the Character Chat Revolution
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CauseThereAreNoZombieChats Empty CauseThereAreNoZombieChats

Post by Sweet Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:18 am

You heard it on the news, but you didn't believe it. You were prepared, of course. Every teenager is. But you never thought the day would actually come. Zombies have become real.

No one knows how it happened yet. Jeez, it seems like forever since the pandemic started, but it was only just yesterday. There are still airplanes taking people to remote islands, still soldiers trying to fight them off. You know what's going to happen. There have been way too many zombie movies to depend on the army.

YESH. Zombie chat. Oh yeah.



First post will be what you were doing when it happened.

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CauseThereAreNoZombieChats Empty Re: CauseThereAreNoZombieChats

Post by Regret Thu Mar 22, 2012 9:44 am


Name: Stan Wade
Age: 27
Appearance: 6'1" and about the same across the shoulders.Wears a mixture of military gear and civilian clothes, consisting of combats, huge boots, a t-shirt, fingerless gloves, a helmet, and a military-grade gas-mask. Has a broad and friendly-looking face (ironically) with close-cropped hair and a stubbly beard.
Other: Has two pistols and a machete on his belt, a knife on one boot and a pistol (with only one round) tucked into the other. Carries a pump-action shotgun. He is a career zombie-hunter, and a little bit crazy. Despite being a veritable zombie-killing hero, he is not actually a nice guy. He's ported in from my book The Carriers.

Wade heard it on the radio while doing chin-ups in the barn, and the shock almost made him let go of the bar. This was it. The day he had always known would come. By his estimate, he had about a day to prepare.

Let them come.

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CauseThereAreNoZombieChats Empty Re: CauseThereAreNoZombieChats

Post by Black&White Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:15 pm

The Walking Dead made me do it >> *totes going to have way too many zombie dreams now...*

Name: October Tyler
Age: 22
Appearance: very long, curly reddish-brown hair, usually braided out of the way out of convenience. Dark green eyes, and tanned skin complexion. Lots of freckles. Around 5'7'', an athlete's body build.
Other: usually very up beat, it's surprising how fast she can get serious. was in training for the FBI, so she knows her weaponry well, though she's been practicing the bow and arrow - for the lack of noise to not attract the zombies.

Name: Jiff Wagner
Age: 23
Appearance: short, light blonde hair and brown eyes, fairer skinned than October. has more of a runner's build, 6' even.
Other: high school friend of October, he's sort of her logic in her less...logical moments... more specialized with technology, from computers to cars.

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CauseThereAreNoZombieChats Empty Re: CauseThereAreNoZombieChats

Post by Sweet Sun Mar 25, 2012 4:04 pm

Loooove the Walking Dead. I need a poster, but I haz no monies. Oh yeah, sorry I've been AWOL since I made it. Forgot meh password. XD

Name: Jessica Lone
Age: 25
Appearance: Short, cropped black hair and grayish blue eyes (more grayish). Has a white cami, black jacket and black jeans. Small back pack carrying different kinds of clothes and essentials, like a water bottle and a lighter.
Other: Has been mastering parkour since she was a teenager, not really good at anything zombie related, but she knows how to survive in the woods.

Jessica had perfected her handstand on the brick wall when she saw one. It hadn't spotted her yet, so she carefully lowered herself down so she didn't draw attention. She didn't know how she knew, but it was definitely the undead. Nothing walked like that. She watched it for a few moments, then got off the wall, carefully closing her gate and heading inside. Time to prepare.

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CauseThereAreNoZombieChats Empty Re: CauseThereAreNoZombieChats

Post by Black&White Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:02 am

Campus security saw it first. More like experienced it. The lock down alerts came over the dorm's speakers, but no one really took them seriously. Just another drill, why worry, right? We've been having these sorts of things since middle school and nothing's ever happened. The dorm doors couldnt open without a student ID anyway.
But in such situations, i guess the least best place to be would be on the roof, taking in the early spring weather. So when shots are heard from the academy entrance, /naturally/ you go see what all the commotion is about instead of...i dunno...going inside and staying in your room like whats supposed to go down. And its not hard to realize whats happened when seven shots and a tazer into someone wont make them go down.

