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Quotes! From our CC's.

Jacky K.
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Quotes! From our CC's. - Page 2 Empty Re: Quotes! From our CC's.

Post by Jacky K. Tue May 31, 2011 1:23 am

Chat: Chatboxing.
Info: The following pun in completely coincidental. I did not see WD's last post before mine until after I had posted.

Winter Dragon : Now that was actually a real bug that just flew by my ear...

Winter Dragon : It was very loud.

Jacky K. : Cricket: *finishes coffee* *frowns* *tips cup WAY up* *SLUUUURRRRP*

Jacky K. : Hehe...speaking of loud bugs...

Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Quotes! From our CC's. - Page 2 Empty Re: Quotes! From our CC's.

Post by Banshee Tue May 31, 2011 3:34 pm

Chat: ~Character Chat~
Info: Riddle wanted Ezra to take her to his house to play video games....Ezra wanted to torture Peter.

Invisimort: "OH NO. NO ONE CONDESCENDS AT ME."Riddle shouted,deftly punching T.Mor in the ribs and pulling both of her larger knives. She flew like A ninja at Ezra, wielding both knives..

Me: Ezra glared at her, "Do you want me to freeze you again? I will take you to the video games if you let me finish."

Invisimort: "IMMA LET YOU FINISH. Imma let you finish....But just...WATCH YOUR TONE!" Riddle scolded anticlimactically, poking him in the shoulder with one of her blades. "Doing it for the video games" She reassured herself.
T.Mor took the blades and stuck them in his back pocket.

Chat: C.D. Chat
Info: Evan explained to Tony how he's one hundred feet tall *coughs*-Ezra- Tony said there was no rational explination for "Potions"

Regret: "I have no idea..." Says Tony. "Probably quite similar to the rational explanation for the walking dead."

Me: "Walking Dead?" grinned Andrew. "Am I close enough?"

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Post by Echo Wed Jun 01, 2011 12:42 am

Chat: C. D.
Info: Leslie's senstive demon ears are getting ouch'd by tall!Evan's booming voice. Dan is giving her grief about it.

Leslie: "You know, you really piss me off, Puppy-dog. I can not even begin to tell you how much I want to run you through with a sword, twist that sword around, yank it out, proceed to disembowel you, and then strangle you with your own intestinal tract. That is how much you piss me off."

Dan: I stand up and say, "I can see your markings and think of it this way, take all the enhanced senses you have and muliply that by a factor of twenty, then combine that with the senses and abilities of Superman, then you may come close to mine. Stella's senses are lower than mine since she is just a werewolf, but I was genetically enhanced in Area 51 as well. If I focus hard enough I can see the individual skin cells on a humans body" I say, "It is not pleasant having such jumped up senses"

Leslie: "Well aren't you just a super-special opossum?" I asked icily.
Winter Dragon

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Post by Jacky K. Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:28 am

Chat: None. Well, it started in chatbox, but anyhoo...
Info: After a friend of mine started explaining the meaning of some common nursery rhymes, I thought it would be fun to write a creepy nursery rhyme of my own. Based on one of my charries.

Little son sailor
Will you learn my game?
Hide, sailor
Seek, jailer
Find me with a flame.
Sorry son sailor
I can't play.
Knots strangle
Ropes tangle
I'll be on my way

Do you know the meaning? o.o *creepiness*
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Post by Banshee Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:39 am

Chat: ~Character Chat~
Info: Andrew, Peter, and T. Morr are talking about how long Andrew's been here.

Me: "See? You guys we're upset because I complained...I've been here longer than ALL of you put together...I have a right." smirked Andrew.

"He rarely complains...except when Ezra's here..." said Liz, walking up to the group.

Invisimort: "NO BODY HAS A RIGHT TO COMPLAIN. THEY HAVE A RIGHT TO SUCK IT UP AND TELL IT TO SOMEONE THEY HAVE TIED UP IN THEIR BASEMENT." Riddle said loudly in a rather distracted way, not pulling herself away from her videogames. "Also, you just assume you're older than me. Which, while flattering...also happens to be correct...but STILL." Riddle ranted to the videogame screen. "And if age means whinyness...I WANT OFF THE MAGIC ROTATING THINGY RIGHT NOW." She added as an afterthought..

