the Character Chat Revolution
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Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah)

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Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah) Empty Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah)

Post by Purple Dragon Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:58 pm

So I haven't been on here in forever. Wow.

I wasn't really sure where to put this chat, so I just sorta...threw it in the mature area. You know, sex and violence could happen.
I don't really have much to go off of, either.

But for now, I have my character...Dexter. He has a little hummingbird that follows him around, a shifter, a boy named Levi. The gist in that...well, Dexter has his own little story that you'll just have to find out. And he's now recruiting members for his own little group of thieves.

Setting, for now: A seedy tavern in the middle of an expansive, crime filled city, where people of all sorts congregate to get away from their troubles. There are drunkards aplenty in this tavern...a rough place filled with all sorts of people from all sorts of different backgrounds. You won't find any rich, fancy folk here. Only the lost who are trying to find their way through life. ...Either that, or murderers, thieves, and crooks. Brawls are common in the tavern, even encouraged, and many of the patrons come their to either watch the fight or be in one.

Your Character: WHOEVER YOU WANT, BABY. Kinda. It can even be an already existing character of yours, male or female! In this world, there are supernatural powers, though not everyone has them. The power is up to your imagination, but please...nothing too overpowering, and no like, YARGH I HAVE FIVE POWERS. Just one power. This is also supposed to be a bit realistic. Also, they're all humans. (unless they like shift into an animal or a werewolf or whatever, just no dwarves and elves and orcs and the like, you dig?) And no immortality nonsense.

So, yeah. You can have up characters to start with, for now.. I'm not sure if anyone will even join but it would be cray cray if we had tons of characters running around.

Anyway. Your character/s start in the tavern. Have you seen that scene in Pirates of the Caribbean where Captain Jack goes to a rowdy tavern to get his crew? ...This will be kinda like that, but with Dexter.

~~~~~~~~~~~My Characters, So Far~~~~~~~~~~~

Name: Dexter Y'vel
Appearance:Dexter- In a nutshell, he's pretty...and dirty. Right now, he is about 20 years old, his features and clothes rugged from about 14 years of running around. He has dark brown hair that's very unkempt and the bangs reach down nearly to the tip of his nose,the back of his hair even longer, so it's basically a messy mullet and though he keeps his face shaved, the rest of his appearance makes it look like he...just doesn't care what he looks like. And he doesn't. Because of his eyes. He has two scars, one over each eye. The eyes themselves, previously beautiful emerald green, are now damaged and scarred, and it's pretty easy to guess what happened. He got stabbed in both eyes. Ouch. Anyway, as far as the rest of his appearance goes, he's not the cleanest guy. He's quite tanned, and seems to always be covered in dirt. If you were ever to clean him up and get past the nearly gouged out eyes...he'd be a verrrrry pretty dude, with his high cheekbones, strong jaw, and dark lashes. His clothes are tanned leather, and he carries little blocks of metal in his pockets at all times. His tan cheeks are also adorned by freckles, and he has chains wrapped around his lower arms, hidden by his dark leather sleeves.
Power (if applicable): He can control metal.
Personality: He is a quiet man. ...Not shy in the slightest, just very quiet. When he does talk his voice is soft, and soothing. But if you ever make him angry...well, just try not to do that, okay?

Name: Levi Thornblade
Appearance: Levi almost always appears as a little, shiny green hummingbird, usually with Dexter. He can turn into human. But for now, I'll keep his human appearance under wraps. Someone would need to be interested in him enough or something would need to happen for him to come out of his comfortable bird shift. He's younger than Dexter, at the age of seventeen.
Power (if applicable): He can shift into that wee little birdy.
Personality: His personality is pretty relaxed, for such a spastic bird. He likes to act like he's a ladies man, but he's not. Part of the reason he stays as a hummingbird is that girls get a kick out of it, and because he gets shy in his human body.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah) Empty Re: Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah)

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sun Jan 26, 2014 10:27 am

Oh hey, this looks interesting. Very Happy I think I'm gonna make some new charries, special for this. Razz So it'll take me a bit but I'll probably post them later.

