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With the Wolf

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With the Wolf Empty With the Wolf

Post by Black&White Sat Apr 07, 2012 1:55 am


My story takes place somewhere on the west side of the Appalachians... lots of woods, mountains, little towns and no really major cities.

Werewolves: Three ways to get the virus.
1) Randomly born with it, as Wolf is. Mistakes in genetic coding form mutations, normal. Usually very useless, though at times form changes. <-- That to the extreme. Or perhaps a distant family member's genes decided to pop up, though see number two. The most rare out of these, though all of them have very low chances.
2) Through genetics, from family. It would be a dominant trait, so even if one parent were a werewolf, the child would be werewolf as well. Their wolf would be weaker though, because of their human side.
3) Being bitten

So with all of that, coupled with Hunters (later), werewolf populations are not very numerous.

Why so rare?
Unlike most modern werewolf media, my werewolf virus is a real curse. A complete nightmare of the person.
Mentally, the wolf would seem to be actual entity for the person. Not quite DID, because even when one side is in control, the other is still conscious. It can effect the person physically as well. Someone does something the wolf doesn't approve of, the wolf can physically hurt the person. And insane bloodlust for humans - though mostly mentally, since they can physically survive on non-human foodstuffs.
Physically, it would matter the person's level of acceptance. Changing would be painful no matter what, but less acceptance of the wolf would mean more pain since the wolf would not approve of opposition. More acceptance of the change would mean less pain, therefore. They cannot eat human, cooked food. If the wolf's bloodlust is strong enough, instinct will take control - which is basically the only time they lose consciousness, though these experiences will come back in dreams.
They usually stay away from people, other than those moments of killing, because of Hunters. The wolf takes much care in the well being of their human, since they share a body, such as not allowing the person to take human form in colder temperatures so as not to die. Packs do form, though not usually. After a feeding, the wolf usually stays quiet enough for a normal trip into a town if they're willing to risk the chance of encountering a Hunter.
The wolf is a smart being. Bites are given rarely, because they only want the best members of the human race to join them. That, or an interrupted feeding, in most cases would be done by a Hunter, at which point they'd prolly mercy kill the victim. But if not a Hunter, then the change would be relatively quick. Seeing as how most bites, whether from feeding or because of the intended change, are violent, healing during the beginning is very fast. Older werewolves have unusual healing as well, but it would be slower than new werewolves. Though one can become a wolf after being bitten, physical changes happen faster than mental ones, so the body will require what wolves eat faster than what the person's mind would be telling them they need. So first bloodlust for bitten wolves are crazy.
Midsized Sivan to SUV sized, colors ranging like those found in nature. And they understand canines of any type, from normal wolves to the Hunter dogs - see below.

They usually prey upon the victim's families attacks to gain members, to pull off of spiteful feelings towards the race. Werewolves aren't known to be more than a legend outside of the group, because of their rarity. Other than that, mostly a family trained group, techniques passed down from parent to child. They lead relatively normal lives when not hunting, and thanks to modern technology, now gather with a simple text: 'Let the dog out' - see below.
They have well trained dogs, like... super six sense. With that text, dogs will lead exactly where the Hunters are gathering, usually a found victim. Usual advice to new members is not to name them, because of how expendable they can be in an actual encounter with a werewolf.
For new members:
Existing members will come visit at first, tell the person of the truth of what happened to your missing/dead family member. They will immediately ask if you'd like to join, but if you are unbelieving, they will send a dog to your door and you will receive an anonymous text to 'Let the dog in'. Still your choice, but if you do, they will show up again to ask you again, if you'd like to join. No, they take the dog back and don't speak to you again. Yes, they require you to move and change you identity for your own safety. Just in case.
Within the Hunter group there are radicals, who chase after werewolves and seek to destroy, and not so radicals, who don't kill unless attacked.

I...think that's it... Let me know if you've got questions.

Format -

no PPing, no GMing, etcetcetc...
One lining alright, if you really can't think of anything else to say.
Romance happens, I know. Please keep above in mind. Wolves would be hesitant because of the part of possibly killing a human, and their time would be limited to after a feeding. That time does not last forever. WolfXHunter....I won't stop you from trying, but I will be cringing on the inside...
KILLING - feel free to make victims, but make sure to ask before doing it to a fellow author's character.

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Join date : 2010-10-08
Age : 30
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With the Wolf Empty Re: With the Wolf

Post by Black&White Mon Apr 09, 2012 5:55 pm

Name: Natalie "Wolf" Tyler
Age: 19
Species: werewolf
Appearance: dark brown, almost black, wavy hair that goes just past her shoulders. Slightly tanned, a few freckles on her arms and face. Tallish, 5'6'' or so. Steely blue-gray eyes. As a wolf: she's dark dark gray, appearing black most times, with some white details and icy blue eyes.
Other: Changed without a bite when she was six, killed her parents, the wolf so powerful it kept her as a wolf for three years, and has been avoiding people for the next eleven after that.

