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The Fairytale War

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The Fairytale War Empty The Fairytale War

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:11 am

*Moved from Fantasy*
*Based off my book, this is a prequel*
*Don't mock the title, it was for lack of a better one at the moment*
*Takes place in 1920s *

The humans have their fairytales, about witches and wizards and werewolves, who they think aren't real, so why can't the 'mythical' creatures have their own fairytales as well? Whispered stories, tales told in the dead of night... all about two doomed races, the habui, and the dreamweaver. About the secret war they supposedly used to wage. Maybe even about the ones that still walk among us. But before I continue with my story, perhaps you'd like to know a little about the races themselves:

Powers: They can take over minds, or bodies. When they're taking over somebody's body, their hair turns a frosted white. When they take over (or read, or send messages to, ect) somebody's mind, their eyes shift to a different color (Purple if the habui is a girl, red for guys). They can also crush, or damage, somebody's soul. Their powers are intensified by rage. Oh, and twins share a soul. It's complicated.

General personality: Sadistic. Cold. A perfect soldier race. They get joy out of causing physical pain

Weaknesses: They can't control the bodies and minds of other habui, or of the insane. And their powers can be temporarily disabled if their concentration is broken by a sedative, a blow to the head, ect. Plus, their powers are draining, and using them on multiple people at once requires serious skill.

Powers: They can take over dreams, or give somebody extremely realistic hallucinations of painful memories. Even control emotions to an extent, especially to intensify fear while their victim is in a dream. Oh, and ironically, they can't dream themselves. Instead of dreaming when asleep, they relive memories

General personality: Crazy, they enjoy giving emotional pain

Weaknesses: They can't control the dreams of somebody or give them hallucinations if said person is wearing a Dream Talisman, which basically looks like a necklace with a dream catcher. Only dreamweavers can make them, though.

Now very, very, VERY rarely, there will be a halfbreed. This happens when a habui or dreamweaver has a child with some other speicies. Their powers aren't as strong as a fullbreed's, but they also don't have to deal with as much sadisticness, or craziness. What happens when a dreamweaver and a habui have a child, you ask? What, are you insane?!

They can be any species. Human, dragon (well... maybe not dragon. They sorta frown on those. Though... arg... the dragons from my 'Verse are complicated. Please see next section), werewolf, vampire... as long as they're not a habui or dreamweaver, it just doesn't matter. They've all been to a special school, and trained to kill. They firmly believe that what they're doing is right, and hey, maybe, in a way, it is. They have lots of cool gadgets, by the way.

Good thing this is all just a fairytale.

Oh... and as an extra note:

Just a run down of how dragons are in my 'Verse:
Shifters: A majority of dragons can shift from human to dragon to human, like with a werewolf, but a dragon instead of wolf. Savvy?
Old school: Sometimes you stumble upon a group of dragons that can't shift, or in rare cases, just refuse to. Avoid these bad boys, though since they live in really secluded areas you probably can't find them anyway. They have very simple minds, but they're super dangerous.
Types: There are lots of different types of dragons, with lots of different body types and talents but... eh... just ask me about it and I'll explain.


(Note from Princess Endellion of the Divided Courts of the Habui and Dreamweavers:
Okay guys, this takes place during the intense part of the war, quite a while ago. Exactly when has yet to be determined... ah... yea. Anywho, I reserve the right, since this is like a prequel to my book, to correct you, or tell you something is anti-canon, ect, blah. And READ ALL OF THE POST ABOVE, OR I WILL SHANK YOU. THAT MEANS ALL OF THE POWERS AND WEAKNESSES OF THE HABUI AND DREAMWEAVER, CAREFULLY. Oh, and please, don't everybody make a halfie. Honestly. Oh... and avoid my habui characters with the last name of 'Aldric'. They are the ancestors of Marley/Dorian/Alex, and they are bad news)

(Extra note from Princess Endellion of the Divided Courts of the Habui and Dreamweavers:

*Disclaimer: if all goes /REALLY/, *REALLY* WELL... I may reference your character in mah book. Not like, write them, but have a character reference them in passing. So don't be mad. KTHXBAI*

Last edited by endellion on Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:15 am; edited 6 times in total


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The Fairytale War Empty Re: The Fairytale War

Post by Echo Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:14 am

Name: Aeris
Age: Appears 17
Species: Woodland Fay
Personality: Grounded, solid, determined, reserved
Looks: In her human disguise, she has straight, black hair that hangs to her mid-back, pale skin, and emerald green eyes. She's about average height with a lithe, willowy form. Her natural form? You'll just have to see, won't you? Razz
Bio: 'Tis a secret. That's Winter-speak for "I have no idea and I'll make it up as I go along"
Other: N/A
Winter Dragon

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The Fairytale War Empty Re: The Fairytale War

Post by Guest Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:16 am

Name: Jonathan Aldric (dun dun dunnnn)
Age: 19
Personality: ...Creative, in a weird, sick way. Thinks a lot. Not very loud or talkative
Looks: Longish brown hair, piercing silver eyes. Thin, slightly sickly build. Around 6'2"
Bio: He's renown for his... inventive torturing devices. He's hired out by various armies... secretly, of course, to gain information from captives.
Other: Afraid of water

