the Character Chat Revolution
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Heidlys Empty Heidlys

Post by Bells Mon Mar 03, 2014 4:07 pm

This was a chat that was a thing once. A lot of people liked it and one person seemed interested in reviving it, so here we go~

In 2063 is a world much different than ours. Humans have almost died off because of a disease brought in from a space exploration. It was called Heidlys after the only astronaut to live long enough after catching it in order to come home. He's the one who cursed us all. Its spread like wildfire, in only months it infected half of the states, then Europe, then further.

Those who survive Heidlys are lucky, well, that's how some people see it. The only way that you survive is to make a deal with the scientists because there is a cure. But its not safe. The cure has been known to create mutations in people, has even caused death. So it was outlawed in a year ago, the death rate higher than success. But the experiments haven't stopped. They've just gone underground.

The scientists are convinced they're in the right, trying to save the dying human race even if it means death on the way. The end justifies the means. Recently they've come to using more than just animals to test the new serums. People instead. There are two types of people who end up with the needle in thekr arm. One, those who are here by choice, they've discovered they have Heidlys and are willing to do anything to get rid of it.

Then there are the ones who are here by force. The orphans, runaways and criminals. Teenagers mostly, those who could disappear and not be noticed. They're injected with Heidlys, then stuck in a room for days to let it sink in. Away from the others they are then injected with a more dangerous, more experimental form of the cure. The side effects of this one....change the kids completely.

It mutates. Gives them powers unseen before in humans. If they survive.

It's been rumored that these teens are planning an escape. To get out and tell the world, what's left of it anyways, of what's going on. Perhaps these are just that. Rumors. But then...what if they're true. Will you join the rebellion?

How long they've been here:
Appearance :

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Heidlys Empty Re: Heidlys

Post by Momo13 Tue Mar 04, 2014 8:45 pm

Name: Kira
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality(optional): Grade A Bitch.
How long they've been here: 2 years.
Powers: Super speed/strength.
Appearance: Shoulder length black hair, wavy, her bangs falling into her green eyes. Her skin is a sickly pale-grey color. She has little color to her cheeks, and looks like death, all the time. She stands at 4'9.5" and has a flat chest. She kinda looks like a scene boy at the age of 13. She wear black clothing, usually a t-shirt with cargo pants and a jacket thrown over top.

(not her entire description, but im lazzzzyyy. and this isnt kira-kira, an altered kira because lazy.)

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Heidlys Empty Re: Heidlys

Post by Bells Tue Mar 04, 2014 8:57 pm

Name: Shilo
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: TBD
How long they've been here: She's been here since these types of experiments began. To be exact since she was nine.
Powers: Her mutation has taken the form of her being able to make a kind of energy. She can make her body glow a white light. The scientists believe that there are things she still hasn't discoved that she can do, but the energy mostly takes the form of pure balls of light she can make in her hands.
Bio: Her and her brother were the firsts to be introduced to this kind of the cure. Her brother died, she almost did.
Appearance :

Name: Dante
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: TBD
How long they've been here: He's been here two months. Just enough for his mutation to have formed.
Powers: Magnetism manipulation, like Magneto in Xmen.
Bio: TBD
Appearance :.

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Heidlys Empty Re: Heidlys

Post by Bells Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:55 pm


It was pretty much a usual day for me. Meaning, after being visited by the doctors in the morning, I waited until I was sure that they had enough time to be completely done with their rounds in my hall, before I stepped over to the door and peeked out. Seeing no one in the bright hallway, I stepped out and started my own rounds.

There were too many children around here. I couldn't help it when I did things like this. When you had to sit there listening to children cry all morning and night, you began to feel the urge to do things like this. Or... at least I did.

It took quite some time, but I eventually made it to the end of the hall. All of the children I'd visited had managed to calm down, and I'd also checked on a few of the older kids as well. Basically, I didn't skip a room unless there was no one inside, leaving this last room the only one that I hadn't stepped into this morning.

"Hey, how are you doing?" I asked as I stepped inside.


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Heidlys Empty Re: Heidlys

Post by Momo13 Wed Mar 05, 2014 9:07 pm


It took way too much energy for kira to lift her head up and look over at Shilo. Heavy drugs coursed through her systems. The doctors way of keeping her sedated. To keep her from lashing out.