Name: Latimier Tyler
Age: 32
Species: Hunter
Appearance: he's dark hair and eyes and skin like Wolf. tattoos, though they actually mean something to him and aren't random
Other: he was in college when all of Wolf-at-6 happened, people concluded that his parents were murdered and she was determined missing until presumed dead, which was when hunters contacted him, told him the truth of who killed his parents and told him of other killings since then. His dog is a German Shepherd named Angela

Name: Gordon Ryans
Age: 27
Species: Hunter
Appearance: s00per curls - blonde, tied back for convenience and lack of knowledge what to do with it. brown eyes. Tall and strong, usually all business like with expressions.
Other: Won't reveal a ton about her past. Was born into the Hunter's group, and her parents are higher up within the organization though she prefers going out and Hunting rather than controlling operations. Her dog's a Doberman Pincer, unnamed.

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With the Wolf Empty Re: With the Wolf

Post by Wolf of Storms Tue Apr 10, 2012 11:01 am

Name: Blake Collins
Age: 19
Species: Werewolf
Appearance: (human): Six feet tall exactly with normally tanned skin. Black, short hair that falls into his dark green eyes. (wolf): beautiful dark red/orange coat and an impressive size. Amber eyes.
Other: He doesn't talk much, not even about his past. He only says that he killed his little sister when she found him, because he was out of control. His parents moved away, giving up hope of finding him and his sister's remains.

Name: Victoria Martin
Age: 20
Species: Hunter
Appearance: Average height and build. Long brown hair that's usually in a ponytail and is always wearing make-up. Her eyes are blue/green and is usually wearing comfortable clothing such as hoodies and jeans.
Other: Her parents were good friends with the Collins' and she's determined to find him. She has a black Shiba Inu named Shadow.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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With the Wolf Empty Re: With the Wolf

Post by Momo13 Wed Apr 11, 2012 10:04 pm

I might join. I have a good number of wolf people I can use...I'll tell you tomorrow if I can join or not... That is if it is ok with you, BW

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With the Wolf Empty Re: With the Wolf

Post by Black&White Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:16 am


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With the Wolf Empty Re: With the Wolf

Post by Momo13 Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:54 pm

Name: Hai
Age: 17
Species: werewolf
Appearance: has sandy blond hair that is shaggy and falls into his eyes. Pale skin with a few freckles around his nose. Dark blue eyes that have an almost insane tint to them. Always wearing a thin red jacket with a hood that is pulled up. Has a bandage rapped around his left arm to hide the bite scar that is there.
Other: Is semi-insane and not to be trusted for the most part.

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With the Wolf Empty Re: With the Wolf

Post by Black&White Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:17 pm

want to start?

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With the Wolf Empty Re: With the Wolf

Post by Wolf of Storms Fri Apr 13, 2012 1:14 am

When ever you're ready
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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With the Wolf Empty Re: With the Wolf

Post by Black&White Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:21 pm


A shiver goes through me, my hair standing on end. Ive gotten used to these dreams, so waking up is not the production it had been before. Fighting and screaming myself, as the victims in the dreams had, to get out of the wolf's grip over my mind and body.

The early fall morning was cold. My teeth chatter as I open my eyes, my back against the smooth bark of a birch tree. There is a weight on my lap, and I look down to see my horribly beat up backpack, containing what little I have for myself. There's the little creek a few paces away, and I am wet. Barely there, but I can smell it. Blood. The wolf killed last night, though 'last night' is simply a hope. There is not any way for me to tell how long the wolf had my body.

Tensely, I pull my backpack closer and get out a simple warm outfit to wear until I get back home. The wolf usually took me back to an area around my cavern and there there would be more supplies for the colder day, stolen off of the dead, but I know I cannot refuse the items the wolf collects for me. I'd freeze, or...a normal person would freeze. The wolf would simply force its form upon me to keep me warm. We shared a body, after all. I couldn't go dying on her.

But I have learned fighting instinct only brings punishment, so I grudgingly submit to her will. I will never forget who I am though. I am not the wolf, but I fear I have been alone too long. I do not remember my name...

