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Magic and chaos

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Magic and chaos Empty Magic and chaos

Post by Uvindei Sat May 07, 2011 2:00 pm

You live in a chaotic world. Vampires, werewolves, faires, and dragons exist, the first three which you could run into on a daily basis. This is, in fact, common. Surprisingly, dragons are lethargic, almost calm beasts who are vain beyond measure, and they have keepers, who, after appeasing them with years worth of gifts and praise, live with the dragon whom they are chosen by, serving them in exchange for wisdom and, back in the world of class, status. But there still is chaos. Traders lurk everywhere, for there are many things valued that cannot be attained by legal means, such as vampire teeth, fairy wings, and many, many things from dragons, and all the other creatures, too. These traders are everywhere, and are dangerous beyond measure. And, of course, there is the twisted corrupted government who has a terribble, dangerous secret that could turn all the races against each other...

Hi! Here are a few things you should know:
-the list of magical beings is not limited to the above options.
-this isn't modern times, so no modern stuff. It's sort of mideavaly.
-but you don't have to talk mideavaly. You can talk normaly.
-there can be diferent types of a certain species, such as faries that can be three inches tall and faries that can be normal sized.
-please don't neglet humans! They're the biggest spieces, and while it's fun to have powers and stuff, please don't forget about them.
-they can be immortal, but that doesn't mean everyone is.
What you are:(trader, keeper, civilian, etc.)

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Location : Your dreams... Ever seen nightmare on elm street?

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Magic and chaos Empty Re: Magic and chaos

Post by Regret Sat May 07, 2011 5:17 pm

I'll join!

Name: Currently answers to the name 'Jessica'.
Species: The species itself has no name as of yet, but they fall under the category of 'Skinteasers': Creatures that can disguise themselves in the skins of their victims. These creatures actually look like a humanoid frog with the head of a lizard.
Age: Appears nineteen.
What you are: Spy.
Looks: currently looks like a very pretty girl with ash-blonde hair, watery blue eyes, and very pale skin. The skin 'she' is wearing has a long neck, and appears extremely attractive.
Other: DO NOT APPROACH! 'Jessica's first imperative is to protect the secrecy of her home city. 'Her' second imperative is to feed. Everything else is of lower priority.

Posts : 2327
Join date : 2011-02-22
Age : 31
Location : The Land of Tea and Rain

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Magic and chaos Empty Re: Magic and chaos

Post by Banshee Sat May 07, 2011 5:19 pm

*Saves spot*

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Magic and chaos Empty Re: Magic and chaos

Post by Uvindei Sat May 07, 2011 6:06 pm

Name: Violisse
Species: fairy
Age: 16 in fairy years(1 fairy year=4 human years, so technically speaking, she's 64)
What you are: civilian
Looks: black hair, deep purple eyes, she's about 5 feet 8 inches, pale skin, wears purple and grey, mostly. She usually tucks her wings in her back, but they are lavender with grey streaks, and very fragile
Other: she's quiet, but very nice, she blends in with the enviroment, can run, jump, and climb quickly and easily.

Name: Peter
Species: human
Age: 17
What you are: trader
Looks: his clothes are kind of baggy and have been patched up a lot, they're cacked in slime, mud, and the blood of various magical creatures, he wears a dark brown coat with similar residue on it, he carries two satchels with him at all times in which he stores jars and envelopes that have his 'wares' inside. He also has half a dozen knives of varying sizes, darts, and maps
Other: he mostly lurks in the forest, where he catches common stuff, then petrefies it to sell as a trinket.

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Join date : 2010-10-19
Location : Your dreams... Ever seen nightmare on elm street?

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Magic and chaos Empty Re: Magic and chaos

Post by Regret Sat May 07, 2011 6:11 pm

Do you want to start or shall I?
I was thinking of starting with this:
"The creature currently known as Jessica snatches an imp from the air in one delicate hand, and stuffs it violently into her perfect mouth. She scrunches it happily as it twitches inside her mouth in its death throes, and the blood runs down her chin. The tiny bones crackle and snap."

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Join date : 2011-02-22
Age : 31
Location : The Land of Tea and Rain

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Magic and chaos Empty Re: Magic and chaos

Post by Uvindei Sat May 07, 2011 6:24 pm

Hmm. A fitting beginning.
Brian- I walk through the woods, checking my traps. Most of them are chock full of common wood nymphs, but one had a pixie. Pixie wings are so delicate, but when arranged right give the appearance of stained glass. I gladly cut the wings off.

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Location : Your dreams... Ever seen nightmare on elm street?

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Magic and chaos Empty Re: Magic and chaos

Post by Regret Sat May 07, 2011 6:29 pm

'Jessica' lopes across the muddy track, sliding between the trees. her delicate ivory feet leave a trail of thick pond sludge, and her white dress is torn and tatty around the bottom, and stained with dirty water.

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Magic and chaos Empty Re: Magic and chaos

Post by Uvindei Sat May 07, 2011 6:32 pm

Violisse- I sneak around the forest and free creatures of the forest from that nasty human boy's traps. Then, taking a slender, pale knife, I slash them up while the creatures run free.

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Location : Your dreams... Ever seen nightmare on elm street?

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Magic and chaos Empty Re: Magic and chaos

Post by Regret Sat May 07, 2011 6:35 pm

A sudden glut of small forest creatures run across Jessica's path, and she grabs one here or there, breaking its neck and stuffing it into her mouth. She grins as the blood continues to flow. Up ahead, however, are some larger creatures. Her heat vision shows them up like red beacons among the dull grey-blue of the cooler trees.

