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The Front Porch Chronicals

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The Front Porch Chronicals Empty The Front Porch Chronicals

Post by Guest Tue Oct 18, 2011 3:05 am

This is of course, a CC. But it's not your normal CC. You see. Most CCs are about young teens surviving through something, anything. This CC, is about an old woman, surviving through her last years with the help of small children that she watches grow up, and often call her Mrs. Grump. Mrs. Grump usually sends the children off on wild adventures, where they must use their imagination, even as they turn into teens, and later move off to college. Watch your characters grow, form friendships and relationships as they go through life threatening situations. This will be an episodic chat, so there will be more than one adventure in more than one subject of writing. Everything from magic, to spies, to pirates will be exhibited in this chat.


No sex, this is rated PG
Whatever Mrs. Grump says, goes
No one liners
No Power Playing
No more than 2 charries a person and try to keep the genders equal. I'm just doing this so there isn't an overwhelming amount of charries and such.

I reserve the right to Gibbs slap anyone who doesn't follow the rules the first time. Second time, you will be stabbed with a rusty spork. Third time, you're out of here. Got it? Good.

What you need:

Personality: (if desired)
Bio: Required
Where you live in proximity to Mrs. Grump's house:
How you heard about Mrs. Grump:

Name: Mrs. Henderson Aka Mrs. Grump
Age: that's a rude question to ask a woman.
Looks: The Front Porch Chronicals Old_couple_in_love <-- Mrs. Grump before Mr. Henderson died
Personality: She's kind, loving, but ever since her husband died she's grown bitter towards the world and its inhabitants. She "likes" her peace and quiet and often finds herself feeling lonely and curses mortality for it. She just wants to be with her husband again.
Bio: Mrs. Grump is the mother of four kids, all of which never see her, call her, nothing. Her husband died nearly two years ago, and since then she's been living on her own. She's hoping to follow him soon, but the doctor keeps making her take pills that keep her healthy and she's finding it irritating.

Mrs. Henderson always sat on her porch rocking back and forth in her old chair. She was alone, always alone ever since Mr. Henderson had passed. She wasn't as old as people thought, but she wasn't a spring chicken either which didn't seem to help her foul mood any. She watched the people pass by each day with a Ba-Humbug type of attitude. When they did stop, it was only for a moment, maybe say hello, and then they'd leave. Never did they stay, never did Mrs. Henderson have company. They just liked her beautiful garden which she tended to with a certain loyalty, almost religiously. Nobody really knew her real name, she had always told them "I'm Mrs. Grump, can't you see I'm too tired and too busy for your silly questions?" To which they would reply apologetically and be on their way.

Today was like any other day for Mrs. Grump. She tended her garden, made herself some lemonade, and then sat on her vine covered porch and watched as everyone passed.

Last edited by Taylow on Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:26 am; edited 1 time in total


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The Front Porch Chronicals Empty Re: The Front Porch Chronicals

Post by Purple Dragon Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:35 am

Name: Daniel Lartel (goes by Dan, or Danny)
Age: 11
Looks: (couldn't find a picture because most of them were...*shivers*) He's in his preteens, so he still has a baby face, showing a hint of what will result in a pretty handsome guy. He has short, blonde hair that refuses to stay down, so he takes advantage of that and made it spiky. His dark green eyes always flicker with mischief and playfulness, and he always has that crooked grin on his face. Wears plain colored T-shirts, that are covered in dirt and paint and various other stains, since his parents don't bother to wash them out. Also wears denim shorts (easier to escape in, he says) and ratty old tennis shoes.
Personality: (if desired) HAHAHAHA!
Bio: He grew up with his mom and dad, who didn't really care what he did, as long as he left them alone. So he took that as an invitation to grab his trusty friend Steve the paintball gun, and wreak havoc on the city. He would shoot people and run off giggling, shifting into animals just to freak them out. They moved to this town, after their old city pretty much kicked them out. He is a troublemaker, a prankster, and a pure video gamer, but at heart, all he wants is some attention, someone to watch over him like the real moms he hears about in movies. Secretly loves hugs, but good luck getting him to admit it. Is an only child.
Where you live in proximity to Mrs. Grump's house: He lives about a block down, to the left and in a run down, white and tiny house that is much too small for his type of personality, so he is always outside.
How you heard about Mrs. Grump: Truthfully, he's kind of scared of her. He sees her and thinks of grumpy old ladies in movies who are like,"Get off ma lawn or I hit you with my cane!" He's going to try to conquer that fear, and hopefully mess with her and have some fun along the way.
(now, he does have the power to shift into animals. Let me know if I should take that away for this chat)