Name: Nikki Draumur
Age: 16
Species: dreamweaver
Personality: A little unhinged, has moments of total space outiness where she'll start seeing things that aren't really there, and mutter to herself. But for the most part, she's pretty collected, albiet with a strange look on the world
Looks: Choppy red hair, green eyes. On the shorter side
Bio: Was separated from her twin at birth, and they were each sent into foster homes.
Other: Plays the flute, but not very well

Name: Jen Draumur
Age: 16
Species: dreamweaver
Personality: Insane, basically. Practically never sees what's in front of her, always off in her own world. Can hardly have a real conversation with anyone else
Looks: Same as Nikki, only she's abnormally thin, and with long, tangled hair
Bio: She killed her foster parents, and is now in a mental ward
Other: None


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The Fairytale War Empty Re: The Fairytale War

Post by Black&White Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:18 am

Name: Rikku
Age: 20
Species: Habui
Personality: yeah. think harley quinn, only more....yeah....i'll leave it at that.
Bio: grew up around habui and the war. detatched from her parents, independent.

Name: Sora
Age: 20
Species: Dreamweaver
Personality: sort of sweet, even at the weirdest moments (fights, arguments, torture, etc)
Bio: family died in a fire, cause of which is a mystery. travels along with other dreamweavers, but sort of off in her own world.

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The Fairytale War Empty Re: The Fairytale War

Post by ShaneColton Thu Aug 04, 2011 12:30 am

Name: Kaiser Mahan
Age: 19
Species: Habui
Personality: a loner, usually without emotion, cold
Looks: Black hair with silver highlights thats hangs in his face, icy blue eyes, about 5'9", solid muscle
Bio: Has no family, no one really knows what happened to them.

Name: Jaison Karmichael
Age: 19
Species: Hunter-Shifter (from Dragon to Human)
Personality: Fearless and forceful. Has a fierce sense of loyalty.
Looks: Human - About six foot, muscular, sliver eyes and white hair with a few greenish streaks. Green dragon tattoo on his back, about a foot in width and length. Dragon - Massive, can fly, is green and silver.
Bio: Was never a normal guy, doesn't know where he came from so stays alone most of the time.
Other: Is

Last edited by shanerider on Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:22 am; edited 1 time in total

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The Fairytale War Empty Re: The Fairytale War

Post by Guest Mon Aug 08, 2011 6:15 pm

I edited the post above to include Hunters, and a little note about how dragons work in mah 'Verse. So yea... check it out.


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The Fairytale War Empty Re: The Fairytale War

Post by Momo13 Mon Aug 08, 2011 8:29 pm

Name: Drake
Age: 18
Species: Dragon
Personality: you will see
Looks: Jet back, longish strait hair that covers his ears and falls into his silver eyes. his skin is pale with a peach undertone. he is tall and has lean muscles and looks like he is overly thin but really isnt.
Bio: You'll see...
Other: He seems mysterious, and no one ever really knows what he is thinking. He doesnt seem to take a side in anything, but he's just kinda always there.

Name: Mimi
Age: 16
Species: Habui
Personality: cunning and slightly evil. dont let her looks fool you.
Looks: curly pain blonde hair and gentle green eyes. short and petite, doesnt look like she could realy hurt anyone. Tends to look innoccent, but really isnt.
Bio: you'll see
Other: n/a

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The Fairytale War Empty Re: The Fairytale War

Post by Bells Mon Aug 08, 2011 8:46 pm

Name: Mikhail
Age: 21ish
Species: Hunter-Vampire
Personality: Sadistic, dry humored, bad tempered, eh...I don't have anything else....
Looks: He's around 5'10''
Bio: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh He's very secretive about his past ((AKA I have no idea yet))
Other: IDK

Name: Karelle
Age: Looks 17. *real age is unknown*
Species: Kumiho-Habui half breed.
Personality:'ll see
Looks: Kumiho -
Human form - Usually a honey blonde haired girl with lightly tanned skin and slightly fox like eyes, barely noticeable though, the eyes are an amber color.
Bio: Um....

Last edited by Bells on Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Fairytale War Empty Re: The Fairytale War

Post by Kid.Icarus Mon Aug 08, 2011 10:00 pm

Name: Thanatos (Thane for short)
Age: early 50s (looks 19)
Species: Half-Habui Human Vampire
Personality: Reluctant to trust others. (We'll see)
Looks: Shoulder-length Shaggy black hair.
Forest-Green eyes.
Bio: Doesn't like using his powers, because he thinks it's an invasion of privacy. Will use them when necessary, to get out of bad situations.
Other: Immortal, Weak to silver, Can drink blood, but doesn't require it in order to survive. Ironically enough, loves Garlic. He Had a twin sister that Died young, needless to say, it traumatized him.(more about it later maybe)

Last edited by Kid.Icarus on Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:31 am; edited 3 times in total

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The Fairytale War Empty Re: The Fairytale War

Post by Guest Tue Aug 09, 2011 12:12 am

This takes place in the 1920s! See added above link in main post!


