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Welcome to Underland reborn

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Welcome to Underland reborn Empty Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Guest Wed Feb 15, 2012 9:48 pm

Welcome to Underland.
Welcome to Underland reborn Alice-in-wonderland
You've been drawn here somehow, or perhaps kidnapped by goblins or even sold your soul to the devil to get here. Either way, you are here, and there is no escape. Now you are set to bring others here, bring them down to this hell with you, to damn their souls.
Your Queen: The Queen of Shades (played by myself at the necessary times)
Welcome to Underland reborn Queen%20of%20Blades%20-%20Marek%20Okon%20(OmeN2501)

Each will be given a specific task, assigned a specific human. Perhaps you will have to tag team it, but you must bring them down with you. Is this the only way of life? Forced to steal away people's souls and bring them to the twisted world in which you are now forced to live? Will you be able to survive long enough to complete your tasks?


Age: (17-20)
Bio: (includes how you were brought to Underland)
Personality: (optional)

Age: (17-20)
Bio: (includes why you might be a target)
Personality (optional)


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Welcome to Underland reborn Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Guest Wed Feb 15, 2012 9:51 pm

Name: Micah Linx AkA The Hatter
Age: 18
Looks/pic:Welcome to Underland reborn The_Mad_Hatter_by_fayrenpickpocket
Bio: Hatter was a good kid....mostly. One night while partying under the full moon, the nutball decided to go to the graveyard, see if he could spook someone. There he met three drop dead gorgeous, double take type girls that seduced him, making him eat fruit from their basket. Little did he know it was the fruit of lust, each time they took it away his insides would ache for it until finally, they lured him here to Underland with it. Now he is constantly tortured with the aching for the fruit.
Personality: He seems half mad, but in all reality he's not. He's just trying to keep his sanity. He's very loyal and kind, though he does his job and does it with a cold heart so he doesn't feel as bad.

Name: Sam Foster
Age: 18
Apperance: Welcome to Underland reborn Hot_girl_black_hair_12171
Bio: Sam is...different to say the least. She enjoys the walks on the wild side, but never goes to far over because her daddy is the preacher. She's a rebal, but not enough to send her to hell. That's why she's a target. She's already well on her way, now it's just a matter of pulling her the rest of the way under.
Personality: She is very opinionated with a deadly temper. When she is mad, you can only tell because she becomes frighteningly silent. She has a very wild personality that loves to go for the thrill of adventure, loving to almost get caught yet get away. When she is in these moods, she is a very hardend "bad girl." She does have a kind heart though and is a sucker for sob stories.


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Welcome to Underland reborn Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Bells Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:21 pm

Name: Dawn Evans
Age: (17-20) 17
Looks/pic: Welcome to Underland reborn Sad+jenny
Bio: Dawn was a street girl, living by herself and trusting only herself after running from an abusive foster family. And at the beginning she was okay, managing to eat fine and find somewhere to sleep at night. Eventually though it started to get harder, when the head of gang took interest in her. He showed her how to live, and she was soon hooked on many different types of drugs. When she started to pull away, he got hostile. One night she said she was leaving for good, and that's when he blew a fuse and beat her, informing her she'd always be his. When someone found her, broken and crying, and offered her a better place, she accepted without thought to the consequences.
Personality: TBD

Name: Link Masters
Age: 19
Looks/pic:Welcome to Underland reborn Paul-wesley-arms-and-boots
Bio: Link is that guy, the gang leader who Dawn fell for. Since she disappeared he's halfway fallen apart. The drugs are worse, and the fights more often. The gang is kinda falling apart as well, starting to see that he's not the best leader possible. Soon its going to be impossible for him to keep his spot, and in this gang, getting out is not the easiest thing. He's going to need a quick, easy way. (he's also high half the time so.. yeah..)
Personality: TBD

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Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Welcome to Underland reborn Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Guest Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:45 pm

Hatter sighed as he stared at his empty tea cup, ignoring the jests of the flowers as they rudely commented on his clothing. They were always rude though, no matter what it was. He pushed his top hat back slightly as he poured more tea with his feet, is insides aching for that which he could not have. "Stupid harlottes." he growled to himsef.

It was almost dark in the real world, and in Sam's mind that ment it was time to find a good party. She walked down the block, dressed in her usual, never really finding the urge to dress up for anything unless it was a wedding or something. Even then she didn't like to though.