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah) Empty Re: Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah)

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sun Jan 26, 2014 11:22 am

Name: Karenza

Appearance: She's 18 at the moment. She has long black hair she mostly keeps pulled back into a ponytail with bangs framing her face. She's slightly tanned. Her light blue eyes can be haunting to some, but mystifying to others. She has full lips and high cheekbones. She's of average height. She wears dark colored clothing, and is always seen wearing a long coat. She keeps weapons conveniently stashed away in it. Not shown to anyone are the scars on her back. When she was living on her own when she was fourteen, she was caught stealing and was whipped as punishment.

Power (if applicable): Ability to read someone's aura (she can receive hints of thoughts and feelings from a person)

Personality: Withdrawn at first. Doesn't seem like a people person but eventually she can open up to someone. Truthfully, she's very caring and sometimes wishes she wasn't. She can be outspoken and outgoing.

Name: Alesia Hart

Appearance: She is 16, looks a little bit younger. There's just an innocence about her. She has long, slightly tangled light blonde hair and large, periwinkle eyes. She has very fair skin. Her baggy clothes hide her body most of the time. She's short and small for her age. They feature patches in places where Karenza had shoddily repaired them. (Karenza has taken care of her for a while now and is her protector.)

Power: Telepathy.

Personality: Very quiet. Rarely ever speaks, and if she does, it's never much.

Last edited by ~Silent~Archer~ on Sun Jan 26, 2014 2:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Join date : 2010-10-24
Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah) Empty Re: Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah)

Post by Momo13 Sun Jan 26, 2014 11:40 am

I'll join later today hopefully~

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Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah) Empty Re: Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah)

Post by Purple Dragon Sun Jan 26, 2014 11:54 am

YAY PEOPLE. =D Okay, Momo, I'll wait for ya. I'll give this least a day, to see if anyone else wants to join, and then I'll kick it off. If anyone decides to join after that,(or even if you decide to throw in another character, which I may do later) they can find a place to hop right in.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah) Empty Re: Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah)

Post by Momo13 Sun Jan 26, 2014 1:30 pm

I'm going to add in 3 characters. I don't don't have the time to writer their bios right now. A girl (power unknown) a guy (power unknown) and a gender ambiguous character (shapeshifting/changing appearance. Like mystique from Xmen.)

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Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah) Empty Re: Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah)

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Sun Jan 26, 2014 2:17 pm

Name: Byron [insert last name here]
Appearance: Putting it lightly, he's massive; a burly, muscled, thick-fleshed man with the cause to intimidate anyone whose eyes meet his... and he's only seventeen. Byron's clothing style is something I've never really contemplated before, as it's quite possibly one of my weakest points in writing. Because it's clothes. But if I had to guess, I'd say he probably wears underwear, a shirt, some pants of some kind, and footwear. An easy 290lbs, 6'4'' in height, bald-headed with ears that stick out away from his head adorably. He's African American, bearing a severely dark skin pigment. The palms of his hands almost glow in contrast with their bright pink hue; same with his mouth and the underside of his feet. The swell of his lower lip is perpetually jutted out, which is also adorable, and his eyes are dark, round, and shining with inquisitiveness.
Power (if applicable):
Personality: The fact of it is, he's very shy. Self-conscious and easily flustered and all that... Though he's very intelligent, actually aspiring to be a writer.

Name: Ezcar Costanza
Appearance: Approaching 20 at a height of 6'1'', he's pretty much Byron's polar opposite, looking the part of a light-skinned, lightweight rail; but he's part Latino, so he's not too light-skinned. And his skinny form is just as hard as it can be with muscles so he's not much of a lightweight, either. Warm-colored brown eyes coupled with a not-exactly-confident smile that has a habit of turning indiscriminately sly, and his frequently greased back brown hair pretty much sums up Ezcar's whole look. Byron's name is displayed proudly on the side of his neck in bold black ink, just as sacred to him as the old cross hanging from it. It's also the only tattoo he has. All of the other marks covering his body are scars he's acquired from numerous fights. He's always prone to dressing in black colors, and has taken to concealing a gun on his person while lugging around a crowbar.
Power (if applicable):
Personality: Ezcar's a lot like Byron in the shy aspect; easily flustered, but he masks it in projecting a carefree (more reckless) confidence that tends to borderline upon arrogance. Byron's definitely his counteractive measure, keeping him... himself.

