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Gay or European?

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Gay or European?  Empty Gay or European?

Post by Invisimort Thu Jul 03, 2014 7:42 pm

Jacky and I are gonna be using this to explore Cricket's sexuality through the magic of friendship and by way of doing what we do best... chucking people into situations with each other and seeing what happens. Mr.Face is probably gonna make a few cameos because he's Mr.Face and lets face it that's what he does. 

Anyway, on with the show.

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Gay or European?  Empty Re: Gay or European?

Post by Jacky K. Thu Jul 03, 2014 7:46 pm

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Gay or European?  Empty Re: Gay or European?

Post by Invisimort Thu Jul 03, 2014 8:34 pm


I looked around at the place we'd just dived into and realized that this was my house. ...We'd just come out of my closet. That was probably phrased badly. My room was kind of a catastrophe of clothes, DVDs, and books, all faintly covered in cat hair at the moment. A few posters of cute guys from bands papered the walls. Pretty much everyone had a shirt on though, I didn't want my mom asking me weird questions. 

"...oh, so uh, I guess... I guess we're here." I said, wondering if there was any possible way to clean the place up a little before he got too good a look at it. Probably not, it was kinda... grody to say the least.

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Gay or European?  Empty Re: Gay or European?

Post by Jacky K. Thu Jul 03, 2014 8:45 pm


I took a small moment to lean against whatever door we'd just slammed shut and bask in the glory of the fact that we'd escaped alive. ...Perhaps I worried too much, but honestly, how many times had I been in the same room as Mr. Face and walked away unhurt? I think it was perhaps one time, now two. Two times out of so many I'd lost track. Oi my my.

Eddie said something obvious and I realized that he didn't seem to be feeling the same thankful relief. For the first time, I looked around the room.
A bed.

Some books.

Small plastic-looking cases.

How the hell would one person need all of those clothes.

Oi my my, and the structure of the room seemed completely intact and on top of that, well lit. The guy must be a small bit rich. "..Aye, I suppose we are." I lifted away from the door and walked a bit further into the place, running a hand through my hair. "..I suppose since I made you 'elp me back at my place I ought t' return th' favor, you said you were supposed t' clean this place up?" It's not as if I had anywhere to go anyhow. I wasn't going back in that chatbox for a while yet.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Gay or European?  Empty Re: Gay or European?

Post by Invisimort Thu Jul 03, 2014 8:50 pm


"Yeah, my mom wants me to get all the shit off my floor and make it look like someone who isn't some kinda hoarder lives here." I said with a nod, surveying the piles of ridiculousness around me. So many clothes, so much cat hair. "Well, I mean you don't have to if you don't want... I did accidentally send us swimming instead of cleaning... but... I mean..." I tried not to go a bit pink as I spoke. He was so nice, even though I dumped water all over him earlier because reasons. 

I spotted a pair of boxers hanging off my TV and hastily waded over there to chuck them on the floor so maybe he wouldn't see them because that was gonna be superawkward otherwise.

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Gay or European?  Empty Re: Gay or European?

Post by Jacky K. Thu Jul 03, 2014 8:56 pm


"Nah it's a'right, mate, I don't 'ave much else t' do t'day. You might need t' 'elp me figure out where all o' this goes, though, oi my my... you 'ave a lot o' things." So many things it was difficult to avoid stepping on them. Oi my my. Aye, he was rich.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Gay or European?  Empty Re: Gay or European?

Post by Invisimort Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:05 pm


"Oh, yeah, my grandma buys me a lot of stuff to wear cos she says I wear the same three shirts every time I see her..." I said somewhat disappointed about it. I kinda didn't like having so many clothes, it was like... stifling.

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Gay or European?  Empty Re: Gay or European?

Post by Jacky K. Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:14 pm


"Hah.. that's a bad thing?" I raised an eyebrow at him. Three shirts was apparently not enough in this place. Huh. "Not that there's anything at all wrong with 'aving a lot o' clothes honestly that's a thing that a lot o' people strive for actually, but I suppose it never occured t' me that it's a thing anyone every actually achieved. ..But then 'ell, I'm just a street kid, aye? I've been wearing th' same alternating set o' clothes for.. no clue, what do I know." I shrugged and picked up a book with words in it that I couldn't read. "Where's this go?"
Jacky K.
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Gay or European?  Empty Re: Gay or European?

Post by Invisimort Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:27 pm


I squinted at the book in his hands. Harry Potter. "Uhhh, it goes on that bookshelf with the uh... hold on." I had to go over and pull some of my school supplies and assorted papers and crap off of the bookshelf I kept most of my books on. So now there was space for books but nowhere to put my school supplies. "and yeah, like, 3 shirts would be good for me, but my grandmother is all like: 'you need to look handsome if you wanna bring me a grandaughterinlaw'!!" I rolled my eyes, dropping the fake old lady voice. She didn't know I was into dudes, she'd rip my face off I was sure of it.

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Gay or European?  Empty Re: Gay or European?

Post by Jacky K. Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:35 pm


I stepped over more floor-littered things and slid the book onto the now-open shelf space. "Th' last time I checked, level of 'andsomeness is not directly related t' th' amount of shirts someone owns. I assume. I could be wrong, but that would mean th' universe owes me a few more shirts." Of course I wasn't serious about that, though. The entire five feet of me wasn't much to look at.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Gay or European?  Empty Re: Gay or European?

Post by Invisimort Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:40 pm


"...I dunno, you're doing pretty good with however many shirts you own currently..." I mentioned absentmindedly and then realized how that sounded. He wasn't interested. I knew that. There was no reason to comment on how handsome he was and now this was weird. 

