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The Dictator String

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The Dictator String Empty The Dictator String

Post by Guest Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:29 am

There are sweet 'taters, and then there are dictators. I'm requesting that you bring one, bring all, bring your most fetching and not so much dictators so that we may analyze and entertain ourselves by watching them interact. Not only will it be hilariously fun, but also a good way to practice character development. With a group of egotistical, megalomaniacs who have the world in their hands, it should be fun to see how they react towards one another. Feel free to create a dictator, just to exercise your imagination.
With that, I present to you the format:

Maniacal Format of Maniacal Mania:
Relative Size of Area Ruled:
Age When Power Was First Installed And How:
Name of Empire/Country:
Strengths of Regime:
Weaknesses of Regime:

My Personal Character(s):

Maniacal Format of Maniacal Mania:
Name: Niklaus Wilhelm Han Waltzeir (commonly referred to as Hans)
Title: The Esteemed Archcrat Niklaus Wilhelm Han Waltzeir of Delpia
Age: 28
Relative Size of Area Ruled: From the west coasts of Europe, to Northern Africa, to Western Asia, and Siberia.
Age When Power Was First Installed And How: 19; Inherited from father but he expanded the territory
Name of Empire/Country: The Delpian Empire
Strengths of Regime: Strong support of population; Years of tradition; Strong facade of invincibility
Weaknesses of Regime: Strain of conquests; Impression left by frequently volatile leader;
Description: Tall; Pale blonde hair and icy blue eyes; Muscular physique; Angular features; Scar across face from right temple to left side of the jaw
Personality: He can be very pleasant and professional, but other times cold and distant. His typical behavior consists of arrogance and dark humor. When with people he actually likes, he can be quite fun and energetic. He is very, very easily angered and has violent tendencies when angered. And severe emotions are expressed very passionately and without thought of consequence.
Other: He loves ice cream passionately and is the biggest ladies' man on Earth, with no discretion what so ever.


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The Dictator String Empty Re: The Dictator String

Post by Alice Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:39 am

Name: Ashley Angela Artemis Blackwood
Title: The Duchuess of England
Age: 24
Relative Size of Area Ruled: rules over Englad and Ireland most of Egypt and France. So all of Europe and Africa. She is tradeing for Asia.
Age When Power Was First Installed And How: 18; Mother died and she married well but husband died of the influenza plegue.
Name of Empire/Country: The Rule of the Duchess
Strengths of Regime: Smart on trade routes and even keeping everyone happy. Will not start war unless needed.
Weaknesses of Regime: Has enemys plaing her assasination
Personality: She is usally sarcastic and funny. Loves to have people but other times she is a hard and cold woman. She also is single most men beg to be her husban... mostly for money. She hates arrogant men but is yet attracked to them. She has a twisted sense of humor and loves a good time.
Other: She will not marry until she has found the one man... she might marry for property.
The Dictator String Keira_Knightley___The_Duchess_by_uniqueLegend

With Black hair, Icy blue eyes, and red lips. Ivory skin. Usally wears dresses but sometimes wears pants. Her hair is down most of the time but for this picture she needed it up

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Age : 27
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The Dictator String Empty Re: The Dictator String

Post by Guest Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:43 am

Ooh, that's great! I've always loved those pre-Twenty First century rulers.


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The Dictator String Empty Re: The Dictator String

Post by Alice Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:48 am

haha me 2 Smile I wanted to make on like her I really like the movie the duchess ssooo XD ^_^

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The Dictator String Empty Re: The Dictator String

Post by Guest Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:49 am

I've never seen it, but seeing as it has Keira Knightley, it must be good, lol.


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The Dictator String Empty Re: The Dictator String

Post by Alice Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:52 am

haha XD I dont like her as much hahaha i just really wanted to see it. Its a sad story though Sad

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The Dictator String Empty Re: The Dictator String

Post by Guest Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:53 am

Aw. Well, tragedies can be entertaining.


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The Dictator String Empty Re: The Dictator String

Post by Alice Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:54 am

I know Smile Which is why I like the movie so much hahaha isnt that just sad?

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The Dictator String Empty Re: The Dictator String

Post by Guest Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:55 am

Haha, nah.


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The Dictator String Empty Re: The Dictator String

Post by Alice Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:18 am

hahahahaha cool ^_^ if you like Bvb or black veil brides i love this song...

and this one as well

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The Dictator String Empty Re: The Dictator String

Post by Guest Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:22 am

Never heard of it, but I like it! Interesting band name...