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With the Wolf Empty Re: With the Wolf

Post by Wolf of Storms Fri Apr 13, 2012 4:55 pm

Blake ran through the woods, his wolf form emerging and now he was running on all forms. He fought for control of his body, but soon enough the very aggressive wolf fought him. Blake's light red fur bristle, a reaction to the cold. As a human he only had a short sleeve, black shirt from when Blake had ran from the community. He hadn't thought about his family or the people looking for him. Blake's only purpose was to look after his sister, who was buried in the cold ground. The only reminder she was there was a very small tombstone that had a star on it, a symbol of what Blake's sister believed.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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With the Wolf Empty Re: With the Wolf

Post by Black&White Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:38 pm


It was a half mile west from the creek to get to my cave, so I turn my back to the sun and walk through the woods shoeless. It didn't bother me; I usually did so in the spring and summer months, so I was well adjusted to the unevenness, hardness, and the few sharp spots along the way. The forest grew thicker for a few moments as we came to the edge of my clearing, and I push through saplings before stepping out to a large expanse of rock that left a space empty within the otherwise dense northeastern forest on the mountain side. Rising along at a slight incline, there was a part jutting out to reveal a hollow space naturally made. Home, or what I came to call 'home'. It wasn't a normal home in the sense of not being a house which people belong in. Not the house I barely remember from being a little girl before the first change.

I move to walk on, but freeze suddenly. Even in this form, the wolf's senses were present. My hearing was on par with what it was as a wolf, and distantly I could hear something. Something large, running, heartbeat even despite the exercise. Panting, but the falls of the four feet were much to long to be a normal wolf.

My bag falls to the stone as I turn to face the intruder. Eyes wide, a shift in focus signals that I was looking through the wolf's icy blue eyes instead of my eyes. I was still in control, but I could feel my wolf at the edge of my mind, waiting to see. My hands fist at my side, though I quickly stop that. Claws were out, and upon checking I found my teeth to be sharpened as well.

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With the Wolf Empty Re: With the Wolf

Post by Wolf of Storms Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:31 am

Blake stopped near a creek, sniffing first at the air. The wolf was always aggressive, but this time he was cautious. Blake drank from the creek then heard something light fall to the ground. He didn't want to fight, only be free to wander and not be killed. The wolf moved him forward toward the noise and it growled. His light red fur stood out against the trees, something that he had always hated when he tried to hide. It was a beautiful coat, but it was noticable.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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With the Wolf Empty Re: With the Wolf

Post by Black&White Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:57 pm


My mind has a momentary lapse into instinct. I hear a growl, and I return a very animalistic sounding one back. No, keep your wits about you.

I've never experienced another werewolf before. I didn't know if they may be taken by instinct, and if so, I didn't know what it may do to me. I wasn't human, though I doubted if that may stop it from killing me.

The wolf in me bristles, though doesn't take my body. She wouldn't allow me to be placed in danger, so that was some reassurance. Even so, I feel weak in a human form. Easy to kill. It's one of those rare times that I accept the wolf's form, and the change is not its usual painful self.

Crouched down, ready to spring if attacked, blue eyes and ears trained on the sound of the other's footsteps through the underbrush. The thicker rim of saplings largely blocked my sight into the woods, though I did see flashes of movement through the turning leaves. My frosted black pelt stands on end, but I stay in control. The wolf is still simply watching at the edge of my mind.

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With the Wolf Empty Re: With the Wolf

Post by Wolf of Storms Sun Apr 15, 2012 1:49 am

Blake walked through the treeline, scenting along the way. Then he found himself in front of a black wolf. His human mind pushed through and his amber eyes grew a little softer. His fur bristled form the wolf's mind, though Blake was trying to not look like an Alpha.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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With the Wolf Empty Re: With the Wolf

Post by Black&White Sun Apr 15, 2012 6:17 pm


My ears flick back, though the wolf becomes a bit more aware. Submitting to me. He knew he was intruding, knew this was my space. My position becomes slightly less taunt and ready to snap, more relaxed. "Shouldn't be here," I tell him harshly. I didn't trust myself around other people. I didn't trust him, knowing he was like me. Both of us were possibly in danger just by being close to one another, but there was a part of me that really wanted someone to talk to. It was insanity, being alone all the time.

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With the Wolf Empty Re: With the Wolf

Post by Wolf of Storms Tue May 08, 2012 4:23 pm

Blake showed his teeth a moment before coming to a tensed standing position. "I know," was his only response. He didn't know what to say, when the wolf inside him was pushing to show what this body could do. His red coat made him a little different from other wolves, so he was spotted easily. "I..." There were no words to say. All that needed to be said was shown through his body language and eyes.
Wolf of Storms
Wolf of Storms

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With the Wolf Empty Re: With the Wolf

Post by Black&White Tue May 08, 2012 7:09 pm


My ears perk up at his voice. /Something/...after eleven years of nothing... It was like jumping into a frozen pool. Refreshing, and shocking, and yet dangerous. I shiver, my hair standing up from the chill that ran through me despite the normal temperatures for early fall.

After a moment's hesitation, I stand as he does. Normally poised, though tense. Slowly, I move a forelimb forward to approach, breathing the air around him deeply to get a familiar scent.

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With the Wolf Empty Re: With the Wolf

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