eso said, her eyes flickering over the room as she considered her reply. "I like it. The different rooms strikes me as a difference in taste, the person allowing themselves to be more than one set person, which is always fun."

She turned her attention back to him, cocking her head as she studied him.

"It must be fun to live where you are. I would love to see animal people," she paused, her eyes flying wide. "If I lived there do you think I could have feathers in my hair?! ...oh, and I'm Eso."


"I see," Mikhail said, reminding himself that he needed information out of this man. "Well, perhaps if you could point me towards the man, or woman, who does own the house, then we can acquire you some pancakes afterwards."

As he spoke, he studied the man. It seemed to him that he might not get too much information out of him, although he did smell delicious. Perhaps just a taste... no, he wanted out of here. If the man held the information he wanted, then he wouldn't drink, not right away. But if he didn't, then he could easily help himself.

"And by the way, my name is Mikhail."

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Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Many Rooms *Bells and Glass* Empty Re: Many Rooms *Bells and Glass*

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:29 pm

His eyes shone with a confused, curious intrigue colored a shade of melted honey as he looked at her.

"It can be, I suppose. But any home considered regular more often than not by the people who li--" he met an abrupt pause by her bright enthusiasm, "...m-maybe."

Feathers in her hair?

Ageha offered a slight, slow nod to her introduction, feeling himself at a loss. He was, again, surprised at this girl... Eso. She was handling the situation as if... this... happened to them every day. Or was it that he was just too tense?


You could say what you wanted about him; pretty much anything in fact, and he would hardly object. Let whoever say whatever they wanted if it tickled their fancy. In a way it made it easier for him. Because he was often underestimated - giving him the upper hand in certain situations. Sayziel was always on alert; as long as he was aware you were there, he kept you in his 'sights,' so to speak. But honestly, he preferred keeping it laidback and easy-going more than anything...

Wasn't that a song at one point...?

"Pleasure," he returned, the corner of his mouth tipping up, "I'm Sayziel; Sayziel Sakoto, at your service."

"I could give it a go. You in a hurry?"

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Join date : 2010-12-16

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