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'Verses in the Flesh.

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'Verses in the Flesh. Empty 'Verses in the Flesh.

Post by Jacky K. Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:36 pm

You know your setting inside and out. It's ecomony, its government, its culture . . . but do you know it personally? O.o That's what this chat is for! Take a setting, any setting, and turn it into a person. If the place were a person, who would they be? Have fun!

Name of actual setting:
Nickname (if any):
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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'Verses in the Flesh. Empty Re: 'Verses in the Flesh.

Post by Invisimort Fri Sep 23, 2011 11:48 pm

Name of actual setting: Auda
Nickname (if any):Auda
Gender:Male...there are no girls on the internet
Personality:Like a less sesquepedelian, more relaxed Mr.Face, with a propensity for some internet slang and a deepseated hatred for his neigbouring city, SInk Pump.
Appearence:Auda has a more subdued manga hairstyle, which is black. He wears an insanely well tailored suitcoat...made entirely of duct tape. In fact, his entire armani ripoff suit is made of Audian building supplies of one kind or another. He wears a somewhat dangerous grin on his face, and has a Guard mask around his neck, with the mask part at the back of his head, if he ever leaned his head back too far, he would knock into it.
Other: I dunno man... Prolly the hammerspace access.

Name of actual setting: SInk Pump
Nickname (if any):
Personality:Like... a fusion of... 4chan... 1337 speak...japan...and er... insanity. And also... HE BE TROLLIN. FREQUENTLY.
Appearence:SInk Pump has wickedly insane spiked up anime hair or an undecided colour, with a Nintendo backpack in which he keeps his troll mask, a towel, a guy fawkes mask, and some miscellaneous other crap. He has a Nyan Cat T-Shirt, and a pair of skin tight insanely coloured epileptic jeans on. AND SOME STEAMPUNK GOGGLES...COS HE'S COOL LIKE THAT.
Other: Hammerspace backpack... HAVE FUN WITH THEM SHOCKPICS!

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'Verses in the Flesh. Empty Re: 'Verses in the Flesh.

Post by Echo Sat Sep 24, 2011 12:00 am

BAHAHAHA. YES. have sparked so many chats. What is this.

Name of actual setting: The Planar Universe
Nickname (if any): Uni
Gender: Whatever Uni feels like. Uni is currently manifesting itself as a female
Personality: Uni is...well, you'll see
Appearance: Currently, the Planar Universe looks like a young woman with pure white hair, light blue eyes, and lightly-tanned skin. She wears a cotton, navy blue tunic that has sort of a flowy, swishy bottom; black skinny jeans; and black shoes that sorta look like All-Stars...though they could be anything in the multiverse. Every now and then, tiny points on her dress light up like stars for brief moments. In dark lights, she seems to glow a little.
Other: She can manifest herself however she wants; she chose to be human for simplicity.
Winter Dragon

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Age : 29

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'Verses in the Flesh. Empty Re: 'Verses in the Flesh.

Post by Jacky K. Sat Sep 24, 2011 12:19 am

Name of actual setting: Luna Nuova
Nickname (if any): Ol' Lu, Luna, Lu'Nuova, Lulu Nuvoo, whatever people tend to call her
Gender: female
Personality: Split between the Mainlands and the Lowlands. Although, she's generally distrusting and prefers to be on her own. Standoffish, sometimes rude. Very very very rarely will she be kind to someone, and then, it's for her benefit. Usually.
Appearence: She was once beautiful, but then she got old. Seaweed clings to her hair and her once-white-flowy dress, and the bottom of her skirt is always damp, as if her feet are always dipped in water. The dark damp spot creeps higher up her gown as time crawls on. Blonde hair and blue eyes.
Other: Ermm....
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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'Verses in the Flesh. Empty Re: 'Verses in the Flesh.

Post by Regret Sat Sep 24, 2011 8:57 am

Name of actual setting: NEHOI 12
Nickname (if any): Twelve (Imagine NEHOI as a surname)
Gender: Female.
Personality: Very laid-back and calm, but at the same time a total control-freak. She has to know EVERYTHING.
Appearance: A kinda cute Asian-looking girl. She has crazy anime-style hair which is actually fibre-optic cable, and wears no clothes because she is made of metal. Parts of her appear to have been riveted together, while other parts appear to be made out of living quick-silver.
Other: NEHOI stands for Near-Earth Hazardous Object Interceptor, so she is capable of generating incredibly powerful lasers and causing nuclear explosions. In her current form, the maintenance and security drones have manifested as tiny little robotic spiders that crawl across her skin, fixing damage and fighting off intruders. Also, she always speaks in radio-speak.

Last edited by Regret on Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:29 am; edited 1 time in total

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'Verses in the Flesh. Empty Re: 'Verses in the Flesh.

Post by Ale J. Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:38 pm

Name of actual setting: The Paths(Inside of this is Jentaria and Laucay)
Nickname (if any): Hmm....Path, Jen, Laucay
Gender: Female
Personality: Since she consists of three cities, she has different personalities. She is nice enough, but has that evil side that is always there. She sings ALOT and looks at everything like it is either fascinating or terribly boring. When she walks or talks it sounds like she is from another world entirely, it is mainly the sound of her voice.
Appearence: I have a picture...but until it is finished, I will just describe her the best I can. She looks to be in her early twenties, and looks slightly royal in a way. All around her arms are vines that seem tattooed, they are always moving. She has long, dark, curly brunette hair and some color eyes. *Has not decided yet* She wears a long dress that has fireworks, stars, and a lightning bolt on it. The fireworks are always popping, and the stars twinkling. As if it were an actual sky. She has a collar necklace with the symbol for the city on it. At night she usually carries a sceptor(sp?) with the same symbol on it. The sceptor doesn't do's just for looks. She thinks it makes her look important or something.
Other: Hm....She can, at times, Do some sort of magic. But i'm not having her use it alot.

