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NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)

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NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)  Empty NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)

Post by Invisimort Wed Mar 28, 2012 5:41 pm


So. This is a scenario in which we extricate our characters from their previously established settings and throw them smack dab in the middle of the suburbs.

A bit on how this all and all:

This is an alternate timeline type thing, so all the people here will have been here since they were born or whatever, and lived here in RANDOM SUBURB-LAND HIGH GDP COUNTRY since that time. They probably know each other, not via chat box relationships necessarily, but through previous unstated interaction in SUBURB-LAND.

RANDOM SUBURB LAND is a magical place where you have to have your house painted one of three colours as approved by the landscaping committee, have to fill in forms in triplicate if you want to plant something in your yard, and is generally really uppity about everything. Pretty much everything is cookie cutter in the architectural layouts.

Characterisation should remain as constant as possible given the setting switch, though attention and consideration should be given to the fact that in SUBURB-LAND there is enough money to eat at least 'well' and if you are too insane, you could probably see a school psychiatrist or something once weekly to try and get that crazy drummed out of you, and you have probably been seeing someone since you were VERRRRY small if you were notably sanity deprived.

Parental units also actually EXIST, or if they would have been absent in canon for some reason other than say... plot related demise, then there is a convenient foster home that can have several childrenz in it.

Our story picks up on a Friday, during class...

General Appearance: *height, weight, hair, eyes, what they wear, you know the drill*
WHAT UNIVERSE DO YOU NORMALLY INHABIT?: *give us a sentence or so... maybe more if you're feeling like a good storytime.*


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NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)  Empty Re: NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)

Post by Invisimort Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:35 pm

Name: T.Morbid Namechov
Gender: Male
General Appearance: Like himself... Black hair, grey eyes, rather thin... you'd think he doesn't eat enough... he's kinda predisposed to being built that way...
WHAT UNIVERSE DO YOU NORMALLY INHABIT?: AUDA CITY. He grew up as a citizen and employee there. Really that ought to be enough said by now.
AND WHAT ABILITIES DID YOU ENJOY IN SAID UNIVERSE? The ability to not be dead yet....

Name: Riddle
Gender: FEMALE
General Appearance: Red eyes, white hair... you'd probs call her albino. Short- only 4'9". Dresses like... a death metal band met the trololol guy and then marketed the byproducts for ridiculously cheap at a really sketchy market somewhere. Her head is a home to a varied assortment of bad dye jobs gone horribly...somewhere...with the white blonde hair sometimes visible beneath the rainbow that she threw up on her own head.
WHAT UNIVERSE DO YOU NORMALLY INHABIT?: Auda City. The West wing. ...It involved a lot of senseless violence. Eyesight was the sense particularly lacking, but really... it wasn't that noticeable unless you looked really far up.

Name: Edgar
Gender: Male
General Appearance: Tall...faceless, as a result of a terrible genetic mutation... Quite well dressed typically, despite not having the financial backing to support his expenditures...
WHAT UNIVERSE DO YOU NORMALLY INHABIT?: Auda City. The monastary, timeline wise, biding time until someone in the monarchy manages to bork crap up enough to make a coup feasible and logical.

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NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)  Empty Re: NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)

Post by Black&White Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:07 am

Name: Natalie Tyler
Gender: Female
General Appearance: dark brown, almost black, wavy hair that goes just past her shoulders. Slightly tanned, a few freckles on her arms and face. Tallish, 5'6'' or so. Steely blue-gray eyes
WHAT UNIVERSE DO YOU NORMALLY INHABIT?: *has yet to decide a place for the story to take place* ...somewhere in the Appalachians... Changed without a bite when she was six, killed her parents, the wolf so powerful it kept her as a wolf for three years, and has been avoiding people for the next eleven after that in cannon
AND WHAT ABILITIES DID YOU ENJOY IN SAID UNIVERSE? werewolf...? tho that's more of an annoyance and general curse to her.

