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Medieval Times

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Medieval Times Empty Medieval Times

Post by Echo Sun Sep 23, 2012 1:57 pm

For whatever reason, you've woken up in what appears to be a medieval land. Your clothes are even appropriate to the setting. Have fun.

While you can use the characters from your stories, you're also encouraged to make characters specifically for/from the land.

Old style, so post and go.

Winter Dragon

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Medieval Times Empty Re: Medieval Times

Post by Regret Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:15 pm

What sayst thou I bring upon this convocation Þe characters from Þe Adventures Regarding Þe Practykal Studies of Þe Wordes and Theyr Kynde?

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Medieval Times Empty Re: Medieval Times

Post by Black&White Sun Sep 23, 2012 6:13 pm

Dust woke me up. It felt like it was everywhere, bothering my nose and chest. Barely scratching consciousness, I felt the burn to cough or sneeze, but other than that my body was still largely a numb blob that I knew existed. In what shape, I couldn't be sure. I didn't remember what had knocked me out in the first place. It was unsettling; it made me think of the back room, the nightmares pressing in, the cackling laugh playing over and over like some sick CD on repeat...

I was next aware of the scratchiness. Mostly below me, although the blanket - or what I thought was one - atop me was tight, smothering, and just as uncomfortable. A bit more aware of my limbs, I move them slowly just to test them. Make sure whatever knocked me out didn't cause any other damage. It all felt fine, though. Absolutely nothing wrong...

There was a different stir around me, coupled with whispers. Two men, younger... "Where'd she even come from?" "How am I supposed to know? I came and got you when I found her up he - " "Shush, she's movin! ...Hey, miss..."

I feel someone touching my arm, and immediately I'm aware of everything. Still clueless as hell as how I somehow got into some sort of...barn loft...but I grab his wrist, yanking his hand off me while jabbing up at his throat with the arm he had touched. My speed and grasp was enough to make him gasp, and now he was coughing from my blow as I leave him to scramble away from the two of them, tripping over the loose and itchy hay underfoot and the blanket -

It was a dress. My eyebrows draw together confused taking in the sudden appearance of a wool full length dress. It was white on top, seamed at my waist to transition into a dark gray skirt. I had on a dark red and black bodice on to match the bit of red and black embroidery at the hem of the skirt. About the only thing familiar to me about this get up were the knee high boots I was wearing, but even those had taken a trip to the past. Around my shoulders was a medium length black cloak, the edge tattered like my trench coat had been. On my hands were black lace glovelettes, and my fair blonde hair was tied back out of my face.

All of this failed in comparison to the one thing that was truly missing. Clothes, I didn't care about clothes. I didn't care about this barn, or the freakishly dressed boys before me. My hand goes for the one thing I really care about around my neck, only to find it missing.

I glare up at the other boy, fretting over the older one, the one who had said he found me first. "Where is it?" I snap at him, hand still at my neck. He looks up, eyes finding mine, and he freezes. "Where is it?!" There's an edge of panic creeping into my voice as my heartbeat speeds, I take a few steps towards him but he crawls away in a flurry.

"Y - you're not human. Demon! Help!" He yells, turning to get up and run towards the ladder down.

My eyes - angry, a bit unhinged, and red - narrow at I catch his arm. Nails digging in, he winces. "Give back what you stole, now, or I will break every goddamn bone I can." Feebly, he tries to push me away with his free arm, but I simply kick his leg out. His yelp of pain draws out a smile from me. Panicked, he goes into his pocket and throws it away, fleeing as soon as I let him go to go get it before I lost where it landed.

Upon a dark red ribbon was my blackbird charm, flying with a small ruby heart on it's chest. Hastily, I tie it on while watching the recovering boy I had first hit. He turns to me, sees my red eyes, and has a similar reaction to the other one. Demon, bolting away to the ladder while muttering prayers under his breath hastily. I suppose that makes leaving out that way a bit conspicuous...

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Medieval Times Empty Re: Medieval Times

Post by Alice Sun Sep 23, 2012 8:57 pm

Bride woke up in the middle of a village. Her head was spinning and she felt like she couldnt breathe. She sat up slowly and looked down at her clothing. "What the....?" Her icy blue eyes swept over her outfit. I AM IN A DRESS IN A STRANGE PLACE THAT SMELLS LIKE WEIRD UNWASHED PEOPLE!!! she thought. She stood and looked around. A small smile broke on her lips.

This place was interesting. A new place to cause toruble for her. She started to walk down and looked down at her barefeet. She sighed and shook her head. She looked at her dress that felt.. tight around her slim figure. She made a face. Well , she thought, this could get interesting.

