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~*The Decieved*~

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~*The Decieved*~ Empty ~*The Decieved*~

Post by Ravyn Mon Jul 04, 2011 7:46 pm

This RP is partially based on The Darkest Powers trilogy by Kelley Armstrong. It started with the Naturals, the ones that had small inherited supernatural abilities. They couldn’t do a lot with them, and usually they just caused more problems than they solved. But then a group of scientists, some of them Naturals or part demons themselves began to wonder…. What if you could get all the benefits of these abilities without the downfalls? So they created us in secret, toying with our embryos and placing us back inside our mothers, back inside our normal families without their knowledge. They watched us through the pregnancies, through our whole lives, watching, waiting, studying. They know more about us than we do. They thought they had us in control. But they were wrong. What was supposed to put our powers under control had gone haywire, magnifying our powers to inconceivable levels. They started manifesting against our wills. So they created Ivy Ridge Group Home For The Mentally Unstable, or Ivy Ridge for short. A sunny, cheerful-until-its-creepy place, with many dark secrets. Bodies in the attics, hidden screams long forgotten, deadly secrets locked away…. They’ve convinced us we have mental disorders, brought us to Ivy Ridge for observation and shoved us full of pills that are supposed to control our “mental disorders”, but are really trying to nullify our powers. And if they cant control our powers? Well then its game over, unless we can find a way to stop them.

****About Powers****

You can have whatever powers you want, but please do not double up on powers. If you choose something like shapeshifting, please only choose ONE animal form. Likewise, if your character is an elemental, please pick ONE element for them to control. Also to avoid powerplaying and such, NO emotional control or mind control. Powers usually don’t manifest until puberty or after which is why we’ve managed to avoid Ivy Ridge until now. They bring in the experiments as necessary. Some of us have already been terminated for being too unstable. Also, if you can shapeshift, you can communicate with whatever animal you turn into and you can assume a half form. You may even have certain animalistic characteristics when human (for example, a wolf shapeshifter may have an exceptionally good sense of smell as a human, an eagle shapeshifter may have exceptional sight, etc.)

Our characters will all very shortly be placed at Ivy Ridge. At Ivy Ridge, you have chores that you have to do, they hire tutors and you have to take school lessons, you live with a roommate. The girls and boys rooms are on opposite sides of the house and girls are not allowed in the boys rooms and vice versa. There are nurses, you have to take medicines, and you aren’t allowed outside without supervision. The property is fenced in and has alarms on the downstairs windows and doors. There is TV, but the computer is ancient and the internet is very slow. They’ve blocked off a lot of websites though, including any kind of email. Contact with the outside world is virtually impossible.

Character Format: (weird hair/eye colours are allowed)













My Characters:

Name: Morgan Eterna

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Hair: Shaggy snow white, scene cut, shaggy and mop-ish, falls to her mid back, heavy shaggy razored bangs.

Eyes: Pale silvery-gray.

Skin: Very pale. She doesn’t get out much.

Height/Build: Average.

Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: Pierced ears and a black barbell through the corner of one eyebrow.

Powers: She’s a necromantress – she can speak with, raise, control, and summon the dead.

Background: The daughter of a mortician, she was raised by her single father. Her mother died in childbirth. She’s always found peace among the dead and she’s often helped her father with his work ever since she was small. She prefers the morgue to the mall and her favourite haunt is the graveyard. Unfortunately, she doesn’t get along with the living as well. People tend to be creeped out by her and driven away. She suffers horrible taunting at school and has no friends. As a result of being around dead bodies for as long as she can remember, she knows a great deal about death and decay. She didn’t know that the spirits she was seeing were spirits and made the mistake of talking to them in public. Slapped with schizophrenia and shipped off to Ivy Ridge.

Personality: Friendly and kind, usually quiet, socially awkward, not very good at socializing or making friends. Can be shy around people, especially people she likes, but has a fiery side and a bit of a hidden temper. Completely unnerved by death or dead bodies. On the contrary, she’s quite peaceful around the dead and fascinated by how bodies decay.

