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Into the Wild

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Into the Wild Empty Into the Wild

Post by Black&White Sat Jun 18, 2011 8:21 pm

Charolette's Web
The Warriors Series
The Good Dog
Guardians of Ga'Hoole
Fantastic Mr. Fox

What do all these have in common?
All from animal's point of view.

Now it's our turn, Inkies!

There are animals within the forest that envy humans. They want what humans have and will do anything to get it. They wish to start war against humans.
There are those that wish to defend humans. To fight those that wish to harm. To help humans and come out of hiding.
The humans have their own problems, already within a war that rages the country side.

Though mainly an animal chat, you can have a human either involved in the war or as a victim of the war. Animals can talk to humans, but its very looked down upon by those who would like to stay more traditional.

This is in the Past! Let's say 1200s or so. Swords and shields, no guns.
Europe, Black Forest in Germany is our setting
Repeat animals are allowed...just don't go crazy. Two/three of a kind tops

- Format -
Animal: (or human)
Mindset: (animals: traditional or more radical with talking to humans, with the war against humans or against it) (human: with their war or victim of the war)
Job: (in the war/resistance. Scout, archer, swordsman, healer, ect.)

Last edited by Black&White on Sat Jun 18, 2011 8:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Into the Wild Empty Re: Into the Wild

Post by Alice Sat Jun 18, 2011 8:34 pm

Name: Demetre
Animal: Wolf
Gender: male
Age: 18
Personality: He hates humans he wishes that people would die.
Apparance: Black fur and warm brown eyes. He can track and smell better then any wolf.

Name: Megan
Animal: Human
Mindset:Victume of the war
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Personality: Stand offish and dark she hates people and animals for that matter. She freaks out when they talk
Appearance: Black hair with bangs that cover her right eye. She wears mostly black and purple and black eyeliner. She has a nose piercing.

Last edited by animealice1003 on Sat Jun 18, 2011 8:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Into the Wild Empty Re: Into the Wild

Post by Jacky K. Sat Jun 18, 2011 8:47 pm

Name: Ada
Animal: mouse
Mindset: tried to talk to humans...realised that freaks most of them out.
Gender: female
Age: uh...young mouse? How old is that??
Personality: curious, sometimes clever...unless she gets distracted
Appearance: light brown fur, beady eyes, pink nose

Name: Sebastian
Animal: fox
Mindset: traditional
Gender: male
Age: fox years, he would be 20-ish
Personality: sly, distrusting of humans but generally kind

Name: Klaudia
Animal: human
Mindset: with the war
Gender: female
Age: 29-30
Personality: TERRIFIED of animals. Protective of her home, determined, and high-strung
Appearance: bony, tired, stringy red hair she keeps in a bun
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Into the Wild Empty Re: Into the Wild

Post by Black&White Sat Jun 18, 2011 8:49 pm

Name: Cass
Animal: European Linx
Mindset: more radical, against the war
Job: scavenger and search party. leader at times
Gender: F
Age: 27
Personality: mature and watchful. very responsible and strong, careful annalyzer, and a good leader in tough situations.

Name: Scout (that is sooo going to make me think of To Kill a Mockingbird...)
Animal: European Magpie
Mindset: in between, against the war
Job: Scout =P
Gender: M
Age: 17 in human years
Personality: adventurous and boysterous. Always seeking new things.

Name: Ursus
Animal: Eurpean Brown Bear
Mindset: radical, with the war
Job: soldier and fighter. leader at times
Gender: M
Age: 34
Personality: serious and tough, apathetic most of the time. harsh, strong minded, stubborn

Name: Zan
Animal: Pine Martin
Mindset: traditional, with the war
Job: spy, infiltrator, scout
Gender: F
Age: 24
Personality: sly and cunning. very sassy, snarky.

