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The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning

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The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Empty The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning

Post by Guest Fri Nov 30, 2012 1:14 am

It may seem impossible now, but there was a time before the Easter Bunny, before Santa Clause, the Tooth Fairy. Those amazing and wonderful creatures that colored our childhood, they didn’t used to be there. There once was a time when the world was covered in fear, and darkness reigned. The man in the moon has watched for many years as the world continues to spiral in its own misery, but now it is time for change. He is watching the world, waiting for the perfect souls to guard the children of the world, to bring hope and light, and send fear back to the shadows.


This is the beginnings of the fantastic legends we know today. So your characters will start as normal humans, just as lost in the darkness as the rest of humanity. This is their journey to being chosen as Guardians and their transition from being not being believed in, to being believed in by children all over the world.

Character Sheet:
Legend(who you become):

Let me post my characters first before anyone else posts

Last edited by Shilo Savage on Sun Dec 09, 2012 7:26 pm; edited 1 time in total


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The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Empty Re: The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning

Post by Guest Fri Nov 30, 2012 11:15 am

Name: Merie Killens
Age: 19
Appearance: The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Princess_x13-2046789
About 5'5, curvy, a bit of dark circles under her eyes.
Bio: Merie isn't allowed out of the house because of how dark the world has gotten. When she does get out, she sneaks through the window, but often feels bad because she's a soft hearted little twit that can't really do much for herself. She stays locked in her room with no human contact and as a result has grown socially awkward and talks to herself or the small creatures around her like the spider in the corner. Since she has no human contact, any contact she gets she tends to "store" in her memory and becomes very sentimental. Her parents have deemed her crazy, but she refuses to believe that she is.
Legend(who you become):

Name: Thatcher Reed
Age: 21
Appearance: The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Tumblr_m3xs5s9mvH1qi9s2zo1_500
Bio: His family has never had it good. He's lost three sisters, the family is pour, and all he has left is his baby sister Sophie. She's very small and very sweet and clings to her brother as he's the only light in her life. Ever since he was born, he was always full of smiles and trying to bring smiles to others. Because of his hard life, he often puts up a hard shell just like his father, and pushes most everyone but Sophie away. But, truth be told, he's really just a push over.
Legend(who you become): The Easter Bunny


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The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Empty Re: The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning

Post by Black&White Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:46 pm

Name: she goes by Faceless currently
Age: 20
Appearance: 5'9'', rather leanly built. Thick brunette hair to the bottom of her shoulder blades, cut ruler straight. Her eye would be light brown, if you could see it (she's missing her left). Typically, she dresses so as to cover herself the best she can. Turtle necks, long pants, shorts with leggings, boots, gloves, scarves, too big jackets... She enjoys colors and quirky things, but they tend to be darker toned. Her favorite pieces that she wears a lot are a black and orange detailed trench coat on which the sleeves are too long and the missing buttons lead her to clasp it closed with a safety pin, and hats of any type. They're sort of her security blanket. But always present is a mask - her favorite being one decorated just in lots of little mirrors.
Bio: She's been homeless for a while, and has learned to survive in the darkness ruled world the hard way. She knows the horrors of the place, and she sees it as a sort of job to make sure those younger than her know what they're doing when they go out and that they're safe from the things that she's experienced. Her presence is shrouded in legends, that she's just a trick of the darkness, a thing of horror, but she's really rather childish and innocent if you spend any time around her. She's lost a lot, including her name, but she tries to make it up any way she can. Faceless is quirky, a trickster, usually fidgeting with something. She doesn't speak much, or at all - largely depending on her mood - but she communicates in exaggerated gestures or through facial expressions she can show past the mask. She laughs a lot, if maybe to force something amusing out of the darkness, but she tends to hide her smiles.
Legend(who you become): All Hallow's Eve
Renamed 'Alhallow', she remains her childish jokster self. She has interchangeable intricate masks which she can switch around by covering her face - a black cat, a pumpkin face, and a ghost. Respectively, they each have a granting power - the cat allows her heightened senses, the pumpkin face gives her a large hammer for a weapon, and the ghost to allow her to disappear. All abilities cancel or cannot be done if her mask is taken off. The detailing to her coat simply changes color depending on the mask - purple for cat, orange for pumpkin, and light grey for ghost.