Other: Nope

Name: Asher “Ash” Payne

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Hair: Shaggy, sort of emo cut auburn with black undertones.

Eyes: Bright amber-gold, flecked with black around the pupils. Tend to darken when he’s lost in people’s minds.

Skin: Fair, average Caucasian.

Height/Build: Tall, has some muscular definition.

Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: Has a scar on his back, wont say what its from. No piercings, but he does have a tattoo of a black Chinese styled dragon along his spine.

Powers: An empath or mind traveler – he can hear the thoughts of others, usually by accident, relive their memories, feel what they feel.

Background: Grew up with adoptive parents who didn’t want him.

When he started knowing things he shouldn’t and “hearing voices” (really, the thoughts of bypassers…) they were all too happy to have him shipped off to Ivy Ridge.

Personality: A little cold and bitter, not particularly social. Has quite a temper and will gladly pick a fight. Spent most of his time out of the house and as far from his “parents” as possible growing up and never had many friends. Tends to distance himself from people to avoid being pulled into their minds against his will. If you’re persistent enough, he will learn to tolerate you and is actually a pretty nice guy if you get to know him well enough.

Other: Nope.

Name: Freya Thorn

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Hair: Short, punk-cut, dark blue (like this colour blue) tipped with silver.

Eyes: Bright silver, have some dark blue flecks around the pupils.

Skin: Very pale

Height/Build: Small, slightly pixie like, agile, deceptively strong.

Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: Nope.

Powers: Can levitate/move herself and objects around her with her mind.

Background: Unlike most of the residents of Ivy Ridge, Freya ACTUALLY has some mental issues. An orphan, she was raised in a mental instituion because she has utterly no remorse at all. Will hurt, kill, and maim without feeling a thing (except maybe joy...). Totally psychotic and unstable. The people who run Ivy Ridge pulled some strings and got her transferred. The only reason she hasnt been terminated is because they keep her under with medication and she has impeccable control of her powers. If they could get her to side with them, she could easily be a powerful weapon. She's kept locked away in a room in the attic, usually out of it from all the drugs they pump into her, safely locked away from the other residents at Ivy Ridge.

Personality: Very violent, very unstable. No remorse, will just as quickly snap your neck as that of the enemy. Doesnt really care much for people, who or what she kills or hurts.

Other: She's been at Ivy Ridge for two years, but she's been slowly building up a resistance to teh drugs they use to keep her under.... she's beginning to wake up, and she isnt happy AT ALL. (Ahhh, how i've missed this character ^^)

Please, NO ONE LINE POSTS! Try to be as detailed and literate as possible. Typos i fully understand though as i make many of them Wink romance/drama is allowed/encouraged, but not the focus of this RP. Just an added bonus Wink

Posts : 3291
Join date : 2011-06-25

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~*The Decieved*~ Empty Re: ~*The Decieved*~

Post by fallen rose Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:57 am

i'm going to join but i can't post my characters right now i most likely post them later torromow
fallen rose
fallen rose

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Age : 30

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~*The Decieved*~ Empty Re: ~*The Decieved*~

Post by Guest Tue Jul 05, 2011 5:14 pm

Name: Zoe Wake

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Hair: platinum blonde (practically white), halfway down her back, tight curls

Eyes: gray, but when the sun shines on them they turn purple

Skin: very pale

Height/Build: 5' 7" ; thin

Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: long scar on her left cheek, dream catcher tattoo on her right shoulder, three piercing on each ear

Powers: she is a dream-walker (she can travel in people's dreams and manipulate the dreams) (because of this all the pigment in her body is almost nonexistent because it takes so much out of her and takes so much power) (she can't usually control it)

Background: Grew up as an orphan from the time she was 10 after her parents died in a fire. She was placed in countless foster homes where no one wanted her. She has yet to find someone who wants her and was placed here after having violent seizures while she was dream-walking. Her foster parents didn't know the source and didn't care to much and sent her here