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Post by Banshee Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:44 am

Chat: The Party Chat
Info: Slow Dancing Smile

Jelsa: Vincent: I walked over to a girl (liz). "Wanna dance?"

: "Sure!" said Liz cheerfully. Ezra and Andrew sulked.

"This is all your fault!" hissed Ezra.

"My fault?! You brought us here in the first place!" snapped Andrew.

"You weren't invited!"

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Post by Echo Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:11 pm

Chat: The chatbox
Info: The lovely product of sleep deprivation, Jacky, gh, and me.

I'm not going to go over the whole conversation, because it was mostly brainstorming. This is a parody of PPP's TMTN. You know how it goes, so sing it in your head Razz Here's all you need:

Severus Snape: Cricket White

Dumbledore: Ezra Cox

Ron Weasley: August Nimbly

Hermione: Ayakashi

Harry Potter: Dan the Werewolf

Everyone: "Singin' our song, all day long at IIIIINK-POOOOOOP!"

Cricket: "I found th' source o' th' tickin'! It's a death scene!"

*Tickety falls off the Bell Tower*

Mysterious voice: "Muahahahahahaha!" *tap tap tap tap* "Aria, Aria, ooh, Ari-Ari-Ari-Aria!"

(Sing it now, in your head or aloud!)

So, have a good laugh? Very Happy

As an aside, most of the names were picked just because the syllables matched (or nearly matched).
Winter Dragon

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Quotes! From our CC's. - Page 2 Empty Re: Quotes! From our CC's.

Post by Banshee Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:52 pm

Re: ~Character Chat~
 by Winter Dragon on June 3rd 2011, 16:35
"I'm not talking about what she's doing!" I snapped, raising my voice. "I'm talking about what you're doing! Listen, kid, no one can make your decisions for you. She can't get over herself for you. She can't move on for you. These are things you have to do for yourself! And you'll only be hurting yourself the longer you stay. You two are both sixteen, right? What happens when she turns seventeen? Eighteen? That's satutory rape right there. What of when she's twenty-one? A twenty-one-year-old and a sixteen-year-old together? Icky! And what happens when she's eighty? Unless you wanna be getting your cougar on in the very near future, you need to move. On."

Re: ~Character Chat~
 by gh3325 on June 3rd 2011, 16:43
"I'm sixteen...she's fifteen. It's not like I have say in the matter!"

"Isn't he the one commiting satutory rape?" asked Ezra, hearing the conversation.

"I WOULD NEVER DO THAT TO HER!" bellowed Andrew.

Info: Izzy's telling Andy off.

Chat: ~CC~

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Post by Guest Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:34 am

Chat: I Look at the World and I Notice It's Turning (Which- I swear, that ENTIRE CHAT COULD BE TURNED INTO A QUOTE. It was AMAZING XD so was the rest of the Mr K group of chats)
Background: Jude and friends (who are like, toddlers at the time) are trying to distract a GOVERNMENT AGENT over the phone. Mr Kite and Mr Henderson are actually good guys, but THOUGHT to be terrorists... because they burned the White House down. It's complicated. Anyway... sorry, it's long, but worth it. Maybe.

"I think that's the most /I've/ heard him talk at once... haha, no, just kidding. And I thought Mat broke the bum's phone for that mission thing?" I asked, then snatched the phone away from Sadie "You guys figure that all out, I'll distract the cop guy, okay?"

Myrah: "Ok. But if you get Joyce killed, I'm setting your things on fire." We run into my dad's room first and start looking, then in Jonas'. "Why couldn't Dad have a cellphone like everyother person in America?"