Name: Maya Neman
Age: 10
Looks: The Front Porch Chronicals 6334222-ten-year-old-african-american-girl-holding-her-newborn-little-brother this, but without the baby....that's just her latest little brother
Personality: (if desired) Loves to run around and have fun, and also has that 'oh no you didn't' attitude, so isn't afraid to fight and stand up for herself. She's a really nice kid, but tends to talk too much and be overly loud.
Bio: She has a big and rich family who moved here, hoping to enroll her in a nearby dance school. She danced all her life, her parents wanting her to grow up and have a good career, but sometimes they pressure her to much. Her life has been pretty plain, filled with dance practices and not enough time to just have fun and let her vivid imagination flow.
Where you live in proximity to Mrs. Grump's house: Behind Mrs. Grumps house, in a huge mansion with all her four other siblings, who are younger than her.
How you heard about Mrs. Grump:She heard about how Mrs Grump's husband died and feels sad for her, so often tries to bring Mrs. Grumps the cookies that she bakes. Which are often burnt.
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

Posts : 606
Join date : 2011-08-12
Age : 27
Location : Somewhere between Death City and The Land of Ooo

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The Front Porch Chronicals Empty Re: The Front Porch Chronicals

Post by Bells Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:52 am

Name: Riley Jones
Age: 12
Looks: The Front Porch Chronicals 86810644
Personality: (if desired) Kinda a serious little kid, he doesn't play often, but loves his little sister dearly. Is a very protective older brother.
Bio: Riley and his little sister Lika live with their abusive father and step-mom. Their Dad is okay when he is sober, which isn't often. The step mom doesn't care about the kids, seeing them as a reminder of the fact she isn't their Dad's first wife. So Riley as young as he is is left to take care of his sister, protect her from their father, and ect. He does this to the best of his abilities, loving his sister probably more than himself.
Where you live in proximity to Mrs. Grump's house: They live in a average urban sized house, bright red and well kept. Its three houses down the block from Mrs. Grump.
How you heard about Mrs. Grump: Riley walks his sister to the park everyday, and happens to pass Mrs. Grump's house. He doesn't trust many adults so he is kinda wary of her, and tends to not say a word.

Name: Lika
Age: 4
Looks: The Front Porch Chronicals Thumb_big_other_b844e169e84ce856e4326df778e531ba
Personality: Er...TBD
Bio: The same as her brothers although she doesn't quite understand why their step mom is mean to them, she is always trying to get her and their father's attention, she craves it honestly. She loves her big brother and won't go anywhere without him.
Where you live in proximity to Mrs. Grump's house: Same as her brother. :-p
How you heard about Mrs. Grump: They walk by her house every day, Lika will pull her thumb from her mouth just long enough to wave and give a toothy grin before putting it back in place.

Posts : 9688
Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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The Front Porch Chronicals Empty Re: The Front Porch Chronicals

Post by Guest Tue Oct 18, 2011 7:39 pm

Name: James and Emma
Age: 10
Grass green eyes; pale, bruised skin; pitch black hair
Personality: too lazy, will be revealed :p
Bio: Their mother died mysteriously when they were 8. If their dad's temper wasn't rough then, it is now.
Where you live in proximity to Mrs. Grump's house: Down the street.
How you heard about Mrs. Grump: I have an idea. I'll talk to you about it later.


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The Front Porch Chronicals Empty Re: The Front Porch Chronicals

Post by Momo13 Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:16 am

Can I join? I'll have bios up tomorrow if I can

Posts : 8716
Join date : 2010-10-08

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The Front Porch Chronicals Empty Re: The Front Porch Chronicals

Post by Guest Wed Oct 19, 2011 12:32 am

yes you can momo


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The Front Porch Chronicals Empty Re: The Front Porch Chronicals

Post by Purple Dragon Wed Oct 19, 2011 7:22 pm

Danny walked along grumpily with his friend Maya, not really wanting to go visit the old grandma. But Maya dared him, and who would he be to turn down a dare?

"Dan, don't be so scared all the time, you're like a little mouse. I'm sure she's really nice, we just gotta give her a chance!" chimed Maya, who was holding tightly onto Dan's wrist, dragging him along.

Dan shot her a glare as they came to the house, the old lady sitting on her porch, the chair she was on squeaking creepily. He shivered, and followed Maya onto the porch, not saying a word.
Maya managed to haul Daniel onto the porch, and smiled cheerfully at Mrs. Grump. "Hi there, miss! I'm Maya and this is-" she looked at Danny expectantly and when he didn't say anything,she elbowed him in the gut.