Name: Anja Daily
Animal: human
Mindset: victim of the war
Job: Now an orphan. Soldiers attacked her village
Gender: F
Age: 13
Personality: quiet and secluded. very cautious. innocent, kind, enjoys the little things.
Appearance: wide blue eyes, wild curly dirty blonde hair. Fair skinned. Light gray dress with a dark blue cloak

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Into the Wild Empty Re: Into the Wild

Post by Black&White Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:47 pm

The Good Folks
Cass's ears pricked up, carefully listening to the noises of the forest as she walked, trying to pick out on voice from the many. Shadowy trees make her light tan coat seem like a ghost in the slight early morning fog. There was a distinct scent to the air, and as she approached the smell of old burnt wood became apparent. Trees thinned and she stood on the outskirts of a field, the last wisps of smoke slowly rising up from the burnt human dwelling.
"Those soldier men came through last night," a voice flitted down from the trees. Cass looked up as Scout jumped down to a lower branch beside her, splaying his bluish black wings for balance. "Seems like humans want to destroy themselves without animals helping."
"Animals should not even try," she answered, sitting after a moment at the base of the tree. "Leave humans to their own matters."

The Bad Folks
Ursus sat in silence in the small clearing within the forest, studying all that was around him with a scarred eye. The call had been sent a while ago by his followers. It was time to see who would step up and fight the humans.
"Really think they'll come?" Zan called down, laying high up on a branch in a pine tree.
Ursus closed his eyes. In a low and slow voice he said, "Quiet Zan. They will come. Too long have we put up with the human's destruction. It is time we claim what is ours." The tone, though slow, had an edge to it, slightly threatening in nature.
Movement in the brush makes him open his eyes again, looking over the land with a serious and foreboding glare. They were here. Finally.

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Into the Wild Empty Re: Into the Wild

Post by Echo Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:01 am

Name: Sorrel
Animal: Black Forest Horse
Mindset: Traditional, with the war
Job: Hasn't really decided yet
Gender: Female
Age: Horse equivalent of twenty-three-ish
Personality: She's been embittered by humanity and the treatment of her fellow horses. While she can be rather jaded and somewhat cynical, some of the gentle nature that Black Forest Horses are known for can show through.
Appearance: Here

Name: Lennox
Animal: Falcon
Mindset: Radical, not sure if he supports the war or not
Job: Again, he's undecided as to whether he's for or against the war
Gender: Male
Age: Falcon equivalent of seventeen-ish
Personality: He's generally outgoing and amiable, and doesn't find it hard to find something to smile about. He tends to make friends easily.
Appearance: Here
Winter Dragon

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Into the Wild Empty Re: Into the Wild

Post by Jacky K. Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:16 pm

The Good Folks.
"I find their matters funny," Ada said curiously, twitching her nose and trying to see up over the grass. She restored to climbing up onto Cass's furry shoulder to look out. The village beyond was such a quire place. She'd often secretly wandered over there to nibble around its gardens.

The Bad Folks.
Sabastian slunk out of the brush to join the group. Humans wouldn't know what hit them. He grinned slyly, looking over his shoulder.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Into the Wild Empty Re: Into the Wild

Post by Black&White Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:32 pm

"Bah, a little mouse? What would you know of it?" Scout asked, tilting his head questioningly at the little thing on her shoulder.
"Quiet now, Scout. No need to fight." Cass stood again, cautiously looking around. The scent of human is still strong, making her uneasy.

Ursus looked upon the new comer with a serious eye, not betraying anything on his face.
"Someone then. But just a fox. You sure you've got some soldiers coming along?" Zan taunted from the tree, slinking down to a lower branch.

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Into the Wild Empty Re: Into the Wild

Post by Jacky K. Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:43 pm

Ada gave a sly little smile and twitched her nose. "They make cheese."

Sabastian twitched his tail. "Just a fox?" he said cooley. "I'll have you know you're lucky to have me. I'm the best undercover man you'll find, just a fox! Bah."
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Into the Wild Empty Re: Into the Wild

Post by Alice Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:47 pm

Demetre took the first watch. He walked back and forth and back and forth again. His mind was wondering from him and to the humans then back to him.

