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Waverly Hills

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Waverly Hills Empty Waverly Hills

Post by Black&White Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:42 pm

Welcome to Waverly Hills Sanatorium, located in Louisville, Kentucky, opened in 1910 as a two-story hospital to accommodate 40 to 50 tuberculosis patients, then rebuilt to double as an insane asylum in 1924. Although Waverly hills was considered the most advance tuberculosis sanatorium in the country, hundreds of adults and children still perished at the peak of the epidemic. Ultimately the deaths occurred because of lack of medicines. A cure for tuberculosis wouldn't come until 1940 and although treatments were performed to help alleviate the condition of the patient, most times they were just as horrific as the disease itself and most patients did not survive. Closed in 1982, there are many stories of patient mistreatment and questionable treatments, and its no wonder some spirits still wander from the nearly 62,000 deaths that occurred in this place.

In modern day, your team has been brought in to investigate the rumored hauntings of the building. Reports of voices, shadows, screams, slamming doors, and apparitions of men, women, and children of all ages.
Your tools of the trade?
Thermal cameras, EVP, cameras, flashlight, EMF detector, radios.... But are they really needed?

And then there's the other side of this investigation, isn't there? The ghosts. They know the worst of the worst of the world and still wander for a variety of reasons. Being stuck in one place is sort of boring... The living wouldn't mind a prank or two would they...?

- Format -
Age: (what age you died at for ghosts)
Human or Ghost?
Other: background, abilities (psychic medium? moving objects? full on apparition? amazing tolerance for fear?), etc.

Ready to wander the halls at midnight, friends?

Basics - no PPing, no GMing. Three sentences preferred.
Ghosts - have fun! Humans - react accordingly...
Casper cases are fine, but this is horror right? We can't all be goody two shoes....

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Waverly Hills Empty Re: Waverly Hills

Post by Stevie Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:21 pm

Name: Drew
Age: (what age you died at for ghosts) 17
Gender: Girl
Human or Ghost? Human
Appearance: Waverly Hills Charri10
Personality: She’s not afraid at all, actually, she’s extremely out going, and she likes to communicate with the ghosts. Other than that, TBD.
Other: She has a power of being able to talk to the ghosts.

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Age : 27

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Waverly Hills Empty Re: Waverly Hills

Post by Black&White Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:49 pm

Name: Emily
Age: 14
Gender: F
Personality: childish and flighty. knows she can get away with whatever she wants

Name: Stephan
Age: 20
Gender: M
Personality: serious mannerism, though he'll loosen up at times.
Other: has known ghost hunting most of his life, growing up in a haunted inn. knows most of the tricks for finding them.

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Location : Arkham Asylum

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Waverly Hills Empty Re: Waverly Hills

Post by Purple Dragon Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:35 pm

Name: Sally Cane
Age: 9
Gender: Female
Human or Ghost? Ghost
Appearance: (i couldn't find a good real picture, so anime picture instead, imagine a girl like this, except her hair is in pigtails and she wears a yellow sundress)
Waverly Hills Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRHhBZhe6jQ59WS8BKgyeaq6lZohfsmaJI9Ej9nbHufwZmfJle4ZP-jWAU
Personality: Fun and caring, always tries to be nice but her natural prankster side ruins that sometimes.
Other: Died from a contagious illness, so is more pale than normal. Has been a ghost for quite a while, so knows how to show herself to humans who normally couldn't see her.

Name: Adam Cross
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Human or Ghost? Human
Appearance: ((Bleh. Couldn't find a picture))
He has short brown hair that is spiky and sticks up, and is maybe two inches long. He wears glasses with a black rim, and has eyes that are amberish. His skin is fair, and is a light tone, but not completely pale. He is maybe 5'7 and a liiiiiittle on the chubby side, cause he usually sits around eating popcorn and watching ghost shows. Wears neat black pants and a button down plaid shirt with a white undershirt underneath.
Personality: Usually quiet and reserved, but can be funny when if he sees an opportunity.
Other: Is fascinated by ghosts, but can get scared when they actually appear.

Last edited by Purple Dragon on Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:22 am; edited 1 time in total
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Waverly Hills Empty Re: Waverly Hills

Post by Stevie Fri Sep 23, 2011 1:40 pm

((I decided that I want to make two more charries so...))

Name: Sal
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Human or Ghost?: Human
Appearance:Waverly Hills Guy_fo10
Personality: He's not that afraid, but he doesn't like to roam around alone. He's an introvert.
Other: He can see the past, but he doesn't know how to control when he can and can't see it. It just kind of happens.

