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Dragons of Berk

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Dragons of Berk Empty Dragons of Berk

Post by Black&White Sun Oct 07, 2012 9:17 pm

Dragons of Berk Captur11

Dragons of Berk Captur12

Dragons of Berk Captur13

Over the course of seven generations, Berk has been continuously raided by dragons of all different species, prompting a war between them and the tribe. It's a kill or be killed world, and dragons are perceived as beasts only driven to kill and cause destruction.

Like every other young Viking on Berk, it is expected of you to fight and kill a dragon in order to be considered a true Viking. Stoick the Vast, the tribe leader, is determined to try and destroy the dragon races that plague the island, recently having given a devastating attack to a group of dragons.

Curious, and ignoring the clear rule by the older Vikings not to go, you and a group of friends go out to see the scene of battle. Weapons ready, hoping to perhaps find a straggling monster among the fallen beasts, you find something very different - not a battlefield but a raid. Dragons curled protectively around smashed nests, no sign of a fight except defensively.

Not every hatchling is killed, however...

About Dragons:

Dragons are a powerful reptilian species with two distinguishing characteristics: flight and fire production (although not all dragons have both/either). Most species have a fear of eels, a limited number of 'shots' for fire, and a blind spot. Within the species, there are many different breeds, ranging in size, shape, color, and abilities. Some Dragon species can have different colored scales amongst individual specimens, while some retain the same color throughout their breed.

D r a g o n S p e c i e s
Basic Brown • Blubberwing • Boneknapper • Breathquencher • Bullrougher • Burrowing Slitherfang • Changewing • Chickenpoxer • Common or Garden • Cuckoo Dragon • Darkbreather • Deadly Nadder • Devilish Dervish • Dreamserpent • Driller-Dragon • Doomfang • Electricsquirm • Exterminator • Fire Dragon • Flamehuffer • Flashfang • Fleshfang • Giant Bee-Eater • Glow-worm • Gorgenghast • Grimler Dragon • Gronckle • Hideous Zippleback • Horrors • Lava Louts • Leviathorgan • Loafer Dragon • Marsh Tiger • Monstrous Nightmare • Monstrous Strangulator • Mood-Dragon • Murderous Dragon • Nanodragon • Poison Darter • Poisonous Piffleworm • Polar-Serpent • Puff Nadder • Rageblasts • Red-Hot Itchyworm • Ramming Roller • Raptortongue • Repto • Rocket Ripper • Sabre-Tooth Driver Dragon • Scarer • Scauldron • Scrill • Semi-Spotted Snowpecker • Sharkworm • Shortwing Squirrelserpent • Sidewinder • Slitherhawk • Skullion • Sky Dragon • Sniffer Dragon • Squealer • Stealth Dragon • Steam-Dragon • Stickyworm • Stinkdragon • Terrorfang • Timberjack • Thunder Drum • Toothless Daydream • Toungetwister • Toxic Nightshade • Typhoomerang • Vampire Dragon • Venomous Vorpent • Water Dragon • Windwalker • White Dragon • Whispering Death

((Click here and scroll down to the bottom chart to see more in depth descriptions of each. Ideally, it would be cool for everyone to have a different type of dragon, so don't go grabbing the most famous and special please (notice he's not on the list)'s not fair for everyone else. Orhey~ Take one of the names and make a spin off, creating your own dragon! Creativity is always encouraged.))

Notable Places:

Dragons of Berk Berk_and_meathead_islands

Berk is known to have extremely cold, long winters and short warm summers. The island itself is very mountainous and densely forested. Around the shore, it ranges from beaches to sharp cliffs and jagged shorelines. There are a variety of lakes and streams throughout. Caves are common by the cliffs and shorelines.

The village is a place where the Vikings of Berk live. It is filled with large houses with an architectural theme of specific dragons, and the homes are built on land with a general gradient slope. However, these homes had to be constantly reconstructed or repaired after being destroyed during a dragon raid. The main hall is at the height of the village, a large building with a fire pit in the center. Gobber's Blacksmithing Forge is the main blacksmithing shop of the island and was where the vikings got their weapons during the dragon raids. The forge is spacious with many weapons inside. The Docks in Berk have large individual docks for loading and unloading large cargo into the ships. The docks are built from the large cliff of Raven Point. A wooden walkway is built above the docks to view the ships from. The Academy is the caged in pit, the training area for young Viking to learn strategies of killing dragons and following in the village's legacy.