"Peachy," She responded with a gruff voice, hair covering her eyes. Her lips were pulled into a tight frown and her jaw was clenched. She could barely sit up without getting light headed these days. So she spent most of her time laying down.

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Heidlys Empty Re: Heidlys

Post by Bells Wed Mar 05, 2014 9:53 pm


I studied her for a moment before walking further into the room.

"What did the doctors say?" I asked, curious. It was best to know the state of those around here, I felt sort of responsible for them after all this time. I mean, I'd seen most of them arrive. "What's your body's state?"

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Heidlys Empty Re: Heidlys

Post by Momo13 Wed Mar 05, 2014 9:57 pm


"Alotta real big words. Somethin' about everything moving too fast and they need to slow me down. Their fuckin' fault im like this." Kira groaned and pulled herself up into a sitting position. "Everything feels like hell right now." Forming sentences was a task, that while on the heavy doses of medication, seemed harder than it should.

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Heidlys Empty Re: Heidlys

Post by Bells Wed Mar 05, 2014 10:04 pm


When Kira pulled herself up, I hesitated, then raised one of my hands. It took no concentration at all to develop a ball of light above the center of my palm to create a better light source in the room then the low set lamps.

"Do you need help?" I asked, then paused and continued. "And it is completely their fault... it'd be nice if they took that into consideration instead of drugging you."

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Heidlys Empty Re: Heidlys

Post by Momo13 Wed Mar 05, 2014 10:08 pm

"I cant feel my hands." Kira grumbled, looking down at her lap. Her head felt like it was swimming in a sticky mess of syrup mixed with water. "Do you honestly think those assholes would consider anything about us?" A low growl left the small girl.

With how her hands sat in her lap, fresh scabs could be seen. Another reason she was drugged more heavily, to stop her attempts.

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Heidlys Empty Re: Heidlys

Post by Bells Wed Mar 05, 2014 10:20 pm


I studied her hands for a moment before moving my free hand so that it was in the air above hers. Concentrating, I did the one trick that I'd managed to hide from the scientists, a soft glow emitting from my palm as I did. As long as they didn't do anything strange, I could heal the simple wounds.

"I've been thinking," I murmured softly. "If I... well... worked on this. Maybe I'd be able to clean your system."

I didn't say anything more. The unspoken idea was one that I hadn't been able to bring myself to voice. The idea that I'd heard one of the other older kids, Dante, mention on several occasions. The same one that put him in isolation cells for weeks on end sometimes.


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Heidlys Empty Re: Heidlys

Post by Momo13 Wed Mar 05, 2014 10:29 pm


"Yeah, get it clean so they can just muck it up again." Kira scoffed, watching as Shilo healed her arms. "How are the others?" How many were even left? People didn't survive here long. It was a miracle Kira had gotten though two years, even with all her attempts.

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Heidlys Empty Re: Heidlys

Post by Bells Wed Mar 05, 2014 10:34 pm


"They're alright," I muttered, running through the list in my mind. It was common knowledge that I knew practically everyone here. "Dante is supposed to get released from his latest confinement sometime today. The few kids that are here right now... well, they're scared, but you can't do anything about that. I also haven't just seen anything strange from them just yet, but I figure it's only a matter of time."
I paused, running over the rest of the list in my mind.
"There are a few other older people that are still here," I said, then paused once again before continuing. "I heard that Tucker disappeared from his room. I haven't gone to check, but.... well, he wasn't doing well so I don't doubt what I heard."
It made me think even more on those words. Escape. Freedom.

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Heidlys Empty Re: Heidlys

Post by Momo13 Wed Mar 05, 2014 10:39 pm

"Fuckin' idiot. If he is gonna plan he can't keep getting locked up for it." Everyone knew about Dante's plans. All it ever did was get him in trouble. Quite a bit over the past few months from what Kira could recall.

She put her feet on the ground next to her bed and slowly pushed herself into a standing position. She was shakey at first, but got her footing soon enough.

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Heidlys Empty Re: Heidlys

Post by Bells Wed Mar 05, 2014 10:44 pm


I gave her a wry smile and nodded.
"You're right," I replied.
Honestly, it concerned me. I wasn't sure how long they would put up with his trouble before they did something about him besides confinement. It wasn't like he wasn't replaceable and he hadn't really been here for that long.
"Are you wanting to go somewhere?" I asked her, focusing my attention. "I'll help you."