Name: Bay
Age: 21 (what age you died at for ghosts)
Gender: Girl
Human or Ghost?: Human
Appearance: TBA
Personality: She's very outgoing, and very excitable. She's a flirt. And a party animal.
Other: She's doing research on this place for a school project, and she doesn't have much expirience with ghosts. She has a medium but she doesn't even know it yet. TBA

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Age : 27

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Waverly Hills Empty Re: Waverly Hills

Post by Regret Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:43 pm

Name: Slenderman
Age: N/A
Gender: Male (?)
Human or Ghost? Ghost (?)
Appearance: The really tall guy in my profile pic.
Personality: Impossible to say.
Other: The more you know about him, the more he knows about you...

Name: Totheark
Age: Doesn't matter.
Gender: Male, generally.
Human or Ghost? Human.
Appearance: The crouching guy in my profile pic.
Personality: None. Unwilling and unwitting slave of the Slender Man.
Other: Totheark is not necessarily one person. Whoever is wearing the mask actually is Totheark. They do not know it, and they do not remember it. They are nothing more than an avatar of the will of the Slender Man. They speak for him, and act for him when he feels it is beneath him to act personally.

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Waverly Hills Empty Re: Waverly Hills

Post by Black&White Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:24 pm

regret can ya involve them in the plot a bit more...?

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Waverly Hills Empty Re: Waverly Hills

Post by Regret Sat Sep 24, 2011 9:02 am

I think I forgot to mention. The Slender Man causes massive disruption to filming in his vicinity, often distorting it to the point of unusability. However, it is possible to capture him on film. When such a thing has been done, he will invariably... take in interest... in whoever managed to film him. This never, ever ends well.

Why he would be at an abandoned sanatarium, I'm not sure. But why he does a lot of the things he does I'm not sure.

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Waverly Hills Empty Re: Waverly Hills

Post by Black&White Sun Sep 25, 2011 12:11 pm

who wants to start?

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Waverly Hills Empty Re: Waverly Hills

Post by Black&White Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:21 pm

I drive up with the team, my van full of our equipment that shuffles noisily as we enter through the old iron gates to an abused road. Ready for this? One of the most haunted places in America and we finally got entrance. A virtual dream come true for me. Waverley Hills was one of my goals for starting this investigation and now, finally... here. " 'Kay, guys. We got the keys for a week's investigation, let's make it worth it," I say into the walkie talkies we have between the cars.

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Waverly Hills Empty Re: Waverly Hills

Post by Stevie Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:54 pm

Drew- "AHHHH I AM SOOO EXCITED! OH. MY. GOSH. I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS." I couldn't wait as I approached the doors to Waverly Hills. It was a dream come true. I just loved working with ghosts.

Sal- I stared at the ground, no out of fear or anxiety, but I was hoping no one would talk to me. At least not until tonight. Because, tonight I was going to need someone to talk to. Then I heard my walkie-talking. "Ready..." I whispered into it as I approached the door.

Bay- I walked in to Waverly Hills, my short black curly hair blowing around a little bit. My big necklace hit my chest as I took short steps up to the doors. Of course I was nervous, but whatever, I needed to pass a pshycology class that I was failing, and by coming here, I was guarenteed an automatic A.

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Waverly Hills Empty Re: Waverly Hills

Post by Purple Dragon Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:28 am


"Sounds good." I said into the walkie-talkie, while gaping up at the huge building. We were supposed to explore this place? What if we got lost? ...are there actual ghosts there? I had so many questions running through my head and I looked at the door excitedly. Only one way to get those questions answered, and it lies through that door.


"Eeek! People! Actual people are coming!" I floated around by the window, watching all the people pour from cars. I then zoomed off through the building, coming to the other ghosts, and saying,"Hey guys! There are some people coming in, and they've got lots of junk with them, so they might be here for a long time." I LOVE people. They always have the funniest faces when I pop up behind them, and I could use a good laugh...
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Waverly Hills Empty Re: Waverly Hills

Post by Regret Tue Sep 27, 2011 5:04 pm

Jason walks slowly up to towards Waverley Hills. Who Jason is does not matter. He is here because a nagging at the back of his mind told him to come here. He does not know why here, or why the feeling is there.
He does not know who he will become.

Suddenly the Slender Man has been there all along. Jason twitches and screams, forced to look down at his hands. He is holding a mask of a very stylised female face. A voice that is not a voice tells him to put the mask on. He does so, fighting the movement every step of the way. Once the mask is on, he stops fighting.
"They will lead me..." he breathes. "To the ark."

He smashes a window and climbs in, oblivious to the shards of glass. he looks down at his hands to find a switchblade. How it got there, he doesn't know. All he knows is that he will use it sooner or later.

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Waverly Hills Empty Re: Waverly Hills

Post by Black&White Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:43 pm

...regret can you go with the plot a little more? its not making sense with the story outline in first post....

i can keep the two of them. just make a ghost hunter and/or ghost as well?