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Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah) Empty Re: Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah)

Post by Purple Dragon Sun Jan 26, 2014 3:51 pm

No prob Momo, those sound good! You can use an image as the description if you want to, I know that can be easier sometimes. I also plan on adding a girl character sometime. AND YAY, MADY.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah) Empty INFO DUMP, YOU GUYS

Post by Purple Dragon Sun Jan 26, 2014 4:07 pm

Also, I feel as if I should disclose a bit of more information on the city, to help you guys out. Basically, it's kinda crap. There are two areas, the upper and lower. The lower is where this starts off at, an area filled with crime and homeless and all that jazz, called the "Quarter of the Less Privileged". Though the actual people in this Quarter just call it "The Slums". There's drugs, a huge black market, mysterious warehouses aplenty-if you live here, no one cares about you. There are guards, but not many, and they don't really do much. Then there's the upper area, referred as,"The Gold District", called the much less regal name of,"Rich Shit Valley" by the people of the lower district. (this is mature, there will be language, probably) Anyway. The upper area is much better, as you can imagine, filled with prissy nobles who look down upon the poor and go about the city in their silk clothing and proud attitude. Sometimes they venture to the lower, district, but not often, since it's filthy. Needless to say, the city is divided between poor and rich. Tr there is no middles class. Also, the currency here is gold and silver and paper money. But there's still electronics and guns and plumbing and whatnot. And though guns exist, they're not as common as swords and daggers. This world is a biiiit different. And hopefully this info will help give some background to your characters! Info dump over now. ^_^;
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah) Empty Re: Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah)

Post by Momo13 Sun Jan 26, 2014 6:50 pm

Name Jinx. Jemma Ingrid Noelle Xander
Appearance She has a tall, slender frame with long limbs. She has short, chin length hair, parted down the center and spiking out towards the ends. The left half is a light pink and the right half is lavender with blonde roots. Her eyes are blue and her skin is fair. Her outfits will change on her persona.
Power Telekentics in a way. Similar to the movie chronicle. She can send sharp blasts of power that will act like bullets or make walls or shields when she is repelling objects.
Personality Her personality changes depending on who she is. Jemma is when she is around the other thieves and criminals, its one of her more outwardly cunning personalities. She is more playful as well when acting as Jemma.
Ingrid is an apathetic, cold and heartless bitch. She doesn’t care for anyone really and just does what is needed to do to get the job done.
Noelle is one who would blend in with the rich and fancy. Sly and manipulative, is the perfect thief that way.
And Xander is when she is masquerading as a male, somewhat male and tries to be charismatic.
Jinx is when she is actually herself around someone she cares about. No shows or manipulation. Just her playful self.
Her birthname is Jemma Xander. Ingrid and Noelle were added as the personas grew to be part of her.
She doesnt have multipersonality disorder. She is an actress.

Name Cavan
Appearance Tall with broad shoulders and dark skin. His hair is black with a white underside. His eyes are an ambery-golden brown color.
Powers Muscle mimicking. For a short period of time, he can copy any physical actions someone does.  If he practices the actions he will remember them for a longer time.
Personality He has a playful personality, joking around most of the time, having a light heat in most situations. Him and Jinx are pretty close.

Name Robin
Appearance Xe’s appearance changes on a day to day basis because of xe’s power. One day xe could be a tall, broad shouldered male, the next day xe could be a cute school girl. Most of the time, they go for a gender ambiguous 5’6” slender frame with long limbs and brown hair that just covers their ears.
Powers Shape shifting like Mystique from X-men
Personality Xe is very bad with expressing emotions. This makes Xim come off as stoic of apathetic when in reality Xe is very caring and compassionate about people.

hope they sound ok!

Last edited by Momo13 on Sun Jan 26, 2014 7:46 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah) Empty Re: Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah)

Post by Purple Dragon Sun Jan 26, 2014 7:36 pm

Eeeeeek I'm just happy peeps joined. Thought this site was dead, for a moment. Anyway, I was gonna wait a day, but since everyone has their characters up...let's go ahead and put up our introduction posts, shall we?


"...Would anyone even be stupid enough to join me?"