"Hey buddy" I grinned when I got on the phone "how's the wife? No no no, Dustin, I know it's you. I mean we went to collage together, I'd recignize that southern drawl of yours from anywhere! What, you say your from Canada? Haha, funny one, Dustin. Now no need to start screaming. Oh, Kite and Henderson? Yeah, yeah, we're um... getting them for you right now. But in the mean time, how's the new job? "Okay, okay, maybe you're not Dustin... but there's only one way to tell for sure" I said very seriously "Bark like a dog. No, I'm /not/ crazy- Dustin had the best dog impression in the world! Yes, you have to, or else I'm not taking this whole deal seriously because this is probably some big prank. Yes. Mmhm. See, now that wasn't so hard. Though I have to admit, that is the WORST dog impression I have EVER heard. You really need to work on that! Hm... so you're not Dustin, I guess. To be quite honest with you, I didn't really pay attention to anything else you said, so you're going to have to repeat it all while I write it down" I said, not even making a move for a pen and paper "Mmmhm... okay, can you repeat that? Okay, okay... how do you spell 'Henderson' mmhm, mmkay... hahaha, you just said 'eh'! You really are Canadian, aren't you?! Do it again, do it again!" Dang, I was running out of stalling material... "So do you guys like, live on maple syrup? And ride polar bears? Or is it moose you ride... can't remember. Hey, how to you make a moose plural, anyway? Mooses or Meece? It it like a personal preference between the two? Oh, and you totally live in igloos, right? And what about the mountees? Those guys aren't REAL, are they?! Oh my gosh!" I said it all so quickly that he didn't get a word in edgewise "I'M GOING TO HAVE NIGHTMARES ABOUT SYRUP DRINKING, MEESES RIDING, IGLOO LIVING MOUNTEES YOU CREEP!" Then I started sobbing dramatically

Myrah: I scrabble over and take the other phone. "Look what you did! What kind of person are you, pretending to be the boogie man and making people cry like that. What'd he ever do to you? Apologize right now!"

I kept sobbing into my hands "We won't tell you where Kite and Henderson are until you apologize!" Sadie yelled from across the room, just loud enough for the man to hear


"Anyway, so thanks for everything, but I think I might need your phone number if I'm going to call you back. You know, to tell you when the terrorists get home. What, you don't want me calling you at your house?! Well same here, buster!" Then I hung up, my voice sore from talking to him for hours "That's as long as I could distract him, hopefully it was long enough"


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Post by Guest Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:57 am

Young Justice!
Spades just joined the team- and they're talking about who she's gonna dissect first xD

Beast Boy: I turn around on the couch and watch until she's out of the room. "Let's see- I think I'll be the first to go. My good looks and the fact that I can be ten different kinds of cuddly definately make me dissecting material. Then Aqualad because you're ultra dissectable and no offense, but you're pretty much a douche. Next would probably come Robin because his mask thing is so distracting and you have to wonder when he takes that thing off. Oh, and because they use to be enemies. Then Cissie and Athene simultaneously, just because girls don't need an excuse to kill eachother. Speedy would almos slip under the radar because he's not that interesting, but thenhe'd say something stupid and discord the bodies. So congragulations, Crow. I think you might get out in time, being Canary's favorite. And I somehow doubt you'll satisfy her homicidal needs- you don't look like a screamer."

I roll my eyes, flicking BB on the head "Remember what Batman said about giving her a second chance?" Then I paused "And besides, she's going to take out Robin long before Aqualad, duh."

Beast Boy: I flinch a bit and rub my head before turning to Robin. "True. I bet she's planning all the ways she's gonna do it too. First, she's gonna sneak into your room and strap you down to your bed..." Suddenly Athene joins in. "Then she's gonna inject some kind of cheical into your veins to make you keep laughing and smiling and stuff!"

Crow: "Mmhm, but that's not all!" I join in. "Because then she's gonna bring out her special bag of tools and go-" Suddenly, all three of us start making random painful sounding machine noises. Athens stops whole we keep going. "But you wouldn't be able to scream or anything because you'd be too busy laughing." She starts laughing while we make the noises before breaking out into a scream. "And then, SQUISH! No more Robin," says Beast Boy sadly.