Personality: somewhat of a loner, determined, independent

Other: has seizures because of the dream-walking; sleeps more than normal because of the dream-walking (sometimes she will collapse and dream-walk)


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~*The Decieved*~ Empty Re: ~*The Decieved*~

Post by fallen rose Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:04 pm

Name: demetria night

Age: 17

Gender: female

Hair: black long hair

Eyes: blue eyes

Skin: lightly tan skin

Height/Build: about 5'6"

Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: has a tongue piercing

Powers:shape-shift into black cat

Background: her and her twin brother live with their aunt until they both being labeled to have Schizotypal personality disorder by how they both act more beast and wild like they attack people when they feel threat

Personality: very curious, she try to be friendly but if she get on her badside you will get it

Other: at point she will act like a cat like start hissing or playing around with cat toys that she has with her so she won't attack people

Name: felix night


Gender: male

Hair: short shaggy black hair

Eyes: blue eye

Skin: lightly tan skin

Height/Build: 5'6" and slightly muscalur

Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: none

Powers: shape-shift into a wolf

Background: look at demetria background

Personality: a loner, protective

Other: alway will try to get outside he hates being inside of a build

Name: ace long

Age: 18

Gender: male

Hair: short blond hair

Eyes: green

Skin: paled skin

Height/Build: average

Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: has burned scars up on his upperarm that he kind of hides

Powers: contorl over fire

Background: live his mother and his step father until he set fire on his step father because his step father pissed him off

Personality: has a tempter, stubborned, avoid people if he can

Other: secertly has matchs and lighters with him so he can have a open flame near him
fallen rose
fallen rose

Posts : 8036
Join date : 2010-10-17
Age : 30

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~*The Decieved*~ Empty Re: ~*The Decieved*~

Post by Ravyn Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:27 pm

New character for me, whoo!

Name: Adarian Blake

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Hair: Shaggy, very very emo cut black

Eyes: Stormy grey

Skin: Pale

Height/Build: Borderline freakishly tall, lean muscled.

Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: Black barbell in his right eyebrow, black metal snakebites, double pierced ears.

Powers: He can teleport.

Background: Grew up in a relatively normal household, but when his powers manifested, he started randomly disappearing places. When his parents interrogated him about his disappearances, he told them the truth and they thought he was crazy so they shipped him off.

Personality: Quiet and brooding. Thoughtful, doesnt speak much, friendly but has a hard time opening up to people. VERY protective of those he cares about.

Other: Feels somewhat betrayed by his family.

Oh, and Ash is the only one whose actually AT Ivy Ridge right now. Ash has already been at Ivy Ridge for two months. And i should also mention that Freya tends to go by her last name. Whoever wants to be roommates with whoever is fine, keeping in mind that the genders are seperated at least when it comes to rooming and Freya is locked up in the attic and has no roommate.

Morgan: I was in my favourite place - the morgue. Quiet and calm, still as the grave, no pun intended. Here among the dead, i was at peace. Dad was in the back working on a cadaver and i was in the front, hanging around in case anyone came in. I'd been reading a sheet over of all the incoming cadavers, almost like an inventory, when i suddenly felt as if i was being watched. I looked up, and there was a man standing there. He looked slightly disheveled but otherwise normal. I was slightly surprised. I hadnt even noticed him approach. "Ah! I-im sorry!" i stammered. "Can i help you?". He looked around, slightly dazed for a minute. "Where am i?" he asked. I frowned. "Umm.... you're at the city morgue. Are you lookign for anyone in particular....?" i questioned. He shook his head. "How... how did i get here? Last thing i remember was being in a car.... it swerved off the road.... why am i HERE?" he asked, bewhildered. My eyes widened. "You, you were in a car crash?!" i exclaimed. Suddenly my dad's voice sounded behind me. "Who're you talking to?" I whirled around. "That guy." i said, pointing him out. "His name is... wait, what IS your name?" i asked. "Bradley. Bradley Robinson." he supplied. "Mr. Robinson." i said to my father. He frowned. "But.... there's noone there." my father said. I frowned. "No, dont you see him? He's standing right in front of you." i said. My dad got a troubled look on his face. "Wait, do you mean Bradley Robinson?" he asked. I nodded. "I hate to break it to you honey, but Bradley Robinson's been dead for three months. And there's noone there."

