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Sue Me

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Sue Me - Page 2 Empty Re: Sue Me

Post by Echo Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:35 pm


"I get that you're completely full of yourself!" I say, trying to hold back another giggle. Really, does this guy understand sarcasm?
Winter Dragon

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Sue Me - Page 2 Empty Re: Sue Me

Post by Bells Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:42 pm


This time my ears perked up as well.
"Is that a bad thing?" I asked. "I've heard that quite often, but I don't believe anyone's ever laughed while saying it."

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Sue Me - Page 2 Empty Re: Sue Me

Post by Echo Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:48 pm


"You know what," I start, "why don't you just leave me alone? Talk to somebody else who isn't annoying or a rainbow-haired weirdo."
Winter Dragon

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Sue Me - Page 2 Empty Re: Sue Me

Post by Bells Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:06 pm


I scowled and my tail stopped moving.
"I don't want to," I informed her. "Deal with it. I only do what I want."

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Sue Me - Page 2 Empty Re: Sue Me

Post by Echo Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:25 pm


I roll my eyes, which probably fills them with waves of sparkling color and makes me look even more like a freak. I finally decide to just ignore him completely. I keep walking (again), hoping I can find my way to the girls' dorms.
Winter Dragon

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Age : 29

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Sue Me - Page 2 Empty Re: Sue Me

Post by Regret Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:48 am


I stepped out of the taxi, which was the only thing I could afford, sexily and dreamily. My heels clicked on the ground like someone clicking as I walked into the school, my hips swinging sexily. Ugh. All these people looked cool and distinctive, but my cat ears and demon tail marked me as a freak, a mutant, and no one could ever love me, even though I'm so beautiful.

I blew a smoke ring from my cigarette. I smoke them even though I can't get addicted because of my demon heritage, but I can't get ill from them either because I'm half angel. I dragged my giant suitcase behind me on its wheels. It was really heavy with all my clothes and music, but I'm really super strong, so it wasn't a problem.

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Join date : 2011-02-22
Age : 31
Location : The Land of Tea and Rain

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Sue Me - Page 2 Empty Re: Sue Me

Post by Echo Fri Jul 04, 2014 11:15 am


I stop walking and look around, hoping to find a sign or something. Instead, I see a girl who looks very gothic, dark, and edgy. She has animal ears, too, and even wings. She's also really pretty--far more pretty than I am. I bet she'll get all the boys with her amazing looks and alternative lifestyle. I look away shortly after seeing her so it doesn't seem like I'm staring.
Winter Dragon

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Age : 29

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Sue Me - Page 2 Empty Re: Sue Me

Post by Regret Fri Jul 04, 2014 11:27 am


This really preppy girl turned round and noticed me, so I immediately noticed her. She was pretty hot and had cool hair and stuff. I wanted to have sex with her like immediately because I'm bi, despite the fact it doesn't mention that in my bio. It's a character trait I keep forgetting about and get disgusted when people suggest I am.
"Hey," I said nervously, because even though I'm hot and confident I am nervous and traumatised by my dark past.

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Sue Me - Page 2 Empty Re: Sue Me

Post by Echo Fri Jul 04, 2014 11:35 am


She's talking to me? I hadn't thought anyone as dark and edgy as that would ever want to talk to me.

"Hi," I say back shyly. "What's your name?"
Winter Dragon

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Sue Me - Page 2 Empty Re: Sue Me

Post by Regret Fri Jul 04, 2014 11:40 am


"Raven Andromyda Tragydy Yndya Byakhee Lox," I said. "But you can call me Raven."
I tossed my amazing hair tragically. "What's yours?"

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Sue Me - Page 2 Empty Re: Sue Me

Post by Echo Fri Jul 04, 2014 11:44 am


"Cassiopeia Athena Concordia Araminta Persephone Smith," I answer. It's such a unique name, and has always been just another reason why I don't fit in with others. Not that this would actually stop me from giving my full name when asked, despite my desire to appear normal. "But I just go by Cassie for short."
Winter Dragon

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Sue Me - Page 2 Empty Re: Sue Me

Post by Regret Fri Jul 04, 2014 11:53 am


"That's a pretty cool name," I said, even though I was super jealous because her name had less Ys and was so pretty. I really wished I was pretty and happy like her. There was no way she could know the pain of my past.

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Sue Me - Page 2 Empty Re: Sue Me

Post by Echo Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:03 pm


"Thanks," I say with a smile. "I like yours, too." Hers had sounded as cool and edgy as she looked.
Winter Dragon

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Age : 29

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Sue Me - Page 2 Empty Re: Sue Me

Post by Regret Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:23 pm


"Everyone says that," I said, trying to hide the fact that I knew she was just saying that.

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Sue Me - Page 2 Empty Re: Sue Me

Post by Echo Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:25 pm


"I mean it, though," I tell her friendlyly. "I think it sounds neat."
Winter Dragon

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Age : 29

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Sue Me - Page 2 Empty Re: Sue Me

Post by sparksbet Fri Jul 04, 2014 1:08 pm


The sun beats down upon the windswept plain before me, as I stare inscrutably off into the distance at the monolithic heap of stone that will soon be my place of dwelling. Not a home - I have not had a home since I was gracelessly expelled from my mother's war-torn womb - but a place to lie my weary head for a few more endless cycles of this painfilled earth.
I sheath 敵の刈り取り behind my back, knowing its prowess will certainly strike fear into the hearts of the mere mortals who await me. I do not wish to drive them out of their minds with terror. Yet.
"私にこのような奇妙な生き物、スピリッツの中で力と知恵を付与します," I whisper, trying to bolster my spirits. It has been so long since I have tried to walk among the mortals as one of them, so long since I have tried to touch another life without causing it to cease before my eyes.
I stride towards the behemothic erection before me, staring up at its peaked towers which nearly pierce the heavens. How can such a simple ediface cast such doubt into my soul now? I do not know.
A throng seems to have gathered before the ingress of the construction, two girls of exceptional beauty among them, one at least winged. I do not approach them, though I feel the call within me that beckons toward their youthful souls. They have long ahead of them. I can see that. Yet still before me they are as fleeting mayflies, and I cannot bring myself to speak as I lurk in the shadow of the archway.

