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~*Do or Die*~

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~*Do or Die*~ Empty ~*Do or Die*~

Post by Ravyn Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:20 am

Upon this earth, there are eight supernatural beings that embody the elements that make up this world, four female, four male. The females are Air, Water, Order, and Life. The males are Earth, Fire, Chaos, and Death. These supernatural beings, when in balance, hold the world together. They can assume human form and even have children. But they all agreed not to have children, because this could potentially throw Earth into chaos. Unfortunately, every single one broke this pact (Except for Order). These children are half divine elemental being, and half human. Highly unstable, with volatile powers that are difficult to contain and near impossible to control. And when all fo the elemental beings found out that the pact had been broken, arguments broke out. Arguments that had horrible consequences on Earth. Finally all the Divine beings stormed off in a huff, and disappeared. Nobody knows where they went or how to reawaken them. When all the other divine beings stormed off, they were imprisoned by Chaos (even Order!). Chaos put them all in a coma-like sleep in hidden places across Earth, unable to use their powers. Chaos too, had children, but his children are like his minions, evil little hellions that can summon natural disasters and create plagues, famine, war, and well, general chaos. In the absence of Order, Chaos is literally running amok. The Earth is already in turmoil from lack of elemental balance and now this. On our 16 birthday's, our divine parent contacts us in our dreams, explaining everything. Because we are attempting to restore balance and reawaken/free the other elements, Chaos is sending his children after us, and basically doing all he can to stop us. And now, we, their children, have been left to the task of keeping Earth in balance with the powers we inherited from our parents as we try to find and reawaken them... before the earth tears itself apart in their absence.


Children of Water tend to be calm and relaxed. They can tend to keep a level head even in stressful situations, and be at peace, but like a river, when angered, there's no stopping them. They get along well with children of Life, Earth, and Air. They tend to butt heads with children of Fire and are wary of children of Death. As a child of Water, you can control the elements of Water and Ice, and bend them to your will. You can also breathe underwater - its almost impossible to drown you. However you may have fears of fire. There are a max of 4 children of Water, 2 girls, 2 guys.


Children of the Earth tend to be calm most of the time, but stubborn and hard headed. Very tough and strong-willed. They get along well with children of Life, Water, and Fire, but they sometimes have a hard time with children of Air, and are wary of children of Death. They can move and control soil and stones, and can influence the growth of plants. Most children of Earth are terrified of heights, but they can be buried super deep in the earth and still survive. There are a max of 4 Earth children, 2 girls, 2 guys.


Children of Fire are usually hot headed and quick to anger. They sometimes lash out without meaning it and have very volatile natures. They have many issues with children of Water, but get along fairly well with children of Air, Earth, and Life. They get along with children of Death better than most too. They can create and control flames, and no matter what, they will never be burned. Children of fire absolutely HATE water and typically avoid getting wet at all costs. As with the others, max 4 kids, 2 girls, 2 guys.


Children of Air tend to be very hyper and carefree. Usually optimistic, cheerful, and acrobatic. They get along well with children of Life, Fire, and Water, but have issues with those of Earth. They can control air currents and summon winds and tornadoes. They can even manipulate the wind to allow them to fly. They will never die from a long fall (like, they can jump out of a plane with no parachute and live) and tend to love heights, but absolutely HATE being underground and are very afraid of being buried alive. There are a max of 4 children of Air, 2 girls, 2 boys.


Children of life tend to be wise, calm, and peaceful. Peacemakers who get along with almost everyone. They only have issues with Death. As a child of Life, you can heal wounds and summon light even in the darkest of places. You can even bring people back from the very brink of death, although once they are truly dead you cannot bring them back. Children of Life can also read auras, people's life force. Children of life are very rare. There is only one - a GIRL. They tend to like places of birth or happiness, like hospitals or schools. They tend to avoid graveyards though.


