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Zombies CC

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Zombies CC Empty Zombies CC

Post by Stark Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:49 am

Sorry, this got locked and I can't figure out how to unlock it so heres a new one. Here's the last post from the other chat:

"Watch it!" I bark, "Unless your immortal or immune don't get their flesh or blood in your body. That means no open wounds, no ingesting it at all!" I yell and then I say, "By the way get out of there!" I yell. I hold my hands out and close my eyes listening to the electrical current of the zombies' nervous systems. They were dead but there brain still sent electrical inpulses through their body, these aren't humans, just vessels for the disease. Lightning sparks from my hands hitting any zombie that I can. I think to myself, Well, just a year ago I was using these same powers to bash in super villians heads. I open my eyes and see three familiar figures moving towards us.

Seeing the zombies in our base's area we moved in and started striking hard and fast. I changed from my human form into a agile humanoid wolf, that was me in my werewolf form. I lash out only using my claws to tear the zombies to shreds. The last thing we need is a zombie werewolf.

I slash through zombies instead of Dashing around like Peter. I was bigger so I used brute strength to tear through the zombies. These were just simple Walkers, I absolutely hated Crawlers they creeped me out. I keep my mouth closed tight so I don't ingest any blood. I look over and see Lucy mowing down zombies with a machine gun.

I hold the M16 and mow down zombies using it with great skill. I am a werewolf as well but I can't control myself in that form and I don't have abilities like Dan so I used guns and swords.

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Bells Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:40 am

Angela: I grinned and jumped onto another sprinter, he did say unless I was immortal. I tore its head off as well and punched another, my hand going clear through its body. Gross, I shuddered, stinky chunks of flesh hung to my hand and I glared at the zombies. How disgusting! I continued on to take off the head of another, it was the easiest way to be rid of them. Without this nasty aftereffect of the dead flesh.

Justice: I glared at the boy, did he think I was stupid? I wouldn't attack it unless it attacked me. But I would not run away! I held my knife out in front of me and waited for one of the zombies to attack, then I heard the gun. An M16 I could tell imediatily, a wonderful gun. I watched jealously as she shot the zombies down from a distance. Thats what I needed, a good gun. Glaring at an interrupting zombie I slashed at it with my knife, careful not to touch its blood. Even though it wouldnt hurt unless it touched inside my body, I hated the feel of their blood.

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Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Stark Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:56 am

I clutch the M16 to my chest and sprint with werewolf like speed over to Justice. "You need a gun!" I tell her shooting a zombie in the head. "Here!" I say stopping just long enough to grab two Barettas and hand them to her. "Conserve your ammo!" Then I turn and continue firing.

I take off flying above the zombies I look down at Stella, Peter, Lucy, Justice, and Angela. They seemed to be holding their own. I continued shooting bolts of lightning down at the zombies.

I yawn as I kill zombies. But I snap my jaws shut quickly so I didn't get any blood. Then I look around and see that all the zombies are dead, well, dead again. For real this time.

I smile and stop Dashing in front of Lucy and Angela. "Good shooting!" I tell her.

(Let me explain Dashing. I got the concept from the Vampire's Assisstant but I changed it to match a werewolf's movements. It is equivalent to the Vampire's Flit. A Dash is basically a werewolf using the only magic that they don't need to learn. It is them basically running on all fours from one point to another using magic to move amazingly fast)

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Bells Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:19 pm

Justice: "Thanks!" I told Lucy and grabbed the gun before shooting, not missing with one shot. When it was over I saw Peter run up to us, "Thanks." I told him as he said good shooting.

Angela: I stood in the middle of the dead zombies and shook my fist before finding a thin patch of grass to wipe it on. I hate zombie blood, it taste nasty, it smells nasty, its just over all nasty. I made my way towards that boy, Dan. "Good job." Even if he was an idiot he could fight.

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Stark Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:25 pm

"Thanks" I say. "And now then, who are you guys?" I raise my hand palm out facing her. Lightning sparks along my palm. Stella Dashes and appears behind Justice, claws out ready to slash. Lucy raises her M16 to Angela's head. Peter holds a claw to her throat.