And that was how id wound up HERE. Welcomed by some creepy nurse who seemed more like a strict nanny. The doctors said i was schizophrenic. They were wrong, werent they? They had to be. All of my things had been moved here. I had one half of the bedroom. Apparently i would be meeting my roommate later. There was a rundown of all the rules, areas that were out of limits, expectations, all the usual crap. But all i could do was sit and stare blankly at the wall of my room in shock. I didnt even notice when my dad said goodbye and left. All i knew was that my whole world had just turned upsidedown.

Adarian: I glared sullenly from under my heavy black bangs at the overly-cheerful old victorian house off int eh middle of nowhere that i had been sent. The nurses dragged me inside and shut me up in a room, saying id meet my roommate and get the full tour later. I hated this place already...

Ash: The nurses told me that new ones were coming. They told be to behave, to try to socialize and be nice. As if. I also knew that i may be getting a roommate. Fabulous. It was all part of their annoying scheme to get me to make friends and play nice. A failing scheme. And i DID know it was a scheme. Something was up here. Something bad. I sometimes caught hints of anger and dangerous unstable thoughts from the attic. But there was noone up there.... or WAS there? The attic was off limits. I hadnt had a chance to check. But i was cetain there was something up there that they didnt want me to see. Maybe one of these new people could help me find out what they wanted to keep undercover.

Freya: The drugs were starting to fade. I could feel the world slowly beginning to return, letting me break free of my numb coma, coherent thoughts beginning to form. They would be back. They would put me back under. But the drugs were getting less effective and it was getting easier and easier for me to break free. They were worried. They should be. One was here already. A thought reader, a feeler. I heard them speak of him. They said he was suspicious. One day, one day soon, i would be free of the drugs and the heavy leather straps that kept me here, and then i would have my horrible revenge. I would slaughter them all and laugh as i spilt their blood. There were new ones coming today. Fresh meat. They were all in peril. I knew it, and i suspected the thoguht-reader did too. All they had to do was come and set me free.... and i in return could give them their freedom. Unless i got bored and decided to kill a few of them. I managed a slight maniacal chuckle at this. But the nurse apparently took this as a sign that it was time for another dose. I raged and strained to no avail as i felt the prick of the needle and began to slip away once more. I would escape! And then they would all PAY.


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Join date : 2011-06-25

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~*The Decieved*~ Empty Re: ~*The Decieved*~

Post by fallen rose Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:59 pm

demetria: i sat in the backseat of my aunt's car with felix on the way to our so call new home for now to calm myself i played with my black yard ball in my hands

falix: i watch my sister with her yard ball before i look outside knowing we will to the new place soon while the rest of the way i thought about how we end up in this mess which was that me and my sister start hunting small animal like bunnies killed them with our hands and our aunt found out so taking us to get help for our problems is what our aunt come with up then after awhile we pull up in front of the place the ivy ridge as me and dememtria walk in she stay close to me as she still has let go of her yard ball

ace: my grandma had to take me to this place this ivy ridge for help because my mom won't dare look at me again after i set fire on my step father and her husband once we finally got in there at the place i got told that i had a roommate who was called ash so i went up to that room to pull myself away and meet my roommate
fallen rose
fallen rose

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~*The Decieved*~ Empty Re: ~*The Decieved*~

Post by Guest Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:37 pm

Zoe: I fingered my hair, hating the color, hating that I was being sent to this place that seemed to be uninhabitable, but apparently people lived here. People that didn't have a choice to be here, like me. I was sent here because I had a seizure, no big reason, just a seizure, but my foster parents could care less about my well fare or what was going on. None of my foster parents had ever questioned my mental state or my history, why I was an orphan, why I had this weird color...everywhere.
I looked up from my hair and was standing in my room facing my roommate, who's name was Morgan. I didn't care for pleasantries and plopped myself down on the "bed" that the 'home' supplied. I did not want to be here...