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Welcome to Underland reborn Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Bells Wed Feb 15, 2012 10:58 pm

Dawn tucked her arms around herself, resting on the path for a moment before glaring at an insulting flower. She may have let herself relax, maybe let a tear fall if it hadn't been for that annoying creature. Instead she pulled herself up again and started walking, her whole body trembling with the need for a fix. It'd been so long .. maybe'd be better.

Link laughed, high-fiving one of he friends as he glanced down the street, a slight buzz covering his mind. Tonight's gig had been pulled off without a hitch, maybe that meant things would be on the up sometime soon. Spotting a girl he gesture for the few guys to he silent, then changed his mind and ordered them back home. When he was sure they ere gone he jogged down the road, catching up with her.

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Welcome to Underland reborn Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Guest Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:39 pm

Sam looked over at the guy as he got closer. She debated ignoring him, but figured that would be pointless since she was pretty sure he had probably seen her looking at him. "Hey there," she said with a playful smile.

Hatter growled and sipped his tea, trying his best to stay civil, despite the lack of sanity that is required. Before long, he'd given up and his tea cup went flying as nonsense insults came spewing from his mouth at high volume.


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Welcome to Underland reborn Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Bells Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:53 pm

Dawn paused when she are the Hatter's voice, chewing on her lip for a moment before hanging directions so she was walking his direction instead. Peaking around a flower at him she hesitated, then slipped out into view and waved. "Hey Hatter..."

"Where you headin' all alone, this late?" Link asked, a curious tone in his voice as he looked her over. "Not the best part of town for a pretty girl all by herself. Rumors of some pretty ugly crimes done around, a few gangs control the area. Best be careful..."

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Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Welcome to Underland reborn Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Guest Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:58 pm

Sam grinned and looked over at him. "I was heading to look for a party. And, I'd like to think I can take care of myself," she then looked at him with a playfully flirty look. "Unless of course you want to protect me from the big bad wolves."

A spoon went flying in Dawn's direction followed by "HAY IS FOR HORSES YOU LLAMA!" Hatter was now on his feet, his tea pot resting on top of his hat, which was perched on his head. He blinked and realized it was Dawn who was talking and not the flower, and his face softened slightly, though his eyes still seemed dark with the spell of insanity that had taken hold of him.


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Welcome to Underland reborn Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Bells Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:07 am

Dawn blinked, ducking out of the way of the spoon then smiling a little, inching closer too where he was. "'re today..?" She asked softly, unsure of whatelse to say. She knew the answer couldn't be anything amazing, but at least it was some kind of conversation besides the insults of the flowers.

Link grinned, pausing to do a goody bow, peering up at her through his hair. "Of course m'lady, what kind of Knight would I be if I didn't help a damsel, even if she isn't in distress yet." Straightening up he continued the grin, watchimg her curiously.

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Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Welcome to Underland reborn Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:15 am

Sam couldn't help a light laugh as she watched Link. She eyed him for a moment, looking him up and down before she continued to walk. "So...what is the name of my newly acquired body guard of a...muscular nature?" She asked with a wink, still obviously flirting. She planned on having a good time that night, it didn't matter who with.

Hatter gave a small, almost sad smile. "...I think I've gone mad," he said softly, his eyes falling to the last tea cup in his hand. With a shaky hand he reached up and grabbed the tea pot from the top of his head, and poured some tea into it, then took a sip, obviously upset by this revelation, although there never seemed to be a day when he didn't come to this conclusion.


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Welcome to Underland reborn Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Bells Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:25 am

Dawn raised a brow, putting a soft smile on her face as she came to sit next to him. "Well you in, that's not all that bad. Mad people are all the best kind, being sane is just...boring and bland. Think of madness as... a better kind of person." She murmured, watching him carefully, hoping she'd said the right words.

Link grinned, furrowing his brow as if thinking that over. "Well, most you dames call me Sir Masters, but I suppose a special young lady like yourself could call me Link." His eyes wondered over her again, linguring in certain places more than others. "This party you mentioned, is it far from here? I might have to go in to protect you properly."

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Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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Welcome to Underland reborn Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:53 am

Hatter blinked and looked at her, almost amazed by her words. His smile grew a little more and he looked down at his cup before sitting down beside her. "Y-you think so, Dawn?" he asked, part of his old self poking through the madness.

Sam grinned and looked at him. "Well, Link" she said, putting emphasis on the k. "It's not exactly far," she said. "But....I might be persuaded to go to a two person party if that person had the right equipment," her eyes looked him over, lingering at a certain part of his body before moving to his eyes. "And the right supplies." She had paused in their walk as she talked to him, but now turned and began to walk again.