Character Format -

Name: (remember, names are purposefully strange)
Dragon -
Species Name: (making your own is encouraged, or pick one from the list~)
Given Name:
Appearance: (even within species, scale colors, detailing, or simply extras such as scars or accessories can differ)
Other: (anything else? starting out with some sort of injury to overcome such as Hiccup and Toothless? These dragons did come out of an attack.)

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Dragons of Berk Empty Re: Dragons of Berk

Post by Momo13 Sun Oct 07, 2012 9:37 pm

Reserves a spot~~~~

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Dragons of Berk Empty Re: Dragons of Berk

Post by ßøn∑z Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:01 pm


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Dragons of Berk Empty Re: Dragons of Berk

Post by ßøn∑z Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:17 pm

Name: Conch-Sheila
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Dragons of Berk Cute-asian-hair-long-black-curly5
Other: Conch-Shelia (Con for short) has always been drawn to the water. You'll typically only ever find her by some source of it. She tends to be more of an introvert and a girl of few words because believes in listening rather than speaking. Her family is incredibly poor and unable to afford a house, so they live in a tiny cave near the shore. Her mother is a widow and she has one younger brother age 5.
Dragon -
Species Name: Weeping Wateria
Given Name: Willow
Appearance: (even within species, scale colors, detailing, or simply extras such as scars or accessories can differ) Willow is a medium sized dragon covered with very soft and fine white feathers, with a hard shimmery underside. The few scales that are on her body are very small and reflect light. Her claws are bright white and very long, hanging in the air when she flies. Willow's wings disappear in her feathers when she's relaxed but when she flies or swims they extend far out from her body and are made of the same feathers along her body. Her face is small and dominated by manga-like ice blue eyes. Finally, her toes and wings are webbed to help swim and fly faster.
Other: Willow is blind due to the attack. This species of dragon never smiles and it seems as though they know some sort of truth about life that ensures eternal sadness, and the only place they are typically happy is in the water. Willow has the ability to produce tears from her eyes strong enough to burn flesh but she has trouble controlling them.

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Dragons of Berk Empty Re: Dragons of Berk

Post by Momo13 Tue Oct 09, 2012 6:32 pm

Name: Ginna Lodbrok
Age: 15
Gender: female
Appearance: long, curly black hair that goes down to the small of her back, pulled back into a knotty braid. Dark blackish brown eyes with thick eyelashes. Bangs fall into her eyes for the most part.
Other: Has a nasty burn mark on her left side of her body (from hip up to her neck). works at the black smith and helps make weapons for fights. Isn't one to really be a fighter, and prefers to stay out of the way.
Dragon -
Species Name: Toxin Terror (spikes and claws hold toxins that poison/kill victums, if that is ok)
Given Name: Shadowlight
~Scales: Rounded triangular shaped black scales with a purple shine to them.
~Body: shorter and more leanly built. Less reptillian in build and more wolf or feline like. has a row of spikes going down his spine that are designed more like a fin with dips in it.
~Tail: Long tail with a spear like hook at the end with spikes along the bottom part that hold venom.
~Eyes: green towards the pupal and fading through green-blue with a purple rim. pupals are slits.
~Head shape: more of a rounded shape with a pointed chin. two horns come out the top sides and curl around. eyes sit lower on the face and ears are below the horns and a bit to the left.
~Claws: long curved claws with sharp points.
~Wings: long and wide, bat like. curved spike at the end.
Other: Has a limp on one of his back legs.