Name: Latimier Tyler
Gender: Male
General Appearance: he's got dark hair, same eyes as Natalie, same skin tone as Natalie and around 6'. tattoos on his arms, though they mean something to him and aren't just random.
WHAT UNIVERSE DO YOU NORMALLY INHABIT?: Same as Natalie. he was in college when all of Wolf-at-6 happened, people concluded that his parents were murdered and she was determined missing until presumed dead, which was when hunters contacted him, told him the truth of who killed his parents and told him of other killings since then in cannon.
AND WHAT ABILITIES DID YOU ENJOY IN SAID UNIVERSE? None~ he's a norm. Except maybe an access to weapons and a very well trained Hunter German Shepherd.

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NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)  Empty Re: NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:16 am

Name: Marley Marie Aldric
Gender: female
General Appearance: *height, weight, hair, eyes, what they wear, you know the drill* 4'5", slightly on the pale side but with a light tan, sort of skinny but not abnormally so (in this universe), wears dresses, long blonde hair that goes a little past her shoulders that she keeps in a ponytail
WHAT UNIVERSE DO YOU NORMALLY INHABIT?: *give us a sentence or so... maybe more if you're feeling like a good storytime.* A modern day type realistic-y universe like the one we inhabit, but with vampires and habui and whatever

Name: Dorian Aldric Jr
Gender: male
General Appearance: *height, weight, hair, eyes, what they wear, you know the drill* Black hair, gray eyes, not sure what he wears cos not sure the context... mmrh...
WHAT UNIVERSE DO YOU NORMALLY INHABIT?: *give us a sentence or so... maybe more if you're feeling like a good storytime.*Same as Marley
Same as Marley

Name: Alexander Aldric
Gender: Male
General Appearance: *height, weight, hair, eyes, what they wear, you know the drill* Black hair, gray eyes (Dorian's twin)... once again, not sure about wearing crap... er...
WHAT UNIVERSE DO YOU NORMALLY INHABIT?: *give us a sentence or so... maybe more if you're feeling like a good storytime.* same...


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NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)  Empty Re: NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)

Post by Jacky K. Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:58 am

Name: Cricket
Gender: male
General Appearance: Still looks generally the same, except for a few tweaks. Hair still hangs in his eyes a bit, but he's probably not as OCD about it. Still lean and somewhat short. Worn out sneakers/converse, jeans, t-shirts, put on a bit sloppily, like he has other things to worry about than how he looks.

Name: Skelet (keeping that his real name to keep things simple)
Gender: He's a dude, dudes
General Appearance: Pale skin and a chiseled face, piercing blue eyes, often wears a little smile that some find charming and some find a bit off. Tall, strong, smart, and from an outside perspective seems like a pretty great kid. (He's a Senior in this chat, for fun) Everything about him is practiced to charm: his dress, his voice, ect ect ect.

Name: Winnie
Gender: Gal, around...10ish
General Appearance: You know those little girls who wear short jean skirts and all the colors and pretty sparkly stuff they can find in their closets, act sassy, and call themselves grown up? Yeah. Long blonde hair that tangles freely around her shoulders, cute baby doll face despite her small frame.
AND WHAT ABILITIES DID YOU ENJOY IN SAID UNIVERSE? Can make realistic gun noises very loudly.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)  Empty Re: NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)

Post by Banshee Fri Apr 06, 2012 12:40 pm

Can I join?

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NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)  Empty Re: NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)

Post by Invisimort Fri Apr 06, 2012 4:42 pm


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NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)  Empty Re: NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)

Post by Black&White Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:16 pm


The bell of last class rings loudly and students start moving immediately afterwords, the teacher yelling over the increased noise to give the homework that was due Monday. Everyone else hurries, but I take my time, putting papers into my binders and gathering pencils.

I didn't have to worry about catching a bus, even if I was a sophmore. Lati was picking me up since he was driving his way home from college. I smile slightly to myself as I leave the classroom and enter the hallway. I haven't seen him in a while; Alex would understand if I didn't go home with him today. I missed him, even if he usually just busted on me for dating too early. Just playing big brother...

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NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)  Empty Re: NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)

Post by Invisimort Fri Apr 06, 2012 10:02 pm


...I hated english class. ...Like... a lot. I didn't know words. I didn't know words, and I didn't know how to make them exist and...

Well, it's over and I don't have to deal with it again until monday... and.. yeah.