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~*The Decieved*~ Empty Re: ~*The Decieved*~

Post by fallen rose Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:45 pm

demetria: after me and felix walk in this place i hug him one more time before i head up to my room which i had by myself until they find a different room i could shared with someone or get me a roommate

felix: after i hug my sister i knew she was kind of scared but i hope she will get used to this place i thought as i headed up to my room to settled in like everyone heard i had a roommate to which i was told his name was adarian
fallen rose
fallen rose

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~*The Decieved*~ Empty Re: ~*The Decieved*~

Post by Ravyn Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:04 pm

Morgan: I glanced up as my roommate appeared, one of the nurses telling me her name was Zoe, but she ignored me and i didnt feel like talking to anyone right now so i stayed silent. After a while, Head Nurse Hodge (horrible name for a really awful person.....) came and fetched us. Apparently the nurses were fetching everyone. There was only one guy who had been living here before all the new people came (Ash), and he'd "volunteered" (meaning he'd been forced...) to give us all a tour. "Try to be nice to him. He isnt particularly social. We're doing this so that you can all meet each other and try to make some friends." explained the nurse with obviously false kindness. Nevertheless, i didnt have much choice. I stood and exited the garish room they'd given me. It was painted some awful shade of pale yellow and the curtains were all lacey and junk.... from what i remembered seeing of the house, it was a large old victorian styled house, slightly ramshackle and old-timey with a big black iron fence surrounding the entire property. Like some kind of weird storybook orphanage. The nurse led us down the main stairs and into the "living room", painted very pale blue, with the same rediculous lacy curtains. There was an utterly ancient tv in there with an actual VCR that played TAPES, and a stone age computer. Various mismatched sofas and cushy armchairs, as well as a few tables were scattered around the large room. The whole place reeked of lemon cleaner, and it was all very sunny and false-cheery, like a grandmothers house or something. And then there was the one storm cloud in the middle of the room, an obviously sulking guy with dark auburn and black hair and wierd, bright amber eyes. He glared as the nurse led me in. "Ash, this is Morgan and that's Zoe. They're some of the new arrivals. The others will be here shortly. Morgan, Zoe, this is Ash. He's been with us about two months." explained the nurse. I nodded absently and she left. I stood there awkwardly, avoiding eye contact with the other guy. He didnt seem very friendly..... on the contrary, he seemed angry with me for some reason. Although i couldnt imagine what i'd done.

Adarian: I glanced up at my roommate as he walked in, but didnt speak. My iPod was plugged in one ear, and i only vaguely heard the nurse tell me his name was Felix. After a while, one of the nurses came and dragged us down to the overly-cheerful living room where there were a few girls and the one other guy in the place hanging around. Apparently we were going to get some sort of tour.

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Join date : 2011-06-25

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~*The Decieved*~ Empty Re: ~*The Decieved*~

Post by Guest Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:11 pm

Zoe: As the nurse talked I looked around at nothing in particular, seeing as there was nothing utterly amazing or interesting to see, and ignored her. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear when she introduced us to Ash, a loner type, someone who did not like others too well. I nodded a hello and crossed my arms tightly over my chest.
Ash's expression never once changed, he was always angry, always had that grimace on his face.
I kept hoping I would not have a seizure, just this once I wish I would act somewhat normal and not like a total freak and be unconscious for who knows how long because the time keeps becoming longer that I'm out and I don't know why...