Dexter thought this to himself, as he leaned against one of the city's brick, uneven walls, his face pointed at the tavern in front of him as a soft barrage of rain came down from the dark midnight sky. This was one of the more famed taverns in The Slums. Right in the heart of the lower level. A large, old place called,"The Slovenly Ogre." What a name.

He stood there for a while, a silent, skulking shadow of a man, wearing a hood to help conceal his features. He was sort of...famous, you see. A sort of Robin Hood for certain clients. The people in the lower levels dubbed him the name,"The Blind Bandit". Those assholes in the upper levels...they simply call him a wanted criminal. He didn't care what anyone called him. All he knew was to stay low, no matter where he was in the city. Best not to draw attention to oneself, though that could be a little tricky when both of your eyes are nearly gouged out.

He reached up, pulling the hood down a little further. Not that anyone could really see him through the darkness of night, or even through the veil of hair that nearly always hid his eyes. But you never know. Not with all of the people with powers roaming around.

His hummingbird came back, and though he couldn't see the little green thing, he could tell it was there by the sound of buzzing by his ear. Dexter lightly swatted at the thing.

"Hey!", the bird squeaked, darting away from the hand. "Watch it, man, it's hard enough to fly in the rain."

Dexter was quiet for a moment, hearing a brawl begin in the tavern, as two patrons entered. He could sense the fight...both drew their metal....the first one, a more skilled swordsman, lunged...the second, a simple, cocky cut. Dexter didn't need his eyes to watch. He had his power.

"Are you even listening to me? Duuuuude. ..Fuckin'...Dex. Hey. C'mon, let's go in already. I was just in there, looks like a lot of...well, sorta scary people, but that's what we're looking for, right? Big scary dudes and dudes...and babes. There were some hot babes. We should get some hot babes."

Dexter couldn't help smiling, and he pushed off of the wall, shushing his little friend. The hummingbird was his eyes.

"If they're up for it. Let's go."

Dexter stepped forward and walked into the rowdy tavern, guided by the surrounding metal. Metal on the doors, metal on clothing, metal coins in people's pockets...all of these things gave him an accurate look at the place, as he smoothly dodged a stray throwing dagger and heard it tack into the wall behind him, slipped his way around the brawl, and sat down on a stool at the bar.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah) Empty Re: Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah)

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sun Jan 26, 2014 7:50 pm


Karenza sighed from her spot at the counter. All she wanted was a place to unwind for a bit after a long journey here and look what happens. A brawl.

She glanced over at Alesia, the girl seemingly preoccupied in her own little world and for now, safe from what was happening. Karenza never really chatted with the girl. She never seemed to want to. They just had a silent understanding of each other.

She surveyed the room. All the auras were red, with anger and violence. Except for two that recently arrived and were now by her. Their's weren't the same.

Someone was thrown over the bar, knocking her drink and smashing the glass onto the floor. She shook her head, though thoroughly annoyed now and muttered, "Idiots."

She ran her hands over her face. She was exhausted from the trip. She spent the last couple days with no sleep, in order to protect Alesia. She had to always be on her guard, no matter what. She mostly spent her days like this ever since she met the girl but at the same time, it wasn't bothersome. It gave her purpose, after all. Well, in addition to thieving.

She glanced at the newcomers from the corner of her eye. They didn't seem interested in the brawl as well. Somehow, that was a little relief. Less to fuel the fire then.

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Join date : 2010-10-24
Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah) Empty Re: Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah)

Post by Momo13 Sun Jan 26, 2014 8:17 pm

(it has been super long since I have actually chatted so it might be godawful to start. Sorry!)
Robin (I’m going to try to stick to whatever pronouns that fit whatever gender robin is on the given day to help with confusion.)
Robin walked in from the street, an old brown cloak tied around her shoulders, the hood pulled up. She looked around the room, making a face at the fights and agruments that seemed to happen, everyone in their own little world. She made her way to the bar, and took a seat.