Megan woke up in a prison. "What the...." SHe looked around. "How the heck did this happened?" SHe asked more to her self then to anyone.

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Into the Wild Empty Re: Into the Wild

Post by Black&White Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:54 pm

Cass shifted her weight from paw to paw before starting through the field. "Scout -"
"Do my thing, got it," he teases. He unfurls his wings and jumps from the branch, taking off ahead and flying over the village in slow circles, surveying the burnt remains of the houses.

Ursus looked over to the pacing wolf with his scarred eye. A fox. The sole addition to them right now. "Pace anymore, Demetre, you'll wear a path to the dirt."

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Into the Wild Empty Re: Into the Wild

Post by Alice Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:01 pm

Demetre sighed and looked at the fox. "Well what shoudl I do then?" He asked.

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Into the Wild Empty Re: Into the Wild

Post by Echo Mon Jun 27, 2011 12:45 pm

The Good Folks

I swooped through the air, not really doing much of anything. I didn't have a set destination, or really a purpose for being here... I merely liked flying. I did a corkscrew for the fun of it, spotting some animals gathered down below. Curious, I headed down towards them and lighted silently on a branch.

The Bad Folks

I trotted through the forest at a light pace, my tail swishing as I walked. I was already rather late... Ah, it didn't really matter as long as I got there, right? And there they were now.
"Hello," I greeted. "Sorry, sorry. Here I am."
Winter Dragon

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Into the Wild Empty Re: Into the Wild

Post by Black&White Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:43 pm

Scout spots the new comer, cautious of the falcon at first. But his intent doesn't seem hostile really. He hesitantly approaches the falcon, staying a cautious distance from the preditor. "Friend. What goes with you?" he asks curious.

Ursus looked up at the horse. Finally a heavy weight. "It's nice to see you here in anycase," he says slow, in his deep voice.

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Into the Wild Empty Re: Into the Wild

Post by Echo Mon Jun 27, 2011 9:23 pm

I gave a shrug, not really sure how respond in that same formal manner. I never knew how to be formal to be honest. Made me feel awkward...

"The same to you," I said with a nod. "What have I missed?"
Winter Dragon

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Into the Wild Empty Re: Into the Wild

Post by Black&White Tue Jun 28, 2011 1:08 pm

Scout blinked a moment, looking down at the village again, unsure of what to say.

Zan made her way over to another tree, laying down on a branch over Demetri. "Don't bother with him. he's always cranky..."
Ursus ignored this quiet comment. Zan just being Zan again... "Nothing of extreme inportance. Simply the other new comer." He looks over at the fox again.

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Into the Wild Empty Re: Into the Wild

Post by Echo Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:37 pm

"," I started awkwardly, "what happened here? I mean, the war yeah, What side is this?"
So inarticulate...
Winter Dragon

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Into the Wild Empty Re: Into the Wild

Post by Alice Tue Jun 28, 2011 7:56 pm

Megan felt ackward in the cell. "What happened?"

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Into the Wild Empty Re: Into the Wild

Post by Black&White Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:16 pm

"Just the humans," Scout answered. "I'm not sure any animal could have done this. Cass wanted to look though; I'm making sure the place is empty." He looks back at the light tan lynx making her way through the field, only going where he had already flown over. Always the cautious sensable one. Scout shakes his head a little, going back to scowering the black village for any movement.

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Into the Wild Empty Re: Into the Wild

Post by Alice Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:13 am

Megan sat up in her cell and wrapped her legs to her chest. She remeber animals comming after her and her family. Her family got away but a wolf got her and the wolf bit her leg.

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Into the Wild Empty Re: Into the Wild

Post by Black&White Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:21 pm

Where is Megan? And the animal war hasn't started yet. It's a human battle that burned the village down. Love to incorperate you somehow but I don't know where you are

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Into the Wild Empty Re: Into the Wild

Post by Alice Fri Jul 08, 2011 9:48 pm

((She is in a barn so far....))

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Into the Wild Empty Re: Into the Wild

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