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Chaos in the city

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Chaos in the city Empty Chaos in the city

Post by Momo13 Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:26 pm

So, the government has gone wacky and has decided to free all the villains and super villians and is now trying to capture and nutralize all the Supers. It's their job to set things strait and re-capture the villains and figure out who messed up the government in the first place, without getting caught themselves.

superhero/villian name
Superhere/villian/regular human
apearance (outside of costume)

Name Amilia Eberheart
superhero/villian name Chaotic Fire
costume Black leather with electric blue flames. Knee high leather boots and a simble black mask.
powers Elemental (shadows and fire, hense the black and flame costume) telepath (moving stuff with her mind and what not)
Superhere/villian/regular human Superhero
weakness spiders and snakes. She cant stand them.
age 18
apearance (outside of costume)
~hair Red head with hair that is wavy and goes down to her mid back
~build but below average height wise and is toned. Not to muscular, but is strong. She does a lot of running, and works out at the gym a lot
~eyes sparkling bright blue
~skin fair skin with freckels around her nose. she is a ginger
~tattoos/scars black swirly fire tattoos around her shoulders and down her arms to right above her elbows.
personality you shall see
other: her fire is bright blue, and she is working on getting lightning/electricity to work.

so, anyone want to join? I'll make a villain soon ish

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Join date : 2010-10-08

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Chaos in the city Empty Re: Chaos in the city

Post by Guest Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:50 pm

Name: Naomi McKenzie
superhero/villian name: Wraith
costume: Naomi wears a navy blue swing suit with tails that is surprisingly roomy and a cane. Her mask is white and covers up half of his face
powers: Illusions (mess with people's minds etc.)
Superhere/villian/regular human: Villian
weakness: Afraid of water and drowning. Doesn't like crowds and people.
age: 19
~hair: Short pixie-cut bright white
~build: Slender and like a dancer. Quite quick but not at all muscular
~eyes: Bright amber
~skin: Lightly tanned
~tattoos/scars: Has a small tribal tattoo on the side of her hand. She also has a long scar on the left side of her nose which is quite prominent but is hidden with her mask when in her costume
personality: She doesn't like to be in groups; she's a strong thinker and likes to be in control whether she is leading or part of a group. Can be snarky at times and doesn't get on with people.
other: Occasionally, she may be seen as talking to herself but she is just talking to her imaginary friend called Zenith who generally gives her her thoughts

Name: AJ Wilkins
superhero/villian name: Ricochet
costume: [put in later]
powers: Can control technology
Superhero/villian/regular human: Superhero
weakness: He hates small spaces
age: 18
apearance (outside of costume)
~hair: Shaggy plain brown, skater-style
~build: Has defined muscles for a geek but not like a body builder. Small-medium in height
~eyes: Dark brown; average-looking
~skin: Fair, has a few freckles across his nose
~tattoos/scars: None
personality: Just as his appearance, he's a normal guy. Likes a laugh and quite cunning. He's secretly quite clever and knows his business.
other: Nothing that I can think of

Last edited by OpenTheDoor on Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:15 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Chaos in the city Empty Re: Chaos in the city

Post by Avery Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:57 pm

Name: Nathaniel Pierce// Madeline Pierce
Superhero/villian name:
Costume: They don't actually have costumes. Nate wears mostly dark colors, Maddy wears whatever she can find, brightly dressed.
Powers: Nate can bend emotions, read thoughts, and force memories into peoples heads, and isn't effected by mind block, but constantly has a mind block up. Maddy can effect the weather and create natural and chemical disasters, and fly.
Superhere/villian/regular human: Villan// Hero
Weakness: His... illness. Maddy is too trusting and a bit naive.
Age: 19
Appearance (outside of costume)
~hair: Dark blonde hair, color of dark honey// Cornsilk blonde hair
~build: Lean muscles, tall// Medium height, thin, built for speed and agility
~eyes: Both have hazel; Nate has more blue and gold, Maddy has more green
~skin: Both are translucently pale
~tattoos/scars: Nate had a scar under his eye on his cheek and across his chest and back and Maddy has scars on her arms and a tattoo on her side.
Personality: Nate is quiet, withdrawn, and slightly harsh. Maddy has troubles keeping her head out of the clouds, she's always a bit dazed, but she's a hell of a fighter.
Other: Nate is a good fighter, better than his sister by far, but he refuses to fight her.