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The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Empty Re: The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning

Post by Bells Fri Nov 30, 2012 6:07 pm

Name: Zoe Derks
Age: 20
Bio: Zoe has always been more interested in other peoples business than she should be. She finds it to be a relief, though. Her family is very quiet and uninteresting, although they do alright. They have enough to get buy, but don't seem to think they need anymore than that. Zoe on the other hand is never satisfied, always feeling the need to get into peoples buisness, whether or not they want her to be.
Legend(who you become): Cupid


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The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Empty Re: The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning

Post by Momo13 Fri Nov 30, 2012 8:27 pm

Reserving Jack Frost~ Will post bio after dinner.

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The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Empty Re: The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning

Post by Momo13 Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:09 pm

Character Sheet:
Name: Oliver Fossen
Age: 17
human form:
I cant really picture him as looking any other way....
Bio: Has a somewhat normal life. One mom and a little sister. His dad is still around, but his mom doesnt like the father, so he isnt around as much as the kids would like him to be. Oliver would do anything for his little sister, even if it meant his own life. He prefers winter over night, and loves having fun.
Legend(who you become): Jack Frost
Jack Frost:

Last edited by Momo13 on Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Empty Re: The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning

Post by Black&White Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:07 pm


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The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Empty Re: The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning

Post by Alice Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:18 am

Name: Aerith Bane
Age: 16
The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Green-eyed-girl13
Bio: TBC
Legend(who you become):
The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Aerith__mother_nature_by_nicegal1-d3aex79

Name: Asher Pryne
Age: 21
The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning 439893t5vgqsu893
Bio: He is very... interesting. His sisters are Bride, Rose, and Aero. He left his house when he was 18 and has lived by himself for years. He has an attitude and isnt afraid to bite someone's head off. He doesnt like people very much and says little when he is in contact with them.
Legend(who you become): Pheonix The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning The-Fire-Phoenix

Name: Erin Mullens
Age: 18
The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Images10
Bio: TBC
Legend(who you become): Lady of the Lake The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning The%20Lady%20of%20the%20Lake%20rough

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The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Empty Re: The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning

Post by Guest Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:15 pm

Sorry guys, it's finals time and I've been REALLY busy and stressed, have a bit of patience with me.


The town was small and it was starting to get quiet. No one stayed out all that often, they were to afraid of what was in the shadows. When you did see people, it was fleeting images that dashed quickly to their destination then back to their house. Merie was used to this kind of thing, always watching from the cracks of the boards in her windows. She sighed as another person went dashing by and disappeared. Slowly she sank to a sitting position on the floor of her room and looked around the small cramped space. There was a bed, a small dresser, a wash basin that had never been filled. There was a small closet off to the side, big enough to fit a person and went back under the stairs.

The door to the room was locked from the outside, and china cabinet moved in front of it to make it look like it never existed. At times, the cabinet would be moved aside and the door unlocked, but only to shove the food in, or if she got "in trouble" or to let her make a bathroom run, which only occurred once a day. Of course, Merie never complained because she never knew anything different.

She looked back to the small gap between the boards, and watched the fading sunlight filter through and cast its shadow onto the floor. Slowly she moved into the light, sucking up what little warmth it offered, and the small bit of peace and happiness it brought her. Why anyone wouldn't want to stay in the sun for ages was beyond her. It was the only thing that wasn't dark in this world.