I paused and like, put something somewhere for a minute. "My grandma's really old fashioned and thinks if you dress real nice it means you're handsome." I added hastily hoping that would...somehow...divert from my accidental flirt.

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Gay or European?  Empty Re: Gay or European?

Post by Jacky K. Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:05 pm


..I felt myself blush a tad but buried any evidence by stooping to pick up more books, effectively hiding my face. I didn't want to make the awkward worse by making it too obvious that statements such as the statement he'd just stated made me cringe, not because I had anything at all against him or the like, but simply because... I'm not sure. Perhaps it would be different if he were a girl, but he wasn't, and somehow I didn't quite enjoy the thought that I was being looked at. He hadn't insulted me, though, so why would I dislike it? ...But I disliked it and I hid my face.

And I didn't understand it, how he didn't think of me as the more-or-less ugly that most people from Luna seemed to categorize me as, and how he'd said that one time that he liked my eyes, which he was never supposed to see anyhow. It felt like an intrusion.

"...Ah, well... that's a bit silly, isn't it."
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Gay or European?  Empty Re: Gay or European?

Post by Invisimort Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:09 pm


I think he was hiding from me but it was hard to tell, because if he was he was hiding by cleaning my room, so... It wasn't like I could really... call him out on it or anything. 

"It really is. Like, I look like a hobo most days, and a nice pair of slacks isn't going to change that." I agreed, just to give us something to talk about, since he was nice enough to provide a springboard away from the awkward flirtcompliment I'd just sorta... thrown out onto the table like that. I felt like an idiot. Again.

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Gay or European?  Empty Re: Gay or European?

Post by Jacky K. Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:26 pm


The somewhat embarrassed feeling remained, but we continued trying to bat it away with casual conversation. "Hah. Aye, clothes don't do much except put up a facade, so I may as well be honest and walk around in these." My shirt was so worn-down I could almost see through it in spots if I really looked, but it felt like home. "It feels nicer t' wear than new clothes, too. Honesty and comfort, that's th' way t' go."
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Gay or European?  Empty Re: Gay or European?

Post by Invisimort Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:35 pm


"Yep, exactly. But no, my grandma would rather I'm uncomfortable and lying, and like, I still look the way I do nomatter what you stick me in, so its really... ...I dunno it's kind of not even an effective lie, you know?" I asked him, throwing some laundry towards my bedroom door so I'd just be able to roll it outside and into the washing machine.

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Gay or European?  Empty Re: Gay or European?

Post by Jacky K. Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:40 pm


"Aye, I suppose so." I was tempted to ask what his grandmother was doing around, anyway, but decided against it. I don't think I'd ever met anyone old enough to be a grandmother. Was that normal? "Well, you 'ave th' clothes, but that doesn't mean you 'ave t' wear 'em, aye?"
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Gay or European?  Empty Re: Gay or European?

Post by Invisimort Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:44 pm


"Well kinda, sometimes its the only stuff clean, and I'd just wear the same pants five days in a row but like my mom tells me that's gross..." I shrugged. As long as they didn't smell bad I didn't see a problem with it really, like, it wasn't like I threw up in every pair of jeans I owned every time I wore them or something...

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Gay or European?  Empty Re: Gay or European?

Post by Jacky K. Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:38 pm


I shrugged. "Ehhh so long as they don't smell bad I don't see what's so disgusting about that. You 'ave silly relatives, mate."
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Gay or European?  Empty Re: Gay or European?

Post by Invisimort Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:51 pm


"Right? Its all super weird." I agreed. "Like, if I looked too nice they'd think that was weird too."

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Gay or European?  Empty Re: Gay or European?

Post by Jacky K. Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:11 am


"Aye?" I glanced at him, finally. "What, do they simply tell you what t' do, all th' time, no matter what, or is it just with clothes? Because that's strange."
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Jacky K.

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Gay or European?  Empty Re: Gay or European?

Post by Invisimort Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:14 am


"Sort of all the time, because I'm not 18 yet, but like, clothes are a lot of it. Clothes and school, really." I said, picking up some more laundry and chucking it at my door.

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Gay or European?  Empty Re: Gay or European?

Post by Jacky K. Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:16 am


I paused and thought a moment. And whistled something to myself. "...What's school like, any'ow?" I was honestly curious about that one, school.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Gay or European?  Empty Re: Gay or European?

Post by Invisimort Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:21 am


"It's... it's okay, I mentioned the food and the reading the other day I think. I hate math though, and like, sometimes our science teacher sets gummi bears on fire, so that's cool... a lot of the rest of it is boring though. You aren't missing much." I told him. I wondered why he did the whistling thing so often, it was another thing my grandma didn't like me doing when I was little, said it was rude. ...I wasn't much a fan of my grandma.

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Gay or European?  Empty Re: Gay or European?

Post by Jacky K. Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:26 am


"Ahhh, aye, a'right. Good t' know I'm not missing much, then, I've always thought th' idea of school was a strange one-- wait a moment, what's a gummi bear?" He'd mentioned it so casually that I hadn't caught it at first, but if I'd heard correctly it sounded like his school set animals on fire for science, or something of the sort. ..It sounded dangerous or perhaps a bit cruel, but then, perhaps it was some sort of meat delicacy or the like, I'd never heard of it.
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Jacky K.

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Gay or European?  Empty Re: Gay or European?

Post by Invisimort Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:28 am


"...You don't know what a gummi bear is?" I asked incredulously. How could he not know... like... it was a staple of childhood. I wondered idly if we had any downstairs from halloween yet...

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