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All I want is to mess around.

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All I want is to mess around. - Page 2 Empty Re: All I want is to mess around.

Post by LinakeNoelani Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:59 pm

For Endellion~

Full Name: Zach J. Futrell
Grade: Junior
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Apperance: (Whatever you want him to look like.)
Personallity: Crazy, spuratic, unpredictable
Other: None (because I'm too lazy to think of anything right now Razz)

Posts : 2134
Join date : 2010-12-14
Location : The place where heartbroken people everywhere are getting a little bit stronger. (:

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All I want is to mess around. - Page 2 Empty Re: All I want is to mess around.

Post by LinakeNoelani Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:00 pm

Jake- i chuckle. "Well were are you trying to go? I'll help you, if you'd like."

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Location : The place where heartbroken people everywhere are getting a little bit stronger. (:

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All I want is to mess around. - Page 2 Empty Re: All I want is to mess around.

Post by Guest Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:02 pm

Victoria: "For now, I was just trying to explore. But now I'm lost." I sighed. "Can you help me get too..." I pulled out the paper with my schedule and dorm room number on it. "Dorm C29?" I asked after scanning the page.


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All I want is to mess around. - Page 2 Empty Re: All I want is to mess around.

Post by Avery Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:03 pm

Quinn: "Your's is what?" i asked.

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All I want is to mess around. - Page 2 Empty Re: All I want is to mess around.

Post by LinakeNoelani Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:16 pm

Sorry. I had to do some stuff.

Jake- I rack my brain to figure out what building it was in and find it. "Uh, yeah sure. I can get you there."

Alex- "Mine is impounded. My parents killed it the day before they sent me here in order to garuntee that I wouldn't be able to return home." I frown, "I miss my baby. My big old Hummer baby."

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Location : The place where heartbroken people everywhere are getting a little bit stronger. (:

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All I want is to mess around. - Page 2 Empty Re: All I want is to mess around.

Post by Guest Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:18 pm

After a while, I wandered out of my room after changing into a clean cotton t-shirt and jeans. Then I saw Zach, and sighed heavily. For some reason, I was never really a fan


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All I want is to mess around. - Page 2 Empty Re: All I want is to mess around.

Post by LinakeNoelani Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:20 pm

Zach- "Well hello there, Elli. Haven't seen you around lately," She looks so fragile and vulnerable which makes me just want to take care of her, I would never let her or anyone else know that though, I have a reputation. "How's life?"

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Location : The place where heartbroken people everywhere are getting a little bit stronger. (:

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All I want is to mess around. - Page 2 Empty Re: All I want is to mess around.

Post by Guest Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:23 pm

"Fine" I muttered, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear and then absentmindedly traced the tattoo on my arm "What about you?"


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All I want is to mess around. - Page 2 Empty Re: All I want is to mess around.

Post by LinakeNoelani Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:25 pm

Zach- "Eh, okay I guess. You know I heard some guys talking, and they were saying how much they missed your little paintball wars and how fun fun you used to be," I watch her trace the tatoo, not really sure what it is.

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Location : The place where heartbroken people everywhere are getting a little bit stronger. (:

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All I want is to mess around. - Page 2 Empty Re: All I want is to mess around.

Post by Guest Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:28 pm

I fixed him with an icy glare, even now I knew those had impact. I stopped tracing the long dragon, the silver color of my eyes, that was wrapped around my arm and stalked off, irritated


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All I want is to mess around. - Page 2 Empty Re: All I want is to mess around.

Post by Avery Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:29 pm

Quinn: I frowned. "Well, youcount on me for rides. I don't mind towing a pretty girl around," I smirked, still looking forward.

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All I want is to mess around. - Page 2 Empty Re: All I want is to mess around.

Post by LinakeNoelani Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:30 pm

Zach- "Hey! I wasn't trying to offend you I swear!" I call after her.

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Location : The place where heartbroken people everywhere are getting a little bit stronger. (:

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All I want is to mess around. - Page 2 Empty Re: All I want is to mess around.

Post by LinakeNoelani Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:34 pm

Alex- I smile and blush just a little, trying to hold in my really geeky sounding nervous laugh. Most of the guys I hung out with hit on me but they were so... annoying when they did it. This was different. "Well, thanks. Getting rides from a really cute guy is always great." Saying that out loud makes the blush a little brighter. Did I really just say that??