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Chaos in the city Empty Re: Chaos in the city

Post by Momo13 Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:09 pm

Name Garrett
superhero/villain name Shadow Hawk
costume Dark hoodies and jeans usually. converse.
powers can morph into animals or half morph into them. usually half morphed into a hawk (bird wings on his back basically). when in a full morph, its usually a fast cat like animal or wolf
Superhere/villain/regular human Villain
weakness Amelia. They were best friends, and would never hurt her. He would do anything to protect her, even if they are on opposite sides of the battle
age 19ish
appearance (outside of costume)
~hair Dark brown/blackish hair, usually under a hat
~build Tall, lean, but not scrawny. Long legs
~eyes Dark black, unreadable.
~skin tan skin
~tattoos/scars scar over his right eye brow from Amilia's and his first real fight
personality dark and mysterious. Dont get on his bad side. and dont hurt Amelia with him will get hell from him
other he got arrested for accompaniment to murder when he was 17, even though he had nothing to do with it. When in jail, he became a villain.

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Join date : 2010-10-08

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Chaos in the city Empty Re: Chaos in the city

Post by Momo13 Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:15 pm

We start after the setting free...

Amelia: I watched in terror as villains and criminals filled the streets from the city jail. This couldnt be happening. I stood ontop of a building, watching the streets below. I watched Garrett as he passed my building, a pain going through me. My best friend now my enimie. A broadcast was set out.
"Ladies and Gentalmen of New York City," The mayor said on the big screen in the town square. "The supers have turned evil..." Just then, my world crashed around me. Litterally. And explosion sounded from the buildign i was standing on and I ended up falling.

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Chaos in the city Empty Re: Chaos in the city

Post by Guest Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:20 pm

AJ: I looked up to the screen above me, watching as the mayor started talking like supers were a bad thing. Evil? He just let them loose. Had the world lost their mind.
"Blooming typical," I muttered before turning my head, "explosion?"
My typical self automatically began running towards the sound; curiosity naturally strong in me. Hey, it was part of the job, right?


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Chaos in the city Empty Re: Chaos in the city

Post by Jacky K. Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:24 pm

Hmm, can I make a sidekick to somebody?
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Location : Wherever there's chocolate.

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Chaos in the city Empty Re: Chaos in the city

Post by Momo13 Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:24 pm

You could if you wanted to.

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Join date : 2010-10-08

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Chaos in the city Empty Re: Chaos in the city

Post by Avery Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:26 pm

Nate settled into an abandoned apartment, watching the explosion without flinching. His sister was out there somewhere, fighting to make sure he was put away. He chuckle wryly, knowing she wouldn't do it. She couldn't. She was too much of a dreamer. She couldn't hurt anyone. He stopped in mid-thought and got up, leaving the room and looking around quickly.

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Chaos in the city Empty Re: Chaos in the city

Post by Jacky K. Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:28 pm

Meh...nevermind guys, if I join a chat I'll never get this big english project done (that I should be working on right now and is due on monday) Sad
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Join date : 2010-10-17
Location : Wherever there's chocolate.

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Chaos in the city Empty Re: Chaos in the city

Post by Momo13 Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:34 pm

Amelia: I scrambled to grab onto somethign...anything to slow my fall. Oh, why couldnt i just sprot wings and fly? Just as i thought that, Garrett soared past me, grabbing my wrist and throwing me back to a roof top. It wasnt a harsh thrown, but it looked it from any bypasser. He looked at me once, before flying off again.

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Chaos in the city Empty Re: Chaos in the city

Post by Guest Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:40 pm

AJ's brow slowly rose; he didn't get the whole 'villain helping hero' deal, but it would still have answers.
I should just ask.
With a shrug, the boy looked to one of those machines that let you clean the windows of tall buildings. Climbing inside, he quickly broke the controls and sent it into the air, sending him to the top of the building.
That might be broken now... Oh well.
Shrugging it off, he walked further inwards of the building top and raised a brow.
"That was a rather heavy throw, wasn't it?" he asked, walking further, "And hello."