Name: Shon
Age: 16
Gender: male
Appearance: Olive tone skin with a slight tan to it. long limbs with decent muscle on him. Does a lot of training and has very defined features. Has scars across his chest from a bad encounter with a young monstrous nightmare who raked its claws against his chest leaving nasty gashes which over time turned into scars. Broader shoulders and larger hands that have callouses. works with his hands a lot. darker brown, almost black shaggy hair that falls into his eyes.
Other: Has a more closed off personality.
Dragon -
Species Name: Star Runner (stays higher in the sky and fires downward most of the time, but will go into ground attack if it feels like it has the advantage.)
Given Name: Moon Haven
~Scales: more rounded like scales of a dark blue with purple markings along his body.
~Body: Tall and wider built like a ‘traditional’ dragon.
~Tail: Long tail with two spikes at the end that curve into hooks.
~Eyes: Yellowish at the outer rim darkening into a golden amber towards the center. Slit pupil that is narrow when angry or scarred and wider and more round when happier or relaxed.
~Head shape: Longer and more pointed. Long snout/muzzle. spikes starting right above his eye then continuing down the back of his neck and down his spine, varying in sizes. large pointed teeth. two horns at the top of his head, one at either side.
~Claws: Curved talons with sharp points.
~Wings: large dark blue bat wings with deep purple swirl markings. talons at the end.
Other: his left horn is broken.

Last edited by Momo13 on Mon Oct 15, 2012 4:48 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Dragons of Berk Empty Re: Dragons of Berk

Post by Black&White Fri Oct 12, 2012 1:46 pm

Name: Satchel 'Sashes/Sash'
Age: 17
Gender: M
Appearance: Red hair cut very short, bright blue eyes. Slightly muscled, though leanly so. Black furred boots with dark grey pants. Brown long sleeved shirt, lether jacket atop.
Dragon -
Species Name: Moon Weaver
Given Name: Doe
Scales - Reflective scales for camouflage in the night covering her which are a light grey in sunlight, taking on the color of any close object and sometimes iridescent rainbows when the light is right.
Body - Build long and sleek all over, almost snake-like except for the torso though still very skinny appearing, greyhound-ish like. Super long tail that's two-thirds the dragon's length, narrowing to a thin tip which she can use like a whip, very dexterous, flexible, and surprisingly strong. Long neck, with rounded ridges going down from the top of her head to about midway down her tail. Longer limbs, also greyhound-like, very muscular. Fully grown, they're about sixteen feet in length nose to tail tip.
Head - Four horns on her canine-like face, two larger in front and two smaller behind on his temples, as well as spiked fringes on the side of her head. Wide pearly blue-white eyes, although not blind, used for excellent night vision.
Wings - For wings, she's got two pairs, very long and thin. She flies dragonfly-style, beating her wings so fast they appear transparent during the night creating the long held belief that the species didn't have wings but instead used the moonlight to float through the night. They tuck in very close to the body, to where they almost appear not there. Are also very good runners on land, being one of the fastest species in that regard, though only for short distances. Unlike other dragons, they develop their wings as they grow, starting out without any visible hints of having them except for four ridges down their backs as hatchlings.
Mannerisms - Usually very docile except when threatened or angered, they aren't the most feared species of dragon. They can either breathe white hot fire in attack, which is rare, or sleep inducing grey smoke in defense. Largely nocturnal. They cannot roar or growl, so they're very silent beasts, but instead give a whip crack with their tail as warning. They can preen or give a sort of hum, giving very haunting lullabies in the night. Songs are unique to the dragon. They have very good hearing and are very inquisitive.
Other: Scar across her face, from one of her temples to the other side of her muzzle. Her eyes, being so sensitive, are hurtful during the day.

Last edited by Black&White on Thu Oct 18, 2012 1:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Dragons of Berk Empty Re: Dragons of Berk

Post by Avery Fri Oct 12, 2012 5:19 pm

Name: Aldis Asgier
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: Relatively tall, probably nearing 5'7" with a bit of lean muscle, otherwise slender. Hair is long and wavy, a burnt sienna color, and it falls to just past her waist. Usually, it's braided around her crown and then left down, or she just braids it over her shoulder. Lightly tanned with piercing grey eyes and feathery, thick eyelashes. Wearing black, skintight leggings and an off-white, long-sleeved tunic which has a brown collar and hem, also wearing boots.
Other: has a long scar from her collarbone to her jaw from where she was cut by Sahn's claw.
Dragon -
Species Name: Golden Nightbolt
Given Name: Sahn
Scales- Deep gold, tipped with black. They're petal shaped and medium sized and they get lighter toward the tip of the dragon's tail, where they're an almost pure gold color.
Body- Quite tall, nearing 13 feet with a 6 foot long neck, which is fairly thin. Also has a thin, long tail, about half of the dragon's length. Not super stockily built, but not extremely slender. Kind of have a medium build. Also has the same ivory colored claws as the other accents.
Head- Long, elegant looking face with large amethyst colored eyes and two ram-like horns curling slightly, which are an ivory colored. Has several rows of razor sharp, short teeth. and elongated canines.
Wings- Wide, strong wings which are approximately 14 feet wide, almost appear webbed, with an ivory spike at each tip. Good for gliding and also used well for gaining speed.
Tail- Long, and thin, as started above, but it is also tipped with an ivory colored spike, which has an acidic substance on top that works the same as a neurotoxin.
Other: Has a perpetual limp, though not really in any pain. After prolonged periods of running, feet become very sore, though due to being burned in a battle with another dragon. The species is very strong and quick, but more fast in the air than on ground. One of the more rare species around and extremely dangerous. Breaths fire, like a lot of dragons.