Children of death tend to be quiet, moody and brooding. Most of the elements are wary of them, but they only have real quarrels with Life. Children of death control corrossive magic, magic that eats away at all forms of matter, withering everything in its path. They can re-animate corpses as zombies, communicate with and summon spirits of the deceased, and they see 'the numbers'. Whenever they look at someone, they can see that person's death and the date they will die on. Children of Death are most comfortable in places like morgues and graveyards. They are very rare. There is only one, a BOY. ( who i have taken, sorry ^^)

An Important Note Regarding Life and Death
Children of Life and Death are fairly impervious to most elements, since they are either so full of life or so resistant to death. For example, they could stand in a fire for a few days without being in alot of discomfort, or live at the bottom of the ocean for a few days before they began to get into trouble, etc. This isnt to say that they cant be harmed, but they are fairly resistant to elemental magic.













~*My Characters*~

Name: Seth Graves

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Element: Death

Hair: Shaggy emo-cut black

Eyes: Cold black

Skin: Pale

Height/Build: A bit on the tall side, broad shouldered, some muscular definition.

History: An orphan - his mother died in childbirth. His father, Death, was never around of course. He gives off an air that tends to ward people off and couldnt be placed with any adoptive family for long. Finally hit 18 and now lives on his own.

Personality: Cold and distant, fairly unemotional on the outside, but has a deep sadness inside him. Almost never had any friends and tends to avoid people since he has to carry the grim knowledge of their deaths. He'd like to have friends, maybe a girlfriend, but he hasnt been able to do so yet.

Other: Nope

Name: Maya Davies

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Element: Earth

Hair: Long slightly wavy black.

Eyes: Bright green.

Skin: Light cocoa brown

Height/Build: Average height, slender, very feminine build, nice figure.

History: Grew up with her single father working at his greenhouse. Loves being around plants and keeps a lot of them in pots in her room.

Personality: Calm and serene most of the time, but can be very very stubborn when she's determined.

Other: Nope

Name: Blaze Kindle

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Element: Fire

Hair: Long, sidebangs, bright crimson streaked with orange and yellow.

Eyes: Bright gold

Skin: Pale

Height/Build: Average height, nice figure.

History: Orphaned at a young age, lives for driving her adoptive parents insane. Has been kicked out of 5 schools in 3 years.

Personality: Fiery and rebellious, stubborn, determined, outgoing, friendly and cheerful but dont get her mad..... it wont end well. Knows various martial arts and doesnt hesitate to use them.

Other: HATES authority figures of any sort and will often do the opposite of whatever she's told, just for fun. She also has an eyebrow piercing and double pierced ears.

Also, i feel the need to make a list of the divine element's appearances..... (well, their human appearances.... since their divine appeareances would like, make your face melt off like that scene in Indiana Jones...)

Earth: Big burly guy with short brown hair and one green eye, one brown eye. Tanned.

Fire: Bright crimson hair, pale skin, eyes like live flames (but he usually hides 'em behind sunglasses.). Average build. Looks like a biker, has a red leather jacket, black pants, etc. And of course, a motorcycle that spouts real flame.

Chaos: Purple is his thing. Black hair with dark purple hilights, bright violet eyes, pale skin, small fangs. He's average height, fairly skinny.

Order: Long silver hair, silver eyes, typically wears a long silver dress. Pale skin, she's quite tall.

Life: Long white hair, almost always wears white, bright gold eyes, she's average height.

Death: Freakishly tall and well muscled, has almost metal head long black hair, looks a bit like a thug. Coal black eyes and an irritable nature. Menacing to say the least. Likes black leather, studs, and chains.

Air: Pale silver-blue hair, bright silver eyes, silver and pale blue garments. Likes to wear loose clothing. Average height.

Water: Long dark blue hair, aquamarine eyes. Wears varying shades of blue most of the time, average height.

