the Character Chat Revolution
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The Deathkeepers

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The Deathkeepers Empty The Deathkeepers

Post by Purple Dragon Wed Nov 09, 2011 3:45 pm

The Story

Death. The final act in every persons story, the one thing that everyone eventually has in common. The Lord
Death is a harsh and cruel master, one that looks forward and waits for your time to end. Yet, over time, Death lost its patience. With healthier eating habits and advanced medicines, human lifespans steadily expanded. People would live to easily be at least one hundred years old before dying, and the government successfully abolished murder, making the world a secure, and safe place to live.

The frustration Death felt at this made him resort to extreme measures, so he sought out humans with little care for the world. And offered them a deal that seemed impossible for them to refuse.

An escape. Possible immortality. A way out of all the emotional pain of the world. Everlasting happiness.

Yet, to achieve the immortality there was a catch. A person had to sell their very heart and soul to Death, and become its mindless servant. Death would trick them into thinking they would achieve immortality, and set them upon the world to find pained hearts and mess with peoples heads. The servants of Death called themselves the Deathkeepers, and they caused humans to turn on each other and murder each other, or turn on themselves and commit suicide. The Deathkeepers would take the form of hellhounds, demons, and skeletons, and were only visible to those on the brink of dying.

Death thrust them out, and steadily let the Deathkeepers cause chaos. They would invade a humans mind and bring up all their past faults and imperfections, causing the human to go insane and murder themselves. Then the Deathkeeper would rip the very heart out of the dead body and bring it to their Lord.

Death was pleased with its work, proud to have manipulated weak hearts and force them to do its bidding. Yet, Lord Death grew bored. It summoned a few of its most elite Deathkeepers and a handful of humans, and shoved them together in a small warehouse.

This is Death's game now. Will you be able to cheat Death? Or will you let the temptation of suicide consume you?


Your human characters will find themselves awakening in a large underground warehouse, conveniently stocked with various weapons. There are cots for each of of the charries, all lined up and pushed back against a wall. There is absolutely no escape, and the only door is the entrance to a small bathroom, with a sink, toilet, and bathtub. There is one corner of the warehouse that the wall is bashed away, showing a seemingly dark abyss that your characters will get smashed to death if they decide to jump down into it. The warehouse has a high ceiling made of compact dirt, a few stalagtites hanging down.
The warehouse has a kitchenette area, with a mysteriously powered and beaten up refrigerator, and cabinets filled with canned foods.
Around are various shelves stocked with items, including: Crowbars, guns, lethal drugs, and sharp objects (knives, shurikens, etc...).
There is also a murky watered pool in one corner of the warehouse.

Anyways, your characters will get a personal note from Lord Death, explaining how you guys will stay here and try to survive, and how they have a week to live in the chaos and if you live, he will let you go.
They might think "Oh, this might not be toooo bad. All I have to do is ration the food, stay away from the oddly placed pointy objects, and stay alive!" WRONG.
Don't you forget that there will also be a few Deathkeepers in there with your characters (and they are invisible unless your character is almost dead, in case you didn't catch that before) and the Keepers will mostly just sit in dark corners like the creepers they are, and analyze the humans minds to try to drive them to either kill each other or commit suicide.
So I suggest you put in humans with strong resistance, and don't be afraid to cave in to the suicidal peer pressure. It adds some awesome dramas.


I politely ask that you follow these, or you might be kicked out. A chat as difficult as this one is bound to have some rules, right?

1. If you are wanting to make a Deathkeeper, please make only one. Too many would be a bit hectic.
2. You can make as many humans as you want, but make at least one. It wouldn't be any fun to just have a bunch of Keepers and no victims for them to mess with...
4. If you feel like dropping this chat, just quickly kill your human off, or have the Keeper poof away from boredom.
5. Have at least three sentences per post. Give others something to work with.
6. A short Bio or Background for a human is required. The reason is that the Keepers get into the humans heads, so we need to be aware of their faults and mistakes in order to do a proper guilt tripping and suicide convincing.