"I'm scared," Sophie whimpered as Thatcher crouched with her near the edge of a building. He frowned and sighed.
"What are you afraid of?"
"I don't like being in the shadows, that's where the bad things are." Her tiny lip quivered as her wild brown hair fell into her dirt smudged face, her blue eyes beginning to water.
"Hey, hey don't be afraid, okay? Those bad things aren't real. Besides, you got me! And I'll beat up any bad things that come to get you." Thatcher said as he took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
Sophie's lips puckered out in a small pout. "You're not a big boy yet, you can't beat them up."
Thatcher pretended to look hurt, putting his hands to his heart. "Ouch, that..that wounds me. You don't believe in me? Oh no! My strength is fading!" He said dramatically as he started to fall to the ground. Sophie's little eyes widened and she quickly went over to him and started to shake him.
"No Thatcher! No! Don't Fade!"
"You have to believe in me Sophie!" Thatcher said as he dramatically fell onto his back.
"I believe Thatcher!" She shouted as she threw herself on top of him. "I believe! Now get better!"
Thatcher chuckled and sat up, holding her close to him, snuggling her. "I'll always be here Sophie, you just got to believe in me. Alright? And that's what makes it so I can fight the bad things."
"Okay," she said with a nod as she snuggled into her brother's chest. Her stomach growled and Thatcher frowned, remembering why they'd even come out. The needed food.


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The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Empty Re: The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning

Post by Alice Sun Dec 09, 2012 4:09 pm

Asher walked through the town with his hands in his pockets, watching the people dash between houses and rolled his eyes. They looked stupid, but he figured they probably had a right to it. Everyone had their own nightmares they were afraid of, most were something from the dark. As he passed by a house where the window was boarded, he saw a shadow pass behind the cracks and he raised a brow, catching sight of someone peeking out. He moved past the window and paused on the other watching curiously as the eye disappeared and a small sigh came from where it had been. He raised a brow and moved closer, peeking through one of the cracks. He saw a girl with dark hair sitting in the sunbeam and his brow furrowed. Why was she just sitting there, why didn't she come out? He stood there watching her for a second before saying "What are you doing..?" He watched her and a smirk formed on his lips.


Erin poked her head out her door then started for the baker's shop on the other side of town. She needed to pick up a loaf of bread to get her through the next week. She heard a small girl shouting and paused, tempted to keep going. After all the outside world wasn't exactly friendly, or at least that's what fear lead her to believe. Hearing the girl shout again and the distress in her voice she peeked around the corner of one of the houses to see a boy with a little girl, holding her close. She blinked and gave a small smile. At least someone was taking care of the girl. She watched them for a long while before walking a bit closer. She heard the girl's stomach and smiled a bit.
Erin went and got two loafs of bread and walked to them. She held out one of them to them. "take it.." She said quietly.

Last edited by Alice on Sun Dec 09, 2012 6:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Empty Re: The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning

Post by Black&White Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:02 pm

I walk along the rooftops, up and down the peaked tops along the rowhouses, down the block. This was as close to a home as I could get, but I didn't mind. I pretty much grew up with the darkness around me; I knew my way around. There wasn't any dashing between buildings because I didn't have anywhere to go. There wasn't any hiding for me, so I had learned. The others that ventured out after dark, though...I feared for them. They were inexperienced, so I thought it my job to make sure they were safe... There wasn't any reason for them to lose something, after all. I had lost enough, so a few more things wouldn't really be missed - I thought. Already, I lost my face and my name. My mask was all that made me myself, really.

I knew the legends that surrounded my presence. I was odd, a spirit, a trick of the dark, not a normal person... But that was alright. At least they were cautious. And those I helped learned better, so a few had taken to look upon me as a thing of light despite the dark. That was more than I could ever have asked for. To give even a few people a positive feeling, a laugh, even hope in these dark times...

Pausing upon a peak of a rooftop, I squat down to study the block and make sure everything was still alright at sunset. Things could only go downhill from here until dawn...