"You guys are sick" I sigh and shake my head, walking in with a sandwich "sick, sick, sick. And she'd totally make him watch Batman die first, but have him take the weird laughing stuff first. Poor Robin, I'll miss ya buddy"

Beast Boy: "Yea," I fake wipe a tear away. "Who else will pretend to like my cooking? But on the plus side, we get his trunk of masks." I grin at the thought.

"But the question is: does he have multiple masks, or just that one that he never takes off? Does he even wash it?!" I make a face, then take a bite of my sandwich, ignoring the fact we were talking about Robin as if he weren't standing right there

and the conversation just goes downhill from there xD


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Quotes! From our CC's. - Page 2 Empty Re: Quotes! From our CC's.

Post by Echo Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:29 am

Chat: The chatbox
Info: You'll see in a moment xD More sleep-deprived, wonderful nonsense from Ende, a little bit of BW, and me.

* endellion isn't very good at seeing the line between 'relevant' lyrics, and lyrics that she likes

* endellion begins singing "Is this the reaaal liiife?"

* Winter Dragon comes in with, "Is this just fantasyyyyy?"

* endellion grins at WD and continues, "Caught in a lannnndsliidddee"

endellion : Marley: No escape from reality!

Winter Dragon : Open your eyeees

Black&White : Wolf: ... *facepalm*

Winter Dragon : Izzy: "Look up to the skies and seeeee~!"

Winter Dragon : Peter: "What song is this...?"


Winter Dragon : Because I'm easy come, easy go!

Winter Dragon : Izzy: "Little high, little low!"

endellion : too bad you didn't know, Peter, that would have been a great line for you

endellion : Marley: Annyyy wayyy the wind bloows, doesn't really matteer to mmeee

Winter Dragon : Ah, it would've! xD

Winter Dragon : Tooo meeeee

Winter Dragon : Izzy: "Mama, just killed a man..."

endellion : Jude: *drunk* Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger now he's dead

Winter Dragon : Mama, life had just begun, but now I've gone and thrown it aaaall away!


Winter Dragon : Izzy: "If I'm not back again this time tomorrow, carry on, carry on!"

endellion : Jude: As if nothing really matters...

Winter Dragon : It's too late, my time has come.

Winter Dragon : Izzy: "Sent shivers down my spine, body's aching all the tiiiime!"

endellion : Louie: *bursts in* Goodbye everybody, I've got to go! Gotta leave you all behind, and faaaaace the truth!


endellion : I SOMETIMES WISH I'D NEVER BEEN BORN AT ALL *epic guitar*

Winter Dragon : Izzy: "I see a little silhouetto of a man!"

Black&White : Maka: Man, missed my part....

endellion : Marley: Scaramouch, scaramouch, will you do the fandango?

endellion : xD Maka

Black&White : Maka: *crosses arms, pouting*

Black&White : Inque: Thunderbolts and lightning...very, very /frightening/.... *smirks*

Winter Dragon : Galileo!

Winter Dragon : Izzy: "Galileo!"

endellion : Marley: Galileo!

endellion : Jude: Galileo!

Winter Dragon : Izzy: "Galileo Figaro!"

Winter Dragon : Magnificooo-oooo-oooo-oooo!

Winter Dragon : Peter: *hesitantly* *WD told him what to say* "I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me...?"

endellion : Marley: He's just a poor boy from a poor family; spare him his life from this monstrosity!

endellion : xD nice, btw, WD

Winter Dragon : Thanks xD

Winter Dragon : Easy come, easy go, will you let me go?

Winter Dragon : Izzy: "Bismillah!"

endellion : NO, WE WILL NOT LET YOU GO!

Winter Dragon : LET HIM GO!

endellion : Bismillah, WE WILL NOT LET YOU GO!

Winter Dragon : LET HIM GO!

endellion : Bismillah, WE WILL NOT LET YOU GO!

endellion : Marley: Let me go!

endellion : WILL NOT LET YOU GO!

Winter Dragon : Izzy: "Let me go!"

Winter Dragon : WILL NOT LET YOU GO!