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Medieval Times Empty Re: Medieval Times

Post by Bells Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:22 am

I woke up first. You wouldn't have known it, of course. I shifted right off, preserving the clothes I'd found myself in by stacking them neatly on Shikiro's stomach when I found her, or... at least as neatly as I could. Birds don't tend to catch peoples attentions, but they don't have hands. So clothes stacking is hard.

But yeah, birds aren't that conspicuous, so that's probably why I was able to sit on Shikiro's head for so long without anyone noticing me. Although... I think they noticed her. But that didn't matter because she was on the side of the alley thing and no one really wanted to figure out, I think anyways, why she was there. Or maybe they weren't sure if she was alive... I knew she was. I'd checked before sitting on her.

Soon enough, she began shifting, the restlessness leading me to believe it wouldn't be long till she woke up. Considering my position for a moment I decided to stay on her head, cause that was the best place to be. She'd see me right off, or feel me at least. I suppose it was better than if I'd, say... sat on her stomach or something without shifting first. She tended not to like when I did that. It was fun though, cause then she couldn't get up and she just kept yelling things. It's actually really funny too, not just fun.

"What the freak...?" she muttered, opening her eyes.

I gave her a happy whistle when she did, glad not to be alone really anymore. Wincing she immediately brought her hand up to her ears, sitting up as she did.

"Stop that! Freaking hell, Sterling. Do you really have to do that right in my ear?"

Ruffling my feathers I just whistled at her again, balancing myself on her head as she moved. It didn't seem like a bad idea to me, after all, she had been asleep for awhile. She rolled her eyes at me, then stiffened as she began looking around. It seemed we weren't in the forest anymore, which I figure is what had her worried. Her hands flew to her back, eyes widening as she realized her bow wasn't there. Hopping down from her head I glided over to where I'd put it, having figured it was really uncomfortable sleeping with that on her back. Growling Shikiro slug the bow and her quiver back in place, her eyes traveling over the dress she had on as she did. Her eyes flickered up to meet mine, a question in them. I shook my head, I had no more clue of how she ended up in that than she did.

"Well, bird boy," Shikiro said, sighing a little as she stood completely. "Did you bother to look around, at all?"

I gave an indignant whistle, ruffling my feathers once again. She gave me a wry smile, picking up the pieces of clothing that I'd sat on her and looking around us, the small buildings seeming to attract most of her attention.

"Well, then lead the way, if you're so smart."

Whistling I shook my head, flying back up so I could land on her shoulder. She seemed to stiffen a little, then sighed, accepting my decision.

"Alright, alright. I'll be the leader then..." she grumbled. "At least we won't get into to much trouble then..."

That said she dusted off the dress and started down the road, my clothing and glasses tucked in her hands against her chest. At least she hadn't decided to leave those behind... they were important. What if I decided I needed them or something?

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Medieval Times Empty Re: Medieval Times

Post by Regret Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:21 am

Clyde awoke. The air smelled of hay and horses, although Clyde wasn't sure how he knew. He opened his eyes to find himself staring at a wooden ceiling. Huh. This was the second time he'd woken up with no memory of how he'd got where he was, but at least waking up wasn't the first memory ever this time. There were two human males watching him from the other side of the wooden room. Clyde could see their faces turn pale as he hauled himself to his feet. Looking down at himself, he realised that he was dressed in similar brown trousers and tunic as the two men, albeit scaled up to fit. Clyde was only glad that they couldn't see what was behind the mask, the strange illusion that prevented others from seeing his gnarled and patchwork body, complete with the large iron spikes embedded in the nerve clusters and the thick, ugly stitching that held his component parts together.
"G-good day," he said, bowing to the two men.
"It speaks!" exclaimed one. "What devilry is this?"
"I knowst not," replied the other. "Mayhap it is a foreigner?"
"N-not a foreigner," explained Clyde, although it was futile. If it hadn't already begun, the Disquiet would soon set in and they would be turned against him. The two men backed away from him, one of them clutching his pitchfork like a polearm. As they left, Clyde went over to inspect the animals in the barn. The horses reared and whinnied in fright as he approached, and the old, toothless dog in the corner set up a fearful growling.
"Easy, b-boy," whispered Clyde. "No need to fret."
The dog continued to growl until Clyde got too close, at which point it turned to whining. Clyde gave up after that. Things weren't going to be any different here. So deciding, he walked through the open doors of the barn and took a look around.

(A little information for those of you who aren't familiar with Prometheans: they cause Disquiet in humans and animals. Supernatural creatures are somewhat resistant to it, but sooner or later everything understands that a Promethean Should Not Be and rebels against it on a subconscious level.
Clyde in particular looks like an incredibly ugly and large man, at about 7'6" and with his eyes at slightly different heights. However, anyone capable of seeing through illusions sees something very similar to the movie version of Frankenstein's Monster cranked up to eleven.)

