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So You Want to be Normal?

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So You Want to be Normal? Empty So You Want to be Normal?

Post by Guest Fri Sep 30, 2011 2:12 am

Last week, life seemed normal. You went to school, you chilled with your friends. No one really knew your dirty little secret. This week, something changed. The beans were spilled. You failed at dying; someone saw your cuts; you got caught high; what say you. Bottom line is- your secret landed you in youth unit number 34 of Spring Valley Mental Hospital.

You're just an average joe stuck in a place for the mentally insane. That's not unsettling;no, not at all. Don't worry though, Hollywood likes to plays it up a bit. The only person muttering in the corner is the weird dude in room 32.

Unnerved by the prospect? Don't want to stay? It's alright, this place is "Just here to help", "Life's just beaten you down," and "You're in need of a nice break." At least, that's what they said to sway you into checking in. But now that you're in- ha, good luck getting out, my friend. Welcome to the Venus fly trap of Venus fly traps. Regret falling for it? Me too.

Welcome to Spring Valley Mental Institute, home of the 'mentally troubled'. Whether you are here for depression, self harm, drug abuse, suicide, you name it- You aren't leaving till they are sure you are 'straightened out'. Whatever that may mean. Here you and a group of 'troubled teens' will be forced to attend countless group sessions and mind numbing, boring therapy work. But don't worry, electro-therapy has long since been outlawed. You arrived here at your worst, where you go from here is up to you. Enjoy your stay.

Imagine a big, clinical type building. They try to make it look homey, but the white walls and barred windows kinda kill it. The building is split apart into units. Ie- adult unit, adult special unit, adult intensive unit, child unit, teenage unit, it goes on and on. Long story short- You are in one small unit with a group of teens. Their sanity level- just about the same as yours.
The unit consists of one common room. The tables are big, heavy wooded things. The couches line the walls and match the tables, padded with uncomfortable pillow picked apart by the bored. Here you have the group meetings/ eat/sit and waste away your time. The nurses station makes up one half of this room. You are not allowed back there.
A hall breaks apart from here, down it is the rooms. Similar heavy beds and dressers fill each one- two sets a room. The doors remain open at all times. You change in the bathroom which is off of the common room.
The only way in / out are double doors which can only be unlocked by a mysterious button somewhere in the nurses station. There are windows; big windows- all of which are barred. There is no escape.
You are giving plastic silverware which is all accounted for after each meal. There is nothing to hurt yourself; no belts; no strings. You're given your shoelaces for the times you leave the unit.
There is more, but I'll fill you in as we go along. Once again- any questions, just ask.

This is not a romance chat.
I'm not sure how familiar you all are with this type of setting, but if you're unsure about anything- ask me.
No pp
Let's keep this as realistic as possible.

Character Sheet-
Past (optional)-
What they are in for-

Last edited by ~LilyPetal~ on Fri Sep 30, 2011 6:34 pm; edited 1 time in total


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So You Want to be Normal? Empty Re: So You Want to be Normal?

Post by Wolf of Storms Fri Sep 30, 2011 2:14 am

I'll join later -after school-
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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So You Want to be Normal? Empty Re: So You Want to be Normal?

Post by Guest Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:07 am

Name- Trenton Gage Marklin (Gage)
Age- 18
Looks- So You Want to be Normal? Profiles_AnimeGothGuy_3525_578079
Past (optional)- TBD
Personality- He's really reserved and sometimes, ok well most of the time, is very harsh. He doesn't let many people in and the few he does let in don't really know all that much either because he doesn't give out all that much information.
What they are in for- Talking to himself (of all things)

Name- Jonnie Ricks
Age- 17
Looks- So You Want to be Normal? Blackw10
Past (optional)-
Personality- Very frightful, but also very straight forward. She puts on the persona of being brave when in all reality she's a huge scaredy cat. Not that anyone would guess it though.
What they are in for- She has an extreame fear of the dark, this includes shadows. She believes it will suck out her soul.

Name- Mia
Age- 17
Looks- So You Want to be Normal? Tumblr_lr2xc40S0a1qfqkqyo1_500
Past (optional)- Mia has no last name because she is a street rat. Her parents dumped her in an alley when she was four. She was then raised by a boy named Scrap (he gave her her name, up until then she thought her name was She/Her/It/You). Scrap was about 6 when he found her. When she was twelve, Scrap died though she never tells how. She started on drugs a week later and was just recently picked up by the cops who put her in here.
Personality- Very standoff-ish and refuses to get close to anyone or anything. She will insult you until you cry, just to make you leave her alone. She hates men because in her experiance they only pretend to like you and flirt with you to get into your pants then they leave you.
What they are in for- Major drug addiction. She does liquid Heroine and pills

