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star guardians

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star guardians Empty star guardians

Post by fallen rose Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:19 pm

The powerless star guardians of world fell to world as coldness of evil come closer to the world with their plan of destroy unless the star guardians go the forgotten lost stars temple to learn the essence of stars which is the very source of their power.

Character Info:

Lost power:

Name: laveda
Age: 17
Gender: female
Looks: long golden hair, brown eyes, light tanned skin,
Lost power: to create force fields

Gender: male
Looks: short silveriness hair, blue eyes, tall, pale skin
Lost power: telekinesis
fallen rose
fallen rose

Posts : 8036
Join date : 2010-10-17
Age : 29

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star guardians Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:12 pm

Name: Isabel Jones
Age: 15
Gender: female
Looks: star guardians Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRbacwEnYPXkuq1tFHdr_tK5DZgYPI2CEXdoGxODigBxll4fIO91w
Lost power: the ability to weaken or strengthen others powers

Name: Jonathon Jones
Age: 18
Gender: male
Looks: star guardians Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSBbm8b7kWlQEA9WoTwHpR0D7hMkP5MSbzoiebuEdZ4ZJSMX5ENdA
Lost power: accelerated healing


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star guardians Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Mon Nov 14, 2011 9:08 pm

( sorry I been busy with school)

laveda: after falling from the sky after i was pretty much knock out I crawl out of my crate in this grassy area nearby a woods. i rub my head quickly before i went to look for the others knowing they would be knocked out from sky after I fell.

daniel: i look around the woods that i landed in after falling from the sky.i was dusting myself off after got on my feet while i wonder what exactly happen out there as i look up at the sky. i just remember being out there in the sky protecting the world then something hits me cause me to fall just after the other fell.
fallen rose
fallen rose

Posts : 8036
Join date : 2010-10-17
Age : 29

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star guardians Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Tue Nov 15, 2011 2:34 pm

Isabel - My brother and I fell right in the center of some green field. "Do you know what is going on?" I asked Jonathon.

Jonathon - "Not at all," he said rubbing his head in pain.


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star guardians Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Tue Nov 15, 2011 8:40 pm

Laveda: after walking for awhile I heard so voices up ahead. So I started walking faster toward those voices. Which I found out they were isabel's and jonathon's voices. " are you guys " I asked them as I got closer to them.
fallen rose
fallen rose

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Age : 29

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star guardians Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:31 am

Jonathon - I jumped up quickly, "Laveda?"

Isabel - I rolled my eyes at Jonathon, "Where is Daniel?"

Jonathon - I shot Isabel a hateful look, "Why do you care where Daniel is?" I hated how my sister would light up around Daniel. He was a bad influence on her.


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star guardians Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Wed Nov 16, 2011 4:53 pm

Laveda: I couldn't help myself from rolling my eyes at them before I said " I don't know where he is but he should some nearby. Also are you guys okay?"
fallen rose
fallen rose

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star guardians Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:37 pm

Isabel - "I'm fine," I said getting up and wiping myself off. "I'm going to look for Daniel."

Jonathon - "Like hell you are!" I said. "We're going to stay here with Laveda."


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star guardians Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:18 pm

Laveda: I sigh " how about this idea all of us go look for Daniel?" I ask them. I had a good feeling that isabel wasn't going to listen to jonathon and take off to find daniel. Which I don't want everyone be spilt apart still.
fallen rose
fallen rose

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Age : 29

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star guardians Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:29 pm

Isabel - "I'm okay with that," I said with a shrug. It wasn't that I minded my brother just that I minded his controlling nature.

Jonathon - "Fine, it seems reasonable enough," I said eyeing my sister with uneasiness.


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star guardians Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:34 pm

Laveda: I sigh one more time before i look around to try to figure which way we should start looking for Daniel. After deciding which we should go I said " follow me" then I headed off in the direction I choosed.
fallen rose
fallen rose

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star guardians Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:36 pm

Jonathon - I followed Laveda quickly, staying on her path. I was still nervous from the fall.

Isabel - I lingered slowly behind them, walking at a pace that I was comfortable with.


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star guardians Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:48 pm

Laveda: I spotted the edges of a woods that was nearby so I was hoping that Daniel in there. I also hoping that we find Daniel soon so we figure out eBay exactly happen us and why we fall.

