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A Minute of Failure

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A Minute of Failure Empty A Minute of Failure

Post by Guest Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:23 am accompanies everything....Life?...It's just there. Everything revolves around the two. They are always together. In one room a baby is born, in the next, a true love dies. They are cruel in their game. Giving and then, just as suddenly, taking away. Laughing. Mocking. Always near.

~MJ Foster

In a world where a minute of failure could determine the life or death of a nation, there is no room for mistakes. In this day and age, an evil stirs, Death roams the Earth. Quiet literally. But there are those who have been chosen to stop Death. Or at least put him back into his place. His minions scour the land, searching for anything and everything that they can claim for their master. What looks like a disease to some, is actually more than that. But the untrained eye cannot see the demons hiding in the shadows. They see glimpses out of the corner of their eye, fleeting images, but it is always just pushed aside as a figment of the imagination.

You have been chosen, but you do not know it. To you, it is just another day in the life. Until they show up on your doorstep. Who are they?'ll just have to find out and hope that Death doesn't find you first.


Age: (17-19)

Don't join unless you ask. I will not hesitate to either ignore you or ask one of the Mods to delete your post if you do so.


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A Minute of Failure Empty Re: A Minute of Failure

Post by Guest Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:58 am

Name: M.J. Foster
Age: 17
Looks: A Minute of Failure Girl-red-black-hair
Personality: M.J. has no self-confidence, nor does she think of herself as anything special. She does have a level head on her person, keeping calm in the most trying of situations. She will not hesitate to kick your ass if you piss her off, and she will warn you if you are on your way to doing so. She is very straight forward and brash.
Bio: M.J. has lived in a house on the “perfect” side of town for her whole life and is a twin. Her parents both work, leaving her home alone. She doesn’t have many friends and therefore has become depressed, not that she shows it. Her thoughts towards Death are cruel and hateful after it took her twin brother from her in a car crash. He was teaching her how to drive when a Semi-truck T-boned them at an intersection.

Name: Carl Knight
Age: 19
Looks: A Minute of Failure 1-7820696-5878-t
Personality: Carl tries to be mature, though sometimes the capacity to do so escapes him and he finds himself making/laughing at crude jokes. He is very kind, loving, and loyal. He won’t tell you he likes you, but you’ll know it when he starts making joking comments towards you that are somewhat…harsh. But there is an obvious difference between him joking and being actually mean. There is no way to mix the two up.
Bio: Carl was born blind and has therefore grown up somewhat oblivious to what’s in the dark. But, just because he can’t see it, doesn’t mean he can’t hear it. He often hears the hissing and clicking of the demons, but shakes it off as his mind playing tricks on him. He grew up in a house on the rough side of town as an only child. His life has not been easy, but it wasn’t devastating.

Name: 27
Age: 19
Looks: A Minute of Failure 2_large
Personality: He is quiet, reserved, and comes off as completely emotionless. He keeps to himself most of the time, but does his job as he should.
Bio: 27 was taken in at a very young age and is now one of /them/. He is the one they send around to gather the chosen, train them, and send them on missions.


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A Minute of Failure Empty Re: A Minute of Failure

Post by Guest Tue Nov 08, 2011 4:47 am

May I join?


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A Minute of Failure Empty Re: A Minute of Failure

Post by Bells Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:22 pm

Name: Shiamari
Age: 17
Looks: A Minute of Failure Cef2d2fd2ea9adf714e0dec0a641c1f1
Personality: Shiamari is very quiet, but has a fascination with legends and can be quiet dark when she talks. Her thoughts settle more on the old legends and medieval practices than normal teenage things. Needless to say, she is a loner, no friends.
Bio: Shiamari lives with her single mother. Years ago when her father used to live with them he was a drunk. Her mother and her were abused regularly, in more ways then one. Finally her mother got up the courage to file for a restraining order and a divorce. She hasn't seen her father since then, and many people blame her aversion to people in general on him.

Name: David
Age: 19
Looks: A Minute of Failure Brown-hair-film-guy-lip-piercing-photography-176165
Personality: TBD
Bio: TBD

Posts : 9688
Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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A Minute of Failure Empty Re: A Minute of Failure

Post by Guest Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:32 pm

prettygirlrock wrote:May I join?

yes, you can


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