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~*The Decieved*~ Empty Re: ~*The Decieved*~

Post by fallen rose Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:13 pm

Felix: I just to that nurse with my roommate to living room which I quickly hated so much because all this cheery of it nothing specially should be cheery. in the living room I saw the other people two girls and one guy. I didn't see my sister yet in this room.

Demetria: a nurse came for took me to the living room where everyone is at even my brother. I felt shy when I realized I was one to come down here to this room luckily I brought one of my smaller yard ball that fit in the palm of my hand so I could mess with that in my hands to get myself more relax so I focus on the people
fallen rose
fallen rose

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Age : 30

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~*The Decieved*~ Empty Re: ~*The Decieved*~

Post by Ravyn Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:32 pm

Ash: Great... MORE people had showed up. Agh. How many newbies WERE there? Normally id be able to tell by all the thought trains but the medicines they gave me here seemed to block my ability to hear thoughts and feel others emotions. And FORGET about seeing their memories. They packed a punch too. Id been pretending to take the pills for the last week after i noticed the trend but only now was i beginning to be able to pick up faint traces of thoughts or feelings, and only if they were really strong. I glanced up at the two new arrivals. May as well introduce myself. "Hi." i grumbled. "My name is Ash. They're forcing me to show you guys around. Is this everyone?" i asked them.

Morgan: I managed a small smile at the new people. "Im Morgan." i said quietly, awkward around those who werent deceased. I shook my head at the question. "No clue... i think this is everyone..." i murmered.

Adarian: "My name's Adarian. Nice to meet you all, i guess." i said quietly.

Ash: Head Nurse Hodge stuck her head into the living room. "You may as well start the tour. It looks like you have everyone. You may go out into the backyard if you must, but please try to stay within the house." she cautioned. I sighed and nodded. "Well, we may as well get started...." i muttered. I began heading towards the second floor of the house. "We'll start upstais, do the main level, then the yard, and then the basement." i grumbled. "Keep up." i growled back to the others.

Morgan: I followed the guy nervously. He seemed sort of grumpy and i really didnt want to get on his bad side. I hurried along, keeping my head down and tried to keep up with him.


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~*The Decieved*~ Empty Re: ~*The Decieved*~

Post by fallen rose Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:41 pm

Felix: " Felix" I just as a moment to tell everyone my name before we follow ash on this tour. I notice my sister was close to me I knew she still not used to this yet

Demetria: I didn't get a chance to tell everyone my name before the tour started because I was really shy. I stay close to my brother because he was one I knew so far

Ace: I walk in the living room just before the group started to leave." the nurse almost forget that I was here " I just as I join the group
fallen rose
fallen rose

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Join date : 2010-10-17
Age : 30

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~*The Decieved*~ Empty Re: ~*The Decieved*~

Post by Guest Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:07 pm

Zoe: "I'm Zoe." I mumbled, not really wanting to go on this tour with people I didn't know and didn't really care to get to know. It appeared that the tour guide, Ash, was feeling the same way as he started the tour and we followed.
I kept praying that I wouldn't start dream-walking while this was happening, when I was walking was the worst...


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~*The Decieved*~ Empty Re: ~*The Decieved*~