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Location : The place where heartbroken people everywhere are getting a little bit stronger. (:

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All I want is to mess around. - Page 2 Empty Re: All I want is to mess around.

Post by Guest Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:35 pm

I turn around, my grey eyes full of emotion -anger, in fact- for the first time in too long "I know what people want me to be, okay Zach? Don't you get it? If I could be that person again I would, but I'm so bloody tired of people telling me how much they miss the 'old' me, and how I should just brighten up so I can be 'fun' again" Then I run off


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All I want is to mess around. - Page 2 Empty Re: All I want is to mess around.

Post by LinakeNoelani Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:37 pm

Zach- "Shit. How do I always say the wrong things?" i ask myself before running after her. Elli isn't like the other annoying wanna-be-punk girls at our school- she's different, and I have to fix this.

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Location : The place where heartbroken people everywhere are getting a little bit stronger. (:

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All I want is to mess around. - Page 2 Empty Re: All I want is to mess around.

Post by Guest Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:43 pm

"Eleanor Marie James" The stern voice of a teacher greeted me when I turned the corner. I hated my name with a burning passion. I mean, out of all the Beatles songs I could be named after... Eleanor? Really? "Stop running in the hall right this instant or I'll..." I didn't hear the rest of the speech, I was already gone


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All I want is to mess around. - Page 2 Empty Re: All I want is to mess around.

Post by Avery Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:45 pm

Quincy: I let out a chocke laugh and looked at er. "Me? Cute? Well thank you," I smiled.

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All I want is to mess around. - Page 2 Empty Re: All I want is to mess around.

Post by LinakeNoelani Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:49 pm

Zach- I lose her around a corner when I run into- literally into- a teacher, the naggy one who's name I always forget. She starts to say something to me but I don't hear her because I see Elli turn a corner at the end of the hall and take off in her direction. She is really fast.

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Location : The place where heartbroken people everywhere are getting a little bit stronger. (:

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All I want is to mess around. - Page 2 Empty Re: All I want is to mess around.

Post by LinakeNoelani Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:51 pm

Alex- "Your Welcome," I tell him and tuck a lock of hair behind my ear like I do when I get nervous every once in a while.

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Location : The place where heartbroken people everywhere are getting a little bit stronger. (:

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All I want is to mess around. - Page 2 Empty Re: All I want is to mess around.

Post by Guest Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:52 pm

I get outside and down a hill, into the thick woods, dodging through the oaks and pines as my feet make virtually no noise against the thick pine needles. I run until I can't run any farther, and the sunlight is an emerald as it filters through the leaves


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All I want is to mess around. - Page 2 Empty Re: All I want is to mess around.

Post by LinakeNoelani Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:01 pm

Zach- I finally catch up with her when she stops in the woods. I try and catch my breath before talking. "Look I'm sorry for upsetting you I really am. I just... I don't know. I really don't think before I talk like I should and it's really something that I need to change. But what I do know, Elli, is that I'm sorry for upsetting you and I regret this and every other time I've ever done it. I'm so sorry."

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Location : The place where heartbroken people everywhere are getting a little bit stronger. (:

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All I want is to mess around. - Page 2 Empty Re: All I want is to mess around.

Post by Guest Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:04 pm

I run my hand through my hair, which looks almost strange in the greenish light. My eyes flash and I sigh "It's not your fault Zach, I just... what can I say? I broke. And I don't need people to remind me every day"


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All I want is to mess around. - Page 2 Empty Re: All I want is to mess around.

Post by LinakeNoelani Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:07 pm

Zach- "I get that and I'm sorry I did it. I'm sorry I've been doing it. And I wanna make it up to you- somehow. Any way I can. I wouldn't have followed you all the way out here if what I'm telling you wasn't the truth, especially since you run really fast."

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Location : The place where heartbroken people everywhere are getting a little bit stronger. (:

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All I want is to mess around. - Page 2 Empty Re: All I want is to mess around.

Post by Guest Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:08 pm

I smiled slightly, but it quickly dissapeared. The old me would make a remark about how because he offended me he was to be my slave for the day... but I just shrugged "It's no big deal, everybody's been doing it lately. Talking about how I betrayed them, how I'm like the walking dead..." I trailed off


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All I want is to mess around. - Page 2 Empty Re: All I want is to mess around.

Post by Avery Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:09 pm

Quinn: "Any time. Any place in particular that you want to go?" I asked.

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All I want is to mess around. - Page 2 Empty Re: All I want is to mess around.

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