Let's keep things intersting! Romance/drama, while not teh focus of this CC, IS allowed (and encouraged Wink ). Please, NO ONE SENTENCE POSTS! Be detailed and literate! Thank you! I apologize for all the reading ^^'

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Join date : 2011-06-25

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~*Do or Die*~ Empty Re: ~*Do or Die*~

Post by Alice Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:24 am

Name: Megan Clearwater

Age: 17

Gender: female

Element: water

Hair: Long blue hair

Eyes: icy blue (Eyes ok? or no?)

Skin: tan

Height/Build: 5'7 femine build with a sharp smooth face

History: Father doesnt talk to her and her mother is alive but megan has no idea where she is.

Personality: shy and standoffish.. the quiet girl

Other: n/a

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Join date : 2011-05-22
Age : 27
Location : dont know dont care

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~*Do or Die*~ Empty Re: ~*Do or Die*~

Post by Ravyn Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:27 am

That looks good ^^ i dont mind wierd hair or eye colours, as illustrated by Blaze Razz once we get a few more people we can start.

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~*Do or Die*~ Empty Re: ~*Do or Die*~

Post by Alice Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:33 am

(Ok ^_^ I was going to have her hair be choclate brown... Very Happy)

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~*Do or Die*~ Empty Re: ~*Do or Die*~

Post by Ravyn Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:50 am

Actually, we're only missing children from Air and Life...... i can pick up one or the other.... Air would preferably be a guy since we need more of them and Life has to be a girl..... if we can get someone for Air and Life, we can start. Like i said, i can pick up one or the other and Air should probably be a guy, since we only ahve one guy so far. Either way i'll likely pick up antoehr guy anyways just because our numbers are really uneven. I dont know who else will join, if anyone.... hmm....

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~*Do or Die*~ Empty Re: ~*Do or Die*~

Post by Alice Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:01 am

I can make another guy...... I know some people I will tell them bout this ^_^

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~*Do or Die*~ Empty Re: ~*Do or Die*~

Post by Ravyn Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:40 am

Awesome, thanks! ^^ we are SO short on guys and i dont really want to play Life since im already playing Death....

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~*Do or Die*~ Empty Re: ~*Do or Die*~

Post by Echo Sat Jul 02, 2011 3:10 pm

((Duuuude, can I join this? It looks awesome Very Happy))
Winter Dragon

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~*Do or Die*~ Empty Re: ~*Do or Die*~

Post by Ravyn Sat Jul 02, 2011 6:43 pm

Totally! We're SO short on people!!! we're in desperate need of guys and we need someone to play the already determined as felamle Life position. It would be awesome if you'd join!

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~*Do or Die*~ Empty Re: ~*Do or Die*~

Post by Echo Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:01 pm

Name: Ana

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Element: Life

Hair: Very light blonde, straight, hangs to mid-back

Eyes: Gold

Skin: Very fair

Height/Build: Average height, slender

History: Ana didn't really have an exciting home life to speak of. She has a loving, boring family of three--her father, her step-mother, and herself. Her family is middle-class. Ana is happy with the way things are, and though there isn't much that's terribly out of the ordinary in her life...thus far...she wouldn't want things to change.

Personality: Ana is one of those gentle, "friend to all living things" kind of know, the ones that are friends with everyone in the school and have no enemies because they're so kind. It's a rare event that she isn't some shade of happy or content. However, she can be exceedingly timid and shy. And her friendly mentality can make her feel very secure in situations that...may not be so secure.

Other: N/A

Name: Stephen

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Element: Air

Hair: Dirty-blonde, longish--but not too long

Eyes: Gray

Skin: Fair, but not super pale

Height/Build: Average height, lithe form

History: Stephen has lived with his foster mom and his three younger siblings (two little brothers and a little sister, though he has no true relation to any of them) for most of his life. Sometimes it's a struggle, but he helps the family get by as best as he can.

Personality: Stephen is lively, cheerful, happy-go-lucky, and optimistic. It's very hard to bring him down; he always seems to be able to find something to smile about. He's naturally amiable and can make friends very easily.