Post by Ravyn Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:38 pm

Ash: I led the group upstairs to where the hallway split off. "Girls dorms are over there, guys dorms are that way. Obviously no members of the opposite genders are allowed in the respective dorms. They DO inspect your rooms so if its really messy or if they find any controband, you'll get in trouble." i said, before lowering my voice, glancing around nervously. "And trust me, you dont want to get in trouble here. Or they may decide you're unmanageable. You leave and you dont come back. And i dont think its to anywhere pleasant. Sarah, Michael, Jordan..... all gone. And im almost certain the nurses are lying when they say they're fine." i said quietly. I led them through the main level, which consisted of the dining room, kitchen, living room, and classrooms. "You'll have chores to do every day. A lot of them will be in the kitchen or yard. Some will be in the other parts of the house. They hire tutors and get work from your normal teachers so you keep on top of your schoolwork. If you actually manage to get any free time, you can feel free to enjoy the stone age technology in the living room. You cant phone anyone though and a lot of sites on the web are blocked, including any kind of email or IM." i said darkly. I led them out to the yard, feeling Head Nurse Hodge's eyes boring into me suspiciously, making sure i didnt pull anything while i was out there. "This is the yard. They allow us out here from time to time but not after dark and not without permission. The property is fenced in and the doors and windows have alarms on them." i said. Suddenly the white haired shy chick, Morgan, piped up. "What's that window?" she asked. I glanced up and noticed the small circular window at the top of the house. "That's the attic window. We arent allowed in the attic. They say there's nothing out there, but id be willing to bet that there's something there they just dont want us to know about." i growled. "Ive never tried to go up there though...." i mused. I finished the rest of the tour, which was just the basement which was really just the laundry room. Then Head Nurse Hodge popped up and said we could have some free time until dinner. I grabbed my ipod and sat on one of the mismatched chairs in the living room blasting music into my ears, much to the nurse's disapproval.

Morgan: I headed off to the bathroom when the nurse's let us do whatever, only to find another girl in there. She was staring out the small window, appearing lost in thought. "U-um, excuse me, but, who are you?" i asked. The girl turned aorund, brown ponytail bobbing. "Me? Oh! My name's Sarah. Who're you?" she asked. "Im Morgan." i replied. "Wait.... Sarah? Ash mentioned you. Werent you taken away?" i asked. She looked puzzled for a minute. "Yes.... yes that's right. A month and a half ago...." she said, confused. She went to sit down on the counter, but passed right through it. "You're a ghost." i remarked. She got up. "I guess that explains why noone would talk to me. she grumbled. "YOU can see me though! That means you're like me! And.... and like the girl in the attic!" she exclaimed, getting excited. "What? A girl in the attic?" i asked. She nodded. "They have her files laying around. Careless... anyways, i read her files. She can move things with her mind, and she's VERY good at it. But.... there was something else about her. Theyb think she's dangerous. They keep her drugged up in the attic. Ive seen her raging, but she cant see me. She really hates them. I think she knows they arent right. That she has to get out of here. YOU arent safe here either! None of you are..." she said, frowning and beginning to float from one side of the room to the other in a spectral form of pacing. "Y'know, i bet she would help you escape. Because..... because that's what you need to do. Or they'll take you away like they took me away. Ash... he's suspicious. He told me. I bet he'd help you. And i know where the entrance to the attic is. They dont want you to know about it, but i found it." she said, babbling ecstatically. "Are you in?" she asked. I though it over for a minute before nodding. "Yes. I am. This place isnt right. I can feel it. And if this girl can help us escape, then we need to go see her." i said. She nodded. "Great! Try to get the message to Ash, but be discreet! Make sure the nurses dont hear you. I'll come back tonight. If he's in, have him meet us where the two dorms meet. We'll go from there." she said. And then she disappeared. Agh.... spirits. I began to wonder what i had gotten myself into this time. I went back to my room. Soon a nurse poked her head in and told me it was time for dinner. The others would be waiting. So i headed for the dining room and the others. I would try to talk to Ash at dinner.

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~*The Decieved*~ Empty Re: ~*The Decieved*~

Post by fallen rose Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:56 pm

dememtria: i wasn't sure what to do after the tour was done and i knew look like a lost child for a moment. so i end up deciding to stay close to my brother again until i figure out something.

felix; i knew my sister want to stay close to me so i didn't try to go up to my room i just lead to a spot in the living room we me and dememtria could just relax until dinner was ready

ace: i just when up to the room i was resting at until dinner was ready. i didn't really do anything but just wait alone in that room
fallen rose
fallen rose

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~*The Decieved*~ Empty Re: ~*The Decieved*~

