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The Wedding of the Century!

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The Wedding of the Century! Empty The Wedding of the Century!

Post by Alice Thu May 03, 2012 8:19 pm

heyy there!
XD Wellllll Its finally here! Rose and Seth's wedding!! YAY!! *dances* NOW! I shall have pics of each of my chariees and pics of what they are wearing... to include Rose's wedding dress ^_^


The Wedding of the Century!


The Wedding of the Century! Hwa43q


The Wedding of the Century! Green+eyes+girl


The Wedding of the Century! Tgirl

The Wedding of the Century! Female_emo_hair_003

Victoria's Dress:

The Wedding of the Century! 59

Amirah's Dress:

The Wedding of the Century! Free-Shipping-Ne007-Real-Sample-Strapless-with-Beaded-Bodice-and-Ruffled-Blue-Organza-Short-Evening-Dresses

Bride's Dress:

The Wedding of the Century! DR05564_002_a


Last edited by Alice on Thu Jul 05, 2012 4:25 pm; edited 3 times in total

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The Wedding of the Century! Empty Re: The Wedding of the Century!

Post by Ravyn Sat May 05, 2012 10:49 am

Welp, im just gonna stick a pic of what Phoenix is wearing, since i dont have pictures for any of my folks 'cept Theo, and you know most of 'em anyways.....

This would be Phoenix's dress..... which she reluctantly bought before Bride could shove her into something she'd feel even MORE uncomfortable in...:

The Wedding of the Century! Strapless-long-black-dress

The guys are all just wearing simple black tuxes.....

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The Wedding of the Century! Empty Re: The Wedding of the Century!

Post by Alice Sat May 05, 2012 11:01 am

Bride looked around and felt twinge in her neck. Her twin sister was getting married today. A single tear fell down Bride's cheek and she felt slightly awkward crying .Soon she turned back aorund and walked to fin everybody.

Bivotira, Amirah, and Rose were all crowed around a big white box. "That's you dres...?" Amirah asked kind of not wanting to be wrong. Rose nodded and smiled. "You guys dont get to see it till the wedding!" Victoria busted up laughing. "Jesus Rose.... sometimes your worst then Bride with keeping secrets. en walked in and looked around. "Has anyone seen a box that says 'Hi my name is Ben.' on it?" Victoria raised a eyebrow. "Um... why...? Whats in the box? Oh! And by the way... why the crap would you get a box with that on it?" Ben chuckled and winked. "You will find out soon. Im guessing you guys haven't seen it? Ok cool." He tuirned and left.

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The Wedding of the Century! Empty Re: The Wedding of the Century!

Post by Ravyn Sat May 05, 2012 11:45 am

Phoenix: In wandering around procrastinating changing into my dress for as long as humanly possible, i'd run into Theo, who was also procrastinating putting on formalwear. Although, a giant wolf wandering around was sort of.... horribly conspicuous. I wondered where Laine had run off to.... she wasnt with him, or with me, so presumeably she'd run off on one of her little random adventures. She disappeared from time to time like that.... wierd kid. Wordlessly, Theo simply fell into step next to me, not in an awkward way, just in a "we're both procrastinating the same thing so why not procrastinate with company" kind of way. Now we just had to hope Bride didnt find us and shank us for not being changed already.....

Seth: It was finally here. I was getting married. WHOAH. It was kind of like running into a brick wall...... for so long it had seemed so far away and now, BAM, it was here. And then there was a hand waving in front of my face....... "Earth to Seth....? Dude. You're getting married, like, SOON. Stop spacing out and put your tux on already!" Zane (who was already changed, albeit reluctantly) insisted. "Sorry...... yeah, i'll..... go do that." i said still a little out of it. I grabbed my tux and quickly jumped into the bathroom to change. "It just..... kinda almost doesnt seem real, y'know? Like im gonna wake up in a few minutes and the wedding will still be weeks away." i admitted. I heard Zane laughing. "Well, if you want, i can punch you in the face. That should convince you its real....." he offered. I couldnt help but pale slightly. "Ah.... no thanks, Zane......"

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The Wedding of the Century! Empty Re: The Wedding of the Century!

Post by Alice Sat May 05, 2012 11:53 am

Rose looked around and sat on her bed. She crossed her ankles and looked up at Amirah, who had been pacing. "Are you okay Amirah..?" She asked raising a eyebrow. Amriah shrugged. "Yeah I mean well yeah.. just... kids." Rose chuckled and shook her head. "You will be fine. You have Theo who will help you." Amriah nodded but it didnt calm her fears. "I dont get why... your not freaking out about being a wife... I mean you had kids and now you are... well a mommy." Amirah said shaking her had. Rose shrugged and folded her hands in her lap. "When I told Seth I was pregnant he flipped out of course. Im not freaking out because I am happy with this. This is the best day of my life Amirah." Amirah nodded and took in a deep breath. "I know."