Winter Dragon : Izzy: "Oh let me goo-oooo-oooo-oooo!"

Winter Dragon : No, no, no, no, no, no, NO!

endellion : Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go

Winter Dragon : Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me!

Winter Dragon : Izzy: "For me!"

endellion : For MEEEEEE!

endellion : *EPIC GUITAR*

* Winter Dragon can actully hit that note IRL

endellion : XD awesome, I've never tried very loudly, I think I can too

Winter Dragon : Cool! Very Happy

endellion : Jude: So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye?!

Winter Dragon : Izzy: "So you think you can love me and leave me to dieeee?"

endellion : Marley: Oooooh, baby, can't do this to me baby!

Winter Dragon : Just gotta get out, just gotta get right out of hee-ah!

Winter Dragon : *moar epic guitar, music transition*

Winter Dragon : Ooh yeah, ooh yeah

endellion : Louie: Nothing really matters

endellion : Marley: Anyone can see

Winter Dragon : Izzy: "Nothing really matters..."

Winter Dragon : Nothing really matters...

endellion : Tooo meeeeeee

Winter Dragon : *piano and guitar*

Winter Dragon : Izzy: "Any way the wind blows..."

endellion : *piano finish*

Winter Dragon : -le fin-

(Yeah. You wish you were us Razz)
Winter Dragon

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Post by Echo Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:01 am

Chat: ~Character Chat~
Info: Talking about Ezra's pyschic torture by way of making people relive painful memories after both Ezra did it to Riddle and Riddle did it to Andrew

"You now the torture actually hurts more depending how painful the memories are...if you saw Andrew's you'd be surprised." said Ezra, coming to Andrew's aid for once.

"That depends on your definition of painful I think..." Riddle said cryptically. "I define painful as itchy...or irritating. I SAW NO ITCHINESS THERE!"
"Unnecessary." August said flatly.

Winter Dragon
"It could be emotionally painful," Peter informed Riddle. "Though I don't think you're familiar with that."

"Nope...Is it like indegestion? I think I am familiar with that. Maybe...Crap...I don't know..." Riddle tried to associate with something she didn't know the meaning of.
"No, it's not like indegestion..." T.Mor told her seriously.

"No she's was hard for me to find a painful memory...with Andrew it's easy."

"Well, All the stuff labeled 'dismemberment' was recently relocated to the 'MAGIC BACON EVIDENCE' section of my brain...So I don't blame you..." Riddle said understandingly.
Winter Dragon

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Post by Banshee Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:06 am

Chat: Break Room Chat
Info: Riddle was talking about the advantages of being dead.

Invis:"I mean, saying things like 'man, I hate being murdered' and the like. You get used to the bad puns too. I for example, am Dead Tired." Riddle said with a grin at the bad pun.

Me:Andrew gave it a try, "I'm ghosting you like doing this?"

Ezra snorted at Andrew's feeble try.

Invis: "Dude. Not funny." Riddle said flatly.

T.Mor stormed into the room looking an emotional wreck. " I AM A TERRIBLE PERSON AND DESERVE TO BE SHOT REPEATEDLY." He said desolately.


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Post by Jacky K. Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:24 pm

Chat: The Charrie Revolt
Info: Crick asked for bandages to heal a person up. This was the response.

"'re funny. I have a pistol. It serves the same purpouse does it not?" Mr.Face said, unhelpfully.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Post by Echo Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:29 pm

Chat: The chat box
Info: Explains itself Razz

Winter Dragon : Peter is having all manner of bad things happen to him, and his ratio of blood on the inside to blood on the outside is dropping. Everyone goes, "Aw, poor Peter! That's so awful!" But For Him...It Is Tuesday xD

Link to details on the But For Me It Was Tuesday trope
Winter Dragon

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Post by Invisimort Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:31 pm


Means: Rolls On Floor Cackling Manically.

Use the term as you will.

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Post by Banshee Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:05 am

Winter Dragon wrote:Chat: The chatbox
Info: The lovely product of sleep deprivation, Jacky, gh, and me.

