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Vittoria per gli assassini

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Vittoria per gli assassini - Page 19 Empty Re: Vittoria per gli assassini

Post by Guest Sat Dec 18, 2010 7:28 pm

I couldn't help it, it had been too long sence I had cried. Sobs wracked my body, tears streaming down my face


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Vittoria per gli assassini - Page 19 Empty Re: Vittoria per gli assassini

Post by Guest Sat Dec 18, 2010 7:32 pm

Efisio: I heard a sad sob coming from the tunnels. I couldn't help to think it was a damsel in distress. Oh I hope it is; for then it would be my lucky day. I looked in to the entrance to the tunnels and saw this girl, tears wreaking havoc on her pretty face. "What's the matter?" I reach down to her.


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Vittoria per gli assassini - Page 19 Empty Re: Vittoria per gli assassini

Post by Guest Sat Dec 18, 2010 7:34 pm

Embarrised, I wiped the tears from my face, my blue/silver eyes daring him to acuse me of crying. Standing up, I clear my throat "Who are you?"


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Vittoria per gli assassini - Page 19 Empty Re: Vittoria per gli assassini

Post by Guest Sat Dec 18, 2010 7:36 pm

Efisio: "I'm Efisio. I heard you sobbing. Let me help you up and take you for some ice cream or something." I again reached my hand into the tunnel and gave her my best boyish grin.


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Vittoria per gli assassini - Page 19 Empty Re: Vittoria per gli assassini

Post by Guest Sat Dec 18, 2010 7:39 pm

I let him help me up, partly because I really didn't know how to get out my self. "No...I really should be getting away from here" But the fact that he was the only one to really ever offer 'to take me out for ice cream or something' touched me.


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Vittoria per gli assassini - Page 19 Empty Re: Vittoria per gli assassini

Post by Guest Sat Dec 18, 2010 7:42 pm

Efisio: I helped the damsel in distress out of the tunnel and proceeded to gently brush the dirt and stuff off her. I then took off my shirt and offered it to her to dry her tears. " Here dry your tears, and please let me take you to get some ice cream. I found this place that has the most relaxing chocolate ice cream in all of Italia.)


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Vittoria per gli assassini - Page 19 Empty Re: Vittoria per gli assassini

Post by Guest Sat Dec 18, 2010 7:44 pm

He was a charmer, that was for sure. That's why I was so afriad of him "Actually, I've never had ice cream before" Not that I lived in a hole or something, I had just never happened to have it


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Vittoria per gli assassini - Page 19 Empty Re: Vittoria per gli assassini

Post by Guest Sat Dec 18, 2010 7:48 pm

Efisio: I chuckled playfully. "Oh, sweety, we have to fix that right away. Never had ice cream. This is Italia, best ice cream in all of Europe." I put my hand on her shoulder blade and proceeded to lead her to the ice cream shop.


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Vittoria per gli assassini - Page 19 Empty Re: Vittoria per gli assassini

Post by Guest Sat Dec 18, 2010 7:50 pm

I flinch at his touch, but my heart melted when I glanced into his eyes. Idiot! I screamed mentally, he's playing you! He doesn't care, you're probably his third girl this week! But... I just... couldn't pull away. Not yet. But I would not give this boy my trust until I was sure


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Vittoria per gli assassini - Page 19 Empty Re: Vittoria per gli assassini

Post by Guest Sat Dec 18, 2010 7:56 pm

Efisio: We walked at a slow and leasury pace down the street. She had a fire in her eyes, unlike my bright brown ones that probably looked like I was stoned or something, her eyes turned me on; to be honest. "So you don't seem like your from around here. How did you end up in that tunnel? Tunnels arn't a place for sweet ladies like yourself."


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Vittoria per gli assassini - Page 19 Empty Re: Vittoria per gli assassini

Post by Guest Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:01 pm

I blush, looking down and gritting my teeth to hide it "Actually, I'm not from here. I'm from the USA, Maine to be sister and I are here for a forien exchange program" I lie smoothly "And I was in the tunnel because I fell"


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Vittoria per gli assassini - Page 19 Empty Re: Vittoria per gli assassini

Post by Guest Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:04 pm

Efisio: "OO, an American girl huh? And a foriegn exchange student also. Lucky you. I'm actually not from around here. I'm from Venice, I just ran away from home. And its a good thing I did or you might have been stuck in that dank tunnel still." I was really interested in her now. All American women love Italians dont they? and she has a sister. It is so my lucky day. "We should be nearing the ice cream shop soon."


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Vittoria per gli assassini - Page 19 Empty Re: Vittoria per gli assassini

Post by Guest Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:07 pm

XD I dunno if Elana should punch him, or kiss him

The shop came into view and I smiled, despite my efforts to stay cold. Then he mentioned running away "Why, if you don't mind me asking?"


