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Zombies CC

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Zombies CC Empty Zombies CC

Post by Stark Fri Apr 22, 2011 5:14 pm

Ok so basically this is a CC of how your characters in your books would survive and deal with a post zombie apocalyptic world. So there are still zombie hordes around trying to eat them have fun with this don't be like total beast mode zombie killer, unless your character has super powers. And just have fun!

Character Sheet:
Book title:
Powers: (If any)

Book title: Wolves and Lightning
Name: Dan Whitimaker
Age: 15
Powers: Electricity, and werewolf

Name: Stella
Age: 15
Powers: Werewolf

Name: Peter
Age: 15
Powers: Werewolf

Posts : 1963
Join date : 2011-04-13
Location : The Soul Society

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Invisimort Fri Apr 22, 2011 10:44 pm

Book Title: Erghh...It doesn't exist yet...
Name: T.Morbid Namechov (We call him T.Mor)
Age: 20
Powers: Reluctant murderer? Not really a power but a skill set I guess...

Name: Riddle
Age: 15 and 47
Powers: She's immortal. It messes with her age...Gah. Maths suck.

Posts : 3807
Join date : 2011-01-31
Location : Procrasti Nation

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Bells Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:47 pm

Book title: justified murder
Powers: the ability to tick off everyone she meets

Book title:angela
Name:angela (lol)
Age:17 (she's immotal so...)
Powers: she's a vampire can control yor mind and erase memories. She has speed stregth and really good hearing.

Posts : 9688
Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Stark Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:42 am

(YAY! PEOPLES! We can start whenever)

Posts : 1963
Join date : 2011-04-13
Location : The Soul Society

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Bells Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:27 pm

I'm ready if you want to go first.

Posts : 9688
Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Stark Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:41 pm

I sit on top of a tall buildingin San Francisco looking down at the zombies wandering the streets below wondering when Peter, Stella, and Lucy are gonna come back with food. I had been voted to stay and watch the hide out this time. Everything had gone to hell when the virus broke out. Friends and family all just became the undead. It was terrifying. We didn't even know if Peter and Stella'sparents were still alive. But we had witnessed Lucy's parents get devoured. I shuddered as the image crept back into my mind.

Posts : 1963
Join date : 2011-04-13
Location : The Soul Society

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:26 pm

(Is it all right if I join?)

Book title: Witch Hunt
Name: Hazel Lockburn
Age: 18
Powers: She's a witch, so she can control all the elements, and then some, (like light, darkness, electricity, etc.) Whenever she uses them, her emerald green eyes seem brighter.

Book title: Witch Hunt
Name: Caelan
Age: 20 (ish)
Powers: He's Hazel's familiar, meaning he's the one that gives her the energy she needs from the atmosphere. (It makes sense, trust me...somehow it does.) He's a shapeshifter, but his favorite form is a black wolf with gold eyes.

Posts : 5559
Join date : 2010-10-24
Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Stark Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:41 pm

(SURE! Thats totally fine!)

Posts : 1963
Join date : 2011-04-13
Location : The Soul Society

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by ~Silent~Archer~ Sun Jun 05, 2011 1:07 pm

Hazel: "First the hunters, and now zombies?" I heard Caelan mutter in disbelief behind me as we continued walking.
That was the first thing he, or I had said since we barely escaped from a massive hoard of zombies. Now we had to find a place where we'd be saf-…safer than out in the open. My nerves were still rattled from the close encounter earlier, and I could feel my body shaking just a bit. We both witnessed a poor man get savagely devoured. Both Caelan and I tried to help him...but it was too late, and we would've had the same fate if we didn't run away.
"The safest place would be, well, up." Caelan suggested, noticing a tall building not too far away. I nodded solemnly in agreement, keeping my eye out for any more zombies. After all, they seemed to be crawling out of the woodwork.

Posts : 5559
Join date : 2010-10-24
Age : 28
Location : When the time comes, you shall know. But for now, simply watch the destruction that I can cause from afar.

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Bells Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:28 pm

Justice: I glared at the ground before kicking a rock across the road. "Angela come on!"
Angela glanced up from the pile of rubble she'd been going through trying to find me some food.
"I thought you were hungry." She said and I frowned at the deserted streets.
"I am but I don't like the look of this place. Lets get moving." She nodded and we started down the street. I desperately hoped we would make it to a safe place before any zombies showed up. It wasn't very likely.
"I'm not sure how much longer I can go Justice." Angela said after a couple of minutes. "I won't drink from you and zombie blood is nasty. We haven't seen an animal in days....I-"
"You'll be fine." I interuppted. "We just have to look harder. I saw some tracks earlier, maybe we'll find something on the way to the next hideout."
Angela looked douptful but nodded, "Where is that exactly?"
I glared at the sky, "Up."

Posts : 9688
Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Stark Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:28 pm

(Are you guys trying to get to me? haha!)
Bored, I stand and spread my arms and decide to go looking for Stella, Peter, and Lucy. I turn my back to the ground and fall backwards off the tall building where we had made our camp.

