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Welcome to Highschool.

Some New Stillettos
Jelsa Mepsey
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Welcome to Highschool. Empty Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Guest Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:33 pm

There's no catch to this chat, just your typical Highschool setting.
Let's have drama, break-ups, friendships, betrayals, secrets, lust, and all that other fun stuff, mmkay?
But of course, if your characters are about to do *something* more suited for the "Mature" section of this site, then skip ahead. ._. sound like a plan?

Oh, and the name of the school is...Riverside High.

Le Format



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Welcome to Highschool. Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Invisimort Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:43 pm

Name: T.Morbid Namechov
Gender: Male.
Age: just call him 18 for now...
Grade: Probably a senior, but realistically reading at a 1st grade level...if at all.
Appearance: Terrifyingly thin. Black hair, pale grey eyes. Thin face. Pale generally as well.
Personality: Kind of awkward but can be occasionally entertaining. Uhh...You'll see.
Bio: Moved in recently into a flat of his own accord due to the death of his parents. Is working a job (of questionable origin) to support himself and his younger sister. Never learned to read in his home country due to the governmental upheaval. They are english speaking though...
Other: Erm...has an unusual infatuation with the internet...and Really questionable morals.

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Welcome to Highschool. Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Guest Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:04 pm

Name: Gracelyn Kelley, goes by Grace
Gender: female
Age: 17
Grade: junior
Appearance: Light brown hair just past her shoulders, that has a tiny bit of wave to it, and hazel eyes. Not too pale, but not too tan, either. On the shorter side, with little curve.
Personality: Fairly outgoing, likes to joke around, smart and logical.
Bio: Not sure yet
Other: Likes to drink, but isn't stupid enough to get drunk or get caught. So she only drinks on rare occasions.

Name: Patricia Wiley, goes by Trisha
Gender: female
Age: 18
Grade: senior
Appearance: Full blonde hair, and blue eyes (contacts her Daddy bought her) with long eyelashes (due to loads of mascara). Decent amount of curve, but not quite fat.
Personality: Bitchy, though that's just to mask her insecurities.
Bio: Was fat when she was younger, but has lost most of that weight. Now she occasionally throws up -- it's surprising she doesn't have a full-blown eating disorder.
Other: Cheerleader Razz

Name: Mac Dobbs
Gender: male
Age: 18
Grade: senior
Appearance: Brown hair that sticks up but isn't spiky (hate to use this reference, but think of his hair as Edward Cullen's) and tan skin. Brown eyes that girls trust for some reason, though they shouldn't.
Personality: Arrogant and full of himself.
Bio: Comes from a wealthy, snobby family.
Other: Is secretly gay, but gets with tons of girls to cover up the fact. Trisha is an on-and-off with him.

Name: Nathan Kelley, goes by Nate.
Gender: male
Age: 17
Grade: junior
Appearance: longish brown hair that nearly flops into his eyes, but not quite. He usually wears a hat, but not a baseball cap...more like a beanie. Has the same eyes as his twin sister, Grace, and same skin tone. He also is short for his age and gender, around 5'8"
Personality: Kind of go-with-the-flowy, he doesn't label people. It's very difficult to make him mad, and it's usually unclear what his motives are.
Bio: Not sure yet.
Other: Smokes weed.


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Welcome to Highschool. Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Alice Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:06 pm

(( Yay a weed smoker xD))

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Welcome to Highschool. Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Guest Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:11 pm



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Welcome to Highschool. Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Invisimort Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:20 pm

T.Mor walked into the building. It was kind of...huge. He didn't know what to make of it...where to go...anything. Why was it so white? What were those long rectangular doors on the walls? It smelled clean.
He vaguely remembered his sister telling him that he needed to go to an office...she'd started at Middle school a week earlier. Where would the office BE though? So confusing...He reconciled it all by simply standing in the middle of the lobby, looking confused.

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Welcome to Highschool. Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Alice Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:21 pm

(( xD idk i thought it was funny xD))


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Welcome to Highschool. Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Alice Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:23 pm

Jasmine walked onto campus and let out a sigh. She hated high school. Too many people especially guys comming up and asking her out. She wrapped her arms around her self and sighed walking around.

Justin looked out of his text book and sighed. He was stuck here and he hated it. He closed the book and closed his eyes.

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Welcome to Highschool. Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Guest Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:28 pm

Nate noticed some guy wandering around looking confused, and a sleepy smile came over his face. Someone else that was as lost as he was, in this world of questions...Nate blinked and snapped out of his deep-thinking. He didn't like to be a thinker.

"Hey, who's that?" He asked his sister, Grace. They were both at Grace's locker, mostly because Nate liked to hang around. Well, when he wasn't playing guitar. But guitars had been banned at school, unless for educational purposes, because of Nate boycotting the rule of no drugs in school. Yeah.

Grace looked up from the books she was trying to shove in her locker, and was failing miserably at doing so. "I don't know, never seen him before."

Trisha walked down the halls, her posse behind her. Pausing, she smattered her lips with the stuff, her lips feeling dry. From down the hall she noticed someone that looked unfamiliar -- a /boy/ that looked unfamiliar. A smirk curled itself across her face. "Hmm, a new boy."

"He's not very cute, though," One of her friends said in a nasal voice.

Trisha's head snapped around, her blonde hair following it's path. "So? I /have/ to be the first to flirt and makeout with him. Obviously. It's part of my rules. And since he doesn't seem like a /complete/ loser, then I have to stick to them."

Trish tapped her chin, thinking -- I know, shocking. "Let's pretend we're the Welcoming Committee."