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Welcome to Underland reborn Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Bells Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:45 pm

Dawn nodded, her eyes soft as she watched him. "I do. Ignore anyone who thinks otherwise, they're just being dumb. People tend to dislike what they don't understand, but its okay because the people who do that aren't the people who matter all that much." She finished quietly, just loud enough that he'd be able to hear her and crossed her arms across her chest, still watching him.

Link rose a brow, easily keeping up with her as he considered the meaning of those words. "Well then, I believe you're talking to the right man. After all, there's got to be some reason the girls like me, doesn't there?" He flashed a charming smile towards the end, eyes still looking her over as he spoke. "I know a good place if you'd be so interested."

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Welcome to Underland reborn Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 3:48 pm

Sam paused and looked him over again, her eyes lingering over most every part of his body. "Hmmm," she said thoughtfully. "Alright, but on one condition." She smirked as she said this. "I can leave whenever I want."

Hatter looked at her and gave a large smile. He then glanced at his cup before he offered it to her. "Tea?" he asked, seeming to have forgotten the whole conversation already. "It's absolutely terrible!" He said as he continued to grin, his eyes dancing happily.


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Welcome to Underland reborn Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Bells Thu Feb 16, 2012 4:16 pm

Link grinned, giving her a short nod. "Of course." Looking around he offered his hand to her, quickly deciding which of the hangouts would be empty at the moment. The only one he could think of that were of any significant quality would be the one about three blocks away. It wasn't a terrible dump, and as far as he knew it was his, no one else in his group caring for it.

Dawn gave a small smile, nodding slowly and taking the cup. "Even if its terrible..." she murmured, her form still trembling. "Its something more than I've got right now..." that said she took a sip and screwed up her nose, setting it back down quietly. Maybe she didn't want it.....

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Welcome to Underland reborn Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:27 pm

Sam smirked then took his hand. Her fingers where long and slender though her hand was smaller than his by far. She watched him look around, her brow raised. "So, which way's the party?" she asked, her voice a slight playful purr. She'd never really done anything with a guy before, besides major make-outs and their accompanying results. But, tonight she wanted to go farther than she'd ever gone before. She wanted to get drunk, and be loved by a stranger.

Hatter watched her, making a face as she did. He looked at the cup, then at her and frowned slightly. "You are cold?" he asked. Before she could answer, he shimmied out of his coat and draped it over her shoulders. "Just because we are in hell does not mean we have to suffer greatly," he muttered, his voice and eyes once again growing dark. This time though, it wasn't the insanity, it was the hatred for their home and those who had brought them there.


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Welcome to Underland reborn Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Bells Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:48 pm

Dawn smiled slightly, gripping the coat lightly with one hand and tugging it tighter around her. "Thanks.." She murmured, then hesitantly tilted her head just enough and took a small sniff. She smiled a little, deciding that must be what Hatter smelled like. She then glanced at the tea again, and furrowed her brow slightly. "We need to get you some new tea brew stuff.." She said thoughtfully.

Link grinned, starting down the road in the direction his house lay. "This way ma'am." He said, adding a slight accent to his voice for the heck of it. "Yer gonna lik it, I'm sur'." Then he chuckled, dropping the accent as he double checked to make sure they were where he thought they were. "Shouldn't be too far, about ten minutes maybe. It's a nice night, so that's not bad of a walk."

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Welcome to Underland reborn Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:56 pm

"Ten minutes?" Sam asked making a face. "Well, in that case," she let go of his hand and slipped under his arm, draping his arm around her waist so she was right close to him. "I'm gonna need a heater since I didn't bring a jacket."

Hatter's brow furrowed again, his mood lightening some though. He gave a thoughtful nod and looked down at the tea pot that was still in his hands. "Banderroots are bitter," he said in an agreeing tone.


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Welcome to Underland reborn Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Bells Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:03 pm

Dawn nodded again, chewing on her lip thoughtfully. "I'll pick something up for you... next time I'm out.." She murmured, trying to forget what the next time she'd be out meant. Instead she just tugged the coat tighter around her thin body, loving the warm feeling.

Link grinned, letting his hand slip all the way around her, making sure to use the excuse to run it along her side. "Of course, I wouldn't want you freezing or anything.." He trailed off, giving her another grin as they walked. After awhile he pointed out a house on the end of a row of run down shacks. It stood just a bit better than the others, looking as if it was possible of being lived in unlike alot of the others. "There it is."

