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The Trifecta

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The Trifecta  Empty The Trifecta

Post by Ella Rose Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:47 pm

Three kingdoms of Kriolo, a land filled with magic, are all participating in a three-way war:

Lyrica: the kingdom of nature magic- performs magic using only nature
Wreson: the kingdom of dark magic- performs magic using only darkness and shadows
Falian: the kingdom of light magic-performs magic using only the light

Several characters, a few from each kingdom, live in the midst of this epic battle, that’s been raging since before any of them can imagine. They all set out on their lonesome to find the mystical kingdom of peace, called Synx. The legends say he or she who finds Synx can bring peace for all eternity to their homeland. Eventually, they will meet on their travels, and either form alliances or kill each other off, that is if the creatures they come across don't kill them first...

Setting: Medieval times

The land is set up as so:
The Trifecta  Screen11

The Character Skeleton:

Name: Aviella

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Kingdom: Wreson

Species: 3/4th human, 1/4th demon (father was half demon, so she's 2 generations down)

Appearance: Raven black hair, pale skin, and violet eyes with hints of a fiery red to it.

Bio and Persona: Her dad was half demon, half human, and fell for her mother. Together they had her. Her mother, on the other hand, had had an affair with another man. As a result, she had to hide a pregnancy from le demon husband. He found out eventually, lost his temper, then control and accidentally killed her.
Aviela was left without any parents when her father ran away in horror and grief. She and her half sister were then raised by her sister's human father. While Aviela is more human than demon, she still struggles with that side of herself. And her younger sister's father thinks she is too much like her wicked father, and believes in nature more than nurture. Therefor, he tells her often she is screwed and destined to be a horrible person. ANd he treats her that way. An event happened; she lost control and did something bad in front of her sister, who believed whole heartily that Aviela was /good/. Believing her step father was right about her beng a danger to the world, Aviela fled to protect her beloved sister. She feels the only way she can make up for who she is is by ending the war.

Weapons: Still thinking.

I think that's it...
Ella Rose
Ella Rose

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Join date : 2013-04-05

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The Trifecta  Empty Re: The Trifecta

Post by Bells Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:49 pm

Name: Lucas Briar

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Kingdom: Failan

Species: A wingless species of faerie.

Appearance: Lukas has dusty brown hair that settles just above his ears in large curls. His eyes are a light amber color betraying his faerie heritage- his slightly pointed ears and sharp chin also identify him as such- and he's slightly tan from time spent out in the sun. He's pretty tall for his kind, standing at 5'6" and has lanky limbs.

Normally wears a tunic and trousers, and has a hood placed on the back at the top of the tunic so he can hide his features in certain places. He also carries a brown leather pack that he stores his staff on.

Bio and Persona: Lucas grew up in a large, sheltered family. He was the middle child out of six, and as such mostly did his own thing growing up. He became very proficient in his magic, but he continued to look more towards the healing side of it, and while he knows many powerful, dangerous ways to use his magic, his peaceful nature keeps him from letting this be known, or even once uttering the words he has learned.

Once he was age to be on his own, Lucas traveled from his home to the nearest city, hoping to look for work so he could build up enough to look towards supporting a wife- he’d had his eye on a faerie girl in his village for many years. Once there he began to realize how horrible things had become and vowed to find a way to set things right. With blessings from his family, he set out.

Weaponry: A large staff, the ends are metal tipped. It’s both a weapon and helpful for walking. He also wields his magic, but he depends more on talking his way out of situations than any of this.

Other: If he has a choice he prefers not to fight. He’s learned that it’s a way to himself out of trouble, although sometimes his words don’t come out as planned and he finds himself ducking blows. He misses his family dearly, and trusts most people he comes across.

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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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The Trifecta  Empty Re: The Trifecta

Post by Ella Rose Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:58 pm

Way to blow my description to the dust XD
Ella Rose
Ella Rose

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The Trifecta  Empty Re: The Trifecta

Post by Bells Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:54 pm

XD I spent a lot of time on it, don't feel bad.