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Bells Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:38 pm

Justice: Angela smirked at the gun facing her and I couldn't help but laugh. "That wont do you much good," I told the girl. "Guns dont really hurt her." Angela swung around in a near invisable movement knocking the gun from the girls hand. "I'm Justice, and she's Angela." Angela smirked again letting her fangs show. I winced, she could at least make the Ruby she's go back to green, she knew they creeped me out.

Angela: I ignored the others for a moment and looked at the gun in Justice's hand. "They gave you a gun?" Now that she had ne I wasn't so sure, Justice had a bad temper, this might not end well.

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Bells Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:42 pm

(Sry typo if you've already read that its spouse to be that her Ruby eyes back to green. Nd also she knocks Peter away and the same swipe as the gun.

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Stark Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:56 pm

"One more move and I'll paralyze you both, and I might not let you back up" I hiss angrily my hand pointing at Angela now too.

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Bells Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:01 pm

Angela: I laughed, Dan had guts. "Alright." I crossed my arms, "I wont move."

Justice: I wanted to laugh, I've never seen Angela act like this before. It was interesting.

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Stark Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:03 pm

"Good, now we know your names. What are you?" I ask. Its good to ask such questions in a world that is a virtual hell like this.

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Stark Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:04 pm


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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Bells Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:19 pm

Justice: "well I'm a normal human," I told him with a patronizing smile. "And Angela is a vampire. I watched Angela bare her fangs again with an evil smile. I laughed, Angela was the kindest person I'd ever met. If they didn't see past that then they were horrible judges of character. Angela glared at me and stuck her tounge out.

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Stark Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:21 pm

"Why are you wandering through the city?" I am still suspicious.

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Bells Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:35 pm

Justice: I shrugged, "our last safe house was over run by zombies so we're out to find a new place .
Angela glanced at me,"we also were looking for something for justice to eat."
I glared at her. "I told you I was fine. Any way..." I drifted off hoping to change. The subject. Angela smirked obviously believeing she won this time.

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Stark Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:37 pm

"You want some food?"

"I don't buy it"

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Bells Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:45 pm

Angela: I glared at the idiot and felt my temper flare. "Well idiot there's nothing not to believe." I knew my eyes were a deeper Ruby then they had already been. "Our hideouts gone and were finding another one. Justice? "
Justice nodded and faced the rubble. "We'll find something," she told the girl(Stella) "your right,. Ange . Lets go."

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Stark Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:47 pm

Stella glares at me. "Crap, fine, c'mon follow us" I say, "Can either of you fly?"

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Bells Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:51 pm

Justice : I glared at him, what kind of question was that. "No, we can't."

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Stark Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:55 pm

"Fine, I'll have to carry you" I say. I walk over and Binarize the both of them. We fly up to our hide out.

(Binarization is turining someones atoms into binary code)

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Bells Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:00 pm

Justice: Crap! I had no idea what was going on. When we stopped I glared at Dan. " what the h-" I cut off as Angela glared at me.

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Stark Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:02 pm

"Binarization" I say by way of explanation, "Hey!" I say ahppily, "You have all your body parts!"

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Bells Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:09 pm

Angela : I saw it coming before she even moved. I sped forward and grabbed her just as she stepped forward her face red. "What do you mean by that?" Justice shouted.
"Sorry she has a bit of a temper."

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Stark Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:10 pm

"Oh, sometimes I leave an arm or a leg or something as Binary, but you guys have evrything right?" I say, "You don't feel like your missing a lung or anything roght?"

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Bells Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:16 pm

Angela: I continued to hold Justice easily as she struggled forward. "No you moron! What the -"
"Justice!" I interrupted.
"Were you thinking?" Justice continued. "Are you crazy?" She kept dealing out insults and I sighed.
"This may take awhile," I told them.

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Zombies CC Empty Re: Zombies CC

Post by Stark Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:42 pm

I look at her bored. "Done yet?"

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