Post by Ravyn Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:08 pm

Ash: Dinner was called and i headed to the dining room. I sat off at a far end of the table, off where i wouldnt catch trace thoughts or emotions. But soon i was joined by the white haired girl. Morgan. Food was handed out. Healthy crap as usual. I picked at it absently. "Sarah says hi." she suddenly hissed under her breath. I glanced up, startled. "Sarah is gone." i said. She nodded. "I know. She's dead. I saw her ghost. She says we have to get out of here.But you already know that, dont you. She says there's a girl in the attic who may be able to help us." she said quietly. I shook my head. "I dont know where the attic entrance is." i said quietly. The nurses were thankfully ignoring us. She nodded. "But Sarah does. She says she can show us." she said. I frowned. "You know im taking a lot on faith here." i said. She nodded."I know it sounds crazy...." she started. but i cut her off. "No. I wondered if there was someone up there. I hear thoughts." i said quietly. "Every so often i catch snatches of thoughts from up there. And rage. Lots of it." i said quietly. "Im in." She nodded. "Good. Meet me between dorms after curfew tonight." she said. I nodded. She looked thoughtful and i raised an eyebrow. "Should we tell the others?" she said, maintaining her hushed tone. I thought about it for a minute. "Let them know if you can, but be discreet. We cant all go up there, obviously. Its too suspicious. Maybe take one of them iwth us, but as a lookout. But let everyone know." i said. She nodded.

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~*The Decieved*~ Empty Re: ~*The Decieved*~

Post by fallen rose Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:19 pm

demetria: as the food was being serve i could hear faint whispers down toward other side of the table where ash and that white haired girl. i could understand each whisper as i listen to the whisper i try not to look at them so they don't know i was listening to me

felix: because i knew my sister well that i could tell she was focus on something when she trying to not let anyone notice. so now i wonder what she was focus on
fallen rose
fallen rose

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~*The Decieved*~ Empty Re: ~*The Decieved*~

Post by Stark Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:23 pm

(Can I join?)

Name: David

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Hair: Blue

Eyes: Yellow

Skin: Caucasian

Height/Build: 6 foot 2 inches Muscular

Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: A scar across his right cheek from a knife when in a fight.

Powers: Electromancy, controls and creates electrical currents.

Background: From the inter city part of Chicago, he grew up with people making fun of his hair and eye color. Eventually he had enough and almost killed someone who called him a freak for it. He used only his fists.

Personality: Kind and funny, unless he is insulted or attacked then he becomes a force to be reckonned with.

Name: Zack

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Hair: Black

Eyes: Green

Skin: Caucasian

Height/Build: 5 foot 6 inches Skinny

Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: None

Powers: Creation

Background: Grew up with a rich family. He had a privelaged life.

Personality : Snobbish believes anyone who isn't rich is of a lower class of being.

Last edited by condog on Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:32 pm; edited 2 times in total

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~*The Decieved*~ Empty Re: ~*The Decieved*~

Post by Ravyn Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:29 pm

OOC: Condog, i dont mind you joining, but you'll have to change your characters abilities. We already have a wolf shape-shifter and someone who controls fire.

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~*The Decieved*~ Empty Re: ~*The Decieved*~

Post by fallen rose Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:11 pm

Ace: I try to focus just on dinner as I pray that I get to leave this place. I look up once to look at all the people who was in the dinning room.
fallen rose
fallen rose

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~*The Decieved*~ Empty Re: ~*The Decieved*~

Post by Stark Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:30 pm

(AW! Ok...)

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~*The Decieved*~ Empty Re: ~*The Decieved*~

Post by Stark Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:32 pm


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~*The Decieved*~ Empty Re: ~*The Decieved*~

Post by Ravyn Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:36 pm

(What's creation? Plus it needs to be something you can pass off as a mental disorder....)

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~*The Decieved*~ Empty Re: ~*The Decieved*~

Post by Stark Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:42 pm

(He can create stuff, like it totally thwarts the Law of Conservation of Mass. And yeah it can be it can be said that what he creates is hallucinations)

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