I mean... Ok... Riddle... Riddle.. made it... all... less... horrible... because.. she read aloud all... weird and made voices and I think she lied about what the book said because the teacher always looked at her funny... but things were less confusing when people read aloud... as long as it wasn't me... so... like... yeah.

"T.Mor I'll save you a seat on the hideous yellow space jellybean! My dad forgot I existed so I'm using it today." She said before bolting out of class singing... about feet.

There was probably something really wrong with Riddle... and I mean... like once every three months or so her dad would remember that he signed her up for therapy when she was five.. and so she'd miss class for a day... but... It never really did much I don't think... and...

Oh yeah the bus. I scraped my stack of papers into my backpack... hoping the parentals wouldn't ask abut my english grade... again... this week... And made my way out to the bus.


I had to wonder if I had a big dent in my forehead from falling asleep in the middle of maths class again. ...Not so much 'falling' asleep, as say... intentionally figuring out how much sleep I could get away with avoiding and calculating approximately when I would succumb to REM cycles and thusly rigging it so that I would pass out in the middle of maths.

It's not as though I was in any danger of failing.

At the end of the day, I made my way outside and walked to the back of the school. Near where the cafeteria work entrance was. I was in no rush to go back to my current residence, and figured I could very easily make a profit this afternoon.


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NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)  Empty Re: NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 06, 2012 10:39 pm

"Dorian..." I mumbled under my breath, throwing my twin an irritated sideways glance as I stuffed a few papers into my backpack. "Dorian, get up."

No response. The other students were already filing out of the class and he hadn't so much as stirred, sitting up straight in his chair but eyes closed. No doubt he was completely out of it. Chemistry wasn't his strong suit, and two out of three times he just fell asleep during it.

"Seriously" I kicked his leg for good measure as I stood up, slinging my bag over my shoulder. Theoretically I could just leave him, but I doubt he'd be thrilled if I went ahead and let him miss the bus. And since I was planning on driving Natalie home, it was either he woke up now or walked. "Wake up /now/"

"I'm awake, I'm awake..." he snapped, voice slightly distorted with sleep. Rubbing his eyes with one hand, and using the other to grab the bag he never even bothered to get his textbook out of for this class, he stood. Wordlessly, we went out into the hall, and I scanned the crowd of students for Natalie.

Mom has suggested a couple times that I should ask Dorian to tutor me in English... a good 'bonding' idea or something, since I wasn't really getting fantastic grades in that class. Or any class, if you want to get technical. Each time she suggested it, though, I politely told her that I'd rather smack myself over the head repeatedly with my latest reading assignment. But at times like this, when I'm sitting there and not getting a word of what the teacher is saying, sometimes it doesn't sound like a totally horrific idea.

Then... the bell! A girl's best friend, a true liberator for those in need. I scrambled to my feet as fast as humanly possible, cramming my stuff into my pack. Fantastic, now I could go home and avoid doing homework-backslash-nap-backslash hang out with Cricket.


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NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)  Empty Re: NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)

Post by Black&White Fri Apr 06, 2012 10:52 pm


I go to my locker to put away my binders that I didn't need, getting out my hound's tooth patterned tweed coat. I take a moment to put my backpack on the ground before slipping it on. I close my locker door and return my lock on the door, pausing to wait for Alex to come down the hall as he usually does.

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NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)  Empty Re: NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)

Post by Jacky K. Sat Apr 07, 2012 12:45 am


I took my time after the bell, putting every paper in place, making sure every book was in check and stowed neatly into my backpack. The other kids buzzed around, gossiping about this and that, and I tuned in to every word. Occasionally, I'd slip someone a smile or a few words. Winked jokingly at a girl, and she laughed. What was her name? Angie, or something. I think I met her at a party somewhere.

"Have a nice weekend," I said to the teacher on the way out, using that same perfectly practiced, genuine grin I used with everyone who's opinions mattered. Teachers, parents, bosses, girls, anyone who could get me what I wanted. The thing about people is that if you ask them nicely for things, say please and thank you, they'll give you a little. If you make them want to give you things, make them believe that by giving things to such a nice guy they are doing some good deed to humanity, they give you a lot.

Now on to the good stuff. Drugs.