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Age : 28
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The Trifecta  Empty Re: The Trifecta

Post by Ella Rose Sat Jun 29, 2013 12:02 am

Bahahahaha. And I spent 5 minutes. xD
Ella Rose
Ella Rose

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The Trifecta  Empty Re: The Trifecta

Post by Bells Sat Jun 29, 2013 12:04 am

XD Well, you know how much in love with this character I am...

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Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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The Trifecta  Empty Re: The Trifecta

Post by Black&White Sat Jun 29, 2013 3:18 pm

Name: River
Age: appears 22
Gender: M
Kingdom: Lyrica
Species: Elf
Appearance: A good 6'. Straight patchwork light grey hair - almost feathery looking - cut short in a little ponytail, longer bangs framing his face, some feathers woven in. Reddish brown eyes. Pierced pointed ears, very tanned, freckled. A rounder face.
Draped earthen toned clothes over leather armor, some pieces of metal - vanbraces on the forearms and upper body - but stained dark and not favored from the noise. A simple tunic and embroidered cloak with hood on top, wool leggings and boots, leather gloves.
Bio and Persona: Elves all around are a secretive and secluded lot, most choosing to stay out of the fights and keep to the woods. River's always been a traveler, so he's formed a variety of friendships with a multitude of species across the continent. Stories are his absolute favorite, and while he's heard plenty of peace in the past he's observed no positive outlook towards the future. Even he doesn't remember a time without fighting, so once hearing of the tale there was some way to gain peace he went for it.
He's not as adapt at nature magic as others of his species have been renowned for. River has a knack with speaking to birds, though.
Weaponry: Carries a short sword and dagger, and is accompanied by a hawk.

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Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 30
Location : Arkham Asylum

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The Trifecta  Empty Re: The Trifecta

Post by Ravyn Sat Jun 29, 2013 3:41 pm

Name: Bryony

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Kingdom: Lyrica

Species: Elf~~

Appearance: She's a smidge on the tall side for her age and built very athletically, long limbed, kinda skinny and not a whole tonne of figure. She has fair skin that's slightly tanned from being outdoors so often and a smattering of freckles across her nose. Her ears are pointed and she moves with an unnatural grace that come from being what she is, and has generally fine boned features, although they're somewhat softer than those of most of her kind. Her eyes are green, with some small flecks of brown and gold around the pupils, round and sort of wide. She keeps her hair cut very short in a messy boy-ish style, against the wishes of her family for practicality moving in the woods. The only exception to this length is a long, thin little braid on the left side of her head that has a few feathers woven into it.

Bio and Persona: While her family don't exactly HATE her, they are somewhat..... frustrated with her xD She doesn't have a terribly refined personality and prefers running off in the woods to learning manners or helping around the house. They love her well enough but she's a bit rambunctious for them and there have been fights before over her choices of clothing, hairstyle, and hobbies. Her mother died from an illness when she was fairly young. She lived solely with her dad until she was about seven or eight, at which time he died in the war. She currently lives with an aunt and uncle, and her cousins. She set out to find Synx after hearing about it in a story from one of the elders in her village, and decided that she was going to go find it and bring peace to her home for her father's memory and for all of the family she's still got living (well, and the fact that its a chance to run off on a wild adventure away from her family DEFINITELY doesnt help, nope, not at all Wink)

Weapons: She has her nature-magic, obviously. Aside from that she's excellent with a bow and isn't too shabby with a small knife - she knows how to handle it best for skinning things, but can manage some close quarters combat if she has to.

Let me know if I need to change anything~

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The Trifecta  Empty Re: The Trifecta

Post by Ella Rose Sat Jun 29, 2013 5:22 pm

KK, we can start. By no means should anyone feel pressed to do long, detail, or perfect posts. Just post what comes to you and have fun. Seriously. Have fun.