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Heidlys Empty Re: Heidlys

Post by Momo13 Thu Mar 06, 2014 3:53 pm


Kira looked over at Shilo and sighed. "I can walk on my own." She tried her hardest to not growl, but she couldnt keep the words from coming off in her usual harsh tone.
She looked away from Shilo again and put her hand out against a wall, to help stabilize her as she walked to her door.

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Heidlys Empty Re: Heidlys

Post by Bells Thu Mar 06, 2014 8:32 pm


I hesitated, but managed to resist the urge to step forward and help her. Instead I only watched as she walked to the door. However, I made sure I was close enough that if she fell I could catch her.
"Where are you heading?"

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Heidlys Empty Re: Heidlys

Post by Momo13 Thu Mar 06, 2014 9:00 pm


She only shrugged, making her way to the door with slow, thought out steps. Or, somewhat thought out. Her mind was still muddled from the drugs and the walls hadn't stopped moving yet.

"Not sure."

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Heidlys Empty Re: Heidlys

Post by Bells Thu Mar 06, 2014 9:40 pm


I hesitated, then simply nodded and followed her. It wasn't like I had anything better to do now that I'd finished my rounds.


"Get out there," the staff member ordered, shoving me from the hall into the rec room. "And let's try not doing the same thing a day from now, alright?"
"Fuck you, too," I grumbled in response.
The staff member paused, almost looking like they were going to say something in response. A moment later, however, they clenched their hands by their side and stepped back into the hall, slamming the door behind them.
"Chicken," I mumbled to myself before walking over and tossing myself down on a couch. "Scared of a little teenage boy. Honestly pathetic."

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Heidlys Empty Re: Heidlys

Post by Momo13 Thu Mar 06, 2014 9:56 pm


She finally made it to the door and pulled it open with some force and leaned against the door jam once it was open. "Once these fuckin' drugs wear of, im just going to keep running around this place so they can' catch me again. Fuckin'.....could the world just STOP SPINNING?" She growled through her teeth and she gripped onto the wooden door frame. She really just needed to get out of her room. staying cooped up was killing her.

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Heidlys Empty Re: Heidlys

Post by Bells Fri Mar 07, 2014 6:33 pm


Hesitantly, I stepped over to her and offered my arm.
"Honestly, you don't have to do everything on your own," I commented, half expecting to get yelled at for my offer. "If you are having so many troubles walking but still want to go out, you're going to have a lot less trouble if you just take the help offered to you."

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Heidlys Empty Re: Heidlys

Post by Momo13 Fri Mar 07, 2014 6:46 pm


The short girl growled at her offer and shook her head. She restrained from saying something offensive and instead continued out of the room, her right hand staying on the wall as she took slow steps.

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Heidlys Empty Re: Heidlys

Post by Bells Fri Mar 07, 2014 6:52 pm


Sighing, I simply followed her in case she fell. I hadn't really expected her to take the offer. As we walked, I once again formed the ball of light in my hand, sort of playing with it. I figured that if we ever did put anymore thought into escaping this place, the powers would have to be used to help us. Which meant that I'd need to be able to control them. With this in mind I played with the light in my free time.

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Heidlys Empty Re: Heidlys

Post by Momo13 Fri Mar 07, 2014 8:49 pm


She continued down the hall, careful of her steps. Part of her wished she put on shoes before leaving, but she would just have to deal without them for now. After away she made her way to the rec room, and saw dante sitting on one of the couches. A frown pulled at her lips and she glared at him.

"Why are you so stupid?"

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Heidlys Empty Re: Heidlys

Post by Bells Sun Mar 09, 2014 1:02 pm


Hearing another voice in the room, I leaned my head back on the couch, giving the speaker, Kira, a lazy smirk.
"Me? Stupid? Where the hell did you get that idea?" I questioned, then let my eyes shut as if it exhausted me to just look at her. "I'm the smartest person you'll ever meet."

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Heidlys Empty Re: Heidlys

Post by Momo13 Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:01 pm


"If you were half way smart you wouldn' go talkin' 'bout plans to get out of here." Kira pointed out, walking over to an empty chair, but losing her footing about three steps into her journey away from the way. She crashed to the ground and just stayed there, fists clenched. Her knees would probably be bruised tomorrow, from her wonderful fall. Just what she needed, another injury.

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Heidlys Empty Re: Heidlys

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