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Welcome to Underland reborn

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Welcome to Underland reborn - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Guest Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:08 am

Sam's breath caught and she groaned slightly. Her mind began to cloud over slightly with the bit of pleasure it brought and her hands slipped down to remove him of his pants. Once she had done that, she rid her self of the rest of her shorts and her underwear, then backed him up to the couch to make him sit down. She then straddled him, moving his hands to rest on the small of her back. She kissed him as she slowly removed the rest of her clothing, exposing her slender, somewhat scar covered, body. Her stomach carrying a fresh bruise where she had obviously been punched, and her ribs wore faint, fading bruises, her side carrying a gash where a ring had cut into her. She didn't seem to care, or to notice though, and she didn't expect him to either.

Hatter blinked, a little shocked by the giggle and looked down at her curiously. What was she laughing at? Maybe she was mad too...He glanced behind him at the teapot then, determined to make it jealous, kissed her temple like he had seen people in the overworld do. He wondered vaguely when the next time they'd have to go up was, although his trips were becoming less and less as his sanity did.


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Welcome to Underland reborn - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Bells Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:20 pm

Dawn blinked, a bit of shock coloring her features as she watched him fir a moment, trying to figure out what caused that. Chewing her lip slowly she decided she wouldn't worry about it too much. Hatter didn't always make sense, but that was okay beause he was better than some of the other people she'd met around here. So the shocked look melted into a faint smile, her once again relaxing.

Link groaned, his hands tightening slightly around her as the pleasure rolled over him. Faintly picking up on the scars and bruises on her skin, he may have said something, except for the fact he had, what inn his own opinion, a ore important issue at the moment. Deepening the kiss he did his best to not just move her and do as he wished, he didn't want to scare her off just yet.

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Welcome to Underland reborn - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Guest Fri Feb 17, 2012 4:01 pm

Sam continued to kiss him as she worked his shirt off, her lips moving to the exposed skin, kissing every piece she found as the shirt came up until it was finally off him, her lips then moving back to his. She shifted her body slightly so his hands would move up a little, trying to coax him to explore. She ran her hands slowly along his chest and pressed her hips to his, moving slowly as if there were no clothes between them. Her golden eyes opened and looked at him for a fleeting moment.

(you can fast forward if you want)

Hatter blinked and looked at Dawn before going back to holding her. "The overworld is odd," he muttered. Micah, or the Hatter as he had come to be called, had been there for a long time, having been coaxed down there some time in the 1800s. So in his view, everything was now upside down, and this was the real world, the underworld.


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Welcome to Underland reborn - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Bells Fri Feb 17, 2012 6:54 pm


Perhaps hours later Link relaxed on the couch, her held loosely in his arm as he just laid there. He might have slept if it hadn’t been for the thought running through his mind that he should go soon. He didn’t want to, but it wasn’t a good idea to leave the guys on their own for very long… they tended to get into trouble. Holding back a sigh he just held her closer, putting off having to leave and go back to the life he’d built for himself.

Dawn nodded slowly, staying beside him as she considered how to reply to that. After all, she hadn’t been down here for very long. Two years maybe, although it was almost impossible for her to keep track of time. She’d been horrible at just knowing the day of the week when she’d lived above, now it was even harder in this strange place for her to make any sense of it.
“Yeah…” She murmured after a moment. “I guess it is..”

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Welcome to Underland reborn - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Guest Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:00 pm

Sam cuddled him close, her eyes threatening to close though she didn't want to. It was dark, and she hated the dark. She sorta clung to Link and kissed his chest gently, hoping he'd stay at least until morning. Usually, by this time of night, she was to drunk to care. But here she sat, very much sober, in the dark. She pulled her mind away from the thoughts, already getting the feeling that spiders were on her. She shivered slightly and moved closer to him, trying to remind herself where she was and where she wasn't. She was at Link's, with Link, not in the cellar of her home.

