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The Cemetery

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The Cemetery Empty The Cemetery

Post by Banshee Wed Nov 23, 2011 5:02 pm

"To the solemn graves, near a lonely cemetery, my heart like a muffled drum is beating funeral marches." ~Charles Baudelaire

Dear charrie, quite unfortunate for you to wake up here. I'm sorry for your loss, yes, the headstone behind you is your's. Welcome to your final resting place, Evergate Cemetary. We house those who have long passed away and the new ones. The living may walk through here every once in a while to visit their loved ones, but don't expect them to see you..if they do consider yourself lucky. Now, clearly, you're still here, no? That means you have unfinished bussiness, take your death time to discover what that may be.


1. mature....
2. At least three sentences per post
3. Please respect one another
4. Have fun

Charrie Form:
[b]Dead or Alive[/b]
[b]D.O.D: (if dead) [/b]
[b]Grave Stone Saying (if dead):[/b]
[b]Unfinished bussiness...? If they know it? (if dead): [/b]

The Cemetery Cemete10

Posts : 5940
Join date : 2011-04-09
Age : 27
Location : Hogwarts

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