I made my way to the back of the school, and greeted Edgar with that smile. To this day, I'm not sure if he could see it or not. I never asked, and I never cared. The teachers all thought highly of me for taking the time to make friends with the poor disabled outcast kid with the messed up face. The hell? I mean, honestly, sometimes they make me sick. They're blind. Trust me, if a good conscience was all I might get out of talking to him, I wouldn't hang around him at all. I'm never one to throw a pity party at anyone for anything. But, he had drugs. "Hey Edgar, how you doing?"


History. Now, history, I can usually get into. It's got stories of wierd guys who do crazy stuff and start wars, odd cultures and times, and debating. I love the debates. You can shout out your own opinion and not get yelled at for distracting the class.

But see, tests. Tests aren't my friend. How am I supposed to know what date Kennedy got shot? If you want my opinion on why he was a blind idiot for going down South in the first place despite his good intentions, sure, I'll give you that. But when it comes to dates and Kennedy, all I know is that it happened in the sixties. And speaking of dates, he had some sort of affair with Monroe. I don't blame him.

Anyhow, the test was filled out with careless guesses and retorts, and I had to sit there for thirty minutes, counting seconds and waiting for the bell to ring. The teacher never let us talk until the very end of class, so everyone was just whispering and passing notes. I was having a staring contest with the clock.

"Watch this, watch this: and three, two . . . one." No bell. Someone snickered. " . . . One! Sweet freedom! WOOT!"

Cue the obnoxious bell sound to the weekend.

The room errupted, and I grinned as I grabbed my old backpack and bounded out the door. I wouldn't worry about school until midnight on Sunday. That left me two whole days, plus a few hours. Sweet, sweet bliss. I spotted T.Mor in the halls and had to practically shove my way around the upper classman to get to him. "Hey!"
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)  Empty Re: NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)

Post by Invisimort Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:28 am


"Quite well. And yourself?" I replied casually. Skelet was around here after school frequently. It was good to have regular customers, because that kept me in the black with regards to cash flow, which meant that I could invest in a 64 terabyte array of storage for... things. Assorted things. Not really important to extrapolate upon at the moment things.


I heard Cricket as I was making my way out to the bus. "...Oh... hi..." I said, stopping where I was to let him catch up. "..So... how was... history?" I asked as we made our way out to the bus. was... kind of odd.. having most of my friends freshman... but uh... like... considering my...not freshman-ness... but... a lot of my classes had freshman in them... so... er. I knew freshman. Yeah.

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NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)  Empty Re: NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 08, 2012 1:46 am

Dorian branched off, heading to the exit as I turned down the hall. And just like always, she was there, standing at her locker. My face broke out into a smile as I made my way through the withering mass that was the student body populous.

"Hey" I greeted, still grinning.

Usually I'd hang around to catch up with T.Mor and Cricket, but hey, on Friday I didn't want to spend any more time in that prison we call highschool a second longer than necessary.
I half slid/fell down the stairs and ran up to the bus, one of the first ones in so I could reserve a spot for Crick. I sat down on one of the seats near the window to wait.


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NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)  Empty Re: NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)

Post by Jacky K. Sun Apr 08, 2012 1:53 am

*due to mind eggs I am not fit to post for Skelet at the moment, however...*


"It was, ah . . . I'm pretty sure I failed a test, but what else is new? And you, with English?" I glanced through the crowd, adjusting the nearly-empty backpack onto one shoulder. Come to think of it, I could have gotten by without one. I never liked carrying too much stuff around, so the thing was lined with just a few papers and perhaps a paperback book, those types of things that you toss in and forget about for about six months.

I spotted Marley in the bus window, and felt my smile tug into a grin. I raised my hand in a wave.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)  Empty Re: NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:00 am

I stared boredly out the window for a few more moments, my head resting back on the beat up bus chair. My mind wandered here and there; a zero on a math assignment, an earlier conversation, a pencil I had nicked from a kid in life science for no reason at all... then out of the corner of my eye I saw two familiar kids approaching, and I sat up at attention

Cricket smiled at me and waved, and I grinned back, while trying to motion that I had saved a spot for him.


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NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)  Empty Re: NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)

Post by Invisimort Sun Apr 08, 2012 7:02 pm


"...I... English... there's all this like... reading and stuff in it... and it just never... like... works right. You know...?" I mumbled. At least all of my friends were kind of in the same boat grades wise...Even if that wasn't always in the same subjects... I didn't have to feel too guilty about my grades being all... how they were.