She sat at the bar, looking more female than normal today, her hair hitting the nape of her neck with a soft curl. Robin clicked a coin against the table rhythmically as she thought if she wanted to get anything. While a drink might be nice, it wouldn’t be good to get one right now. And it would be even worse if someone tried to hook up with her. She would have less control over her power and could change and freak them out and that is the last thing she wanted. She already had to leave one town for doing that, she didn’t want to leave another.  Another somewhat calm person sat a few seats away from her. She raised her head and looked over at him, her brown curls falling, somewhat annoyingly, into her face. With a soft huff she pushed the lock of hair behind her ear and looked at him.
"Hello." She muttered softly.

Jinx and Cavan
“Jemma! Jemma wait up! And put a shirt on.” Cavan called after his friend who ran ahead of him. Guys, and even some girls, watched as she past and she would wink at a few of them or give a small wave.
“Cav, I wanna drink!” She giggled back at him, turning to face him and run backwards instead. Cavan had noticed that people tried to pursue her, but couldn’t get within a five foot radius of the girl.
“Are you doing that thing again?” He asked, slowly catching up with her as she ran at her slower pace.
“What thing?” She asked innocently, grinning back at her friend.
“You know what thing. The repelling thing. Its quite rude you know.”
“You think everything is rude.” They finally made it to the tavern and Jemma started in, dropping a few coins onto the counter and getting a glass of anything they would give her.
“You really should put some clothing on. You are quite indecent in that. It barely covers anything.” He pointed out, referring to her open back scrap of fabric that kept her top decent, and the shorts that just barely covered everything they needed to.
She just rolled her eyes at him and took a sip of her drink.

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Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah) Empty Re: Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah)

Post by FragileFuzzySocks Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:42 pm


The concerned voice was soft, but deep on a level that it instantaneously became a reverberating hum the moment it spoke. He stopped with slightly bated breath when Ezcar paused, turning his head back and lifting those damn brown eyes to meet his own, much darker, troubled gaze.

“Relax,” was the older’s reply, reassuring him because he already knew what was running around Byron’s worried little head, “I’m not gonna drink.”

When he smiled, Byron felt weak; jittery.

He knew he’d already lost.

“It’s raining, right? The tavern’s the closest thing, unless you want to head back.”

Even though it was an unintentional lie, he couldn’t protest. Telling the brunet no was impossible for him, it didn’t matter over what. He had absolutely no will against him; no backbone. It was horrible.

Yes, it was raining… the tavern was just up ahead…

Ez was just using all of that in his favor.

Byron’s eyes fell downcast to the ravaged pavement beneath his feet, defeated again.

‘He’s too sexy…’

All of a sudden there were hands on his face, pulling him from his thoughts and making him jump. Ezcar was in front of him, standing on the balls of his feet, looking at him curiously; his hands were on his face.  

When did that…?

“You’re all red. What’s up?”

Now Byron could feel the intensity of the heat burning his face hot under the hands. How could Ez always tell that he was blushing?


That earned him a frown:

“Just ‘cause I’m not as smart as you doesn’t mean I’m stupid. What’s wrong?”

Nothing’s wrong,” he had to insist. Ez studied him for a long unwavering moment before dropping his hands, sighing a little. …But then one of them—which was the one that wasn’t currently dragging that stupid crowbar he was so proud of—slid over and intertwined its fingers with one of his own as he matched a new pace beside him.

“Whatever,” came the doubt-filled dismissal. “Hurry up. Your book’s gonna get wet.”

Byron gave him a shy glance, grinning a little.

“You’re the one who wanted to hold hands.”

Ez shot him a sly look. “I want to do a lot more than that, but you’re the one who gets all spazzy about it in ‘public.’ Do you see anybody around?” He looked around, more for dramatic effect, to prove a point.  

“S-shut up, you idiot.”

Cue eyeroll. “C’mon.”

Byron immediately flinched at the noise level as they closed in on the place; crashes, shatters, shouts and yells galore… And they weren’t even inside yet.

Ez just gave him an excited, impish grin and dragged him inside.

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Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah) Empty Re: Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah)

Post by Purple Dragon Tue Jan 28, 2014 12:37 am

(Woooooot. Just an FYI, I'll be slow during the weeks...I have school and life things going on. My brain is kinda derpy tonight and I'm about to go to bed, but I will reply tomorrow. Sorry, guys. Just thought you should know.)
