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Fairdale Castle

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Fairdale Castle Empty Fairdale Castle

Post by Purple Dragon Wed Sep 07, 2011 2:20 pm

The sunny town of Fort Bates, a small, secluded place where everything seems peaceful and quiet. Yet, this somewhat perfect town has a secret, a secret that everyone is too scared to bring up, a secret that no one has an answer to...until now.

Everyone remembers the Fairdale's. A mysterious family that was always twitchy, or looking behind their back's for something. One day, they just disappeared, without a trace. A large, horrible sound like nails on a chalkboard emitted from the Fairdale castle the night of the sudden disappearance. The castle is a huge, ominous place in the forest next to Fort Bates, a forest no one dares to enter anymore. It also is rumored that the castle can sense your worst fears, and bring them to life, right before your eyes. Only a few have entered. None have come back.

The townsfolk ignore the castle, and sometimes they glance in it's direction nervously. Even now, 25 years after the incident, creepy noises can still be heard coming from the castle. Of course, no amount of creepy noises can keep away a group of bored, curious teenagers. That's where you come in.

Enter the castle if you dare. Come on in and see if you're brave enough to uncover the Fairdale's secrets.
This is Fairdale Castle. Welcome to the place of living nightmares.

Looks (image or description):
Main fear:

Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

Posts : 606
Join date : 2011-08-12
Age : 27
Location : Somewhere between Death City and The Land of Ooo

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Fairdale Castle Empty Re: Fairdale Castle

Post by Purple Dragon Wed Sep 07, 2011 2:34 pm

Name: Trixie Carson
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Looks (image or description): Brown hair she keeps in a neat braid, bright blue eyes, wears tennis shoes, shorts and a purple tank top skinny with a little bit of chub, and a hint of a tan
Personality: calm and cool
Other: Don't have an other...
Main fear: Heights

Name: Jason Weydom
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Looks (image or description): Close-cut blonde hair and brown eyes. Wears blue t-shirt and cargo jeans. Skinny and a little bit on the pale side.
Personality: the fun guy who's always smiling
Other: wears dog tags
Main fear: Snakes

Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

Posts : 606
Join date : 2011-08-12
Age : 27
Location : Somewhere between Death City and The Land of Ooo

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Fairdale Castle Empty Re: Fairdale Castle

Post by Purple Dragon Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:23 pm

Hellooooo? Come on people, it'll be pretty sad for me to start a C.C by my lonesome. *furious poking*
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

Posts : 606
Join date : 2011-08-12
Age : 27
Location : Somewhere between Death City and The Land of Ooo

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Fairdale Castle Empty Re: Fairdale Castle

Post by Momo13 Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:46 am

Reserves spot!!!!!

Posts : 8716
Join date : 2010-10-08

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Fairdale Castle Empty Re: Fairdale Castle

Post by Guest Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:55 am

Name: Kristina Charova
Gender: female
Age: 17
Looks (image or description): Long, white-blonde hair that she likes to keep out of her face. Whether this is in a braid, a high ponytail, or some other style she comes up with on the spot. And it's not really about style with Kristina, she's not worried about what other people think of her. If you're nice to her, she'll be nice to you. But she doesn't like to show weakness, so her cold, blue eyes match her usual mood perfectly -- same with her adventurous grin....
Personality: Kristina is a determined girl who loves a good mystery. She thinks that there's a science behind the supposed "haunting" of the castle, so she has decided to go see for herself. What she won't admit is that she also wants to go and see what her biggest fear ends up to be, because Kristina wants to crush it so she no longer fears ANYTHING.
Other: Kristina often carries a backpack in which she has countless tools to aid her in general life, and in adventures. She also wears round, rimless glasses on occasion.
Main fear: Failure

Name: Cade Forrest (Far-ist)
Gender: male
Age: 16
Looks (image or description): Shaggy dark hair and warm brown eyes, framed with rectangular glasses. Lanky, but growing into his body, with sun-dusted skin.
Personality: Quiet but smart, not a big people person because he's not good with them, and always curious.
Other: N/A
Main fear: Snakes


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Fairdale Castle Empty Re: Fairdale Castle

Post by Momo13 Sun Sep 18, 2011 10:28 am

Name: Mika
Gender: female
Age: 17
Looks (image or description):
Hair: short choppy black hair taht reaches her chin
Eyes: Stormy grey
Skin: copper tan. Looks like she has american indian in her blood.
Height/Build: 5'2" and petite. Very small and tiny
Personality: Very perky and happy all the time.
Other: She has always had an abusive boyfriend (bobby) who doesnt trust her with anyone else. If she hangs out with another guy, even as a science partner or something, he will hurt her. They broke up about a week ago and she is still hurting inside from it. She thought she loved him.
Main fear: The Dark

will add another charrie later with a fear of burning to death

Posts : 8716
Join date : 2010-10-08

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Fairdale Castle Empty Re: Fairdale Castle

Post by Purple Dragon Sun Sep 18, 2011 1:07 pm

(alright gonna go ahead and start this)


I walked into the forest, glancing around. This place gave me the creeps, but I really wanted to check out that castle everyone murmured about.
I looked around me, at all my other friends who wanted to check out the Fairdale's place also.