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Medieval Times Empty Re: Medieval Times

Post by Black&White Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:36 pm

I looked around the place. Sap, sawdust, and tar seaming the pieces of wood together for a roof, as well as making it the most flammable thing on Earth... But served as waterproofing as well as glue. There weren't any tools around to possibly pry a space open and climb out onto the roof.

There was the hay door, and I go over quickly to open it. I look out, down at the two story drop. Some sort of ye-olde stables of some medieval urban layout. Protective wall and all, the city entrance not far away for convenience for travelers. There was a pulley and rope hanging down to easily store the hay, a slight jump out. Looking back and judging by the size of some of these hay bales, it could definitely hold my weight. I glanced down at my gloves, really not wanting rope burn, but I guess it might be unavoidable.

I spring out, grabbing both so the pulley wouldn't just fling out one side of rope to have me freefall, swaying there a moment before working my way down. At least no one was in this little courtyard to witness, or I'd just be screwed more...

The downside of red eyes... If you ever get randomly transported back into feudal Europe... I give a few curses under my breath, coming down upon the cobblestone. People were just so freaking stupid. Demon... Of course. Let's not go mentioning the world isn't flat as well as not the center of the universe. Egotistic religious bastards...

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Medieval Times Empty Re: Medieval Times

Post by Regret Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:03 pm

((Permission to alter the weather, guys? Just by existing a Frankenstein Promethean causes the weather to turn very foul indeed. Expect lots of lightning.))

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Medieval Times Empty Re: Medieval Times

Post by Echo Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:59 pm

((Fine by me.))

I opened my eyes and gave a start. Where was this? It didn't look like Nera...

"Ic? Eli?"

Growing nervous, I scanned the place. I seemed to be on the edge of a village, that appeared to be...medieval. How had I gotten here? What happened? This was scary... I couldn't remember the last time I'd been alone. I checked myself to make sure I wasn't missing anything. At least that was still all here... My pants were longer somehow, though--they actually covered my ankles. That was odd...

I looked towards the village and decided that was where I needed to be. Maybe I could find someone who could tell me about this place and how I got here, like back in Takara... Well, there was only one way to find out. Making sure my hood was pulled down, I got up and started on my way.
Winter Dragon

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Medieval Times Empty Re: Medieval Times

Post by Banshee Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:39 pm


I blink, trying to adjust to the bright sunlight. Sitting up, I glance around and begin to try to piece together where I am. Immediately, my hand goes for my dagger or daggers...depending on the circumstance only to discover I'm wearing a leather...jerkin.

What the heck.

Clearly. I'm not in Kansas anymore.

But...then where am I? this isn't bridgecroft...

My hand rests on a sword though for comfort, as I pick myself up and walk towards the town in the distance.

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Medieval Times Empty Re: Medieval Times

Post by Black&White Wed Sep 26, 2012 7:51 pm

No one would blame me for putting my hood up, right? People did that back then, for secrecy or whatever? It's in all the movies... ...What did I care? I'll go ahead and blabber some modern world lingo that would be total gibberish to these pricks to pretend to be crazy. I didn't feel like having my eyes noticed more.

The actual hood was huge. It flopped over my eyes, but then I could still see because of two eye-holes - HA. I get it. Mask. Or just two ironic moth holes... Why did I doubt that theory? You clever costume makers of the tenth century or whatever age this was... Ihateyouall... I fold the ridiculousness back to have a normal hood and looked around. My hand goes to my necklace for comfort, wondering if maybe Tim were here. If I should be so lucky...right. So where was some actual demon like Damian, Joker, or Grundy?

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Medieval Times Empty Re: Medieval Times

Post by Regret Thu Sep 27, 2012 12:24 pm

Clyde shambled from the barn towards the small town, attracting stares and mutters from the townsfolk as he passed. He ignored them and continued walking until he reached the centre of the settlement. A young woman was standing there in a dress, staring wildly around, distress obvious in her icy blue eyes. Clyde approached cautiously as nobody else seemed likely to help.
"Can I help you, miss?"

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Medieval Times Empty Re: Medieval Times

Post by Echo Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:14 pm

I saw a lady with a hood and went over to her. Her clothes looked medieval, which fit with the theory. Maybe wherever I was, they didn't have people from lots of different time periods... That was weird.

"Excuse me," I said. "I think I'm lost. Can you tell me about this place?"