Supposed to do some project. Four AM, instant coffee next to me, twelve page report almost done... A break wouldnt hurt. Right there, front page of Yahoo news...zombies. National emergency address, army moving out to protect major cities, all flights grounded to contain the disease - if it was that sort of thing.

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CauseThereAreNoZombieChats Empty Re: CauseThereAreNoZombieChats

Post by Regret Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:19 am

Wade checked the store-room, sure that he had enough supplies to ride out the first month in a state of siege. Yup, unless something happened he wouldn't have to go gallivanting off into the towns and cities looking for supplies. Well, not unless something happened to his... Well, crap. The largest petrol-tank had rusted through, and was just depositing the last few drops onto the warped floorboards.

Yeah, now he was totally going to have to go into town.

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CauseThereAreNoZombieChats Empty Re: CauseThereAreNoZombieChats

Post by condog Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:31 pm

Name: Jack (Jackal)
Age: 17
Appearance: Tall, crew cut, strong, big
Other: Used to be military, a Marine, until his entire platoon got overwhelmed by zombies

Name: Daniel (Dan for short)
Age: 15
Appearance: Black hair, blue eyes, stocky, strong
Other: Alone, no one left with him. Everyone is gone.

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CauseThereAreNoZombieChats Empty Re: CauseThereAreNoZombieChats

Post by condog Mon Mar 26, 2012 4:40 pm

I hold my M16 to my shoulder as the quick three round semi auto bursts stitching rounds into the oncoming zombies. I back slowly checking over my shoulder every few seconds to make sure I'm not walking into another zombie. My gun clicks. Empty. I swear and turn. I run at full tilt down the street. Fear is all I can feel. I run, and run, and run.

"Zombies. You're kidding right?" I murmur watching the TV in my boarding schools common room. This is a joke. It has to be. I turn off the TV and walk over to the window. I look down and see people stumbling around moaning. My jaw drops. Ther's a group of them eating a young woman. EATING her! I lean over and vomit. I sit down and sit there shaking.

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CauseThereAreNoZombieChats Empty Re: CauseThereAreNoZombieChats

Post by Black&White Mon Mar 26, 2012 6:05 pm

It's been a...week? Maybe...? How quickly time goes...I've lost track... Since that time on the roof... Most people left the campus, too freaked to stay, while the city...then the state...then the nation called for a state of emergency as nationwide reports of zombies started to pop up. So...early spring vacation? Hardly... There wasn't much for me to do, though. My parents were across the country, probably looking for some way to deal with this. An all around military family gives you some interesting know how to deal with such a situation.
Dean said for us to leave, and slowly the campus emptied of whoever didn't do the initial get-up-and-go. I felt like the only one around still, though I knew Jiff was just in the room next to mine. Girls' dorm rules didn't apply anymore, it seemed. I felt perfectly fine here, though. Large, secure buildings, lots of supplies, big stone walls around the complex the zombies haven't tried to hop over yet, and a strong iron gate at the entrance. Campus made a move towards green tech last year, which was helpful if the system got too frazzled to support the grid anymore. Which in time, I knew it would. The things Jiff looked up online didn't look to be getting any better.
No guns, but I raided the archery team's closet and came up with a few bows and a bazillion practice arrows. Aluminum, so next raid was to the metal shop to grind and sharpen them to fine and deadly points. Been practicing. I've shot guns, but arrows seemed like going back into the middle age.
It was pretty cool though. Silent. The sound didn't attract anymore when you killed one. Or... rekilled... They still didn't know the cause of this whole epedemic, but personally I liked the pop-outta-the-ground variety of zombie. I've had dreams of putting an arrow through the decayed eye of Washington a few times... Metaphoric, maybe, for the end of America... Never believed in that stuff though.
Jiff had suggested extending our good circumstances, which I was sort of hesitant about. Just the two of us was working out fine... But safety in numbers, I guess, for when crap really hit the fan... So a raid to the art department gave us a big ass role of canvas and black paint, and we made the sign. 'SAFE ZONE', big and bold. We didn't know how long our supposed safe zone might work out, but at least give whatever scragglers in the city a place to gather and perhaps make a theoretical rescue mission easier. We weren't a major city, however, so I didn't think it high on the government's priority list.
We went hang it from the campus's water tower, the tallest place we could get to within the walls. From here, we saw more zombies limping through the streets, more than what we expected to see. It was...sort of a shocker to see it the world getting zombie-fied up close and personal. We had the internet still, but it was eerie to have silence all to greet your ears in the previously noisy surroundings, uneasy to see what belonged in bad horror movies...
Silent until the sound of shots come through the streets. ...Which wasn't much of a comforting fact... The zombies we see mozying around turn their heads to the sound, start towards whoever the shooter was. Someone was in for a load of shiz soon...