Victoria walked out onto the beach. The warm sand felt good on her bare feet. She closed her eyes and just stood there. Bride walked up and stood next to her. "Are you okay...?" Bride asked. Victoria nodded and smiled. "Just happy to see Rose getting married. I mean its not the only wedding that is going ot happen but it gives me peace of mind about my wedding." Bride nodded and looked out. "I am glad i am not getting married. If I did and I had kids... my kids would be the ones running with scissors and ligthing the cat on fire." Victoria laughed and nodded. "I am guessing I need to change." Bride chuckled and nodded. "Yes you do. I need to have everyone change... the wedding will be starting soon." Bride walked off to find everyone else.

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The Wedding of the Century! Empty Re: The Wedding of the Century!

Post by Ravyn Sat May 05, 2012 1:47 pm

Phoenix: Eventually it was at the point where procrastinating any further would lead to certain death. "Theo, we'd better go get changed...... you should go find Bride and get your tux. I'll see ya later, okay?" i said, departing. I headed to where i'd stashed my own dress. I'd opted not to let Bride forcibly shove me into a pre-approved outfit...... it was still a dress, but...... at least i was wearing one on my own terms. I changed quickly and fixed my hair and whatever other aesthetic-type aspects needed to be taken into account. Not long now....

Zane: FINALLY Seth finished changing. I noticed that he was nervously fidgeting, fixing his hair every three seconds. "Calm down. You look fine." i said. "Im going to go figure out what's going on and i'll come grab you when everything's ready. You stay here, yeah? And try to relax..... this is a GOOD thing." i said, leaving the room to go figure out when everything was supposed to be starting.


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The Wedding of the Century! Empty Re: The Wedding of the Century!

Post by Alice Sat May 05, 2012 1:53 pm

Victoria went in and changed into her dress. She looked in the mirror and tilt her head. Everything was going to be diffrent now. She walked out and found Amirah and Rose. "Rose you might want to change. I am doing your hair and Bride and Amirah your make up. I mean unless you want Phoniex to do it." Rose shrugged and thought for a second.
"I am going to find Phoniex." Amirah said wiht a small smile. "You migth want to change first." Victoria said looking at Amirah in her sweatpants and tank top. Amirah shrugged. "I really dont care." And she walked out.

Bride walked and found Zane. "Hey is Seth ready?" She asked. "Because everything is going to start in a hour or so. Rose hasnt even gotten dressed yet and well its going to take alittle bit. Her dress is well... breathtaking." She said wiht a small smile.

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The Wedding of the Century! Empty Re: The Wedding of the Century!

Post by Ravyn Sat May 05, 2012 2:03 pm

Zane: Ah..... there was Bride. "Yeah, Seth's all ready to go. Having anxiety, but ready." i said. I was distracted momentarily by a massive wolf approaching us. Theo, no doubt. Bride still had his tux, and he obviously hadnt changed yet. "Phoenix suggested i come find you, Bride......" he said, voice echoing through my head as well despite the fact that Bride was obviously the target audience. At that point i became disinterested..... where was Victoria?

Phoenix: I wasnt going out there. I wasnt. Not yet. Not until i HAD to. I'd just..... stay here, hiding in this room...... that would work out fine..... i mean, nobody would need me for anything, right? They'd better not......

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The Wedding of the Century! Empty Re: The Wedding of the Century!

Post by Alice Sat May 05, 2012 2:07 pm

Amirah walked around calling for Phoenix. "Hey Phoenix? We need you!" She called. She went ot a room and knocked on the door. "Phoenix?"

Bride nodded and smiled. "Yeah your tux is in another room. I will take you there. Zane.. Victoria is in the room with the girls I will send her out." She said winking. Bride lead Theo to a room and showed him where the tux was. "There you go." SHe said before running to find Victoria. She went up and whispered. "Zane is looking for you." Victoria smiled and blushed sligthy and went to find him.

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The Wedding of the Century! Empty Re: The Wedding of the Century!

Post by Ravyn Sat May 05, 2012 2:13 pm

Zane: HOW DID SHE KNOW?! I swear, that girl read minds...... and it was kinda scary. But, i supposed, in this scenario, useful. It wasnt long before i spotted Victoria and headed over. "Hey..... excited yet?" i asked.