Last edited by Winter Dragon on Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
Winter Dragon

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Medieval Times Empty Re: Medieval Times

Post by Black&White Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:24 pm

I look down at some girl, staring at her...teeth. She take a file to them all or something...? This wasn't normal...but I already figured that out. The two boys before weren't like this however, so unique only to her? "...It appears to be a stable house," I state bluntly. Use your eyes and figure it out for yourself, kid, I wasn't in the mood for freaky razor teethed weirdos... Ugh, that was rude or something, wasn't it? I was suddenly put back thousand some odd years, why couldn't someone else be? "Other than that, I can't give you any other clues...I think I'm lost like you..." I look away, wishing I still had my contacts. My hand goes to my necklace, the only source of comfort I have currently.

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Medieval Times Empty Re: Medieval Times

Post by Echo Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:57 pm

"Oh." I frowned. "...Did you wake up here with no previous recollection of how you arrived?"

Darn. I forgot to dull my speech again. Why didn't other kids my age use "recollection"? It wasn't a hard word...
Winter Dragon

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Medieval Times Empty Re: Medieval Times

Post by Black&White Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:27 pm

"Exactly." Sad to say that happens more often then it normally should, but it's always somewhere familiar. And in the same time stream. Those little details that are supposed to stay the same... "Where did you come from?" I ask her, wondering if there was something wrong with the speedforce or someone was messing with parallel universes again.

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Medieval Times Empty Re: Medieval Times

Post by Echo Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:29 pm

"Nera City, in Takara," I answered. "You've probably never heard of it... It's kind of outside all the universes, from what I understand. What about you?"
Winter Dragon

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Medieval Times Empty Re: Medieval Times

Post by Black&White Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:40 pm

"New York or Gotham, America," I say. "So...this isn't some isolated thing then..." My detective skills were always non existent except for common sense conclusions. The complex stuff was always left to Tim. I at least knew that random crap like this was either super rare or overdramatic crazy. The odd of two 'super rare's happening seemed ridiculous to me, and so there might as well be more time travelers from other universes other places. Why the hell not?

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Medieval Times Empty Re: Medieval Times

Post by Echo Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:50 pm

New York, America. That was a place I was vaguely familiar with. I'd never heard of the other place, though.

"I wonder how many there are..." I frowned again. The growing amount of variables in this situation was increasingly frustrating... "But they probably know as little as we do, so I don't even think it's worth the energy seeking them out."
Winter Dragon

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Medieval Times Empty Re: Medieval Times

Post by Bells Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:10 pm

Shikiro seemed mad. I'm not sure why, but she seemed like it. I think it had to do with the people staring at her and whispering. I caught what they said, and whistled it to Shikiro but she didn't like that much either. I didn't quite get why she didn't like that, I was only telling her what everyone else was saying about us. Although, she probably didn't understand me...

She didn't have to get mad though.

"You'd think I was a freak, or somethin'." Shikiro grumbled, glancing at me as she did.

I just nodded, settling a bit more comfortably on her shoulder. A few of the people took steps back when she did that, eyes flying wide open. I guess talking to birds might not be normal, although I wasn't normal, so shouldn't they expect not normal things?

"Hey, you, what're you staring at?" she snapped at the closest towns-person, causing the boy to shake his head and run off. "... strange people..."

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Medieval Times Empty Re: Medieval Times

Post by Black&White Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:40 pm

"I hear people of these times are rather idiotic and lacking of common sense," I comment, glancing back at her. "A group of time traveling freaks might be a good idea. The seeking would have to be inconspicuous, however..." I'd be more comfortable on the roofs, though. No reason for people to look on the roofs these days... And pants. Dresses were just...ugh.

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Medieval Times Empty Re: Medieval Times

Post by Echo Fri Sep 28, 2012 6:46 am

"Yeah... I wonder how we'd go about it. It's such a shame that people's minds are always closed..."

...And breaking into them was not a good idea... I'd learned that well enough.
Winter Dragon

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Medieval Times Empty Re: Medieval Times

Post by Black&White Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:14 pm

Minds are closed...? ...Okay, not gonna question your universe. "Maybe not here? My...abilities tend to work no matter what the circumstances are," I mumble, wishing for anything but. At least the possibility to turn it off when I didn't want it.

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Medieval Times Empty Re: Medieval Times

Post by Echo Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:20 pm

"What're you're abilities?" I asked. "I have animal empathy and some...other abilities I haven't really explored yet..." And for good reason.
Winter Dragon

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Medieval Times Empty Re: Medieval Times

Post by Black&White Fri Sep 28, 2012 9:31 pm

I glance at her a moment, cautiously weighing the decision to tell her or not. She's from another universe, at some other time, and probably doesn't know the rumors of Blackbird from my part of the neighborhood. "Eyes are...a bit for show... I can tell what a person fears if I'm around them for an extended amount of time..." And freakishly control their anxiety levels since my brush with death. I didn't like knowing nightmares, having that control over someone was uncomfortable in normal situations. ...Going out behind the mask, it was funny as hell.

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