Other: N/A
Winter Dragon

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Join date : 2011-01-31
Age : 29

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~*Do or Die*~ Empty Re: ~*Do or Die*~

Post by Guest Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:40 pm

Name: Branson Dimley

Age: 17

Gender: male

Element: Fire

Hair: Dirty blonde, with red hues to it and dark tips -- almost as if the tips were singed by fire.

Eyes: Amber brown

Skin: Pale-to-tan

Height/Build: Muscular, he works out a lot and is on the wrestling team. 6' 3"

History: Lives with his "Dad" who is married to his real mom. They push him to be athletic...(more to come)

Personality: Cold, hard-to-get-to-know, one of those guys that girls like because he's "mysterious" and they want to "change him."

Other: N/A

Name: Sean Blythe

Age: 16

Gender: male

Element: Water

Hair: Light blonde and sort of spiky

Eyes: Light blue

Skin: Pale tan, and he has dimples on both sides of his smile

Height/Build: On the small side for a guy, but has muscle. 5'8"

History: Grew up in a preppy family, where he gets good grades and his dad makes him play golf. He's sort of come to like it. He has a sister named Fiona.

Personality: Nice, relaxed, calm, takes a lot to make him angry, thoughtful

Other: N/A

Name: Paris Wilkes

Age: 16

Gender: female

Element: Air

Hair: Nearly a towhead, so superlight almost white hair, with a silvery tinge to it.

Eyes: Gray-silver, remind people of steel.

Skin: Pale, though it would look odd if she was tan with her other colorings.

Height/Build: Thin and proportioned, but not curvy at all. 5'7"

History: Her parents have always tried to make her "girly" but she's a tomboy at heart. Has a rebellious streak.

Personality: Playful, but can be more serious than you'd think, flirty but not easy, and very confident

Other: If she drinks caffeine she gets very goofy, almost like most people with alcohol


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~*Do or Die*~ Empty Re: ~*Do or Die*~

Post by Ravyn Sun Jul 03, 2011 3:12 pm

Okay, new guy for me Smile and i jsut realized i made an error with Maya's format, she should actually be living with her mother.

Name: Kai Marsters

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Element: Earth

Hair: Has a long shaggy mop of dark brown hair, not metal-head long but hiding most of his face covering ears touching collar attacked by a razor layered mop long.

Eyes: Hazel, but with more green in them.

Skin: Average caucasian.

Height/Build: Almost freakishly tall, muscular but not freakishly so. A bit of a football build, he's like a rock.

History: Grew up with his single mother, father Earth being absent. Goes to school, gets decent grades, and practices with his powers in thw woods in his spare time.

Personality: He's a joker, llikes to crack jokes and pull pranks, generally likeable. He's got a stubborn streak though and never does anything half way. Very devoted, he's incredibly protective of those he cares about and works hard at all times.

Other: Nope.

Right, first post!

Seth: My alarm rang, piercing the silence in my trailer. And then i fell out of bed. Ow. This.... was a typical morning. I got up (after the shock of remembering today was the first day of school) and showered very briefly in the small shower that worked most of the time (fortunately it was working this morning) and got dressed, pulling on a black band shirt, faded black jeans, my favourite pair of black leather combat boots (which his a large pair of daggers, one in either boot), and my black leather jacket before heading out the door, locking up behind me. I made my way out of the trailer park where i currently lived. A house was too expensive, even a rented one. The trailer had been inherited and made a suitable home. I wanted badly to cut through the cemetary on my way to school, but that would be a bad idea. Last time id done that, although id felt happy being arouond the dead, id accidentally raised a bunch of zombies whose heads id had to hack off and run before i got eaten or before cops came asking why id hacked a bunch of heads off corpses. I wasnt about to do THAT again. I wondered why i bothered going to school, but i knew that answer already. I still ahd to find the other ones, the ones who were also born of the elements. Id had the dream, id been told what to do. But i also had an uneasy sense. Id been warned that Chaos and his children would be arriving soon. Which was why i put up with the torture of school. It was now more important than ever to find the others before Chaos got to us first. We wouldnt be able to stand against him unless we stood together. But where to start? Most people naturally avoided me anyways, as if sensing the air of... well... DEATH that hung around me. How would i fidn the others? But i pushed that thought out of my head as i arrived at school and headed for my English class, settling in the back row absently.