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Location : The Land of Tea and Rain

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Magic and chaos Empty Re: Magic and chaos

Post by Uvindei Sat May 07, 2011 6:39 pm

Violisse- I hear a noise, and, quick and silent as lightning, dart away and up a tree.

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Location : Your dreams... Ever seen nightmare on elm street?

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Magic and chaos Empty Re: Magic and chaos

Post by Regret Sat May 07, 2011 6:43 pm

The shape rises, now a glowing mass of orange barely hidden by the pale leaves. 'Jessica' uses her light-sensitive eyes to stare around, but sees nothing. her heat sensitivity, however, is as fine-tuned as that of any snake, and the creature up the tree shines like a lighthouse. The fear and adrenaline in its system heats it up, making it even brighter than usual. 'Jessica' slowly starts climbing up the tree, using the natural stickiness of her slime as an adhesive.

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Magic and chaos Empty Re: Magic and chaos

Post by Uvindei Sat May 07, 2011 7:21 pm

Violisse- I see the 'girl' begin to climb up the tree, but I sense that she isn't a girl at all. Unfurling my wings to their full 13 foot span, I launch myself into the air.

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Magic and chaos Empty Re: Magic and chaos

Post by Regret Sun May 08, 2011 4:33 am

Drat! The creature has flown. It's time to try a different tack. 'Jessica' is used to speaking in the girl's voice now, and so when she opens her mouth, it sounds like an angel is speaking.
"Come here, girly. I won't hurt you."

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Magic and chaos Empty Re: Magic and chaos

Post by Uvindei Sun May 08, 2011 2:30 pm

Violisse- I raise an eyebrow. The girl has the general appearance of a human female, but does not behave like one. I sit on a tree a good distance away, wings still out, and reply, "If you mean no harm, state your buisness."

Peter- I see the two girls in the trees. I smile to myself. Too easy. The one in the white dress I don't want to bother, but full sized fairy wings are worth a fortune. No more tromping around in this hellish forest. I pull out my biggest and smallest knives and begin climbing an adjoining tree.

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Location : Your dreams... Ever seen nightmare on elm street?

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Magic and chaos Empty Re: Magic and chaos

Post by Regret Sun May 08, 2011 3:48 pm

'Jessica' suddenly spots the human male wandering across the forest floor. In infra-red, he shows up like a burning brand in a coal measure. "Dinner," she replies to Violisse, then drops from the branch like a stone. She lands in front of the young man, and affects a pose of langorous distress. Her voice is suddenly breathy and pathetic.
"Oh, sir! Thank goodness you're here! Please help me, I can make it worth your while."
'Jessica' tugs the neck of her dress down slightly, exposing more ivory skin.

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Magic and chaos Empty Re: Magic and chaos

Post by Uvindei Sun May 08, 2011 3:51 pm

Peter- I smile, but put a finger over my lips, telling her to be silent as I continue inching up towards the jackpot.

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Magic and chaos Empty Re: Magic and chaos

Post by Regret Sun May 08, 2011 3:52 pm

"Oh, thank you!" she whispers. "That creature was frightening me so."
As Peter walks past her, her true claws extend from the finger-nail holes in her adopted skin.

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Magic and chaos Empty Re: Magic and chaos

Post by Uvindei Sun May 08, 2011 3:57 pm

Peter- I see the girl's tranformation and I lean over the branch I'm holding on to to whisper, "look. I don't know what you are, but after I get that fairy, you can have her. I just want her wings. You can make her your slave or... what ever you want."

Violisse- I hear faint whispers, but I think nothing of it as I slowly nod off.

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Magic and chaos Empty Re: Magic and chaos

Post by Regret Sun May 08, 2011 3:58 pm

"Thank you," replies Jessica sweetly, "Whatever I want?"

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Magic and chaos Empty Re: Magic and chaos

Post by Uvindei Sun May 08, 2011 4:11 pm

Peter- I sigh. "For one, I know you're not a girl. For another, she's going to hear us if we keep talking." With that, I turn and creep farther up the tree.

Violisse- I wake up to hear someone right behind me. Good grief! I fly away and swivel around. A boy! A human boy! I'm almost ashamed. He's not even as worthy an opponent as the girl monster! I fly, out of the forest and into the city.

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Magic and chaos Empty Re: Magic and chaos

Post by Regret Sun May 08, 2011 4:14 pm

"I'll take that as a yes," replies 'Jessica'. "I'll tell you what I want: Blood. Yours."
She leaps, and wraps her clawed hands around the human male's head. her mouth distends, revealing a disgusting number of long, needle-like teeth.

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Magic and chaos Empty Re: Magic and chaos

Post by Uvindei Sun May 08, 2011 4:22 pm

Peter- I pull out another knife as she grabs my head. My eyesight goes very tunnely-visiony, but I try to focus as I slice out at her.

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Magic and chaos Empty Re: Magic and chaos

Post by Regret Sun May 08, 2011 4:27 pm

Jessica's skin parts easily under the blade, but it merely serves to reveal the tougher, leathery green skin underneath.
"Foolish meat-sack," hisses 'Jessica'.

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Magic and chaos Empty Re: Magic and chaos

Post by Uvindei Sun May 08, 2011 4:58 pm

Peter- "Wait!" I gasp "what if I bargained with you. Endless amount of food that is effortless to get!" And I told her about the traps I had set up around the forest, and how they could catch up to 400 various magical creatures daily.

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Location : Your dreams... Ever seen nightmare on elm street?

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Magic and chaos Empty Re: Magic and chaos

Post by Regret Sun May 08, 2011 5:09 pm

Jessica relaxes her grip. "Keep talking, food-worm. I like the sound of this deal."

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