Phoenix: Crap...... so they WERE looking for me. I hesitantly got up and poked my head out the door, mostly hiding behind the door. "What is it?"

Theo: I woofed a small 'thank you' before nudging the door shut and shifting back, reluctantly changing into the tux. I really hated this thing...... but i'd deal with it for now......

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The Wedding of the Century! Empty Re: The Wedding of the Century!

Post by Alice Sat May 05, 2012 2:16 pm

Victoria tackled him and nodded. "Why yes of course." Her lips met his for a slight moment before breaking free. "Mhm.... our wedding is going to be better." she giggled.

Amirah nodded and looked at her. "Rose wants you to do her make up.." Amirah said getting nervous. She didnt know why but Phenix has always had that impression on her. Amriah shook it off and looked down at her feet. "Its the thrid door on the right." She said before leaving.

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The Wedding of the Century! Empty Re: The Wedding of the Century!

Post by Ravyn Sat May 05, 2012 2:24 pm

Zane: "I dont know.... we're gonna have to go pretty overboard to beat this...." i said. Bride had seriously done a good job, i had to admit..... i didnt really care if we had a huge fancy wedding. As long as i was there and Victoria was there and we were going to spend the rest of our lives together, that was fine. But if she wanted to do something big, i'd try and help out where i could.

Phoenix: I sighed. "Really....? Im not even that good with make-up.... i dont usually use any......" i muttered. "All right, well, i'll go see what i can do.... thanks for telling me." i said, smiling a bit before hurriedly ducking out the door and disappearing into the correct room before anyone could catch me wearing this rediculous garment. "Hey Rose...... Amirah said you needed my help....?"

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The Wedding of the Century! Empty Re: The Wedding of the Century!

Post by Alice Sat May 05, 2012 2:29 pm

Victoria smiled and shrugged. "It will be fine. I want a simple wedding. Though I do love the flowers for this one. Roses are my favorite. Bride chose them as a play on words." She shurgged. "But enough talking about the wedding... I just want to be with you for a little bit."

Rose nodded and smiled. "I want my sister in law to have some hand in the wedding." She smiled and took out a giant make up case. "All of this is Bride's... It has eveyrthing you can think of for make up. By the way.. you look beautiful."

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The Wedding of the Century! Empty Re: The Wedding of the Century!

Post by Ravyn Sat May 05, 2012 2:36 pm

Zane: "Fine by me...." i said, kissing her forehead. I was happy to just spend some time with her and forget about all the commotion surrounding the wedding. "You look great, by the way..."

Phoenix: I squirmed a little at the compliment, feeling even more awkward in the dress. "Thanks...." i said, flushing a little. "I really do hate this thing though...... i feel so awkward in dresses." i admitted, scrunching my face up a little. "Anyways, i think you should put your dress on first..... hair and makeup and stuff should be last so that getting your dress on wont mess up your hair and we wont get any makeup on your dress by accident." i suggested.

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The Wedding of the Century! Empty Re: The Wedding of the Century!

Post by Alice Sat May 05, 2012 2:40 pm

Victoria closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. "THank you... I hate dresses as much as Phoenix does though." She laid her head on his chest and smiled slightly. "I love you.." She whispered and kissed the base of his neck.

Rose shook her head. "It goes make up hair then dress. No body has seen my dress besides Bride of course." Rose said with a wink. "Lets go! Make up time!" Rose said with a laugh.

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The Wedding of the Century! Empty Re: The Wedding of the Century!

Post by Ravyn Sat May 05, 2012 2:44 pm

Phoenix: I rolled my eyes, but grinned. "All right, all right. I apologize if i do a terrible job.... you DO know i almost never use this stuff, right? And if you get it all over your dress, dont say i didnt warn you." i said, rooting through the massive make-up bag and pulling out what i figured i'd need. Who actually needed THIS much make-up?! I figured i'd try and go for as natural a look as possible.... Seth would like that....

Zane: "Yeah, formalwear sucks...." i said, chuckling. I wasnt too fond of the suit, either..... "I love you too..." i replied, arms wrapping around her waist, hugging her close. I wondered if Seth had started banging his head against the wall yet......


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The Wedding of the Century! Empty Re: The Wedding of the Century!

Post by Alice Sat May 05, 2012 2:49 pm

Rose chuckled and shrugged. "I wont get it on my dress. Dont worry, ooh and if you need help call Bride in. She will help you." Rose closed her eyes and waited. HEr mind drifted to Seth and missed him terrible.y

Victoria looked up at him and smiled. "We need to hurry and get them married befoe Seth goes insane and Rose says forget it." She giggled and shook her head. "Weddings are stressful." She looked at the ring Zane had given her. It fit perfectly on her left hand and it sparkled. She smiled.