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Welcome to Underland reborn Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:29 pm

Sam looked at the shack and tilted her head slightly but let it go and cuddled next to him as they walked. She shifted her body to make his hand slide just inside the lip of her shorts. Yup. She was going to get what she wanted tonight, if he wouldn't give it to her, she'd find someone else, but she was pretty sure he was more than willing. "You live here?" she asked curiously, taking note of her surroundings, just in case she felt the need to find him again after this.

Hatter looked at her and gave a small nod before he scooted closer and gently set his tea pot to the side, telling it to stay put and giving it "the look" just in case it decided to run away. Not that it would was a tea pot. He then looked at Dawn and tilted his head slightly before he wrapped his arm around her in an attempt to hold her because she was shivering, or at least that's what he thought. He had a smell of cologne mixed with the earthy smell of their "home", and the odd smell of his tea, all of which seemed to make a sweeter scent.


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Welcome to Underland reborn Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Bells Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:50 pm

Dawn stiffen at first, surprised, then relaxed slowly, smiling at him. "Thank-you..." she murmured, taking a slow sniff of the air and smiling a bit wider. She loved the smell of might have been considered something weird to like about someone..but to her the scent was almost...relaxing.

Link blinked, then quite willingly tucked his hand just inside, caressing the skin he could reach. "Yeah, most of the time. Not always here though, sometimes with the boys at our lot on Smith St." Leading her to the door if the house he pushes it open with one hand, not daring to remove the hand from her shorts. "It ain't much..." he muttered when the inside revealed to be in no better shape than the outside. "But its something..."

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Welcome to Underland reborn Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Guest Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:58 pm

Hatter looked at her and tried to not grin, but smile. The effort looked slightly pained and very much lopsided, but it was a smile none the less. "You're cold," he stated before turning to the tea pot and glaring at it as if he had seen it move.

Sam's body hummed happily at his touch and she melted against him just slightly. "It's better than what I got," she said as she looked around and followed him through the house. She didn't really pay to much attention to where they were going now that they were actually inside, for all she cared they could be in the kitchen, just as long as she got him and a possibly a beer...that would be nice.


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Welcome to Underland reborn Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Bells Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:07 am

Dawn node, smiling softly still as she hesitated, then kinda curled herself up in his arm/hold thing. "Yes..." she couldn't help the slight lip twitch of amusement when he stared at the teapot. "It didn't move.. I promise.." she murmured reassuringly.

Link eventually led her into the bedroom, that didn't exactly have a nice bed in it. More like a couch on one side and a mattress with a pile of sheets on the other. He hesitated, glancing at her and between the two, trying to decide before changing his mind and just furniture to face her, slipping at hand a little farther down, as far as he could. "It's up to you..." he muttered..leaning his face in close, but not giving the kiss that was probably expected.

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Welcome to Underland reborn Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Guest Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:17 am

Sam smiled up at him as she felt his hand move farther. Her heart pounded, but she ignored it as she closed the distance and kissed him deeply. "I'm not picky," she murmured between the kisses and adjusted her body to where his hand could move about more freely, her clothes being just a tad big on her. She slipped her hands up his shirt and began to coax it off.

"You're welcome." Hatter blinked and looked at her for a moment before shooting the teapot a suspicious look and arguing with it under his breath. He didn't want Dawn to see how crazy he was, so he thought if he talked quietly, it would make her not notice but his whispers were actually quiet loud. "Stop being so jealous....ya well you're just a rusty old tea pot!....Fine! Be that way! I don't need you anyway!" he grumbled and turned away from the teapot, adjusting himself, and her in the process, so that his back was to the teapot as he proceeded to give it the silent treatment.


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Welcome to Underland reborn Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Bells Fri Feb 17, 2012 7:11 am

Dawn couldn't help the small giggle that escaped her lips, the soft smile still on her lops as she regarded him with amusement. Staying against him she relaxed, just reveling in the scent and the company. She didn't mind if Hatter was a little mad, it was better than being alone down here.

Link didn't an further encouragement, his hands both looping inside the top of her shorts then skidding around front. Kissing her back he slowly played with her zipper for a moment before unfastening and sliding them down past her hips, a hand abandoning that task and slipping up inside her underwear, playing with her as he deepened the kiss even more.

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