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Vittoria per gli assassini - Page 19 Empty Re: Vittoria per gli assassini

Post by Guest Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:12 pm

Efisio: I led her to a table and pulled out a chair for her. "Why did I run away? Well my father is a famous gondolier right, and he was teaching me how to be a gondolier so I could take his place when it was my time. Well any way I kinda ran the family gondola into the side of the canal and its pretty badly scrapped. It is gonna cost at least 500 euro with all the damages. I told my father I couldn't pay for that and he got mad and yelled at me a lot. Well, so I ran away cause apperently I'm so worthless so why would they miss me?" I ordered myself a chocolate cone, "what would you like?"


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Vittoria per gli assassini - Page 19 Empty Re: Vittoria per gli assassini

Post by Guest Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:20 pm

"Er, same please" I said politely, pulling myself away from his eyes again. Then I turn back to him, trying to avoid direct eye contact "You gave up a family?! Because of a fight?" I couldn't imagine it. Though I had my mother for most of my life, my father had died before I was born, we were never really close. She was an assassin, to


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Vittoria per gli assassini - Page 19 Empty Re: Vittoria per gli assassini

Post by Guest Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:24 pm

Efisio: She's trying to avoid eye contact with me, must be a shy girl. "Yea, I did. But it wasn't the only fight. He was always yelling at me cause I wasn't perfect at rowing that damn boat of his. He never even asked if I wanted to be a gondolier, I was forced into it but when I think about it, it would have been my perfect profession. So, do you have family back in the states?" I was digging in my wallet for the money to pay for the ice cream when I needed to.


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Vittoria per gli assassini - Page 19 Empty Re: Vittoria per gli assassini

Post by Guest Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:27 pm

"Trust me, I know what being forced into the family business feels like" I mumble "and no, just my mother but she...well, I don't know where she is" I admit, noticing he was getting ready to pay. Dangit, I had no money on me except a couple of dollars, which would be no use here "Do you think there's anywhere I can get my dollars turned into useable money?"


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Vittoria per gli assassini - Page 19 Empty Re: Vittoria per gli assassini

Post by Guest Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:31 pm

Efisio: " Yeah, I'm pretty sure there is a bank a few blocks over. Don't worry about paying for this, ice cream is so on me. Having some money will do you good though. Being forced to do things that you don't want to sucks so badly. I'm guessing you dont wanna talk about your family business." I chuckled a bit, "I can tell your here to avoid it."


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Vittoria per gli assassini - Page 19 Empty Re: Vittoria per gli assassini

Post by Guest Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:34 pm

"Perceptive" I nod with a grimace "and yes, rather not talk about it. And...I don't accept food for free, I'm not a beggar. I will pay you back later, somehow"


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Vittoria per gli assassini - Page 19 Empty Re: Vittoria per gli assassini

Post by Guest Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:38 pm

Efisio: I begin to walk with her toward the bank nodding in thanks to the waiter at the ice cream shop. "No, no, no. I offered to buy you the ice cream, your not a beggar if I offer. My father is the same way you are." I was temped to hold her hand but she doesn't seem like the hand holdy type.


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Vittoria per gli assassini - Page 19 Empty Re: Vittoria per gli assassini

Post by Guest Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:39 pm

"I really...don't know what to say. Thank you so much" I blush again, but look at my icecream, turning my face away. "It's like...a brown snowball on a cone"


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Vittoria per gli assassini - Page 19 Empty Re: Vittoria per gli assassini

Post by Guest Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:41 pm

Efisio: I looked at her confused. " Your welcome but what is a snowball?" I seriously didn't know. Now I'm probably blushing as much as she is.


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Vittoria per gli assassini - Page 19 Empty Re: Vittoria per gli assassini

Post by Guest Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:48 pm

"When it grab a handful and mush it into a ball. Then you throw it at people" That was descriptive. And violent. Maybe I was an assassin after all, I thought jokingly. Then I contemplate actually taking a bite of the icecream, not having tried it yet


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Vittoria per gli assassini - Page 19 Empty Re: Vittoria per gli assassini

Post by Guest Sat Dec 18, 2010 9:23 pm

(sorry I late, doing something for parents)

Efisio: I still kinda confused but hey, Ill catch on. "So snow is cold? And try your ice cream its tasty and sweet. Where is that blasted bank?"


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Vittoria per gli assassini - Page 19 Empty Re: Vittoria per gli assassini

Post by Guest Sat Dec 18, 2010 9:25 pm

Its okay

"Snow is frozen, powdery rain that falls from the sky" Why wouldn't he have least read it in a book? Or seen it on tv? Then I took a bite, literally, a bite, from my icecream. I spit if out immediately "Oh my gosh that's cold!" Oops


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