Her friends giggled and bobbed their heads in agreement, so Trisha sauntered over to the boy. She put on a bubbly smile. "Oh, hi! You must be the new guy, right? I'm Trisha, head of the Riverside Welcoming Committee."

She held out her slender hand to him, to shake.

Mac walked in with one of his buddies, Skyler, just then.

"Look, Trisha's talking to some guy," Skyler muttered to his boss-of-sorts.

Mac shrugged and looked over. "We're off right now, I don't care."


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Welcome to Highschool. Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Invisimort Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:34 pm

"Uhm. Hi..." T.Mor said, shaking the offered hand. Smiling. People responded well when you smiled, he remembered. "Can...Can you show me where the...the OFFICE? if that's what it's called...yeah..I think so. Can you show me where that is?" He asked, uncertainly. She seemed nice enough.

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Welcome to Highschool. Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Guest Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:38 pm

Trisha smiled fakely, and dropped his hand after a moment.
"Of course. Here, follow me."
She turned, along with her group of followers. They started down the hall, assuming the new guy would follow. Trisha wondered why he hadn't offered his name, was he trying to be mysterious? She liked mysterious.

"Skip class with me today," Nate suggested as Grace kept complaining about not wanting to go to any classes today.

"Can't," Grace said, slamming her locker closed, even though they both knew she had never skipped, anyway. "I have to work in the office as an "assistant" for the first two periods, remember? Which basically means filing papers and getting coffee."

Working in the office was how she could get a scholarship for college, via some weird program the school ran.


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Welcome to Highschool. Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Invisimort Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:41 pm

T.Mor followed, as told. He wondered why every hallway seemed to be the same colour, and what the skinny rectangular doors were for. "Erm...What're those?" He asked the girl whose name he'd forgotten to ask.

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Welcome to Highschool. Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Guest Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:43 pm

"Doors?" Trisha said, raising an eyebrow at him. Was he trying to be funny? They had almost reached the office.

The bell rang, and Grace stumbled over to the office the back way. The stuffy secretary sat on her rolly chair, that she never got off of because she was just. That. Fat. The lady sniffed at Grace. "You're late."

By two seconds! Grace wanted to say, but bit her tongue. "I'm sorry, I'll try to be on time next time.

The sour lady nodded and handed her a stack of papers. "File."


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Welcome to Highschool. Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Alice Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:45 pm

Jasmine walked past the lockers and looked around. Her head hurt from all the thinking she was doing. She kept her eyes down and kept walking.

Justin started to drft off to sleep when the bell rang. Ugh he thought as he waited for people to come running into the classroom

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Welcome to Highschool. Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Invisimort Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:47 pm

((I was trying to describe lockers but...ok. Smile ))

T.Mor knew what a door was, he just didn't know why there were so many all squished together. They couldn't all lead to different places could they? He decided not to press further though. Maybe he'd figure it out later. "So. Erm. Does the same thing happen here every day then? I always come in and go to thing? and then..Something...Happens?" T.Mor asked, trying not to soound like an imbecile. He wished they had this school thing back in his home country.

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Welcome to Highschool. Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Alice Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:54 pm

(( Sorry D:))

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Welcome to Highschool. Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Guest Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:55 pm

(oh, lol, I didn't get the description. >_> Maybe Trisha THOUGHT he was pointing at doors? Hm)

"Um, no. Have you /never/ been to highschool?" Trisha said, almost spitting the words. Maybe he was a loser after all. Her friends giggled. "You take classes everyday, and you only go to the office if a) you're a new kid or b) you're in trouble."

They reached the office. "Well, bye!" Trisha said, suddenly perky again as she shot him a smile and walked off with her friends.

Grace noticed someone at the door of the office, looking kind of confused (T. Mor). The fat, sour lady had rolled off to get a can of soda. In her chair. It was so disgusting.

" you need some help?" Grace asked, much more gently than Trisha, and raised an eyebrow. She set down her stack of papers and came to the office counter.


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Welcome to Highschool. Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Invisimort Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:58 pm

"Bye..."T.Mor called after them. They were already a good ten feet down the hall though.
A girl asked him if he needed help..."Yeah. Yeah...Help is...definitely the word I'd use here..." T.Mor said uneasily. "Erm. This is the office...I'm here because...I'm new?" He certainly wasn't in trouble...which the other girl had said was the only alternative.

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Welcome to Highschool. Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Guest Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:00 pm

Grace laughed slightly at the 'help is...definitely the word I'd use here.'
She nodded. "Yes, this is the office. You're new? Hmm."
She looked around, but the sour lady hadn't come back yet.
"We should have a file for you, with your schedule and all that. What's your name?"
She needed it to look up his file, obviously.


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Welcome to Highschool. Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Alice Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:01 pm

JAsmine walked to the back of the school and saw a guy smoking pot. Great she thought but sat down and leaned her head again the building.


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Welcome to Highschool. Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Guest Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:03 pm

(a guy smoking pot..?)


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Welcome to Highschool. Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Invisimort Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:03 pm

"T.Morbid Namechov..."T.Mor said. "It has a dot after the T..."He remembered the lady at the passport place commenting on that. He Thought it might be useful to the filing girl.

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Welcome to Highschool. Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

Post by Guest Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:04 pm

"Huh, that's an interesting name," Grace commented, shuffling through the files and pulling out the one marked 'Namechov, T. Morbid.' She opened it and pulled out a stack of papers. She noticed there was one saying he'd be taking reading help instead of a second language. But she skipped over that one, because it really wasn't any of her business. "Alright, so here's your schedule, map, handbook..."

She continued listing the helpful items in the folder, then held it out to him with a smile. "I'm Grace, by the way. Have a good first day."


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Welcome to Highschool. Empty Re: Welcome to Highschool.

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