Name- Able Lepton
Looks- So You Want to be Normal? TeddyGeiger
Past(optional)- Able's mother disowned him when she figured out his secret. His father on the other hand has done his best to help Able and support him in his decision. It wasn't that his father approved of him being gay, but he loved his son enough that he could try to accept it. Able told everyone when he was sixteen. His mother and his father believe that his turn towards the same gender is his attempt at reaching out for attention and love.
Personality- Able is a very loving individual. He is not very open about his sexual preferance and has never had a boyfriend in his life. He will, on the other hand, help people pick out clothes or do their hair because when it comes to those sort of things his hands seem to be magic. Oddly enough, Able considers himself the more masculine of the gays and refuses to dress in the drag. He has carried a purse on occasion, but would much rather a side satchle.
What they are in for- Able has depression issues and has turned towards self harm to solve his problems


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So You Want to be Normal? Empty Re: So You Want to be Normal?

Post by Wolf of Storms Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:26 am

Name- Lily
So You Want to be Normal? 20483776
Past (optional)- TBD
Personality- TBD
What they are in for- Drugs and depression.

Name- Riku
Looks- So You Want to be Normal? Riku_kingdom_hearts
Past- TBD
Personality- TBD
What they are in for- Drugs
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

Posts : 2109
Join date : 2011-07-17

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So You Want to be Normal? Empty Re: So You Want to be Normal?

Post by Ravyn Sat Oct 01, 2011 12:24 pm

Name- Snow Torres
Age- 17
Looks- So You Want to be Normal?
Past (optional)- TBD
Personality- Not entirely sure yet.... i get the sense that she's quiet, and her moods feel liek they're very random, kind of all-over-the-place.
What they are in for- Depression, which eventually led to her trying to hang herself. She was found before she actually managed to die though, and recovered in hospital before being sent here.

Name- Darren Blackmoore
Age- 18
So You Want to be Normal? 21a3a52ffc999685
Past (optional)- TBD
Personality- Undeveloped, but doesnt seem to me like he likes people much....
What they are in for- Drug addict - cocaine


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So You Want to be Normal? Empty Re: So You Want to be Normal?

Post by Alice Sat Oct 01, 2011 2:19 pm

Name- Alice
Age- 18
Past (optional)- She has been high drunk and everything you can think of that is bad she has done. She has been arrested and well.... the reason why she is like is is because her parents have abused her and her brother
Personality- loud and crazy and doesnt care what people think of her.
What they are in for- Cutting and the illegal use of drugs and she tried to kill herself
So You Want to be Normal? Emo+Hairstyles

Name- Justin
Age- 18
Past (optional)- was raped by his father and hates his father for a reason.
Personality- Quiet and mysterious. doesnt like people all in his bisness
What they are in for- Trying to overdose.
Looks- So You Want to be Normal? CuteEmoBoy

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Join date : 2011-05-22
Age : 28
Location : dont know dont care

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So You Want to be Normal? Empty Re: So You Want to be Normal?

Post by Guest Sun Oct 02, 2011 10:29 am

Name- Ophelia Sky
So You Want to be Normal? Chocolate-brown-hair
Past (optional)- Her mother went missing at an early age and her father's an alcoholic. It wouldn't be all to uncommon to find mysterious bumps and bruises on Ophelia after her father's had a bad day.
Personality- Quiet; low key; observant; hard to motivate into carry about something. She just doesn't see the point.
What they are in for- Self harm. It's not exactly like she wants to die, but for once- those cuts are her own doing. She likes that. Plus, it takes away the stress.

Name- Isabelle Benton
So You Want to be Normal? 6203294481_1f223a0bc2_m
Past (optional)- She hasn't really told me much besides her mom is controlling and doesn't have a care for what she thinks or wants.
Personality- Sarcastic; combative; strong willed
What they are in for- She is anorexic

Name- Leo
Age- 26
So You Want to be Normal? Mzl.vanicepf.320x480-75
Occupation- Therapist / group manager
Past (optional)- He use to be a patient of this very unit, 10 years ago. He doesn't talk about his past often, but it was what inspired him to help other troubled teen.
Personality- Observant, caring, doesn't put up with bull crap

Last edited by ~LilyPetal~ on Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:36 pm; edited 2 times in total


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So You Want to be Normal? Empty Re: So You Want to be Normal?

Post by Alice Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:33 pm

(When will we start this?)

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So You Want to be Normal? Empty Re: So You Want to be Normal?