I'm not going to go over the whole conversation, because it was mostly brainstorming. This is a parody of PPP's TMTN. You know how it goes, so sing it in your head Razz Here's all you need:

Severus Snape: Cricket White

Dumbledore: Ezra Cox

Ron Weasley: August Nimbly

Hermione: Ayakashi

Harry Potter: Dan the Werewolf

Everyone: "Singin' our song, all day long at IIIIINK-POOOOOOP!"

Cricket: "I found th' source o' th' tickin'! It's a death scene!"

*Tickety falls off the Bell Tower*

Mysterious voice: "Muahahahahahaha!" *tap tap tap tap* "Aria, Aria, ooh, Ari-Ari-Ari-Aria!"

(Sing it now, in your head or aloud!)

So, have a good laugh? Very Happy

As an aside, most of the names were picked just because the syllables matched (or nearly matched).

Chat: The Charrie Revolt
Info: Talking about Creepers in Minefield.

"Yeah...they're green...and explody." I explained. "You can normally tell...cos they're all...creepy."
"That was..."Mr.Face began. "Articulate..." He managed after a moment of frantic clicking.

"What's that "clicking" noise?" asked Ezra.

"It's a death scene!" shouted Gh, cracking up.

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Post by Invisimort Sat Jun 25, 2011 2:41 am

Chat: The Charrie Revolt
Info: Andrew threatened to hurl. Which incited this response:

"Oh. I tremble in my armanis. All fear your coolwhip vomit." Mr.Face sarcasmed flatly. He continued sawing away at the same foot, Glee evident in his grin.

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Post by Invisimort Sun Jun 26, 2011 5:40 pm

Chat: The Charrie Revolt
Info: T.Mor has just been wordbroken and made his way back into my brain. My reaction to this was:


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Post by Jacky K. Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:43 pm

Chat: Chatboxing with Winter
Info: Meh, no much to explain.

: Mr. Nobody: "My inkperson, there are no stupid questions except for the ones asked of me! Because I simply so not enjoy giving answers, therefore, you should very well know the answer is 'find out yourself.' So, yes, there are stupid questions on some occasions. That was one of them...either that, or there are only stupid people, and therefore you qualify. I still ponder that one."
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Post by Banshee Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:01 am

Chat: Chat Box
Info: Ende and I discussing Andy's song.

Marley: *sends: That sure is a manly song, Andy.*

Andrew: "I didn't pick it!"

Me: No I did Razz

Ende: But it really is perfect for him

Me: I know right?

Andrew: "NO! It isn't!"

(To listen to Andy's song click Here

Andrew: "Please're embrassing me...")

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Post by Jacky K. Sat Jul 09, 2011 11:57 pm

The Character Break Room
Info: Marley just had a fake heart attack in order to avoid an awkward conversation, and Cricket is going on a dramatic rampage about it.

"...Do my ears deceive me? She...NO! SHE...CROAKED! THE GARGLE OF DEATH 'AS TAKEN ITS TOLE ON TH' GIRL! It's official. She's gone to us! Oi my my, if there is a God or two above...WHY MUST TH' THEIVES DIE YOUNG?"
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Post by Banshee Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:15 am

Chat Box
Info: Marley is back to her normal size of 4'5.

Andrew: "SHORTSTUFF!!! *hugs Marley* You seem..shorter." *laughs*

Marley: *hugs back, laughs* "I'll let that one slide, ghosty."

(Marley normally slaps Andrew for "shortstuff")

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Post by Banshee Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:25 am

Chat Box
Info: Andrew is trying to make Mr. Face leave one would DARE kick him out.

Andrew: *kicks Mr. Face, leg passes through* "Aww crap..."

Mr. Face: "I suggest you stop, before I go make a sacrifice to the internet for ghost busters."

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Post by Banshee Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:59 am

Info: Mr. Face = Slenderman
Me: SLENDERMAN ISH HERE!!!! *runs away*

Mr. Face: "I'm.not...I give up...for twenty rectangles I won't eat you." *holds out hand*

(He's pretending to be Slenderman from Marble Hornets)

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Age : 27
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