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah) Empty Re: Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah)

Post by Purple Dragon Tue Jan 28, 2014 7:34 pm

Dexter sat down at a stool by the bar, relying solely on his ears and his powers to get a gauge on his surroundings, as rain dripped off of his clothes and onto the dirty floor. He knew he was sitting next to...someone. A tired someone. Throughout the chaos of the booming tavern, he could hear the person, a girl from the sound of it, release a tired sigh. Soon after she sighed one of the people involved in the brawl got thrown over the counter. Dexter ignored this, and muttered for a drink from the bartender.

Lots of people today. The brawl continues, and people cheer. A woman, sitting at a table in a corner...she has quite a hefty bit of gold in her wallet. What is a noble doing in this place? A spy? Or simply a fellow thief who came upon a nice amount of riches?

Dexter tilted his head and pondered this for a moment, as he heard and felt the door bell jingle, more patrons entering. ...One of them had a concealed pistol. Interesting. Guns were hard to come by, especially in the Slums. Maybe he could find some people willing after a-

"Hello," came a soft mutter. Not the person to his right, he could tell. But a person a few stools down, to his left. A drug dealer, probably. He wasn't exactly the most approachable person. Dexter is nice, but his large frame tended to scare most people. He turned his head towards the source of the hello, carefully tracking the person with the gun and the noble with the gold all the while.

"...Hello?" was his simple reply, as he picked up the beer bottle he ordered and lifted it to his lips for a quick swig, his other hand tossing a coin at the bartender.


Levi was hiding in Dexter's cloak, and once Dexter got settled at the bar, he wiggled his way out of it and perched onto the man's broad shoulder, his head swiveling around to look at everything, as he hopped up and down Dexter's long arm.

He took a look at the people around, and stopped to chirp at a pretty girl who was right next to him, her long, sleek black hair pulled into a ponytail. A little older than him, maybe...she looked mature. Ish. Matureish.

The ladies love cute birds.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Age : 27
Location : Somewhere between Death City and The Land of Ooo

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Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah) Empty Re: Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah)

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Tue Jan 28, 2014 7:50 pm

Karenza glanced over and couldn't help a small smile that came across her face at the sight of the small bird. "Well, hello there." She replied.

She glanced at the man the bird was perched on, "Your friend doesn't look exactly the most social type, hm?" She questioned quietly. She really couldn't read his aura and didn't want to assume. Though she wasn't one to judge. She wasn't the most friendly person either.

Posts : 5559
Join date : 2010-10-24
Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah) Empty Re: Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah)

Post by Momo13 Wed Jan 29, 2014 10:13 am


Robin smiled when he greeted her back. She moved over a few seats, coin in hand as she moved.

"Hi!" She sat next to him now, hands on the counter top. "I'm Robin. You seemed like a calmer person than most. At least, you arent swearin' or throwin' punches at anyone." She had been traveling alone for so long that a simple conversation was welcome to her. And she would prefer to be able to talk to someone who was less likely to try to hit her.

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Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah) Empty Re: Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah)

Post by Purple Dragon Wed Jan 29, 2014 10:35 pm

Levi hopped off of Dexter's arm, flapping his wings a little, showing them off.
"He's a nice guy, but I'm nicer," he paused, tilting his small head at her, knowing that his voice in this form wasn't...the deepest. "And a guy. I'm a nicer guy. ...A-A man."



Dexter was slightly taken aback, as the girl, Robin, suddenly seemed very social. Very talkative. She sounded much too innocent for being in a place such as this.

He didn't respond for a while, listening to his friend try to stumble through chatter with the girl on his right. No matter how Dexter tried to show him, Levi never seemed to understand how to talk to women right.

"Excuse me."

Dexter's hand rose from the bottle, reaching up and tipping back his hood, the wet fabric falling away and revealing his mass of brown hair. He then went and pushed the hair back from his ruined eyes, and then he turned towards her, knowing full well that she and any other people paying attention would recognize him from those pesky wanted posters. It's hard to avoid cameras, when you can't see them.

"I am Dexter," and with that, he held out his large hand for a shake.

Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah) Empty Re: Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah)

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Thu Jan 30, 2014 10:14 am

Karenza bit the inside of her cheek to keep from giving a laugh. She didn't want to be rude after all. She was just amused by his chatter and thought of it as something towards enduring. She could tell his friend was sort of listening to him ramble somewhat as well. She let out an interested "Hm." and let her question trail off in simple, curious tone, "So, why do you choose to be...?"

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah) Empty Re: Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah)

Post by Purple Dragon Thu Jan 30, 2014 3:07 pm

"...A man? Well, I had no choice really, I're kinda born with a willy. ...You know. You can't be like-oh, wait." Levi paused, blinking at her a few times.

She meant a hummingbird. Gods, that was embarrassing.

...And besides...what was he going to say? That he...didn't feel secure, being a human? That he felt more vulnerable that way, and that he felt...insecure about the way he looked? That's not manly at all.

So he shrugged his small shoulders, and answered,"This way I can avoid getting in the way of one of those brawls. Besides, it's hella awesome to be able to fly."
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah) Empty Re: Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah)

Post by Momo13 Thu Jan 30, 2014 4:19 pm

She gasped, a small smiling tugging at her lips. Of course she had recognized him from he posters and pictures, but she never though that she would run into him.

"It's really nice to meet you." She slowly put her own small hand into his for a hand shake. "I've heard stories of you. Never thought that I would meet you....." Her voice trailed off at the end as she realized how awkward she must have sounded to him.

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Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah) Empty Re: Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah)

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Thu Jan 30, 2014 5:49 pm

(Oh, by the way. I just noticed. Is your pic from Attack on Titan? I just watched an episode for the first time Razz)

Maybe I should have been more specific... Karenza thought with a mental smirk. "Makes sense, sure." She agreed with a small smile. She glanced over to check up on Alesia, and figuring the girl was fine, she settled a little. She fiddled with the objects in her coat pocket with one hand nonetheless. A habit of hers. "I'm Karenza by the way." She mentioned. "You are?"

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah) Empty Re: Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah)

Post by Purple Dragon Sun Feb 02, 2014 8:44 pm

((Yes, yes it is!! A great show, man. ...But it'll tug at your heartstrings like crazy. And sorry for the slowness again. >_>))

He was stoic and quiet for a moment, as the girl ecstatically shook his hand. But then, after a brief pause, his lips parted into a smile. A surprisingly charming, warm smile.
"...A fan, hm?" Dexter replied, pulling his hand away and turning back to his beer. "Hold on."

He turned his attention to the bartender, and suddenly his soft, calm voice became a sort of shout, in order to try to grab attention.
"Bartender. A beer, for everyone. On me...The Blind Bandit."
Eh. He didn't care for titles, really. And he felt like a selfish prude calling himself that. But in a place like this, filled with nobody''s a good idea to announce that you're a somebody. and the free drink never hurts.

He reached into his cloak and pulled out a jingling bag of coins. A dangerous thing to bring to the slums.

"Levi," he answered, chipper. He hopped around a bit, his hummingbird form always making him slightly spastic. He then gave her a smile-or tried to, it may have come across as a weird beak twerk.
"Karenza...what a nice-I mean pretty- wait, no, beautiful na-"

"Bartender," came a loud, strong voice, right next to him

Fuck. Damn. Crap shit hotsauce. Really, Dex? Right now? You just cut right to the chase? I don't even get time to socialize? To butter them up? Maaaaaaan.
Levi's smile turned to a frown as he thought this, and he shot his partner a dirty look for interrupting. He turned back to Karenza and clumsily drew out his right wing, bowed, then hopped back onto Dexter's shoulder.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah) Empty Re: Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah)

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sun Feb 02, 2014 8:55 pm

(Smile Yeah, I kinda thought so but it didn't help that my friends that saw it before were somehow poking fun. Razz Anyways, it's no biggie.)

Karenza had to grin at the look Levi shot his friend, but then gave a genuine smile at him. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Levi." She couldn't help herself and had to remark to the man, though casually as to not interrupt his conversation, "I thought you seemed a little familiar."

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Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah) Empty Re: Bandits! (more like thieves actually, yeah)

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