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CauseThereAreNoZombieChats Empty Re: CauseThereAreNoZombieChats

Post by condog Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:57 pm

I slowed my pace gradually. I look over my shoulder, lost them. I walk around aimlessly, hoping to find something, anything indicating that a human was still out here. Then, I saw it. A sign on a water tower, "SAFE ZONE". I almost shouted with joy. Maybe the government had established something for us. I started making my way to it. When I came close I drew my side arm. A standard issue Baretta. I walk around the campus and search for those who made the sign. I think about how this gun won't last forever, ammo is scarce. I need something better, like a sword. A sword would be good. I had a little training in Kendo and was pretty good if I do say so myself. Sever the brain stem with a quick slice and done. More quiet than a gun and a sword doesn't need reloading.

I wander around campus searching. Eventually I see the sign and realize some one else must be alive here too. I move towards the sign cautiously. Hoping, praying someone is there to help.

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CauseThereAreNoZombieChats Empty Re: CauseThereAreNoZombieChats

Post by Sweet Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:50 pm

Jessica checked the fridge and frowned. Nutella, could live for a day but she didn't plan on starving to death. Raiding nearby houses would be a good idea, but she had no idea how many zombies would be there. Grabbing her binoculars, she headed for the roof and surveyed the area. Everyone was either packing or gone. Not much food would be left to scavenge. With a sigh, she hopped back down and headed towards the gate. Her parkour skills would finally come in handy.

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CauseThereAreNoZombieChats Empty Re: CauseThereAreNoZombieChats

Post by Regret Tue Mar 27, 2012 5:04 pm

((I'm switching to first person. It's not something I usually do, so please bear with me.))

The battered old pickup bounces and rattles over the ruts in the dirt track. I turn onto the main road and roar away, swerving between abandoned vehicles like the motherfucking pro that I am. The occasional zombies I meet on the road go down like ninepins. This shit is off the hook. That shit wants nothing to do with the hook. In fact, on a very basic level, both philosophically and physically, that shit is diametrically opposed to the hook. That shit is taking the next flight out of hook county.

I pull some serious air leaving the freeway at one hundred and ten. I didn't even know the pickup could go so fast. That is some biznasty right there. I slam the clutch down, through the screaming gearbox into fifth and engage four-wheel drive. Letting the clutch up I floor the accelerator and tear down the main road of the town. Suddenly I release my foot from the floor and shift down until I'm doing twenty. There's a sign some distance ahead, hanging from a water-tower. 'Safe Zone'? Yeah right. But with the help of Stan motherfucking Wade, it just might be.

I roll up outside the gates and fire a shot into the air. I settle down on the bonnet and wait to see whether the undead or the owners of the so-called safe zone turn up first.

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CauseThereAreNoZombieChats Empty Re: CauseThereAreNoZombieChats

Post by Black&White Tue Mar 27, 2012 5:26 pm

It was my turn to man the security building, which was closest to the closed gate of the university. October was busy...somewhere... I was slightly distracted with the news online, which still thankfully operated. Whenever the power went down and brought the system with it, we'd be left in the dark, and I wanted to know as much as I could before that happened.
Around when I'm checking the local news of the state October and I lived before the academy, I hear the screeching of tires from a far way off. Which wasn't normal in the usually quiet city. I peak out of the slit we made from the reinforced windows, see someone stop in front of the gates way too suddenly and /fire off a shot/.
What? Do people not learn?! I walk out, a metal baseball bat in hand. Crazy psycho was waiting by the gate, I noticed another coming closer in the distance. I guess the sign was a good idea....? Though not with idiots like this.
"Do you not read the sign?" I ask him. "The /SAFE/ Zone one? Meaning we aren't trying to attract zombies here....Which you apparently want to do with all the noise you make!" Jesus Christ, gunshots were like a dinner bell for the freaks, and this guy was apparently intent on making us a meal! You'd think people who lack common sense like this would have died off by now!