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Dragons of Berk Empty Re: Dragons of Berk

Post by Black&White Mon Oct 15, 2012 1:42 pm


I sat on the step of my house, head resting against the side while watching the grown ups sift through the streets. It's been three days since the battle, and yet we had yet to be told what exactly happened besides 'it went well. A real hit to their numbers!' or similar boasting. Usually there were grand tales, prizes brought back, or in the worst case a funeral to be had. It was unusual, and I couldn't kill my curiosity.

My house was towards the edge of the village, though the streets were still busy with people mulling about because of the bakery across the street, as well as the fact that my mother was one of the better seamstresses people went to to fix things. It wouldn't be hard to sneak off... Sure, traditionally it was working your way through the academy to earn your first dragon kill, but studying the field could give me some hints. Maybe a stray monster I could finish off...

Or it would just give me something to do for the afternoon. Chores were done, I was just waiting for my father to come back from the hunting party for supper later tonight.

I stand, looking about the space to see if anyone took unusual interest in me. We weren't supposed to head in that direction of the island. Elders forbid it of us still considered students. I could wander around through Raven's Ridge though, circle about to the forested cove I heard my father speaking of that night in a quiet voice.

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Dragons of Berk Empty Re: Dragons of Berk

Post by ßøn∑z Wed Oct 17, 2012 8:42 pm


Leroy never seems to stop crying. His wails bounce around the cave walls and add wrinkles to my mother's beautiful face. She looks years older every day, her once brilliantly black curls now limp grey strands knotted around her shoulders, and the skin that used to glow like the sun now wrinkled and pale. Her cracked lips purse as she makes her constant shh noises, but it brings no comfort to Leroy. My mother turns to look at me.

"Conch, you have to study do you not? Go, I'll look after Leroy," my mother calls out above the screaming.
I scoop my books from under my blankets and leave the cave as quickly as possible. I don't even need to think to know where I'm going; my pond. Soon enough I'm sitting cross-legged with a book open on my lap.

I can't seem to focus. The detailed names and strategies for dragon killing written carefully in ink are gibberish. I sigh, push my book aside and stare into the glassy perfection of the water surface. I'd much rather be under it than all this pressure. Even this far away, I swear I hear Leroy screaming. I know this will hurt me tomorrow with my studies, but I strip down and dip into my pond. The water is murky and I'm sure I am not alone in it, but this doesn't bother me. I lean against the sides try to relax, but images of dragons eating at my skin haunt my mind.

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Dragons of Berk Empty Re: Dragons of Berk

Post by Momo13 Thu Oct 18, 2012 8:01 am


Ginna walked into the woods, wrapping cloth around her sore hands as she walked. Her frail hands weren't really meant for apprentancing a black smith. She wouldn't let this beat her though. She wanted to work there more than anything right now. The girl knew she wasn't much of a fighter, but she was crafty with her hands when it came to fabric. Metals and weapons couldn't be that much different. And who knew, maybe once she got used to the materials, she'd be good.

She saw Sash ahead and quicked her pace into a swift jog to catch up with him. "Hey!" She smiled over at him, slowing down until she stood beside him. "Whatcha doin'?" She finished wrapping her hands and looked up at him.

(Anywhere you want Shon?)

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Dragons of Berk Empty Re: Dragons of Berk

Post by Black&White Thu Oct 18, 2012 1:54 pm

(where ever)

I glance back at Ginna, hands stuffed into the pockets of my vest and shrug. "A bit of a misadventure," I murmur under my breath so any passing people wouldn't be able to hear well. Couldn't be the only one curious... And if not, Ginna wasn't the loudest voice to go tattle like a child.