Aviela adjusted the strap of her pack, which grew heavier with each step she took. Barely a few days out, and her legs were already cursing her and threatening to run away. Funny how they had the strength to do that, but not to take a few hundred steps more to the nearest town. If she remembered right, it was just across the border. The border which was... where? This was not exactly how she imagined things panning out three nights back, as she fled the house under the cover of the night. Just her luck...
Ella Rose
Ella Rose

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The Trifecta  Empty Re: The Trifecta

Post by Bells Sat Jun 29, 2013 7:06 pm

Lucas adjusted the straps of his pack, eyes scanning the edges of the kingdom. He could see what he believed to be soldiers at the border, although he wasn't entirely certain. The stories he'd heard of passing weren't the most friendly, and he knew that the chances of getting through without a scrape or the use of magic numbered slim to none.

With this in mind he removed his staff from the strap he'd sewed onto the top of his pack and started forward. He drew what he would need to mind in order to bend light away from him, deciding it would work to distract any soldiers from him for at least a few moments upon reaching the gate.

After all, light was all that gave the eye the ability to see something. Without it, he would appear not to be there at all, which was exactly what he needed in order to leave the only land he'd ever known.

The idea was the most prominent thing in his mind as he ducked behind one of the large rocks that cropped out from the small ridge he'd been walking along the side of for some time. It ended a short distance from where he assumed the soldiers were, making this his last chance to turn around. That fear of the unknown kept rearing its ugly head, but the idea of turning around was almost as bad.

Perhaps it was best to continue on before he became too scared to try and pass.

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The Trifecta  Empty Re: The Trifecta

Post by Ravyn Sat Jun 29, 2013 7:54 pm

Bryony: This. Was. FANTASTIC!

Best decision I ever made. While I DID sort of miss my family (sort of), I couldn't say I missed the frequent arguments about my hair or my manners (er.... lack thereof?). As much as I cared about them, everyone needed a break sometimes. And if I could bring peace..... well, that would just make everything better, for everyone. And I wouldn't have to worry about the safety of the rest of my family....

It had been days since I'd set out on my trip and things had been going well so far. But I knew I was getting close to the border. A guarded border. A guarded border that I was somehow going to have to sneak across.

Well then.

Very soon, things were going to get very, very interesting.

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The Trifecta  Empty Re: The Trifecta

Post by Black&White Sat Jun 29, 2013 8:43 pm

Ahead was the boarder which, news by birdsong had it, had been more fortified since the last time River had traveled through these parts. He sat patiently on a landmarker rock, waiting for the return of Urae's scouting to see the easiest path through. Then he would make his way to the closest town to stock up on things difficult to come by in nature, and head off to the legendary land of Synx. The stories of that place heard through River's travels...beasts so large to be mistaken for landmarks, the banished and untamed species forced out from the three realms, the rumored house of the old gods... It was little wonder someone before him hadn't attempted to seek out the key to establishing peace - or if they had tried, then they didn't make it to the legends.

Urae sang out above and a hand was offered as a perch as the hawk had requested. A plot of forest nearby between the two lands with regular soldier patrols, but it was near impossible to detect an elf of River's age within his natural lands. They would head for there, then, he decided as Urae took to the air once again and he stood from his resting spot to head off. By the end of the day he should be in the next nearest town.

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The Trifecta  Empty Re: The Trifecta

Post by Ella Rose Sat Jun 29, 2013 9:41 pm

By now, there was a slight chance Aviella had lost her way. The tree to her left looked awfully familiar and she could have sworn she had rested up head on that boulder just a few hours past. She gritted her teeth and veered off the path, hoping to break the cycle. In ten minutes, she did, breaking through the trees at a top of a long hill and walking straight into a guard's post. Opps.

"Stop." He demanded, spiky hair standing resiliently up against the wind. "Entry between the two lands is forbidden during times of war. Who goes there?"

"Er..." She took a cautious step back.

He gave her an annoyed look, shoving out his hand. "Identification then."

Ella Rose
Ella Rose

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