Post by Momo13 Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:10 pm

Name- Kira Totani


Looks- -.-
~Hair: Pin strait black hair that falls past her shoulders in layers. Long side bangs fall over her left eye. Light blonde streaks with purple tints color her hair.
~Eyes: Dark green eyes with blue specks. Mysterious glint in her eyes and they are usually hidden behind sunglasses.
~Body: She is averaged height with a flat chest. She looks boyish, and could pull off being a boy when her hair is pulled under a hood. Her limbs are long and slightly thin.
~skin: Light pale skin with a peachy undertone. Freckles around her nose and cheeks.
~tattoos/piercings: Black flames wrap around her wrists. Has a treble/bass clef heart on her left shoulder blade and a flying Chinese dragon type thing on her right. “Logan” on her lower black in pretty black lettering to remember her one and only best friend. Tripple piercing in both ears, lip ring and nose stud. Cartilage piercing in her right ear. Bottom piercings in both ears are gauged.
~General fashion (what they normally wear): Black skinny jeans that are tucked into her DC shoes. Dark music t-shirts or other graphic t-shirts that are usually black, dark grey, blue or purple. Her dark grey hoody is long and big for her. The bottom goes just above her fingertips and the sleeves go clear past her fingers. And of course she has the dark sunglasses that hide her eyes.
~other: has scars from cutting on her inner wrists from suicide attempts.

Past (optional)- Had a totally different personality when she was younger. When Kira was 12 and younger, she was little-miss-sun-shine. She was all smiles and cheers. You wouldn’t guess she is the same person she is now.
But the guy she had a long time crush on would have nothing to do with her because of her personality and how peppy she was. She kept trying to get his attention, acting out in class, speaking out of turn, but nothing worked. One day, on her 13th birthday, her dad died in a car accident. It sent her family into a turmoil. Her mom started drinking and her brother ended up in jail. Her personality went from peppy to gloom and doom that day. And stayed like that.
When she acted out in class, it was destructive. She would throw desks, yell at teachers, and cause book shelves to fall. It got to the point where she was expelled from school. The boy finally noticed her.
He found her crying in the rain one night at the intersection her dad died. He took her away from there one day and gave her the first taste of heroine. She got hooked and they got closer. To the point where they were best friends, helping each other get high and helping each other break the laws. They would shoplift together and they actually killed the person who caused her fathers death. She felt no remorse for what she did. After her breakdown in the rain, she showed very little emotion. He talked her into getting a tattoo, the twin fire patterns on her wrists. They became a ‘couple’, or as she viewed it, ‘friends with benefits’. She doubted that either of them had actual romantic feelings for the other.
One day they ran into a gang fight. He told her to leave and that they would meet up again at the abandoned park. Hours later he never showed. She went to find him, and found him dead in the alley that she left him in. That’s where she met her breaking point. She started bigger, worse crimes. She robbed jewelry stores, maimed people, and slowly took out the gang members that killed her best friend. Piece my piece her new look came in. The dark hair, the piercings, and the rest of her tattoos. She has one tattoo on her lower back that is her best friend’s name to remember him forever.
At her new school she was an outcast. She never went to classes and never took tests. Her teachers hammered her, but she didn’t care. She only cared for herself at that point and no one could change her mood on it.
Her mom died one night and she was forced into fostering. Her foster parents couldnt handle her and her problems and decided that Spring Valley Mental Hospital would be perfect for her to 'get better'.

Personality- Personality: She doesn’t care about much. She will do whatever pleases her and not care about consequences. Is pretty self centered, but thinks of herself lower than other people. She is brutally honest, to the point where she doesn’t care about the persons feelings.
But if you manage to befriend her, she will actually be a good friend. She puts her life on the line for those she cares for, but sense she doesn’t care for many people her life isn’t always on the line.

What they are in for- Drugs, alcohol, severe ADHD, more drugs, slight insanity, attempted suicide.


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So You Want to be Normal? Empty Re: So You Want to be Normal?

Post by Guest Sun Oct 02, 2011 7:37 pm

X_x ALICE BRIDE x_X wrote:(When will we start this?)
Tomorrow, just waiting for someone to join. Smile


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So You Want to be Normal? Empty Re: So You Want to be Normal?

Post by Guest Tue Oct 04, 2011 11:54 pm

I will be starting this in the morn. Promise <3


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So You Want to be Normal? Empty Re: So You Want to be Normal?

Post by Guest Tue Oct 04, 2011 11:56 pm

bah *headdesking multiple times while eyes burn from stare down with this cc*


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So You Want to be Normal? Empty Re: So You Want to be Normal?

Post by Alice Tue Oct 04, 2011 11:58 pm

I agree with Tay xD I wanna start it soon but I can wait Smile x)

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So You Want to be Normal? Empty Re: So You Want to be Normal?

Post by Guest Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:13 am


Sorry, I'm too tired to craft a good opening post. Night all.


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So You Want to be Normal? Empty Re: So You Want to be Normal?

Post by Guest Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:09 pm

I'm going to start this up. But first, I wanna know who's still up for it.
Soo... who's still up for it?


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So You Want to be Normal? Empty Re: So You Want to be Normal?

Post by Ravyn Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:42 am


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So You Want to be Normal? Empty Re: So You Want to be Normal?

Post by Alice Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:48 pm


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So You Want to be Normal? Empty Re: So You Want to be Normal?

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:22 am

Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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So You Want to be Normal? Empty Re: So You Want to be Normal?

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