Hatter sighed and shook his head. "Why do you want to go back?" he asked after a long moment. "It is cruel...and weird up there. it is quiet and..." He couldn't quiet say normal, but it was normal to him. By now he was use to the talking flowers who only made fun of him occasionally, and the dark creatures that roamed the place and threatened life was almost like seeing a stray dog. It was to common.


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Welcome to Underland reborn - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Bells Sun Feb 19, 2012 10:14 am

Link hesitated slightly, then changed his mind qnf held her close, not wanting to let go just yet. There was something about this girl, she was a bit different. She hadn't turned up. Er nose at his humble shack of q house, and hadn't seemed upset when discovering there wasn't even a real bed to be had. He couldn't help but admire that, and so he didn't want her to leave just yet, instead he tilted his head, giving the top of her head a slow kiss, s if saying stay a little while longer.

Dawn hesitated, trying to think of a way to explain it. "Because..." she began after a few moments. "It reminds me that here isn't normal. That up there is what it's supposed to be like...and that here is something completely different. Maybe that's no right..and I should just let go and move on with the fact ill never be free of here... but I can't. Not yet.."

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Welcome to Underland reborn - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Guest Sun Feb 19, 2012 2:27 pm

Hatter squirmed just slightly as he listened to her and let his arm drop from around her. He brought it in front of him, cupping his hands together. "...are you mad at me?" he asked softly, his eyes unable to meet hers, instead staring at her hands. "For bringing you here?"

Sam blinked, her eyes widening slightly at the kiss. It was..odd for her. She wasn't use to such gentle gestures. Her heart skipped a few times before finally calming. She turned her face towards his and stared at him with her big golden eyes, watching him carefully. "I think we should party more often," she whispered quietly, not wanting to disrupt the peaceful silence that seemed to surround them.


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Welcome to Underland reborn - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Bells Sun Feb 19, 2012 5:27 pm

Dawn hesitated, studying him for a moment before dropping her eyes as well. "I'm not mad at you, Hatter." She murmured, drawing her knees to her chest. "I couldn't be.. you're the only friend I have..." Her eyes were glued on her knees now, her mind searching for words to further explain to him. Unable to find any she sighed, not looking up.

Link gave her a faint smile, nodding a little before leaning his head to give her a soft kiss. "We should." Something tugged on the back of his mind, and he frowned a a little, once again noticing the cuts and bruises, but then gave himself a mental shrug. It wasn't his job to go prying into some girl he just met's business.

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Welcome to Underland reborn - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Guest Sun Feb 19, 2012 8:43 pm

Sam gave a small smile and kissed him back, adjusting herself so she was sorta wrapped around him. "Tomorrow night work for you?" she asked quietly between kisses hoping, once again, to get him to stay the rest of the night. At least until it was bright out.

Hatter looked up at her face, then quickly turned away. "I'm sorry," he murmured as he reached around for his tea pot, then drew it close to his chest, much like she had done with her knees.


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Welcome to Underland reborn - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Bells Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:39 pm

Link nodded, holding her tight as he looked her over, giving a broad smile. "I'm sure it will, if not I'll find a way to make sure it does." After all, she just had something about her that caught his attention. That plus the fact that she was a girl, and he hadn't had one for awhile, all pushed him to want to see her again.

Dawn blinked, drawing her eyes up to him and reaching out with a hand to gently make him look at her. "It's okay, I understand that you did what you had to do. Besides, my life was't very good up there anyways."

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Welcome to Underland reborn - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Guest Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:54 pm

Sam smiled and reached up, gently stroking his cheek with the tips of her finger nails. It wasn't every day she met a guy that was good to her, not to mention one she'd want to see again. But, she figured she needed the distraction anyway, seeing as how she was now out of a place to live.

Hatter stared at her for a long moment and sighed. "then why go back?" he asked, obviously still confused.


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Welcome to Underland reborn - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Bells Tue Feb 21, 2012 8:09 am

Link smiled, watching her fir a moment before reaching a hand up to catch hers, bringing it to his mouth and slowly kissing her palm. Then gently kissing the pad of each finger before moving their hands to the side and putting the next kiss on her lips as he moved them slightly, his lips encouraging hers to return the gentle passion.