(If you want you could all freak out if you see Dan falling or you could be all like whatever)

Posts : 1963
Join date : 2011-04-13
Location : The Soul Society

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Bells Tue Jun 07, 2011 7:13 pm

(LOL I thought it was a good idea to meet up)

Justice : We picked our way down the road my eyes scanning the buildings for a good hideout. The summer sun beat down on us from the sky and I had to raise a hand to my eyes to be able to see past the light.
"Justice?" I glanced over at Angela. "Do you know where we're going?"
"Of course!" I snapped "would I-," I cut off as my shocked eyes followed a figure rising from the top of a building and falling over the side.
"Angela! " I yelled and pointed.
"On it." She said and sped forward with inhuman speed. She leaped from rubble pile To pile.
"Hurry Angela." I whispered urgently.

Posts : 9688
Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Stark Wed Jun 08, 2011 2:40 pm

I do a flip in the air until my feet are facing the ground and SMACK! I slam into the ground with enough force to cause a bunch of cracks to form around me. I lay there and assess the damage. Two completely shattered legs, my arm is over there somewhere, and my other arm was ripped to shreds by the rubble, I feel no pain because my spine was broke at the waist, lucky thing that I can move my head. I then lay back as my limbs start reforming and reattatching. I then stand and dust the rubble off of my torn and bloody clothes. I look at the clothes and shake my head, "This just won't do!" I say and they dissapear and as they dissapear new clean clothes appear on me.
(When I say my arm is over there somewhere I mean I just don't know where it is)

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Location : The Soul Society

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Bells Wed Jun 08, 2011 11:55 pm

Justice: I heard the Guy hit the ground and Angela scream. I ran as fast as I could and arrived on the scene in time to see the Guy stand and clean clothes replace his old dirty ones.
"Great," I said sarcastically. "Am I the only normal person left?"
Angela ignored me, her shocked look becoming ferious. She suddenly stepped forward in the same inhuman speed as earlier and slapped the back of the Guy's head.
I laughed as she growled, "idiot, what were you doing?"
"Angela calm down you don't even know the idiot." I said with an amused smile.

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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Stark Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:19 pm

"One, I am not an idiot, two my name is Dan, and three, OW!" I say rubbing my head and leaping back, "And how do I know I shouldn't just fry you on the spot?" I ask holding up my hand electricty sparking along my finger tips. I see movement behind them, running down the street at us is a Sprinter (Sprinters are zombies with minimal brain and tendon damage so they can run, I'll explain the other zombie classes after this post) "D***!" I mutter, and raise my hand at it, electricity surges from my body and the zombies explodes from superheated flesh.

(Ok, I already explained Sprinters, I'll explain the other classes now:
Crawler: Zombies with no legs, broken legs, or any other damage to their legs, they baiscally pull themselves across the ground on their hands or if they have minimal brain damage like a sprinter swing around on bars if they can.
Walkers: Just regular zombies, known for their pattented, "UUUUUUGH!" as they come to devour your flesh.
Brutes: Zombies with minimal brain damage that were big fitness guys in life, like military or someone like that who was muscular. Eventually over time their muscles will rot away and they'll just become normal Walkers.
Live Walkers: These are the living humans that have been infected with the zombie virus. They are usually not able to be discerned from a regualar Walker, but if a scientist could come up with a cure this would be his target population.
Delirious: These are normal humans not infected with the virus but they behave like zombies and wander around seeking to eat human flesh. THey are not infected but the shock of this world has somewhere deep down triggered an adapt to survive gene in them and they act like what most of their species has become. Any zombie already infected will still devour these fake zombies. They are usually in small groups that keep moving to avoid being eaten.
I seriously am a zombie nerd aren't I?)

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Location : The Soul Society

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Bells Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:42 pm

Angela: Zombies! I spun around and bared my fangs in a snarl. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Justice pull a dagger from her belt. I cracked a smile as I ran towards them, Justice had been complaining for days that she wished she had a gun instead of knife but I'd seen her do more damage with that knife than I did with my bare hands. I kept at one of the sprinters gripping its head in my hands and ripping it clear off. Time for some fun.

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Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Bells Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:44 pm

(Mold its cool, I know nothing about zombies so its good to have a zombie nerd. Very Happy)

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Stark Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:35 pm

"Watch it!" I bark, "Unless your immortal or immune don't get their flesh or blood in your body. That means no open wounds, no ingesting it at all!" I yell and then I say, "By the way get out of there!" I yell. I hold my hands out and close my eyes listening to the electrical current of the zombies' nervous systems. They were dead but there brain still sent electrical inpulses through their body, these aren't humans, just vessels for the disease. Lightning sparks from my hands hitting any zombie that I can. I think to myself, Well, just a year ago I was using these same powers to bash in super villians heads. I open my eyes and see three familiar figures moving towards us.

Seeing the zombies in our base's area we moved in and started striking hard and fast. I changed from my human form into a agile humanoid wolf, that was me in my werewolf form. I lash out only using my claws to tear the zombies to shreds. The last thing we need is a zombie werewolf.

I slash through zombies instead of Dashing around like Peter. I was bigger so I used brute strength to tear through the zombies. These were just simple Walkers, I absolutely hated Crawlers they creeped me out. I keep my mouth closed tight so I don't ingest any blood. I look over and see Lucy mowing down zombies with a machine gun.

I hold the M16 and mow down zombies using it with great skill. I am a werewolf as well but I can't control myself in that form and I don't have abilities like Dan so I used guns and swords.

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Location : The Soul Society

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