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The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Empty Re: The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning

Post by Momo13 Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:17 pm

Oliver sat on a fire escape, looking out at the city. He had a small candle lamp at his side, giving off a circle of light around him. He sighed as the people on the street below him wove through the street, trying to stay in the light.
"Ollie?" A small voice called from inside the appartment behind him.
"Jules, its time for bed." He sighed, turning back to face his litter sister.
"I'm scared."
"Of what?"
"The monsters." She told him softly, looking down at the ground, her dark hair falling into her face.
"There aren't any monsters. Go back to bed." He told her softly, standing up, grabbing the lamp. He climbed back threw the window and put his free hand on her shoulder, guiding her back into their room and gently leading her to her bed. "C'mon now, I'll wait for you to fall asleep this time if you would like." He put his candle on her bedside table and helped her under her covers.
"Yes?" he sighed, patiently
"Thank you." She smiled her large toothy grin up at him and he chuckled.
"Get some sleep."

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The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Empty Re: The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning

Post by Guest Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:19 pm

Black&White wrote:I walk along the rooftops, up and down the peaked tops along the rowhouses, down the block. This was as close to a home as I could get, but I didn't mind. I pretty much grew up with the darkness around me; I knew my way around. There wasn't any dashing between buildings because I didn't have anywhere to go. There wasn't any hiding for me, so I had learned. The others that ventured out after dark, though...I feared for them. They were inexperienced, so I thought it my job to make sure they were safe... There wasn't any reason for them to lose something, after all. I had lost enough, so a few more things wouldn't really be missed - I thought. Already, I lost my face and my name. My mask was all that made me myself, really.

I knew the legends that surrounded my presence. I was odd, a spirit, a trick of the dark, not a normal person... But that was alright. At least they were cautious. And those I helped learned better, so a few had taken to look upon me as a thing of light despite the dark. That was more than I could ever have asked for. To give even a few people a positive feeling, a laugh, even hope in these dark times...

Pausing upon a peak of a rooftop, I squat down to study the block and make sure everything was still alright at sunset. Things could only go downhill from here until dawn...

This is before they become the spirits


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The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Empty Re: The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning

Post by Black&White Sun Dec 09, 2012 5:49 pm

That's a rumor of the town

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The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Empty Re: The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning

Post by Guest Sun Dec 09, 2012 6:28 pm

Alright, just making sure.

Merie jumped at the voice and looked around, trying to find out where it came from. She swallowed and almost scrambled to the window, pulling herself up into a standing position. She put her eye to the crack and jumped when she saw an eye looking back at her. "Wh-who are you?" she asked as she stared at the crack, now seeing the eye in it.


Thatcher blinked and looked up at the girl in shock as Sophie snuggled herself into his chest. "I....are you sure?" He asked as he hesitantly held out his hand to take the bread, not wanting to take away anything from her.


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The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Empty Re: The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning

Post by Alice Sun Dec 09, 2012 7:07 pm

Asher chuckled a bit at her reaction. "Depends... who are you...?" He asked raising an eyebrow. He studied her for a long time. She seemed to be alright.. well besides the fact that she got scared way to easliy but then again... everyone got scared to easliy these days.


Erin gave a small nod. "Yes... take it... you need it more then I do..." She said with a soft smile. She looked at the little girl and gave her a soft smile. "What's your name...?" she asked softly.

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The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Empty Re: The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning

Post by Guest Sun Dec 09, 2012 7:15 pm

Merie blinked and pushed her hair back behind her ear, and hugged herself. "Merie," she said and looked back at the door as if expecting to hear someone coming. Her eyes went back to his and she pointed to the window one the left wall where there was a bigger crack. She'd been working on pulling apart some of it, though she couldn't do it to often because if to much noise was made she'd get in trouble. She moved over to the other crack where more of her face was visible and she was sure she'd be able to see him better.


Thatcher gave a small smile and took the loaf, breaking off a piece and giving it to Sophie. "Thank you.."
Sophie took the bread and looked up at her with wide eyes. "Sophie," she said quietly, holding the piece of bread close to her chest.