I saw Marley waving back at Cricket- She had a spot saved for him....I kinda wondered where Riddle wa---oh. Riddle had her face pressed against the glass and was fogging up the window with her mouth and using her fingers to draw dragons in the seat behind Marley's.

...Like I said... Riddle was... a strange child...

I hoped she saved me a seat...

We went ahead onto the bus... which was quickly getting full of people...but not three to a seat full... just mostly full.

I hated when it was so full that there was three to a seat... because like... I was kinda really skinny... so... no one was riding home with me immediately that day... then sometimes I got squeezed up against the window with some other people... which was...weird...

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NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)  Empty Re: NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)

Post by Jacky K. Sun Apr 08, 2012 7:49 pm


"Yeah, I know exactly what you're getting at," I said, which was a half-truth. I figured T.Mor's problem with reading was something like my problem with math, but myself, I sort of liked English. I liked the sounds of words, I guess. Not too much of a fan of being forced to read and write about topics that I couldn't care less about, but what else do you expect from a high school class?

I plopped down in the seat next to Marley.

Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)  Empty Re: NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)

Post by Jacky K. Sun Apr 08, 2012 8:09 pm


"I'm fine. The usual," I said, the double meaning in my words only noticeable to a practiced ear.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)  Empty Re: NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)

Post by Black&White Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:29 pm


I smile back, shying slightly and having my eyes wander away as they usually do, returning to his face after a moment. "Hi," I greet, gravitating towards him. "Hope you don't mind; Lati's gonna pick me up."

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NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)  Empty Re: NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:47 pm

"Hey Crick, hey T.Mor" I greeted, turning in my seat to prop my legs up on Cricket's lap once he sat down. Then I gave him a cheesy grin. Couldn't imagine my legs weighed too much, anyway.

"We going to hang out at my house today?" I inquired, glancing between T.Mor and Crick. Mom approved of Cricket and always teased me that it was good I found somebody whose weirdness was compatible with mine... She was a little more suspicious of T.Mor. Like, she knew he was nice and all, but I caught her muttering something about the name 'Morbid' under her breath once or twice...

I laughed quietly to myself and fiddled with my backpack straps.

"Ahh, gotcha" I nodded understandingly. Of course, I loved hanging out with her, but I understood that she needed time with her brother, too. "Guess I could have driven Dor home after all... oh well, a little more social interaction probably wouldn't hurt him" I chuckled


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NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)  Empty Re: NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)

Post by Black&White Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:54 pm


I laugh, leaning into him comfortably. "Mom's invite to dinner stands. Anytime you'd like..." At least there was one other person in my family who didn't feel like interrogating him. Dad was /crazy/ sometimes!

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NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)  Empty Re: NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:02 pm

"Er..." I didn't exactly want to subject myself to the fifth degree from her father, but... eh, it wasn't like I had anything to hide, either. Except a slightly violent twin brother, our entire family was pretty normal. "That'd be great, sometime"


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NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)  Empty Re: NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)

Post by Jacky K. Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:12 pm


And suddenly, I had legs on my legs. Well then.

"It's only fair." I smirked and propped my elbow on her shoulder. "As for going to your house, are you kidding? Nah, I'd rather wander around town by myself all day and wallow in lonesome self pity. What do you think, T.Mor?"

I liked going to Marley's house, and other people's houses in general. Which I find ironic, because I don't particularily like spending too much time at my own. It's not that it's a bad household or anything, but it's not quite . . . homey. As if it were just a stand-in for some undiscovered place, like a . . . hotel room. Yeah. It felt like a temporary, not-quite-mine, hotel room.

Riding on the ugly yellow schoolbus with T.Mor and Marley, I felt at home.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)  Empty Re: NORMALCY: Or How everyone looks through suburb-vision (patent pending)

Post by Black&White Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:31 pm


"Your sister too...And your parents." I didn't attempt to hide my dislike towards Dorian. Freaking nearly running over a person... And being blatantly obnoxious about the twin appearance switch out prank... Usually could tell the difference. There was only a certain amount of affection he could take, it seemed, before he started messing up the Alex act.

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