Dawn frowned, furrowing her brow as she released his head, trying to think of how to explain it. "...It...up there...things they should be. The flowers don't talk, and things...just act normal. I want to go up because it reminds me how things are suposed to be, and held me keep my sanity just a little while longer" As before her voice was soft, and murmured.

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Welcome to Underland reborn - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Guest Tue Feb 21, 2012 8:55 am

Hatter's eyes tightened at the mention of sanity. Hadn't she just said the best people were insane? He looked away and stared down at his tea pot, not sure how to respond or how to even say what he would respond with if he knew how to. He just clung to his tea pot, his eyes never meeting her in any way.

Sam blushed slightly at the gentle kisses, her eyes closing when he kissed her lips. She kissed him back, her hand slowly moving from his and entangling in his hair, holding him close to her. She could get use to something like this, something as sweet as this. Even if they were only just using each other. "Link?" she whispered between kisses a little breathlessly. "Don't leave me alone tonight." Sure, she was practically begging him to stay, but...she didn't want to loose this. Nor did she want to be left in the dark completely sober.


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Welcome to Underland reborn - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Bells Tue Feb 21, 2012 7:33 pm

Dawn hesitated, chewing on her lip as she studied him. She never seemed to say the right things it seemed, comforting someone just enough to say the wrong thing and tear them down by accident. Her own arms wrapped around her knees, and she sat her head on them, trying to come up with something to say. After awhile she just let out a breath, giving up on attempting words and just going with the two words she knew best. ".....I'm sorry...."

Link hesitated, considering what the boys would do if he didn't come home tonight, and yet not wanting to disappoint her. Kissing her once again he considered what to say, then decided to go ahead and stay, its not like it could get worse overnight. After all, they already followed him, surely it wasn't enough to push them away if he was gone just that long. "...okay." He murmured, lettings his hand travel to the small of her back, shifting them slightly so he could hold her close and kiss her easily.

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Welcome to Underland reborn - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Guest Tue Feb 21, 2012 8:15 pm

Sam gave a soft smile, her whole body relaxing at knowing he'd be there until morning. She pressed her body against his, kissing him back, determined to make him thankful he stayed, and possibly convince him to stay every night they were together.

Hatter didn't say anything, or look at her. He just stared at his tea pot. After a while he began to murmur nonsense poems to himself, his voice and eyes seeming dark. Never once did he attack her or do anything that would possibly chase her off. He enjoyed her company to much, he liked knowing he wasn't the only one here.


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Welcome to Underland reborn - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Bells Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:38 pm

We were going to FF, right?

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Welcome to Underland reborn - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Guest Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:23 pm

yeah, if you wanted to


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Welcome to Underland reborn - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Bells Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:41 pm

Days later Dawn found herself standing near a couple of the flowers, listening to them insult whatever they took an interest to. She hesitated slightly, tilting the small sketchpad carefully in the nook of her arm as she sketched the strange sight. She'd found herself with too much time after being stuck down here, and as a result swiped whatever she could when she went above. It helped her keep her mind off of her body's want for the drugs, it didn't seem to care how long she had been clean, just on the fact she'd had the stuff before. As a result, she'd picked up this book the last time out and even though she didn't draw very well in her opinion, she'd found it helped take her mind off of things.

Link scratched his neck, running a hand slowly through his hair as he made his way back to the house. A bit of smile tugged on his lips, impatient to show his new surprise to Sam. He'd spent all his free time since they'd last been here working on fixing the place up a little. Of course, this meant stealing the supplies he needed. So far he'd managed to replace the glass pane's in the windows and put a new coat of pain on the outside. It wasn't much, but it was something.

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Welcome to Underland reborn - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Guest Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:49 pm

Sam was standing in front of what she thought was the house. She looked around and back to the house, tilting her head. Was this the right house? It didn't look as run down. It actually had windows, and the paint wasn't peeling. She sighed and ran a hand through her dark brown hair. Perhaps that last stay in the box car had messed with her since she didn't get much sleep.