"Oof! Hey!" he glared at her while she grinned and fidgeted before saying, "Hi. I'm Dan."

Maya smiled again winningly, and held out the platter of cookies she brought for Mrs. Grump. They were maybe...slightly...erm...a little tiny bit burnt. Nobody's perfect, right?

"We wanted to come introduce ourselves, and I brought you some cookies! Do you like cookies?"

Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

Posts : 606
Join date : 2011-08-12
Age : 27
Location : Somewhere between Death City and The Land of Ooo

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The Front Porch Chronicals Empty Re: The Front Porch Chronicals

Post by Momo13 Wed Oct 19, 2011 7:31 pm

Name: Jackson (jacky for short)
Age: 9
Looks: The Front Porch Chronicals News-graphics-2007-_645631a
Personality: (if desired)
Bio: Jackson was always a little shy and closed off. He never talked to many kids his own age and always played by himself. His parents were always worried that he wouldturn out to be antisocial when he got older. But he was very social with Mrs. Grump, or try to be. He would pass by her house every day and wave to her and then stand at her sidewalk for a couple minutes before going off agian.
Where you live in proximity to Mrs. Grump's house: three doors up from her.
How you heard about Mrs. Grump: His parents used to talk about her and he because curious.

Posts : 8716
Join date : 2010-10-08

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The Front Porch Chronicals Empty Re: The Front Porch Chronicals

Post by Bells Thu Oct 20, 2011 7:44 am

Riley wrapped a protective arm around Lika as he tried to ignore the yelling in the other room. Dad was drunk again, it wouldn't do them any good to go out there, if anything he would just end up getting hurt worse than he already was. A large bruise covered his shoulder, a burn on his hand. But he wouldn't cry, and he wouldn't tell.

"Bubby," Lika whimpered, grabbing onto him tighter. "Make them stop."

He winced, glancing at the door then at the widow behind them uncertainly. "I wish I could Lika, what if I just made it so you couldn't hear them?"

Lika looked hesitant then stuck her little thumb in her mouth as she nodded. "Okay Bubby."

Relieved to have something to do Riley walked over to the window and jiggled it till he got it to slide up and gestured for her to come over silently. Thumb still in her mouth Lika grabbed a ratty stuffed dog from her bed and walked over to him. Holding her carefully Riley slipped her out the window and climbed out after her.

"Come on Lika," He murmured taking her hand and starting down the road towards the park. "Let's go do something."

Lika nodded, her thumb in her mouth as she looked around, smiling at the house just a little up the road, Mrs. Grump's.

Posts : 9688
Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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The Front Porch Chronicals Empty Re: The Front Porch Chronicals

Post by Guest Fri Oct 21, 2011 12:05 pm

Mrs. Grump watched the two children, a deep set frown on her face as always. She looked at the burnt cookies and sighed, taking them with a thank you. She didn't know why these children were on her front porch, but it was a little bothersome. "Can I help you with something?" She asked the one that called herself Maya.


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The Front Porch Chronicals Empty Re: The Front Porch Chronicals

Post by Purple Dragon Sat Oct 22, 2011 11:34 am

Maya shook her head and smiled as Mrs. Grump accepted the cookies. "We just wanted..well I just wanted to introduce my self, and ask how you're doing!" She shot another glare at Dan who just rolled his eyes. " are you doing? Need any help with, like, crossing the street and stuff?"

She wanted to help the poor lady, feeling so bad after hearing that her husband died. She would do anything, even if it meant cleaning Mrs. Grump's toilet. Yuck.
Ugh. Dan couldn't believe he let Maya drag him into this. He didn't want to help some scary old lady cross the street! He just watched and listened, Maya gripping his wrist so he wouldn't run away.

Why didn't she ever give him some cookies?
Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

Posts : 606
Join date : 2011-08-12
Age : 27
Location : Somewhere between Death City and The Land of Ooo

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The Front Porch Chronicals Empty Re: The Front Porch Chronicals

Post by Guest Wed Oct 26, 2011 3:15 am

Mrs. Grump stared at the kids for a long moment, trying her hardest to not bite their heads off. They were interrupting her lonely silence! Not that she really minded...but at the same time she did. She then took a deep breath and leaned forward. "You know what you can help me with?" She glanced around as if to make sure no one was listening the motioned them closer. Once they had leaned in she whispered, "I have a troll that keeps trying to steal my flowers."


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