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The Dictator String Empty Re: The Dictator String

Post by Alice Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:27 am

Haha I love them XD I am addicted to them XD

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The Dictator String Empty Re: The Dictator String

Post by Guest Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:30 am

That's cool. Wonder if any other people would consider joining this..? Hm.


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The Dictator String Empty Re: The Dictator String

Post by Alice Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:31 am

hm I could get my friend Ericha to join

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The Dictator String Empty Re: The Dictator String

Post by Guest Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:33 am

That'd work. *shrugs*


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The Dictator String Empty Re: The Dictator String

Post by Regret Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:59 pm

Name: Tatha Kesedna (Lit. Tatha no-eyes)
Title: Queen Kesedna
Age: 19
Relative Size of Area Ruled: Disposessed. It would be in a constant state of flux changing from the size of Denmark to the size of the Ukraine in a year, but her people are currently enslaved by the Alakim.
Age When Power Was First Installed And How: 19. Her father was killed by Alakim assassins, and she just escaped. She didn't see him die so she doesn't realise how powerful she now is.
Name of Clan: the Jelt clan. (pronounced Yelt)
Strengths of Regime: The people are willing and capable.
Weaknesses of Regime: Sadly, those same people are currently leaderless and enslaved.
Description: About 6' tall, with long ash-blonde hair done up in two thick plaits. She weighs about 75kg due to the constant hardships of life in the semi-frozen north, giving her prodigous muscles. She is also very pale-skinned. She wears a leather jerkin with a chainmail hauberk underneath, and fur breeches, as well as large heavy boots and a massive fur cloak her father gave her before he died. Oh yes, and her eyes are covered by linen bandages. Or would be, if she had any eyes.
Personality: Fierce and wild, she is stubborn and intent on forcing her own way. However, she is very honourable and a little bit simple.
Other: Her eyes see heat instead of visible light, and she is very well-trained with a sword or spear and a shield.

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Age : 31
Location : The Land of Tea and Rain

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The Dictator String Empty Re: The Dictator String

Post by Invisimort Fri Aug 19, 2011 11:46 am

Name: Mr.Face
Title: Dictator of Auda
Age: 70
Relative Size of Area Ruled: It's a large citystate. Biggest city in the known 'verse.
Age When Power Was First Installed And How: Led a revolt thirty years back to dethrone the despotic monarchs that preceded him, He had a fair bit of support from the peasantry. Had to 'shop his campaign posters...due to...well, go see 'description'.
Name of Empire/Country: Auda
Strengths of Regime: Ruthlessly efficient? Er...There were plenty of reforms made after the regime shift.
Weaknesses of Regime: The reforms were to increase taxes, reroute the internet/shrinebox association, and essentially killed the economy. All negotiators regarding the resulting rioting seem to have been killed off in the prisons.
Description: 8 foot tall, Faceless with the exception of a mouth that houses many pointed teeth. He wears well tailored buisiness suits, and is awaiting a fedora to arrive in the mail. Skin the colour of paper,
Personality: A misanthropic sociopath with sadistic tendencies and a pedantic streak a mile wide.
Other:Blind...He has no eyes. Compensates through echolocation. And also, Agoraphobic due to acoustics of outdoors.

Last edited by Invisimort on Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:54 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot to finish a sentence...DARN SLEEP DEPRIVATION...)

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The Dictator String Empty Re: The Dictator String

Post by Regret Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:31 pm

Apparently our characters are suffering a serious deficit in the eye region, Invisimort.

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The Dictator String Empty Re: The Dictator String

Post by Invisimort Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:45 pm

It seems so Regret. Does she posess eye sockets?

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The Dictator String Empty Re: The Dictator String

Post by Regret Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:47 pm

Yes. They act like a snake's heat pits.

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The Dictator String Empty Re: The Dictator String

Post by Invisimort Fri Aug 19, 2011 4:59 pm

That is neat. Mr.Face has no eyesockets.

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The Dictator String Empty Re: The Dictator String

Post by Regret Fri Aug 19, 2011 5:36 pm

That's quite cool.

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The Dictator String Empty Re: The Dictator String

Post by Guest Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:43 pm

Oh, such interesting characters!


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The Dictator String Empty Re: The Dictator String

Post by Alice Fri Aug 19, 2011 10:17 pm


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The Dictator String Empty Re: The Dictator String

Post by Regret Sat Aug 20, 2011 9:33 am

How are we going to start?

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