Blaze: "Have fun, and please? TRY not to get kicked out of this one?". That was the last thing my adoptive mother said to me as she booted me out of the car into my new living hell known as public school. I hadnt even intentionally got kicked out of my last school.... sure, id set the teacher's lounge on fire. But that hadnt been my fault. I didnt have good control over my powers yet. Which made me wonder.... there were other kids like me that i was supposed to find. Would any of them be here? I picked up my timetable and headed off to english, the chains on my black and red cargo pants ckicking as i walked, my large black boots thunking with each step. A pair of bloody fangs were the only spot of colour or design on my otherwise black t-shirt. I found English and headed inside, heading for the back. There was only one other guy in there, and he kind of creeped me out, so i sat on teh opposite side of the room. Thankfully he ignored me. As soon as lunch rolled around, i was ditching.... my black-ringed gold eyes glared up at the front of the room. I was hating this place already. I wondered.... today was the first day of the year. How long before i could get expelled?

Maya: I woke up as my alarm rang and got dressed quickly in a pair of black skinny leans, black converse, and a dark green shirt i had laying around, excited for the first day of school. I grabbed my bag, ate breakfast quickly, and ran off to school. I ducked into English and spotted the school's local outcast (although i didnt get why people avoided him like the plague....) and a new girl in the classroom. I found an empty desk and settled, pulling out my notebook and beginning to doodle random plants and such all over the first page. I knew i was supposed to be looking for other elemental children, but i couldnt tell which ones were the ones i was looking for! It was very frustrating.

Kai: First day at a new school! We'd only moved to this town over the summer so i was excited to meet people. I pulled on an old black Avenged Sevenfold t-shirt, black jeans, and my battered old running shoes. I grabbed my bag, didnt bother with breakfast as usual, and headed out the door. I found school fairly quickly and picked up my timetable at the office, heading for English, which was apparently my first class. I arrived and found a few others there. One of teh girls, wearing black and green, seemed sort of familiar. I wondered if maybe she was one of the other kids i was supposed to be looking for? No, more than likely i was just paranoid. I pushed the thought out of my head and settled in a desk, waiting for class to start.

To make things easier, im ignoring ages regarding classes. Hence all ym characters are in the same room, despite some age differences. Also, children of the same element are more likely to recognize each other than children of different elements.

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~*Do or Die*~ Empty Re: ~*Do or Die*~

Post by Alice Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:59 pm

Megan woke up and looked at her clock "Crap." She groaned she was always late. She fixed her hair well as much as she could and put on her black eyeliner. She threw on a Linkin Park shirt and black skinny jeans. She was the emo of course she had them. She fpound her lace up converse and went out running. She ran and found that water had followed her. She rolled her eyes and stopped the water from comming. She ran to English and sat in the back. Megan took out her ipod and blared The Used.

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~*Do or Die*~ Empty Re: ~*Do or Die*~

Post by Bells Thu Jul 07, 2011 11:32 am

(Can I join? If so here...))

Name: Alanna

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Element: Fire

Hair: Strawberry blonde to her shoulders, looks kinda soft and silky but she'll scream at you if you touch it....

Eyes: Light blue

Skin: tanish

Height/Build: She's small and short, looks kinda like a little kid.

History: Abandoned on someone's doorstep when she was maybe a week old Alanna has been sent from home to home since then, no one wants to put up with her attitude. Gets excellent grades when she bothers to go to school.

Personality: Hot-tempered, doesn't like people touching her, or getting near her. Hates bullies and tends to stand up for the weaker people, then yell at them as soon as she is done. Doesn't get very many friends that way..... Really sarcastic. gets in lots of fights and has a scar from the right corner of her collar bone across her shoulder from one of these fights when someone pulled a knife on her....

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