Human or Deathkeeper:
Name and Gender:

My Characters

Human or Deathkeeper: Deathkeeper
Looks: Appears as a large hellhound, with sleek, black fur. Almost always has blood dripping from razor sharp canine teeth, and wild eyes with the same blood red color. Is usually sitting and watching from a distance, his tail wagging whenever he feels he is close to ending a life.
Background: Well, he lost his entire family, and joining Death was more of a distraction, an act of desperation. He doesn't really care for the immortality, but being separated from his heart helped to end the pain of losing all his loved ones.
Age: About eighteen was when he sold his soul. But you wouldn't really notice that since he is a hellhound
Name and Gender: Grim ~ Male

Human or Deathkeeper: Human
Looks: Reddish blonde hair that falls down her shoulders like a peaceful waterfall, coming down to her chest. Has dark blue eyes that seem somewhat sad, and gentle features, usually ruined by a cold glare. Is short and has a sort of curvy body, but not like a complete Coke bottle figure. Has a few freckles and multiple scars and wounds all over her body, so always wears baggy clothing and long sleeved shirts.
Background: Is a princess and was actually very sweet and nice for a while when she was young. She helped a convicted but innocent criminal escape from execution, so her mother, the Queen, declared her to a lifetime of torture. Pretty much gets beaten and whipped every day, so that's what's up with all the scars. Has had a drug problem in the chatbox, and feels alone often. Finds her multiple hidden scars to be an imperfection, so gets defensive if anyone brings them up.
Age: Eighteen
Name and Gender: Lacy Tano ~ Female

Human or Deathkeeper: Human
Looks: Has black and shaggy hair that is almost always covering stormy grey eyes. Wears dark cargo jeans and a black T-shirt, complete with a leather jacket. Has a sort of angular face, with a bent nose that suggests it has been broken a few times before. If he takes off his shirt he has multiple scars, with one large scar starting from his chest and down to his belly button.
Background: Well, grew up in an abusive family that forced him to steal things. If he didn't steal things, then his parents would threaten to kill his little sister, Sally. Pretty mush was a father figure to Sally, since their own father didn't give a crap. Anyway, they got in a car wreck and he protected his sister, resulting in the big scar on his chest. Their parents died in the car crash and him and Sally went to an orphanage. Ge ran away from the orphanage after getting out of control and accidentally killing his sister when aiming for a bully with a knife, so blames himself for that.
Age: is also eighteen...I need a new age xP
Name and Gender: Trever Cain ~ Male

Purple Dragon
Purple Dragon

Posts : 606
Join date : 2011-08-12
Age : 27
Location : Somewhere between Death City and The Land of Ooo

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The Deathkeepers Empty Re: The Deathkeepers

Post by Momo13 Wed Nov 09, 2011 4:09 pm

Human or Deathkeeper: Deathkeeper
~ Hair: Pin strait black hair that falls past her shoulders in layers. Long side bangs fall over her left eye. Light blonde streaks with purple tints color her hair.
~Eyes: Dark green eyes with blue specks. Mysterious glint in her eyes and they are usually hidden behind sunglasses.
~Body: She is averaged height with a flat chest. She looks boyish, and could pull off being a boy when her hair is pulled under a hood. Her limbs are long and slightly thin.
~skin: Light pale skin with a peachy undertone. Freckles around her nose and cheeks.
~tattoos/piercings: Black flames wrap around her wrists. Has a treble/bass clef heart on her left shoulder blade and a flying Chinese dragon type thing on her right. “Logan” on her lower black in pretty black lettering to remember her one and only best friend. Tripple piercing in both ears, lip ring and nose stud. Cartilage piercing in her right ear. Bottom piercings in both ears are gauged.
~General fashion (what they normally wear): Black skinny jeans that are tucked into her DC shoes. Dark music t-shirts or other graphic t-shirts that are usually black, dark grey, blue or purple. Her dark grey hoody is long and big for her. The bottom goes just above her fingertips and the sleeves go clear past her fingers. And of course she has the dark sunglasses that hide her eyes.
note about appearance: She is in a black tattered cloack that comepletely shadows her face.
Background: Her father died when she was 12, her mothe because drunk and abusive. her brother got arrested and she had one friend by the time she was 13, Logan. He got her addicted to drugs and alcohol and other bad stuff. He died when she was 15 and she never let that go. She figures she lost everyone so why not join death, it what her name means in her peoples language.
Age: 17 almost 18
Name and Gender: Female, Kyra (cannon Kira, her name is spelt a bit differently cause i canged it for her book)

Posts : 8716
Join date : 2010-10-08

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The Deathkeepers Empty Re: The Deathkeepers

Post by Echo Wed Nov 09, 2011 4:53 pm

((Totes wanna join this~ Just give me some time to think of some characters. SO playing a Deathkeeper Very Happy))
Winter Dragon

Posts : 4627
Join date : 2011-01-31
Age : 29

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