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Sue Me - Page 2 Empty Re: Sue Me

Post by Echo Fri Jul 04, 2014 4:18 pm


My iridescent, sparkling orbs briefly glance in another direction, where I see a very intimidating boy with a giant sword. His hair is black as the deepest shadows of the night, and his soulful, piercing eyes look like they could go right through me. I look away, feeling a shiver go down my spine. He is very scary.
Winter Dragon

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Join date : 2011-01-31
Age : 29

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Sue Me - Page 2 Empty Re: Sue Me

Post by sparksbet Sat Jul 05, 2014 12:14 am


I feel two shimmering rondures rest upon me, even for mere moments, and the tempo of my heart fluctuates. It has been ages, millenia, since a mortal being looked upon me without tasting the death and sting of my blade soon afterwards. I hope she will be luckier.
I turn my gaze to her in turn, focusing all my ocular energy upon her being. "Why do you look upon me, mortal?" I ask. My voice booms with an intimidating aura that I have not yet learned to banish from myself.

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Sue Me - Page 2 Empty Re: Sue Me

Post by Echo Sat Jul 05, 2014 12:21 am


His voice is hauntingly frightening and I'm super intimidated now. I shrink inwardly scardly and try to answer him, but my voice comes out soft. "Uh, I just happened to glance in your direction..."
Winter Dragon

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Sue Me - Page 2 Empty Re: Sue Me

Post by Regret Wed Jul 09, 2014 3:45 pm


I glared at him in a sultry way. I knew he would fall for me, but I didn't care. "I'm not afraid of you," I said.

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Sue Me - Page 2 Empty Re: Sue Me

Post by sparksbet Fri Jul 11, 2014 10:27 pm


I raise an eyebrow at the maiden's brazen response. "乙女, you must be brave to speak to one such as me in that way." I sharpen my gaze upon her. "Brave... or foolish." Fear is the natural response of mortals to my fearsome figure. It is the sane response for these maidens.

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Sue Me - Page 2 Empty Re: Sue Me

Post by Regret Mon Jul 14, 2014 4:45 pm


"Everyone thinks I'm a fool," I said. "But they've got loads to learn." I took a drag on my cigarette and blew a smoke-ring at him.

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Sue Me - Page 2 Empty Re: Sue Me

Post by Banshee Mon Jul 21, 2014 5:47 pm

Name: Ebony Onyx
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Species: Half Vampire
Apperance: She has long, sleek, raven black hair that's always well kept, amethyst colored eyes, and ruby red lips. She's about 5'4 in height and has a slim figure. Her skin is practically the color of snow. If she'd wasn't forced to wear the horrible uniform, she'd be wearing something to her taste, probably more gothic. Though she has made the uniform her own, she carries a dainty black lace umbrella and sports black sunglasses. She also wears a strange unique amulet. The stone is the color of blood. Also, she has a mark of a crescent moon on her right shoulder blade.
Power(s): Super strength, super speed, super hearing, hypnotically charismatic. Also she's quite gifted with weapons, as her dad was a hunter.
Tragic Backstory: She was adopted at three years old by the hunter who killed her parents, but could not kill the child. He raised her as his own but kept her in the dark and hid her away. So to be short, she has daddy issues. She's secretly the daughter of the late Dracula, and the rightful heir to the vampire throne.
Other: Did I mention that while in hiding, she somehow manages to have the voice of a trained singer? (Classical is her favorite because Ugh she was born in the wrong century!!!)

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Location : Hogwarts

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Sue Me - Page 2 Empty Re: Sue Me

Post by Bells Sat Nov 22, 2014 11:05 pm


After I'd settled into my room, not bothering to wait for my roommate, I headed in search of the dinning hall. Who cared what person I ended up with? They would love me no matter what. If they didn't, then there was something wrong with them and I could always demand a change. The headmaster would have to listen to me, my parents were rich.

After searching aimlessly, I lit another cigarette and stood around until I saw people going somewhere. They seemed disgusted by the smoke, so I continued smoking it. Eventually we reached the dinning-hall and I searched for a place to sit.

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Sue Me - Page 2 Empty Re: Sue Me

Post by Echo Fri Oct 28, 2016 1:41 pm



I make it to my room (even though I had no idea where I was going, I found it anyway!) and release a sigh. That boy from before was the scariest person I've ever seen, ever.

An image flashes in my mind. Red and orange like fire, and dark shapes moving.

I shiver. What was that! That happens to me sometimes, but I never know why and I've never bothered to ask, because it's never come up. Oh well.

My roommate isn't here yet, so I choose the bed near the window. I hope she doesn't mind. I don't know what I would do if we started fighting! In that case, maybe I shouldn't unpack just yet... I'll sort it out later. Once I've set my things down, I head for the door again. I'm really hungry, so I guess it's time to go to the dining hall.

I walk to the dining hall, despite having no idea where it is and never consulting a map. I look around shyly. There are so many people here! And I'm sure none of them want to sit with me. Why would anyone want to sit with such a freak?
Winter Dragon

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