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The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Empty Re: The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning

Post by Alice Sun Dec 09, 2012 7:28 pm

Asher stood in the shadows and watched her. "Trying to get out..?" He asked raising an eyebrow. He smirked a bit. He didnt know why but he liked the idea of getting out of a place. "Why...?" He asked his eyes following hers.

Erin gave a small smile. "Hi Sophie..." She said kneeling infront of them. Her eyes went to Thatcher and gave a small nod. "You are welcome... Im afraid I have never seen you before... I am Erin..." she said in a soft voice.

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The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Empty Re: The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning

Post by Momo13 Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:10 pm

Oliver's sister had finally fallen asleep and he left her again. He took her candle and kissed her head before closing the door to her room. He walked out and back to the fire escape. He climbed down it until he reached the street below and started walking off, lamp in one hand, his other tucked into the pocket of his blue coat.

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The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Empty Re: The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning

Post by Alice Tue Dec 11, 2012 7:46 pm

Aerith walked past a few of the apartments, her hands deep inside her pockets. Her green eyes were facing down to the floor and she kept her hood pulled up to hide her face.
She stopped for a second and looked up. A boy with a lamp in his hand was walking her way. She raised an eyebrow kind of confused. She stayed there with her hood pulled up just.. watching him. She hadnt seen anyone on the streets this late at night before.... what was the guy doing...?

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The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Empty Re: The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning

Post by Black&White Tue Dec 11, 2012 8:04 pm

And another source of light in the night. I pause to watch the lantern coming closer down the street, a smile behind my mask as I duck down a bit more to remain unnoticed. During the restless nights he would usually wander, the jacket his signature like my own. I didn't know if he ever noticed me... The glint of his lantern in my mirrored mask might have caught his eye every now and again, but I was pretty good at ducking away when people looked up in suspicion or paranoia. A movement draws my gaze away, down the street some at a feminine figure watching him rather creepily.

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The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Empty Re: The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning

Post by Momo13 Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:22 pm

Oliver kicked off his shoes and picked them up with his free hand. His bare feet walked slowly down the road and he glanced around at the shadows, careful to stay in his circle of light. He had that feeling, the feeling of having someone watch you. Which he was sure someone, maybe more than just one someone, was.

Of course he didn't care all that much. The hole city could watch him and he could care less. He looked up and saw the slight figure of a girl. with a small shrug, he kept walking, keeping a tight grip on his lantern.

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The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Empty Re: The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning

Post by Black&White Fri Dec 21, 2012 1:18 pm

He goes by and I smile lightly, standing up from the ledge to glance over at the girl across the street. The age of suspicion, I guess, but did she have to stare so much?

I walk along the peaked roofs all in a row, my version of the streets, trying to see stars through the dense cloud cover. It would be a particularly dark night tonight... But back to paying attention to where I was walking. Between peaks of roofs, where it was lowest, I was able to jump down onto the sidewalk by the lamp holder. We knew each other...sort of... He went out a lot, and I was usually hanging around here. At least he had to know that I wasn't what all the rumors said I was... I raise a hand in a friendly wave, standing up to innocently clasp my hands behind my back and shrinking down a little, as if shy or embarrassed, tilting my head at him curiously.

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The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Empty Re: The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning

Post by Alice Sat Dec 22, 2012 2:58 am

Aeirth watched and stayed hidden in the shadows. No one should be out this late... she thought blinking a couple of times. She pulled her hood down more as if to hide her face from the world. She shoved her hands into her jacket pocket and just stared to walk. She didnt have a destination in mind but hey what was the fun f that..? Having a destination was like having a dead line... once you got there you are done... but having no destination you dont have worry about it.

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The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning Empty Re: The Rise of the Guardians: The Beginning

Post by Bells Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:19 pm

((Is it too late for me to jump back in on this?))

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