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Chaos in the city Empty Re: Chaos in the city

Post by Jacky K. Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:43 pm

*will join later but doesn't want to be involved at more than one chat at a time at the moment because that leaves no room for multitasking* sigh...stupid homework.
Jacky K.
Jacky K.

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Location : Wherever there's chocolate.

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Chaos in the city Empty Re: Chaos in the city

Post by Momo13 Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:44 pm

Amelia: I got back to my feet and dusted off my clothing. I had a scrape down my arm from landing, but it isnt the worse that could happen. "Its better then falling." I muttered.

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Chaos in the city Empty Re: Chaos in the city

Post by Guest Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:48 pm

The boy lightly shrugged, "Sometimes falling is better than villains, or at least that's how I see it."
With a quick up-down look of the girl, he decided that she was worth talking to more; generally at this point he would just scarper and try to get the lift-thing working again to continue with his day but somehow, he wanted to stay.


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Chaos in the city Empty Re: Chaos in the city

Post by Momo13 Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:51 pm

Amelia: "Depends on the Villain. Ricochet, right?" I asked looking him over. I didnt know many of the other heros, just mainly the villains. "Chaotic Flame. Nice to meet you."

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Chaos in the city Empty Re: Chaos in the city

Post by Avery Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:51 pm

Madeline felt herself losing control, falling out of the sky at an alarming rate. She fell into another... Person and tumbled off, still falling. She felt her eyes close and then her powers start to fade back into her, but only enough to slow the inevitable fall.

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Chaos in the city Empty Re: Chaos in the city

Post by Momo13 Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:53 pm

Garrett: I watched the girl fall and shrugged. She wasnt Amelia, so i had no ties to her. I shifted down to a full bird - red tail hawk to be exact - and followed as she fell to see if she would be ok.

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Chaos in the city Empty Re: Chaos in the city

Post by Guest Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:55 pm

"Ditto," he nodded, "Yeah, but bummer about the whole 'villain releasing' thing."
He began to cast his sight out to the view, sighing as he thought about how all of those that were released were bound to take their place at trying to create havoc and the like.
"It's hard to be a hero," he sighed to himself, biting the edge of his lip.


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Chaos in the city Empty Re: Chaos in the city

Post by Momo13 Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:56 pm

Amelia: "Yeah, but its the right thing. Even if the whole city is against you. How many times was the city against Spiderman or Superman? A ton. And they still fought to protect the citizens." I pointed out.

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Chaos in the city Empty Re: Chaos in the city

Post by Guest Sat Mar 12, 2011 1:59 pm

AJ shrugged, "Irony: I was never into hero comics and all them. I know that everyone hated Batman, but then again he was a vigilante technically."
Has she got super-hearing or something? she thought with yet another sigh, I wouldn't be surprised.


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Chaos in the city Empty Re: Chaos in the city

Post by Momo13 Sat Mar 12, 2011 2:01 pm

Amelia: "Really? I loved the comics!" Riots were breaking out in the streets below. Normally, I would go down to stop them, but the whole city was out to get us right now. "We should stay out of sight." I mumbled, stepping away from the roof edge.

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Chaos in the city Empty Re: Chaos in the city

Post by Guest Sat Mar 12, 2011 2:04 pm

"That would be sensible," he sighed, "but comics were never my thing. I preferred going out and actually doing something with my time."
With a small chuckle, he looked back to the girl and then to the sun; it was beginning to lower at least, but for him that was neither a good thing nor a bad.


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Chaos in the city Empty Re: Chaos in the city

Post by Avery Sat Mar 12, 2011 2:04 pm

Maddy finally caught herself on a building, anger was the only thing keeping her from passing out. She rested for a moment and sat on the ledge, looking down disappointedly. She shouldn't have pushed herself that far, that much.

Nate pushed his was through the crowd that was watching the broadcast, his head down. He slipped into an alley-- No, the alley and looked around of the small box he had placed, only to notice a person, standing at the end, watching him with curious eyes. (Can be anyone, or I can play the girl, too)

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Chaos in the city Empty Re: Chaos in the city

Post by Momo13 Sat Mar 12, 2011 2:07 pm

Garrett: I landed next to her and de-morphed. "You should be more careful when you fly." I said, pulling my wings in.

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Chaos in the city Empty Re: Chaos in the city

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