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The Wedding of the Century! Empty Re: The Wedding of the Century!

Post by Ravyn Sat May 05, 2012 2:58 pm

Phoenix: "All right, all right...." i said, getting do work. I didnt want to do too much....... a tiny bit of foundation, a little bit of dark brown eyeliner, and some lighter brown eyeshadow, carefully blended. Not bad, not bad..... a tiny bit of mascara followed that, but not too much.... just enough to darken the lashes without making them look oversized and fake. Once that was done a handed her a tube of lip gloss. "I think you can do this yourself." i said, fairly proud of my work.

Zane: "I fully agree. I hope ours wont be this chaotic...." i admitted. "Seth's so jittery..... you'd think he'd just drank six pots of coffee or something." i said, laughing.

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The Wedding of the Century! Empty Re: The Wedding of the Century!

Post by Alice Sat May 05, 2012 3:12 pm

Rose opened her eyes and looked in the mirror. "Wow... Phoenix... this looks... amazing." She said with a smile. She stood and gave her a hug. "Now I need my sister..." She said with a sigh.

Victoria busted up laughing. "That would be intereesting. I mean well... he might have just walked out of the wedding before it began if that happened."

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The Wedding of the Century! Empty Re: The Wedding of the Century!

Post by Ravyn Sun May 06, 2012 5:11 pm

Phoenix: I grinned, glad she liked it. "Heh.... thanks. I tried." i said, kinda awkwardly accepting the hug. "I can go find Bride for you, if you need her." i offered. It meant walking around in this freaking dress, but..... if it had to be done....

Zane: I chuckled, amused at the mental image. "Nahhhhh, i dont think Seth would ever do that. He's been excited about this for WAY too long." i said. "He's jittery, but wouldnt leave....."

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The Wedding of the Century! Empty Re: The Wedding of the Century!

Post by Alice Sun May 06, 2012 5:16 pm

Rose nodded. "Go find her. Just hurry though. THe wedding should start in about 2 or 3 hours. The guest are comming soon." She said.

Victoria nodded. "Are you sure? Becuase it seems like he hasnt been. Because of Bride and everything.." SHe said looking at him. "Bride hasnt ment to be a brat."

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The Wedding of the Century! Empty Re: The Wedding of the Century!

Post by Ravyn Sun May 06, 2012 5:20 pm

Zane: "He's been frustrated due to his lack of involvement and the fact that Bride didnt keep him at all in the loop, but he's still excited. He wants this more than anything......" i said. And it had taken a lot longer than expected...... initially, i seemed to remember them wanting to have the wedding before the twins were born, but it hadnt worked out. Seth had been waiting a while, and while he'd been happy to have Rose there and the kids to look after, he hadnt given up on the wedding....

Phoenix: I nodded. "All right, will do...." i said, hurrying out. Now, where was Bride?!

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The Wedding of the Century! Empty Re: The Wedding of the Century!

Post by Alice Mon May 07, 2012 2:03 pm

Victoria shrugged. "Bride did that so he would be surprised along wiht Rose. Rose barely knows anything. Bride came and talked to me about it sometimes and we would plan to not tell anyone." She siad iwth a beautiful smile.

Bride walked down the alie and looked at the chairs to make sure everything was right. She sighed and looked out onto the ocean. She remebered alot of things that happened with her near oceans. She took in a deep breath and started to walk back.

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The Wedding of the Century! Empty Re: The Wedding of the Century!

Post by Ravyn Mon May 07, 2012 4:34 pm

Zane: "Yeah, i know.... unfortunately, when Seth doesnt know things, he gets all edgy and nervous and panicky. A product of where he originated from, i suppose......" i said, sighing. Where Seth was from..... the amount of stuff you knew was quite literally life or death in many ways.

Phoenix: It didnt take me long to track down Bride. "Bride, your sister wants you." i called. Hopefully she'd hurry.... she, more than anyone, knew that we were on a schedule.

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The Wedding of the Century! Empty Re: The Wedding of the Century!

Post by Alice Mon May 07, 2012 4:40 pm

Victroia nodded. "Yeah true. But Seth should be happy. Rose is happy as well and she is very very happy."

Bride turned and looked at Poenix. "Okay.." She took off running and ade it to Rose's room . "Ready for you hair?" she asked giggling. Rose nodded and let her hair fall and she started to do it.

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The Wedding of the Century! Empty Re: The Wedding of the Century!

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