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Don't Overdose.

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Don't Overdose. Empty Don't Overdose.

Post by Avery Thu Jul 26, 2012 6:01 pm

I don't know how the city got this way. It was never supposed to end like this and now I know that I can't do anything to turn back time and make it all better.

People have been disappearing, bodies found laying around the once clean streets. The past hundred years have been like a wrecking ball to our city, to Orsia. There is a constant fear that you'll be next, that your emotions will be drained straight from your body. That what happens to people around these parts. If you're not rich or upperclass, that you'll probably be next.

After you've been harvested, your emotions go through the long process of being concentrated and pressed into tiny little pills. These pills are far more valuable than anything you'll ever see. Food, water, even diamonds. Only the snobs, the super rich, or the stupid theives will get their hands on these. Drug runners are all over the city, sending them from place to place.

Looking back, I guess I see how it all happened, as much as I'd like to deny it. After the president was killed, it just seems like everything is getting worse and worse, like some sort of fucked up chain of events. I just want it to stop. Now, the drug industry is running wild and I'm stuck in the middle of it. I don't really have a place around the industry, but one important factor is keeping me around. I'm Lyra. The dictators daughter.

Setting: Orsia is a large city, quite a bit smaller than New York City, but built very similarly. All of the buildings tend to be very large and the streets seem to be narrow, but everything looks rather run down. There are a few pristine buildings on the north side which is where all of the drugs are produced and held, but sometimes, you run across one building that might be a bit cleaner than the rest. There aren't a whole lot of people around and outside the city is a thick layer of ruined buildings, all leading to somewhere where only nomads have traveled.

Character Profile:
[b]Age:[/b] (16-23)

Runner Rankings

Underlings: The lowest paid and least respected runners. There are more of them than all the other ranks combined. They are often sent on the most risky runs because Mr. Cross thinks that they're practically disposable.

Middies: Suck ups is a safe way to describe a Middie. They're willing to undermine anyone's progress just for the chance they'll get some sort of promotion. Despite their eager attitude and behavior, the majority of them are also quite lazy.

Oprhans: Orphans are basically the protectors in the ranks. Each Orphan is given the task of watching over a group of Underlings and making sure they stay intact. Every time they document an Underling going missing or dying, they get a dock in pay. They also aren't as focused on moving up because they're almost at the top.

Kings: They are seen with nearly God-like status because they have stuck out everything that Mr. Cross has thrown at them and made it to the top of all the ranks. They are rarely seen because they go on long, luxurious trips whenever they'd like.

Drugs that only Kings or persons with special permission may carry:


Posts : 7854
Join date : 2010-10-09

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Don't Overdose. Empty Re: Don't Overdose.

Post by Avery Thu Jul 26, 2012 6:03 pm

Name: Lyra Cross
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Looks: Don't Overdose. Black-10
Other: Dictator's Daughter

Name: Waverly Vera
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Looks: Don't Overdose. Tumblr47
Other: It'll all be revealed later.

Name: Isaac Maise
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Looks: Don't Overdose. Alexpe10
Other: n/a

Name: Able Collier
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Looks: Don't Overdose. Tumblr40
Other: n/a

Posts : 7854
Join date : 2010-10-09

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Don't Overdose. Empty Re: Don't Overdose.

Post by Alice Thu Jul 26, 2012 6:27 pm

Character Profile:
Name: Melissa Chase
Age: 18
Gender: female
Don't Overdose.

Name: Dustin
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Don't Overdose. Tumblr_ljmq11VjP21qikf4xo1_4001

Name: Daniel
Age: 19
Gender: male
Don't Overdose. Tumblr_m7lb883TXA1rb9hulo1_500_large

Name: Siarh (seeair)
Age: 16
Gender: female
Don't Overdose.

Posts : 10980
Join date : 2011-05-22
Age : 27
Location : dont know dont care

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Don't Overdose. Empty Re: Don't Overdose.

Post by Bells Thu Aug 02, 2012 10:31 am

Name: Selena Galle
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Looks: Don't Overdose. Pretty-girls-and-nature-17
Other N/a

Name: Clayton Mattes
Age: 21
Looks: Don't Overdose. Hot-boys-cute-dogs-2
Other: N/a

Posts : 9688
Join date : 2011-05-24
Age : 28
Location : On my magical flying unicorn

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