Daniel: I end up choosing a bad path to go on which cause me to run into a hungry wolf who felt threated by me so it chased me up a tree. I sigh now as I look down at the wolf who just was waiting me to come down. I just hope someone would come by and help.
fallen rose
fallen rose

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Age : 29

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star guardians Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Thu Nov 17, 2011 7:06 am

Jonathon - I stayed right by Laveda, "Do you have any theories on what happened?" I asked.

Isabel - I left the path, not willing to follow Jonathon and Laveda. I saw Daniel up in a tree that was guarded by a wolf. "Daniel?" I hissed quietly


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star guardians Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Thu Nov 17, 2011 7:49 am

Laveda;" few theories but i'm not sure which sound more likely to happen" Isaid as I continue to walk without knowing Isabel spill off on her own.

Daniel: I heard my name being hissed and I look around until I spotted Isabel." hey Isabel how you doing?" i said so quietly and in a tone sound like that I got my problem all taken care of. But really I don't because I have no idea of what I'm going to do and I don't want Isabel to know that I need help even when it really clear that I needed help.
fallen rose
fallen rose

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Age : 29

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star guardians Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:42 pm

Jonathon - "Want to discuss them? Maybe if we work together we can figure this out," I asked. Mostly I just wanted to talk to her.

Isabel - "Oh my god," I said quietly, "what happened?"


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star guardians Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Thu Nov 17, 2011 7:27 pm

Laveda:" sure I have two ideas. One is that somehow we did something bad which that made spirits who made us guardians mad so they made fall. But I don't think that couldn't happen because none of us did something bad. So other idea sound more likely which is that some thing or some one evil has some big evil plans and we were in way. But jonathon the problem is that I don't know what or who is planing this" I said to him

Daniel:" well I took a wrong turn and end up meeting this wolf which chase me up this tree" I said quietly as the wolf still kept it's eyes on me
fallen rose
fallen rose

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star guardians Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Thu Nov 17, 2011 9:42 pm

Jonathon - "There are too many people in this world who want to do evil things," I said with a sad sigh.

Isabel - I laughed gently and walked out into the open, the wolf glancing at me then back at Daniel and growling at him lightly. "Oh, he's a cute little thing," I smiled and slowly walked closer.


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star guardians Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Thu Nov 17, 2011 9:47 pm

Laveda:" I know I can't figure out even a small list of people" I said a bit sad because I really want to know who is behind it.

Daniel:" don't get close to it Isabel" I hiss a bit as I watch her
fallen rose
fallen rose

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Age : 29

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star guardians Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:35 am

Jonathon - "It makes me so angry," I said, my blood boiling inside of me.

Isabel - I rolled my eyes at him, "Wimp."


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star guardians Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:56 am

Laveda:I nodd to him before I glance behind me for a moment. Which I realized Isabel wasn't behind us any more." jonathon where is your sister?" I asked him as I stop walking

Daniel:" I'm not a wimp! I just don't it to bite you like it almost bite my foot" I said as i watch the wolf
fallen rose
fallen rose

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star guardians Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:10 pm

Jonathon - I spun around and cursed out loud, "That little brat better be dead or pretty close to death because when I find her I swear to god!"

Isabel - I laughed, "It won't hurt me," I sat on the ground carefully and let the wolf slowly back up to me. It nuzzled against me gently as it glared at Daniel, "See, it likes me."


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star guardians Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:11 pm

Laveda:" calm down jonathon and let go find your sister" I told him before I headed back to see where she took off too.

Daniel;" how does that wolf like but hates me?" I ask as I try to get down but the wolf growled and hissed me
fallen rose
fallen rose

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star guardians Empty Re: star guardians

Post by Guest Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:07 am

Jonathon - I clenched my teeth together and breathed heavily, "If she's with him..."

Isabel - I laughed a little, petting the wolf, "Because I'm pure and gentle and your mean and manly."


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star guardians Empty Re: star guardians

Post by fallen rose Sat Nov 19, 2011 10:16 am

Laveda: " if she is so what jonathon you should know by now you can't stop her " I said after I heard him. Then up ahead I heard daniel's voice and I sigh knowing that we most likely found both Daniel and Isabel which is good that we have everyone togather.

Daniel:" can you tell your new wolf friend to let me get down without being bitten?" I ask as I try to get but that wolf is still growling at me
fallen rose
fallen rose

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star guardians Empty Re: star guardians

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