Hatter whistled to himself as he sat on top of one of the large mushrooms, sipping his tea. He paused and glanced around for a moment, only to find a flower staring at him. "Yes?" He asked. Of course, this simple question led to a whole conversation of nonsense with which the Hatter was very pleased.


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Welcome to Underland reborn - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Bells Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:57 pm

Link came up behind her, standing there for a moment before grinning and creeping up behind her, and dropping down so that his lips where right by her ears. "Like it..?" He inquired, pleased by her reaction to the fix up. He already had plans on how to get a frame for the bed, and had the boys on acquiring it that night.

Dawn glanced up, spotting Hatter and about to call out a greeting, when she hesitated and glanced down at the pad. Almost smiling she flipped the page and glanced up at him, starting a sketch of him instead of the flowers.

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Welcome to Underland reborn - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Guest Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:51 pm

Sam jumped slightly then relaxed as she realized it was only Link. A smile spread across her lips as she turned to face him. "I love it, I practically didn't recognize it." Her eyes danced happily, glad he hadn't shrugged her off like some one nighter, which you kinda was. But still, the thought that he was still treating her nice was...well it was unusual and she liked it.

Hatter continued his conversation with the flower about how insensible tumble weeds and table whappers were, neither of which Hatter was familiar with. But, it was a topic of conversation outside of him being insulted, so he acted as if he did know what they were and was very animated in his opinions that he developed of them.


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Welcome to Underland reborn - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Bells Mon Feb 27, 2012 11:33 pm

Dawn continued until the sketch was done, frowning a little as she critiqued it herself and decided that it was horrible. Sighing a little she glanced up at Hatter again, pursing her lips before searching for some way to climb up to him. Managing to find one mushroom that seemed simple enough, she hoisted herself up and gave a little wave as she struggled to settle in the center of it.

Link grinned, sneaking a swift kiss to the top of her head before stepping away and placing a suspiciously innocent look on his face. Gesturing towards the door into the house, he didn't move from his platoon a few paces behind her.
"You first~.."

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Welcome to Underland reborn - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Guest Mon Feb 27, 2012 11:39 pm

Sam blinked in shock, glancing behind herself and at him, a blush coloring her cheeks. The shock faded into a happy smile and she made her way inside, bouncing up the steps and through the door. She blinked, taking in the fact that the place was actually clean this time. Her smile only broadened as she went from room to room. "Hey, this house is kinda like you. Cleans up real nice," she called back to him.

Hatter blinked and looked a little startled as his eyes turned to Dawn, the flower stretching to peek around him and stare at her as well. "Hello," he said, a quick smile replacing the startled look. "Have you ever met a tabble wapper?"


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Welcome to Underland reborn - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Bells Tue Mar 06, 2012 6:06 pm

Link grinned, following her in. This reaction was perfect, exactly what he'd hoped for when he took the time to fix the place up.
"Heh, you haven't seen me clean up, not really." He called back, a teasing tone in his voice. "You'd be dazzled by the results, trust me."

Dawn shook her head, smiling at him as she adjusted herself just so that she sat nicely on her mushroom. "No, I don't believe so, what are they like?"
As she spoke she carefully placed her sketchpad out next to her as to not loose it.

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Welcome to Underland reborn - Page 2 Empty Re: Welcome to Underland reborn

Post by Guest Tue Mar 06, 2012 6:15 pm

"Horrid!" Piped up the flower that was still staring at her. "Absolutely disgusting!"
"Nothing but bandersnatch snot," Hatter said with a small nod. "I think they ought to put the tabble wappers with the dapple cappers."
"Dapple cappers?" the flower asked looking confused. Hatter gave a grave nod as he poured some tea into his last cup.

Sam grinned and poked her head out of one of the rooms. "Maybe you could show me sometime," she said with a wink. Her shirt fell just off her shoulder, a large smile on her face before she ducked back into the room. "I'd give just about anything to live in a place like this," she called out, spinning slightly.


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