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CauseThereAreNoZombieChats Empty Re: CauseThereAreNoZombieChats

Post by Sweet Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:56 pm

Jessica jumped when she heard the site. The can of beans she held in her hands clattered to the ground, making more noise than she wished it to. She glanced around nervously, ready to flee at a moment's notice. When no walkers showed up, she peeked outside to investigate.
She had seen the safezone sign when she broke into the house, but she didn't give it any thought. Safezones wouldn't be safe for long, with all the noise they created. She watched the man come out with a baseball bat to confront the other man. Idiot. Now what was she going to do if the zombies came from all directions?

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CauseThereAreNoZombieChats Empty Re: CauseThereAreNoZombieChats

Post by Regret Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:44 pm

"I'm reckonin' this is about as safe as a wet paper bag," I growl. "What you want is a professional."
I shove the pistol back into my belt and take a look around. This place is a serious shit-hole. When the shit hits the fan, this place is going to be like a special shit-collecting fan attachment. But, with some work, it may be possible to fortify it well enough to repel shit. Shit-repulsion in zombie scenarios is my specialty.

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CauseThereAreNoZombieChats Empty Re: CauseThereAreNoZombieChats

Post by Sweet Wed Mar 28, 2012 5:31 pm

Jessica grabbed as much food as she could fit in her bag and climbed up to the roof. This way, if something happened, she'd be safer than the people on the ground and it would be much easier to sneak away.

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CauseThereAreNoZombieChats Empty Re: CauseThereAreNoZombieChats

Post by Black&White Wed Mar 28, 2012 5:33 pm

... Alright.... these are one of those 'extremists', I see how it is with him...
I get out the keys we had for the place and unlock the chains we had on the gates. All /four sets/ of them. And then let the guy in, glancing about before securing the chains on the iron cross sections again.
"A 'wet paper bag'..." I contemplate his words. And 'professional' ... of sitting in his basement weight lifting to look tough while nerding over every possible sci-fi movie out there, probably. I glance around with him.
Yup... Thick, high, stone walls were certainly about as secure as toilet paper to fire. Sarcasm alert. And, god....those metal fire doors of every building with those solid frames and automatic deadbolt locks... breakable as glass... Maybe we weren't an armory, and therefore not great on offense, but defense this place was comparable to the Pentagon to a bunch of blundering undead. Windows on the first floor, sure, but the staircases had similar doors that had once been a bitch when moving in the start of the school year. Now they were God's Grace from Heaven. Plus October was talking about doing some bridge system across the roofs of the dorms and classroom buildings.
Who I spotted doing now, up on the girl's dorm. She raided the gymnasium for nylon ropes, which now she had rigged to an arrow aimed to the near by boy's dorm.
"...You know, we're not stupid here..." I say, following him in. Wasn't exactly the crowd I was expecting to come with the sign... Did I really have to let him into the dorms...? "And this is a pretty well off college, in terms of the money it got. Security galore." Now please stop acting like a smart know it all...

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CauseThereAreNoZombieChats Empty Re: CauseThereAreNoZombieChats

Post by Sweet Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:55 pm

(Since Jessica prolly won't get into the safehouse on her own, I'll make a few zombies chase her up there...kay?)

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CauseThereAreNoZombieChats Empty Re: CauseThereAreNoZombieChats

Post by Black&White Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:17 am

(she could be stealing from the university, prove Wade's point of security? But whatever ya want, im fine with anything.)