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Dragons of Berk Empty Re: Dragons of Berk

Post by ßøn∑z Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:51 pm


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Dragons of Berk Empty Re: Dragons of Berk

Post by Black&White Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:09 pm


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Dragons of Berk Empty Re: Dragons of Berk

Post by Momo13 Wed Nov 07, 2012 7:39 am



She nodded and looked up at him. "Mind if I tag along? I'm a bit bored. Not much for me to do back at the shop." Especially with her hands in the condition they were in. She finished wrapping her hands and dropped them to her sides.

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Dragons of Berk Empty Re: Dragons of Berk

Post by Black&White Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:17 pm

"Can't talk about it," I forewarn with a small smile to her. Leading off, I head towards Raven's Ridge at a slightly faster speed. I'd tell her where when we got outside of the village...

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Dragons of Berk Empty Re: Dragons of Berk

Post by Momo13 Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:29 pm


A grin filled her face and she trotted along behind him. She glanced over to her left and saw Shon leaning against a tree, sharpening his knife. She didn't make much of it and continued after Sash.


he glanced over and saw Sash and Ginna walking off. He wondered where they were going to. Glancing down at his knife, he decided that he would follow them once they went off far enough that they wouldn't notice.

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Dragons of Berk Empty Re: Dragons of Berk

Post by Black&White Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:39 pm


I walk with her up the village's slope to get to the forest's border, wandering in. After a slight glance around, I lean down to whisper, "They're all making me suspicious. No one's talking of that fight a few days ago..."

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Dragons of Berk Empty Re: Dragons of Berk

Post by Momo13 Sat Nov 17, 2012 12:06 am

"They always talk. Its weird that they arent. There isnt even gossip at the armory." Ginna muttered softly, looking up at him. "Should we be worried?"

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Dragons of Berk Empty Re: Dragons of Berk

Post by Black&White Sun Nov 18, 2012 1:25 pm


"I'm gonna find out," I say blatantly, going in a good distance into the trees before changing direction, skirting around to head towards that beach that was the supposed battleground. "I'm more suspicious than worried..."

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Dragons of Berk Empty Re: Dragons of Berk

Post by ßøn∑z Fri Nov 23, 2012 11:57 pm

is there a way I could jump in? o.o sorry!

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Dragons of Berk Empty Re: Dragons of Berk

Post by Black&White Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:09 am

they could walk along a section of the beach to get there?

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Dragons of Berk Empty Re: Dragons of Berk

Post by ßøn∑z Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:14 am


My eyes are closed and my slow breathing has cast a warm glow all over me, but this is shattered when I hear movements in the forest. Silently I slip out of the water and back into my clothes, messily braiding my hair back and hiding behind a tree away from the direction in which I heard the walkers. Curiously I peer out from behind it, wondering what's there, hoping it's not a dragon.

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Dragons of Berk Empty Re: Dragons of Berk

Post by Momo13 Wed Nov 28, 2012 6:50 am


"What do you expect to find out here?" she asked him, looking around carefully. She reached into the knife holder in the inside of her jacket and curled her hand around her knife. "Hopefully you aren't looking for something dangerous. Or deadly. Or dragon like." she whispered the last part, afraid someone else would hear them.

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Dragons of Berk Empty Re: Dragons of Berk

Post by Black&White Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:20 pm

I sneer at her, jumping down from the small rocky boarder and onto the sand, to walk along the beach as a short cut. "You're not scared are you?" I ask her. We had to kill a dragon already in training, getting one early wouldn't be for nothing. ...And this was the problem of mainly being around girls. Sheesh, where was Shon...

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Dragons of Berk Empty Re: Dragons of Berk

Post by Momo13 Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:30 pm

"Scared? No way. I just dont want to get in trouble! If we find a dragon, it may draw some attention to the fact we are out here. Plus.... You know I'm not much of a fighter." She looked down at her hands, sore from working in the shop earlier that day.

Shon followed behind the two of them, ducking in and out of shadows to keep out of their view. He heard part of there conversation and chuckled silently. Ginna probably was scared, just too afraid that Sash would think poorly of her if she admitted it.

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