"You guys sure about this?" I whispered, slightly losing my courage.


"If we weren't sure about it, then I doubt we would have agreed to come in the first place." I replied. Sure enough, our little rag-tag group arrived at the huge castle gates, and stared up at the towering building.

To tell the truth, I wasn't sure about this. At all. But someone needs to check this place out, someone needs to figure out what happened. I glanced around, taking it in. The strong iron gates were rusted and the pathway leading to the massive castle doors was littered with leaves.

The castle itself had a sort of old look to it, almost like a Victorian. It had the double doors, large windows, and to top it off, I think I saw a flash of lightning. Great.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Join date : 2011-08-12
Age : 27
Location : Somewhere between Death City and The Land of Ooo

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Fairdale Castle Empty Re: Fairdale Castle

Post by Guest Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:26 am

Name: Lane Cassidy
Gender: female
Age: 17
Looks (image or description): Long wavy dark brown hair, cat green eyes, dusting of freckles, short and petite
Personality: Very kind, slightly quiet but is still social with those she finds nice
Other: Has a very large family, so is often forgotten about
Main fear: Doctors, and needles

Name: Adam Jaemston
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Looks (image or description): Shaggy black hair, greyish blue eyes, tall and toned
Personality: the dark, stoic, and serious one. can be very cynical, just covering up a deep grief inside from losing his parents
Other: Was in a bad car crash, he survived but his parents didn't
Main fear: Extreme pain

(How can I jump in?)


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Fairdale Castle Empty Re: Fairdale Castle

Post by Purple Dragon Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:25 am

(They can be in the group, it's a small town so the charries pretty much already know each other, unless they just moved in or something. Thanks for joining! Very Happy)
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

Posts : 606
Join date : 2011-08-12
Age : 27
Location : Somewhere between Death City and The Land of Ooo

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Fairdale Castle Empty Re: Fairdale Castle

Post by Momo13 Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:26 pm

Mika wasnt too sure about this. The building looked big, scary and dark. But, she decided to do this so might as well be chipper about it.
"C'mon guys! we can do this, no prob." She smiled widely and started to the front door. "Anyone else coming? or will you let short, small, little ol' me go in by myself."

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Join date : 2010-10-08

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Fairdale Castle Empty Re: Fairdale Castle

Post by Guest Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:57 am

Lane: I looked over to Mika, still felling the hesitation in my feet, holding me to the ground. I made my sneakers move forward though, and began to follow.

Adam: "Lets just get this over with" I said low, stepping forward into the darkened tree line. It had an eery feeling, one that made you question just what kinds of things lived there.


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Fairdale Castle Empty Re: Fairdale Castle

Post by Purple Dragon Sat Oct 01, 2011 2:24 pm


"No Mika, we're comin'." I chuckled, then stepped up the steps, turning around to give the group a confident grin. Then I stepped into the castle, while everyone followed.
of course, the creepy forest wasn't enough, and the huge doors slammed behind us with an audible click, locking us in. "Crap!" I tried to pry the doors open, but they seemed locked from the outside.
i sighed and pulled my flashlight out of the small backpack that was slung over my shoulder.

Before I could flick it on, the place seemed to light up, even though there were no lightbulbs, it lit up, almost magically.


I swore under my breath as the doors were slammed shut, and blinked up at the sudden light. We were in the entrance to the castle,a big room with staircases on both side that connected at the top floor, and there was old furniture and junk, while everything was dusty.

I didn't have too much time to scan my surroundings when a booming voice resounded throughout the castle.

Welcome, visitors! Young visitors too, my my, how delightful! I have not had people in a while, and this is such a treat! I see that you are here to discover my secrets, and right now I even know your names, and fears. Isn't that great?!
Of course, I could have seen your dreams and ambitions too but who need that rubbish? You won't need future plans, you're just going to die anyway!
Good luck with that. Ta, ta for now!

The voice sounded neither male nor female, and seemed to have come from the castle itself, because the castle vibrated slightly when the voice talked.

I had barely enough time to register what the voice said, before the floor beneath us seemed to swallow us whole, spitting us back out in a dusty, dimly lit basement.

Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

Posts : 606
Join date : 2011-08-12
Age : 27
Location : Somewhere between Death City and The Land of Ooo

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Fairdale Castle Empty Re: Fairdale Castle

Post by Guest Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:28 am

Lane: I coughed, the wind knocked out of me from the fall. Squinting, I looked around into the dim, making a panicky attempt to see anything. "Is everyone okay?" I asked, my voice shaking with fear. I looked over to Jason, he always seemed to bring some form of happiness to the group

Adam: I blinked, pushing myself up to stand. "What just happened?" I asked, anger at whoever had done this coursing through my head. I glanced around to make sure everyone was okay, and then stared at the basement that surrounded us.


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Fairdale Castle Empty Re: Fairdale Castle

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