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The Fairytale War Empty Re: The Fairytale War

Post by Spiral Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:48 pm

Name:Iskey (female)
Personality:too trusting
Looks: long sky blue hair, average height
Bio:likes to stay in human form

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The Fairytale War Empty Re: The Fairytale War

Post by PavoLights Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:20 pm

Name: Elwood Woodrow
Age: 18
Species: Dragon
Personality: Loyal, aggressive, hot tempered, feral, impulsive. Acts more like an animal than a person.
Looks: Shaggy blonde hair, dark brown eyes, tall but very skiny,always wears expensive clothes.
Bio: Works as a gangster for a notorious gang. Is there "janitor," taking care of the people they want to make disappear. Most of them die in horrific incidences involving fire.This has become his trademark.

Name: Corriander Guttier
Age: 17
Species Habui
Personality: There's the chainsmoking, bad mouthed, talented person she is on stage, and then there's the sweet and gentle yet sadistic person she normally is. Who also smokes
Bio: She works in a bawdy burlesque-esque theater cross dressing as a man in a suit. Is a lesbian although she'll never tell anyone. She drove her grandmother insane and loves to visit her. Her parents were killed by hunters right in front of her although she still thinks that they'll come home soon.
Other: Loves to torture little animals

Name: Dax Guttier
Age: 17
Species: Habui
Personality: Usually freakishly calm and emotionless except for those times where he starts grinning and laughing. This only lasts for a few seconds, but he gets pretty violent. When he's on stage, he's loud and charismatic. Very inteligent and pessimisstic.
Looks: Wavy light brown hair, forest green eyes, sharp features that twist cartoonishly when he gets excite, medium height.
Bio: Corriander's twin brother, he works with his sister at the theater. While she cross dresses, he wears almost clownish amounts of makeup (think of the guy from Caberet) onstage. Often controls his audience as part of his act. He saw his parents get killed right in front of him and doesn't have the heart to tell his sister that they aren't coming back
Other: He and his sister are very close and they both mind the huge garden that their great grandparents started despite how it's practically eating their home. He sees the garden as being directly related to his life, or else of that as the Guttier's as a whole.

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Location : A halfway house for stuffed animals.

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The Fairytale War Empty Re: The Fairytale War

Post by Guest Fri Aug 19, 2011 6:55 pm

Pavo, your characters are great Very Happy


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The Fairytale War Empty Re: The Fairytale War

Post by Black&White Tue Aug 23, 2011 2:46 pm

if this is ever starting (*coughcough*ende..*coughcough*) Ill be gone thurs till labor day with spotty/no internet. ignore my charries till then if this starts, i'll read up when i get back, join in somehow.

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The Fairytale War Empty Re: The Fairytale War

Post by Bells Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:32 am


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The Fairytale War Empty Re: The Fairytale War

Post by Guest Fri Aug 26, 2011 4:01 pm

I don't have to be the one to start this, ya know >.> anybody else can feel free. I can only get on on the weekends


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The Fairytale War Empty Re: The Fairytale War

Post by Bells Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:29 pm

Karelle watched all the people from her position in the shadows, her amber eyes flashing uneasily as she did. So many people....which had she come here again? Her cave was so much more comfortable. No people, no awkward conversations where she tried to act the age she was spose to be.

These modern humans, the way they spoke and acted, it was so much harder to keep up with than the older culture. Ah yes, that was why she'd come out. To interact, learn the new ways. Years of being alone tended to leave her with very little.

So, first things first. Clothing, she needed to dress more appropriate for the modern women. Nodding to herself she picked up the skirt of her dress and walked out of the alley towards one of the stores she'd seen several women walk into.

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The Fairytale War Empty Re: The Fairytale War

Post by Echo Sat Aug 27, 2011 10:40 pm

NOTE: I actually wrote this before I had to get on the failpod. It was when I tried to send this post that I realized my internet had been stolen. that you've explained dragons, I GOTTA have a dragon! BECAUSE I AM WINTER DRAGON.

Name: Stephen
Age: 18
Species: Dragon; Shifter
Personality: Calm, cool, easy-going, enjoys a good laugh
Looks: Auburn hair, blue eyes, on the tall side, pale, lanky
Bio: I'll get back to you on that one...
Other: N/A

Heh... I was looking back, and a lot of these names wouldn't fly for the 1920's. Lol
Winter Dragon

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Age : 29

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The Fairytale War Empty Re: The Fairytale War

Post by Black&White Sun Sep 04, 2011 12:11 pm


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The Fairytale War Empty Re: The Fairytale War

Post by Bells Sat Sep 10, 2011 8:16 pm


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The Fairytale War Empty Re: The Fairytale War

Post by Guest Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:21 pm

Mind... fried... school... all... weekend... does... not... compute...


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