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Waverly Hills Empty Re: Waverly Hills

Post by Regret Thu Sep 29, 2011 8:48 am

I didn't make this clear, did I. In modern paranormal investigations, the Slender Man is basically the Holy Grail of ghost hunting, as well as being the most serious danger imaginable. He is not my own personal character, he is actually a well-known paranormal phenomenon, like Spring-Heeled Jack.
While it is questionable whether or not he is actually a ghost, any ghost-hunter worth their salt, especially amongst the younger generations, would know the Slender Man at a glance.
They would then probably soil themselves.

Totheark is not as well known, but is widely regarded to act as a catspaw for the Slender Man.

Also, people who come into contact with the Slender Man seem to get quite ill. It is possible that he is in fact responsible for the TB outbreak which killed the patients, which means that the ghosts may or may not have seen him, or at least heard the odd urban legend.

Plus, all of the ghosts so far appear to be quite friendly to some extent. As this is the horror forum, I thought it would be interesting to bring out one of the big guns of modern horror.

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Waverly Hills Empty Re: Waverly Hills

Post by Black&White Thu Sep 29, 2011 10:39 am

soo... totheark is human, if he can smash a window?

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Waverly Hills Empty Re: Waverly Hills

Post by Black&White Thu Sep 29, 2011 10:48 am

People here again... So says the rumors. I glance out of a barred window, keeping hidden in the shadows. Humans, with their modern stuff. We didn't have that stuff when I was alive. The sense of time has ebbed from me; I wonder how long its been.

I park, getting out and opening the back of the van to first get the large tent to set up that will be home base for the week. There are limited reports of ghosts outside the hospital, after all, and we wouldn't want them messing with our CPUs to destroy seven days of hard research.
"Adam, can you help unload?" I ask, getting the generator out next.

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Waverly Hills Empty Re: Waverly Hills

Post by Purple Dragon Thu Sep 29, 2011 10:56 am


I ran over to Stephan, grinning. "Sure, where does all this stuff go?" I helped him pick up the generator, grunting a bit. This stuff was heavy, but seeing an actual ghost would be worth it. We had a lot of stuff to unpack, hopefully we can set it up fast. I glanced back at the old building, seeing someone in the window. Was that just my imagination? Probably...maybe...
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

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Waverly Hills Empty Re: Waverly Hills

Post by Regret Thu Sep 29, 2011 6:34 pm

(Totheark is a normal human wearing a mask. See my profile pic for the mask.
The Slender Man is not. Not even close.
Also, the Slender man is capable of forcing people to do his bidding, but I will ask permission to seize control of characters.)

The Slender man smells the ghosts in the building, so when Totheark finally makes his way to the first floor mezannine, he finds the Slender Man waiting for him. The voice that is not a voice comes again behind Totheark's mask, and he heads down to the front door.

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Waverly Hills Empty Re: Waverly Hills

Post by Black&White Mon Oct 03, 2011 1:21 pm

"The driveway's flat enough. We'll set up camp here. Sound good?" I ask the gathered party. "When we're not investigating we'll regroup here. Make sure we're all still here," I joke lightly.

I turn away, leave the room that had been mine when I was alive. Walking through the halls lazily, nothing more to do until they came in and we could have some fun, humming a tune from my time.

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Waverly Hills Empty Re: Waverly Hills

Post by Black&White Sat Oct 08, 2011 7:46 pm

erm bump...?

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Waverly Hills Empty Re: Waverly Hills

Post by xxxGrAcEyRuThYxxx Sat Oct 08, 2011 9:09 pm

Name: Alexandra Pierce (Alex)
Age: 17
Gender: F
Human or Ghost? Ghost
Appearance: Waverly Hills 59299_146205178753383_146193108754590_231315_4580139_n
Personality: Outgoing, not scared to say whats on her mind, shares her opinion quite a bit
Other: TBD

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Waverly Hills Empty Re: Waverly Hills

Post by xxxGrAcEyRuThYxxx Sat Oct 08, 2011 9:14 pm

As I float over to a window, I see the humans unloading a vehicle. "Why would they be coming now?" I ask the other ghosts. It seems like it has been ages since we have had visitors.

Last edited by xxxGrAcEyRuThYxxx on Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Waverly Hills Empty Re: Waverly Hills

Post by Regret Sun Oct 09, 2011 5:16 am

(Obviously my profile pic is no longer useful for determining the appearance of my characters, but they're both on google.)

Totheark slips out of the front door and slinks through the shadows towards the driveway.

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Waverly Hills Empty Re: Waverly Hills

Post by Black&White Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:50 pm


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