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CauseThereAreNoZombieChats Empty Re: CauseThereAreNoZombieChats

Post by Regret Thu Mar 29, 2012 1:41 pm

"If you've never seen a burning zombie jump over a car then I suggest you shut the fuck up."
I snort in disgust.
"Or did you think this was the first outbreak?"
I laugh and replace the pistol at my hip.
"I've been living her for four years now. Got a lead something like this might happen. I made my name fighting zombies in rural England, but I don't reckon I'll have the same level of support I had there."

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CauseThereAreNoZombieChats Empty Re: CauseThereAreNoZombieChats

Post by Black&White Thu Mar 29, 2012 3:48 pm

Alright... He's not getting a student ID anytime soon in my book... "Well, whatever type of zombie you have in England... Ours in America are usual lazy Americans who don't jump. They sort of...bumble about..." And I'm pretty sure random combustion isn't physically possible, so I think he made the zombie that way. With any guess, he hit the thing in the car to make it 'jump' over...

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CauseThereAreNoZombieChats Empty Re: CauseThereAreNoZombieChats

Post by Sweet Thu Mar 29, 2012 5:44 pm

Jessica climbed down carefully and observed the home. About a weeks more of food. She glanced at the safehouse. It didn't look like many people lived there, and they looked stocked. Maybe they wouldn't notice a few cans of food. Back when people stayed dead, she didn't have to worry about food. She'd get a check every month from her parents to cover the cost of everything, as long as she didn't go out buying cars and shit. Jessica had been saving up for a car, but now that the apocalypse had come she didn't need money to get things she wanted.
Out of nowhere, something grabbed her arm and she jumped back, towards the street. She mustve been too caught up in her thoughts to notice. She tripped over a discarded scrap of metal and backed away from the zombie. Jessica frantically looked back and forth, looking for an exit. The way back to the house was blocked, and so were both streets. Jumping up, she headed towards the safehouse. Better now than never to see how much food they had.
Jessica sprinted up the wall quickly, pausing to grasp a hold on the top and look over her shoulder before swinging so that she sat on the wall. Getting up, she looked around for a building to hide on top of. It would be no help to them if she attracted all the zombies to the safehouse. Running across the stone walls, she grabbed the ledge of a window and swung herself up.

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CauseThereAreNoZombieChats Empty Re: CauseThereAreNoZombieChats

Post by Regret Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:02 pm

"Yeah, whatever mate. Are you going to let me get this shit inside or what?"

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CauseThereAreNoZombieChats Empty Re: CauseThereAreNoZombieChats

Post by Black&White Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:59 pm

There was a lot of sudden activity at the back wall, which I had a clear view of from the roof. The arrow fired across to the guy's dorm and snagged, I get my self made quiver and shout down to Jiffy. "Activity! I dunno why they're suddenly here, but they're here!"
I walk over to the closest corner of the four story building. I wasn't good enough at shooting arrows to get. The wall was too high, we always though. I mean... a normal person would have trouble hopping a six and a half foot wall. But just in case...
I turn toward the roof access door, going down to get something a bit more...inteeresting.

... "stuff later? We'll go inside, to wait, unless you do want to cause some flaming rocket zombies," I say, tone bored. Which...I assumed the latter, but you never know! The guy might get logical for a moment and decide to come in. Or just get some elevation for that gun of his. October had her experiment she wanted to try out up there. But whatever. I start heading to the girl's dorm while taking out my student id.

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CauseThereAreNoZombieChats Empty Re: CauseThereAreNoZombieChats

Post by Sweet Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:14 pm

Jessica perched on the roof, biting her nail. She knew it was dirty, and quite possibly she might get sick, but she didn't care. She surveyed the area, looking for a place people would keep food. Back at her house, she kept it in the attic, just in case someone raided the place while she was gone. She also slept in the attic, but that didn't matter. "Would they leave it in the big shack or in a dorm?" She asked herself. She'd gotten quite used to talking to herself -- not many survivors wanted to sit down and talk about how great their life was.
She glanced at the street for a moment and raised an eyebrow. More zombies. She didn't know if it had been the noise the guy had made or her close encounter that brought them, but there were certainly quite a few more than before. With impulse she decided to head for the dorms. She would put it there, and she thought other people had the sense to put it there. "Don't be stupid," she reminded herself. "And don't get caught."

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