Last edited by Ale J. on Sun Oct 23, 2011 4:06 am; edited 1 time in total
Ale J.
Ale J.

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'Verses in the Flesh. Empty Re: 'Verses in the Flesh.

Post by Jacky K. Fri Sep 30, 2011 10:10 pm

Ol' Lu

See, I don't try to be unsocial. I succeed. There's always the occasional somebody who tries to get friendly with me and I always duck and cover behind my wall to the world, right in time to sheild myself from any contact. Perhaps it's rude, but I'm not so cruel on the inside, truly. I'm half decent half of the time, in my own mind. I just don't . . . like . . . people. They're ignorant, they're crude, and it's much more comfortable just bickering with my thoughts in a blank room.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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'Verses in the Flesh. Empty Re: 'Verses in the Flesh.

Post by Invisimort Fri Sep 30, 2011 10:31 pm

SInk Pump

W3LL. 7H1S W4S G01NG T0 SUCK R0Y4LLY. L13K...1 W4S S7UCK WI7H 4UD4 F0R...1ND3F1N1T3LY. 3Y3R0LL.

7H3 F4C7 M4D3 M3 W4N7 T0 HURL B4B13S.


I was stuck with SInk Pump. Walking to...Internet knows where. We stumbled across a door, and SInk Pump...Idiot that he is, went inside. Without considering any of the consequences or anything. Just...threw open the door and, like...yeah.
There was some lady inside. I followed SInk Pump inside, and loitered. If he was going to try and blow crap up or something stupid like that, I would be there to whack him vigorously over the head with something I found in hammerspace. You know...because I am the responsible one in this relationship.

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'Verses in the Flesh. Empty Re: 'Verses in the Flesh.

Post by Echo Sat Oct 01, 2011 2:07 am


I took the flower out of my hair, holding it carefully in my left hand and touching the petals lightly with my right hand. Wilt, rejuvenate, wilt, rejuvenate... What? I was bored.

Growing bored with this, too, I stuck the flower back in its former position. Meh... Come on...I knew everything there was to know about everything. You'd think I could find a way to occupy myself, but nooo...

Oh. There was SInk Pump and Auda. Maybe I'd find something to interest me after all. (And before you say it...yes, I knew Ol' Lu was there already. But Ol' Lu is...Ol' Lu. Tautology for the win.)
Winter Dragon

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'Verses in the Flesh. Empty Re: 'Verses in the Flesh.

Post by Regret Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:29 am

12 descends at great speed, landing with a crunch and breaking the floor. She stands up from her crouch and strolls over to the others. She appears to hover slightly, which makes sense as she has only ever existed in microgravity.
"This is NEHOI 12, NEHOI 12. Seeking your call-sign, over," she says to Ol' Lu.

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'Verses in the Flesh. Empty Re: 'Verses in the Flesh.

Post by Invisimort Sat Oct 01, 2011 2:43 pm

SInk Pump:

S0M3 D00D...N0...W41T...CH1CK... JUS7 F3LL 7HR0UGH 7H3 C31L1NG. W7H. L1K3...S3R10USLY. 1 GL4NC3D 0V3R 4T 4UD4, JUS7 70 S33 1F H3 S4W 17.


SInk Pump looked over at me after the girl fell through the ceiling. I pointedly ignored him. However, I found it odd as well...the fact that she had just like...crashed into the floor... And was...sorta...floating...

Her arrival had driven the fact that Uni had just walked through the door out of my mind for the moment. I mean...she had put a HOLE. IN THE FLOOR.

I continued watching with...intrigue.

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'Verses in the Flesh. Empty Re: 'Verses in the Flesh.

Post by Regret Sat Oct 01, 2011 2:48 pm

"CQ, CQ?" Says 12. She turns to SInk Pump and Auda.
"This is NEHOI 12, NEHOI 12. Seeking your call sign, over."

(Basically: Hi, I'm NEHOI 12, what's your name?)

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'Verses in the Flesh. Empty Re: 'Verses in the Flesh.

Post by Invisimort Sun Oct 02, 2011 4:22 pm

SInk Pump:

W3LL... 1 D1DN'7 7H1NK SH3 W4S 4SK1NG 4 MY Z0D14C S1GN...1 D3C1D3D 70 G1V3 0U7 MY N4M3 1NS734D.

"3R...S1NK PUMP..." 1 S7473D H0P1NG 7H47 W4S 7H3 R1GH7 4NSW3R.


Alright, I do not want to admit it, but...I actually took my cues from SInk Pump here. He was giving out his I suppoused that somewhere in the universe...a 'call sign' wasn't an IP address.

"I'm Auda." I told the floor breaking girl, still not quite sure what to make of her.

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'Verses in the Flesh. Empty Re: 'Verses in the Flesh.

Post by Regret Sun Oct 02, 2011 5:11 pm

"Roger. What is your current mission status? Over."
(Cool. How are you?)
12 sits down on thin air and crosses her legs.

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